Not Wrong

2763 Words
Laurel Four days down I think as I ride the elevator to the top floor. It’s Friday and my only excitement for the weekend is that Kyle is taking Kevin on a short trip to a lego themed play center for the weekend leaving me alone until Sunday. My exciting life….I laugh a bit at myself. It works for me; allows me to help take care of Kevin. I step out and see Henry heading my way from Klein’s hallway. “Morning Cinderelly!” “Morning Henny Penny.” He chuckles. I haven’t figured out what to call him yet. “Are you saying I panic easily?” “Not yet…I’ll keep testing them out until I find something that fits. Where are you going?” “Klein ordered their favorite breakfast tacos and they are waiting downstairs. Hope you are hungry, they’re addicting.” He dashes into the elevator. I’ve certainly eaten better this week at this job. Ellis orders lunch every day and the four of us eat together. But now Klein is ordering breakfast too. I won’t complain, thinking about the toast and boiled egg I threw in my bag on the way out the door this morning. I step into the office hiding my surprise to find Ellis already behind his desk working. It’s only 7:45. Ellis glances up “Morning.” “Good morning. You’re here early.” “So are you. I got a call last night about a new project and my brain wanted to start on it. I’ll show you so you can do the groundwork and initial research. We’ll meet with them in ten days.” I don’t say anything as I walk over to the coffee maker. He doesn’t have his yet. I’ll make it with mine. The first time I made it, he protested saying that wasn’t my job. “Not a job, a courtesy. You made mine.” He’d taken a sip and smiled shaking his head. “I shouldn’t be surprised you made it the way I like. Too observant.” Henry saunters in a few minutes later carrying a large white box. Ellis shakes his head. “It’s Friday. Klein couldn’t resist.” Klein wanders in and we sit down to eat. After that first lunch with them, I thought this might become awkward but it’s not. Completely natural to sit and listen to them. They always include me in the conversation. Henry tries to subtly probe into my personal life, but I’ve been pretty vague so far. He knows too judging from the grin I usually get. We are barely done with breakfast when a loud knock comes. Ellis sighs frowning. “Not fun Friday anymore.” He stands rebuttoning his suit jacket and goes to open it. Henry whispers to me. “You may want to come work with me today.” I am totally confused until I see the older man walk in. “Ah I was wondering what took you so long to answer Ellis. A working breakfast?” Grantham Beaumont. My heart sinks seeing him here. He shouldn’t recognize me. Dad kept me out of the spotlight and I honestly think most weren’t aware whether he had a son or a daughter. Only his upper executives knew me. Belinda was one for a long time until she struck out on her own and Dad totally supported her. Though I suppose the board knows too but after that lovely meeting they are sure to never utter my name even. He's aged well. He looks nothing like Ellis though and I wonder what his father looks like. I’ve never seen Thomas Beaumont that I can recall. He was rumored to be the dark sheep of the Beaumont family as evidenced by the fact he had nothing to do with the company. Grantham stands tall at probably six feet but his grandson seems to dwarf him. In his mid sixties, he still retains that powerful air he was known for. I watch his sharp gaze trailing over me and I hold it until Ellis says something to him. His dark brown hair is combed back and I realize the only feature Ellis and he share are their eyes. His face is more squared off and he’s a bit thicker build. “Someone new you need to introduce me to Ellis?” He says narrowing his eyes. “My new personal assistant, Laurel. Laurel this is my grandfather, Grantham Beaumont.” “Mr. Beaumont.” I say inclining my head. He’s too far away to offer my hand though I doubt he would shake it anyway. A personal assistant is beneath Grantham unless he has drastically changed. “Hmmm. Ellis, I thought I’d come spend the day with you. See how my company is running.” Jackass. I think and look over to catch Henry watching me with amusement. He rolls his eyes and I’d like to do the same. “Fine Granddad. Laurel, if you’ll work on the Larkin remodel today with Henry. I’ll touch base with you this afternoon before we leave.” I don’t miss the way he stares me down. Henry jumps up and begins clearing the table off. “Laurel, grab your laptop and we’ll go get right to work.” I see Klein swallow as his lips twitch. Henry is a bit much at times but I notice Grantham didn’t even pay attention to him. Not wrong there in my opinion. I follow Henry to his office and he shuts the door with a laugh. “He’s such an old jackass. You’ll be stuck here with me today.” “My dad used to say he was called the old curmudgeon even as a younger guy.” I say without thinking. “Your dad knew him?” He stares at me curiously. Damn my mouth. “He knew of his reputation not him personally.” Mostly true, they were not friends and only exchanged civil pleasantries when necessary. It’s almost time to leave when Henry gets a text and groans. “Shoot me now.” “What’s wrong?” “Brad is competing in a baking showdown. Which means he’s going to be grumpy and the kitchen a warzone. And I’ll have to help Gordon Ramsey’s evil twin while also watching my niece who’s staying tonight.” Henry’s husband is a pastry chef from what he’s told me and gets a bit flustered when he’s under pressure. “Sounds like fun at your house.” I say with a laugh. “Wouldn’t want to be you.” His eyes narrow. “I’ve got the best idea. You aren’t doing anything tonight you said. Come home with me and entertain my niece. She’ll love having a real girl to play with instead of her two uncles. And Brad will behave better with you there.” I feel my mouth drop open. “Ummm why would I want to do that?” “Because there will be lots of fancy desserts and pastries to eat and send home with you. Plus he’ll make something fancy for dinner to make up his attitude to me. Come on Cinderelly. I’m not above begging.” He pouts and even pulls out the puppy dog eyes. I shake my head. “Alright fine. You had me at desserts.” Ellis 5:00 finally. I close my laptop and my grandfather gives me a look. “Watching the clock to shut down?” “Yes, I have plans tonight.” I don’t but I’ve had enough of him for the day. My plans include a large drink to forget today. Instead of a peaceful day working with Laurel, I got his little comments about how he wouldn’t do this or how surprised he was that I had made this decision. I finally pulled up our quarterly report and printed it for him to read. Made sure I used the detailed long form too so I could have an hour’s worth of peace. I sent her a text while he read it asking if she needed anything else from me on the Larkin project. Was disappointed when she said no. I had hoped to escape for a bit. More like the afternoon. Working with her is easy. I find myself asking her more often than not what she thinks or what she would do with something. I’m hoping it takes a while to finish her office. “You hired another assistant?” “Yes.” I knew this was coming. I had made sure not to use Laurel’s full name and got her out of her quickly. I didn’t want him bothering her. “What was wrong with Presley?” He would remember her name. “She thought her job was to model lingerie for me and occupy my bed. I fired her immediately.” My lip curls with disgust when I remember it. I had to get a new desk since she’d been laying on top of it. “I hope you did better with this one then.” I raise an eyebrow at him. He had hired my first assistant who had been absolutely terrible. Presley was a quick hire by the personnel department and he had approved it since I was out of the country. “Yes my new assistant is completely professional and knows her stuff.” She’s funny and easy to work with too. Much prettier than Presley any day of the week too….. “Well, it helps she’s not as attractive as Presley, won’t distract you.” He’s fishing and I’m not taking the bait. “Presley wasn’t attractive to begin with. And you know my policy about dating employees.” Presley was his type, blonde with big brown eyes. I don’t have a type, but I was never once attracted to her. She seemed fake after the first few days and talked way too much on day one. I thought it was nerves and since she was in her own office it didn’t matter. “Discipline in your work is important. Don’t forget about dinner with me next weekend.” “I’ll be there.” He stands to leave and I walk him to the door. He claps me on the back before walking out. He’s never been a hugger. Granny was. I wonder to this day how they ever got married. She was the warm grandparent and he was the austere cold figure who was always working. He’d always belittled my capability to take over for him. It only made me more determined to prove him wrong when I did. I wander back to collect my bag from the desk. As I do, I spot Laurel’s laptop bag. She forgot it, was already gone because she texted to ask if I needed anything before she left. I text her so I can drop it off to her. I wonder where she lives. At least I’ll get to see her again. I was used to spending the day with her. “I’m at Henry’s. I was roped into saving him from Brad on a dessert tirade.” I laugh at that. “I’ll bring it by there.” Henry answers the door wearing a flour-stained apron. “You have impeccable timing. We are about to have beef bourguignon and then we get dessert samplers for our…suffering, I mean help.” I hear Brad “I heard that!!!” “Because you were supposed to.” I hear Laurel laughing along with a little girl’s delighted giggling. “Polly’s here too?” “Yep, why I strongarmed Cinderelly into coming home with me.” I walk in finding Brad in the kitchen making plates. “Hey Brad. Competition bakeoff?” The tall auburn haired chef turns nodding with a rueful smile. “I had to behave since he brought in the big gun behavior modification ammo.” He points toward the living room taking a sip of his wine. “Dinner’s ready.” He calls out. I go that way and see Laurel holding Polly’s hand as she twirls. “Ah yes princess, we’ll have you all ready to see the prince. You are going to be the best dressed at the ball.” Polly giggles, her little brown curls bouncing. She spots me “Ellis Ellis! I look so pretty right. Relly did my hair.” “You look beautiful Princess Polly. May I escort you to the dinner and help you into your chair?” I make a mocking bow and she giggles before taking my hand. I glance up finding Laurel watching me curiously. I’m sure she expected me to be a cold ass like most in my position. No time for that nonsense. I keep my distance from most though so it’s not surprising what the world thinks of me. “You got roped into this huh?” I ask quietly. “I was promised a fancy dinner and dessert.” She says with a smile. She really is naturally beautiful. “You were not wrong to accept. Brad is awesome.” I whisper as she falls into step next to us. “Was your grandfather satisfied with your work?” I roll my eyes at the mention of him. “Don’t care. He likes to meddle. Needs a hobby in his retirement.” I close the door on him. Dinner is spent pretending with Polly. I watch Laurel completely immerse herself in the four-year-old's imaginary world. Brad brings out dessert which is French opera cake, Paris Brest with cocoa cream, and some kind of very elaborate tart. I laugh when Laurel says with her mouth full of the tart. “My word Brad.” She swallows her bite and laughs. “Henry how do you not weigh four hundred pounds? Brad, you are an amazing chef.” “Who says I haven’t in the past?” Henry jokes. Brad shakes his head “You are too kind Cinderelly.” She gives him a look. “You had better win is all I have to say otherwise the judges have no taste buds. Next time you need anyone to watch Polly or wash dishes, I’m here.” I grin. “I’ll help. That was truly amazing.” Henry raises an eyebrow at me which I return. A few minutes later, I watch him laugh shaking his head. Henry goes to bathe Polly and put her to bed. Brad starts clearing the table and Laurel shakes her head. “No way. You go sit and relax with your wine. I’ll wash dishes.” He frowns. “you have no idea the pile in the kitchen. You’re our guest.” “She’s right Brad. I’ll help. Go sit. You and Henry can relax when he’s done. Payment for dinner.” He glances between us before chuckling softly. “I think that will be the best way to end things tonight. Leave whatever you don’t want to wash.” He walks off giving me a smirk. I start helping her clear the table. When I step to the sink turning the water on, she is watching me. “What? You think I don’t know how to wash dishes?” “Wondering what the world would think seeing Ellis Beaumont washing dishes is all. I am sure you can do anything you try. Most in your position would have servants falling all over them.” “I prefer a more hands on approach to my life.” We wash dishes laughing as I tell her about how Brad gets when there is a baking competition. Once the mountain of dishes are done, I peek into the living room finding Henry and Brad watching a movie. “I’m out guys. Thanks for dinner. You should win Brad.” “Me too. Thanks again. Seriously anytime, I’ll be here to taste test and wash dishes.” Laurel waves to them. Henry turns around grinning. “Night you two.” “Can I give you a ride home?” She shakes her head. “No I drove. But thanks. See you Monday.” Monday….two days to go. I find myself wondering what she does on weekends. Wishing I could see her before then. “Yep Monday. Be careful driving home.” “You too.” She smiles and I force myself to walk to my car watching as she climbs into hers. She drives away and I take a deep breath. I’m thinking really hard about breaking my own damn rules right now, whether it's wrong or not.
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