Cinderella's Ball?

2016 Words
Laurel The sound of whistling comes up behind me as I wait for the elevator. The tune of Cinderelly has me laughing. “Morning Henry.” I call out without turning around. “Morning my favorite early bird. Guess what I brought?” I look down at the box in his hand. “Did Brad make chocolate croissants?” I ask hopefully. He nods grinning. I imitate his niece’s happy shimmy and he loses it laughing. His deep amused voice has us both whirling around. “Careful you two, people will think you like to work here.” He’s stifling laughter. “What’s got you both so excited?” “Brad made croissants!” He laughs at me now. “That is something to be excited about.” After sharing Brad’s culinary talents, Henry leaves with a warning to Ellis about a tuxedo. Around lunchtime, the loud knock on the door sounds and I recognize it based on Ellis’s grimace. Grantham must be back. I am closer to the door so I walk there quickly and open it. He steps in giving me a curious look. “Good morning Mr. Beaumont.” He hums but says nothing to me. I turn and see Ellis scowling at him. “Granddad may I ask what I owe the pleasure to today?” “I came by to talk to you about the company charity ball tonight. I invited some new guests. They will be very beneficial to form a relationship with most. Prepared some background information for you to study. And I also invited the Blairs. Aria is most interested in seeing you again and Charles wants to discuss the future of his textile company with you. I watch Ellis clench his jaw and wonder which part ticked him off the most. “Granddad this is not a working event. I have three in person meetings this afternoon with no time to review these people.” “You are fast reader. And you have two hours until the afternoon. I shall see you there Ellis.” He drops the thick file on the desk before strutting out like an annoying rooster. Ellis An idea springs to mind and I run with it. “Laurel, I need to ask you to come to the charity ball tonight please. Can you look over this list and learn these people by six tonight since I have that meeting from now until five? Do you have plans?” “I don’t but I can’t go to that ball.” She looks shocked. “All you need is a ball gown.” She’s beautiful, doesn’t need a day’s worth of hair appointments and makeup like a lot of the attendees are probably in the middle of as we speak. “I’ll just pull one out of the many in my royal closet. I don’t own a ball gown Ellis. And I hate shopping for something like that because I’m not good at it.” “Easy fix. Henry can get you one.” I am already texting him. “Uh Ellis are you serious?” I look up at her smiling. “Yes serious as a heart attack.” I watch her face pale and my smile is gone. “Laurel are you ok?” “Yeah, I just don’t like that expression.” She takes a deep breath. “You are going to let Henry choose a dress for me?” “He buys all of Daphne’s. That’s Klein’s wife. She’s a lot like you. Not obsessed with mirrors and doesn’t love shopping. His sister is a designer. He practically went to design school.” I watch her wavering. “Please Laurel. It’s good people watching.” “I guess that’s alright. I’ll go. Will start learning the list.” She sits with the folder Granddad dropped off. Henry jets in without knocking. “Laurel, I need your sizes.” She raises an eyebrow. “Sizes plural?” He rolls his eyes. “Yes, dress size, bra size and shoe.” She turns pink which intrigues me. “I’ll text them to you. Here let me give you my card.” She says quietly and Henry doesn’t push it for once. He really likes her. “No this is on me. You are technically working bailing your boss out.” I nod to Henry who leaves. Surprisingly Laurel doesn’t protest. I watch her send the text and sit down to begin reading again. “That’s your priority. Let everything else slide until Monday.” I say blowing out a breath irritated with my grandfather. And if he thinks I’ll be letting Aria Blair hang on my arm all night, he’s crazy. An hour later, Henry breezes back in with two garment bags. “Your tux Ellis and this is your dress and shoes Laurel. We’ll leave from here.” I watch her wondering what her dress looks like. She barely nods continuing to read. I reluctantly get up to leave. “I’ll see you here at 5:30?” “I will meet you there if you don’t mind. I need to race home for just a minute.” I swallow disappointment, nodding. At six, I am walking in the hotel ballroom Granddad rents out for this event every year. The Hemingway Hotel. He loves this place. Personally I think it’s dark and austere. I step in and hear Klein and Daphne behind me. I turn finding her in a bright purple gown. Her dark curls are shoulder length. “Daph you look lovely tonight. Who’s this guy you found last minute?” I joke and Klein straightens his jacket playfully. “She found me on 1-800-HOTSTUFF.” I watch Daphne wave. “I found Henry and Brad. Let’s go. No forced date tonight Ellis?” I shake my head scowling. “He’s trying. Intends for me to escort a twenty-one year old around all night.” Klein frowns. “Uh no. She sounds like trouble already.” I nod as we make our way to Brad and Henry. They are talking to someone in a sparkling sapphire blue gown. She turns and I stop breathing. It’s Laurel. The thin spaghetti straps leave her shoulders bare before a figure-hugging bodice that shimmers. The long sparkling skirt isn’t too full but will swirl around her as she walks her eyes seemed to reflect the sparkles from her dress. . “You look amazing.” I tell her quietly meaning every word. Seeing her like this is waking up something that I thought was buried. That I shoved aside determined to prove myself to my family. She makes a face. “I think Henry did pretty good. I swear he bought blue though because of Cinderella.” Henry laughs. “Well what other color would you wear to find Prince Charming? Hate to tell you though, you look much hotter than she did.” I am inclined to agree. “Can I go get you a drink?” “No thanks.” I am about to ask her to dance when I hear him clear his throat behind me. “Please excuse us, I need to speak with my grandson.” I watch Laurel move away. “Ellis… brought your assistant?!” He says teeth clenched. “I asked her to be here to help me with the files you dropped off without warning. She kindly accepted.” My eyes flash a warning at him. “She should not be here.” I stare him down. “Henry is here and he’s Klein’s assistant.” He sputters. “’That’s different. He’s one of your oldest friends and his parents are extremely wealthy.” I slip my hands in my pockets surveying him “Wow a charity auction for less fortunate but how dare we perhaps invite someone who isn’t a millionaire.” His face is livid. “You know what I mean Ellis. Now Aria is waiting at my table. Go collect her like a gentleman.” “No.” I begin walking toward Laurel. I have been planning to dance with her since I suggested she come. Not going to let him ruin my plans. “No? What on earth has gotten into you? Where are you going?” “To dance with my assistant. I need to talk to her, get a rundown on your dossier. Excuse me.” “Laurel, would you like to dance?” She turns surprised and smiles. “Sure do you want to slowly twirl around the room while I point people out?” “Good idea.” And it is until she steps into me and all sensible ideas go to hell. She smells like lilac, I recognize it. My mom had a lotion that was the same scent. And damn if I don’t feel electricity where I touch her making my heart race. The urge to close the gap between us almost takes over. Instead I lean my head in acting like I can’t hear her. One dance turns into four as I encourage her to keep talking. Henry’s voice finally intrudes. “Hey Prince Charming. Let me cut in for one dance. Grouchy Gramps is fuming and wants to speak with you.” “I’ll be back.” I reluctantly hand her over to Henry. Granddad is waiting for me beside the head table. True to Henry’s word, he’s so angry his ears are almost smoking. I slip my hands into my pockets and assume my usual cool expression. “Granddad you sent Henry to summon me?” “You are making a complete spectacle of yourself! Dancing with your assistant over and over. And look at Aria.” He gestures behind him. I spare a glance in that direction. She bites her lip looking down at her lap like a scolded child. “You have embarrassed her. She was supposed to be your date and people are talking badly about her with your behavior.” I watch her for a second. “I apologize Granddad.” I see that smug triumph start spreading across his face. “For your lack of foresight that I do not care for being set up. You caused this not me. I can choose my own dates for this type of event. And she’s not embarrassed….she’s busy posting away on her phone. Using you for her influencer likes. Excuse me, I have people you asked me to mingle with.” I watch him dart his eyes to her and can tell when he realizes I’m right. I stride back searching for Laurel. I find Klein, Daphne, Henry and Brad but no Laurel. I walk over and Henry says “bathroom Ellis. Don’t look so surprised. She’s missing and you’re searching the room.” When she hasn’t returned minutes later, I begin looking again. I find her, she’s trying to escape the biggest jackass in attendance tonight. Glen Bateman. He keeps touching her arm every time she gets away. I tap Henry and he follows my gaze. I start walking as Henry says “Uh Klein you might have to break that up!” Being tall is a blessing some days. I get to her side in a hurry stepping between them. “Harassing the ladies still Glen?” He smirks. “Excuse us Ellis. I was about to dance with this pretty woman.” “No you were not. I told you one more arm grab and I was going to punch you.” Laurel fumes. “Get lost Glen or I’ll show you what the penalty box looks like at this type of event.” He skulks off knowing I mean it. “Friend of yours?” Laurel says laughing. “Ex-hockey rival. He’s not used to accepting the word no. Sorry he probably saw you dance with me and decided to bother you. He likes to needle me.” “Thank you for the rescue. How may I repay your kindness?” She mock bows and I laugh. “I’ll think of something.” I say lightly.
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