Chapter 4 - No Panties

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Of course, chivalry is not dead with Dylan Hudson. As we leave the restaurant, he opens the door, having me to exit first. While approaching the truck, he opens the passenger door, allowing me to climb in. This was new territory for me, so I was unsure how to behave towards him. Let's face it, Aaron was far from chivalrous, and he's all I knew up until now. There's an awkward silence on the ride back to my Aunt's house. As he pulls in the driveway, I turn to thank him, attempting to break the silence, but he beats me to the punch, "What time do you get off work tomorrow?" he asks. I can't help but smile, "I get off at 5:00 pm." "Do you want to hang out tomorrow, "friend?" He asks coyly as he parenthesizes the word with his fingers. I bite my lip to keep from laughing, "I'd love to "friend." Good night," I respond, also parenthesizing the word with my fingers. Grinning ear to ear, he climbs out of the truck, walks over to the passenger side, and opens the door, reaching out his hand for me to take. Without hesitation, I place my hand in his. I climb out of the front seat and lean against the truck, waiting in anticipation of his next move. He presses his body against mine, his eyes boring a hole through me as he grazes my chin with his finger. I open my lips slightly as he leans in closer. The s****l chemistry between us is off the chain; there's no denying it. Without thinking, I reach up and pull his face to mine. He wraps his arms around my waist and begins to kiss me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I'm startled from the initial shock of his move, but soon relax and stick my tongue out to meet his, instantly becoming putty in his hands. After a few seconds, he pulls away from me, pressing his forehead against mine, "I'm going to let you go now," He utters with a soft growl. I nod in agreement, exhaling audibly as I squeeze his biceps. Wow, the boy has restraint; I would let him take me right here and now without thinking twice, "Goodnight," I whisper as I move past him towards my Aunt's house. "Goodnight," He responds as he strolls around to the driver's side. I quickly run up the steps to the front porch, stopping as I reach the front door. I turn back to gawk at him once more before waving goodbye. He waves back before putting the truck in reverse, backing out onto the road. I open the door and watch as he speeds off down the street. Once he's out of sight, I turn and gently shut the door behind me. My head is spinning as I immediately lean against the door and slide down to the floor. Wow! This guy is incredible! I'm distracted from my thoughts when I notice the television's muffled sound coming from the living room. As I peek around the wall, Brie is lying on the couch covered up with an afghan, "Girl, what is up with you!?" she asks curiously as she notices I'm on the ground. I put my head in my hands, "Nothing, I'm just a mess." She jumps up from the sofa and reaches out her hand to help me off the floor, "Who were you out with?" I refrain from looking up at her, "Dylan Hudson," I respond as she assists me off the ground. "No, Colie, don't even open up that pandora's box. Stay far away from him. He will break your heart!" she warns. I glance at her, eyes wide, mouth gaping, "Umm, he just took me to Stags as friends. What's the harm?" She raises her eyebrow at me. "What?" I ask defensively. She reaches out to grab my shoulders, "Listen, Dylan Hudson has broken every girl's heart in Laurel. Women fall at his feet. Don't be one of them. He's not the marriage and family kind of guy; he's a player, and he knows he's gorgeous. I've watched him for years because you know my best friend is his little sister, Maggie? I love Dylan; he's a great guy, but not someone you would want to date!" As she stalks off to the kitchen, I follow behind her, "Okay, well, I will have to stay away from him after tomorrow." She freezes and turns around, crossing her arms, "What do you mean? Are you going out with him again?" "Yeah, but just as friends," I blurt out, knowing damn good and well I was lying through my teeth. She taps her foot on the ceramic tile and raises her eyebrow, "Well, don't say I didn't warn ya!" she responds as she opens the refrigerator door, scavenging for food. I pat her on the shoulder before I turn and run upstairs to change into my pajamas. For some reason, I could hardly wait to be alone so that I could fantasize about him. What is wrong with me? I never get like this; I never fantasized about Aaron until I lost him to that cunt, Lacy. This boy has got me feeling some type of way. What is the deal? I enter the spare bedroom and turn around to shut the door behind me as I begin to pace the room anxiously; I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself. Eventually, an idea comes to mind; I'm going to take a cold shower. I fish through my bag, pulling out my nightgown and clean panties, then walk down the hall to the linen closet to grab two towels and a washcloth. I pass Aunt Lori's room on the way to the bathroom. As I peek in, she is sprawled out on the bed with the door cracked, sound asleep with a sleep mask over her eyes. I tiptoe past her room, heading straight for the bathroom. I quietly shut the door and pull the lever to the shower, keeping the temperature cool as I strip out my clothes. I hop in the cold shower, yelping from the initial shock of the water temperature as it cascades all around me. Goosebumps are rising all over my body as I hurry to wash up and quickly jump out. I dry off and slip my gown and panties on before rushing back to the spare bedroom. A cold shower may have done the trick; I am a mess over this guy. I foresee several in my near future. I set my alarm at the bedside and quickly climb into bed under the covers, shivering. After I turn off the lamp on the nightstand, I lay there, staring at the ceiling. I am on cloud nine right now; I can hardly wait to see him tomorrow. I turn over on my side, facing the window, watching the headlights as cars drive down the street. My eyes begin to get very heavy; once I close them, I drift off to sleep. I'm jolted awake by the feeling of a hand on my arm. I look up to find Aaron leaning over me. "Aaron? What are you doing here?" I whisper. He doesn't utter a word; instead, he begins to run his hands all over me, exploring my body. He reaches down and pulls my panties off, freeing my s*x, throwing them across the room. I can feel his erection growing as he grinds himself on my thigh. God, this feels so good, feeling his body on top of mine. I writhe in pleasure beneath him. He reaches down and inserts one finger through my slit and begins to massage my clit. I reach up and pull him down to me, sticking my tongue in his mouth as he moves his fingers down, inserting two into my core. After a few moments, my abdomen tenses as I feel my c****x approaching. He pulls from me as he leans up and gazes into my eyes. The eyes staring down at me are familiar, but not Aaron's. Then I realize it's not Aaron; I'm starring right up into Dylan's blue eyes. Hmmm... I like this even better. I run my hand down his muscular forearm and grip him tightly, holding him in place, "I'm cumming!" I cry out. His eyes, blazing with desire, as he watches me explode all around his hand. He removes his fingers from my p***y, inserting them in his mouth, sucking the arousal off, "God, you taste so good. Like a Georgia Peach," He whispers as he leans down into me. Suddenly, I awaken as I sit up in panic-mode, trying to make sense of what just happened. I look down at my clothes to find that my gown and panties were still intact. Holy s**t! It was just a dream! I reach up and pat my forehead, realizing I'm sweating profusely. What the f**k is that about? I remove the comforter and pull the sheet over me as I lie back down, attempting to fall back asleep. After a few moments of tossing and turning in the bed, trying to get comfortable, I decided to shut my eyes and pull the sheet up over my head. Eventually, I doze off once more. The next morning, I pop up cheerfully as my alarm sounds, so I hop up to get myself groomed and ready for the day. I decide to wear my floral sundress with my blue jean jacket and boots. I curl my hair, add some makeup and perfume before running downstairs into the kitchen. Aunt Las is sitting at the table, drinking her coffee, "Good morning, Coliebell," she chirps. I prance around, giving her a side squeeze, "Morning Las." She smirks while watching as I sit down next to her, "Well, aren't you the cheerful one. So, what's new?" she asks casually. "Nothing, I'm just excited to spend time with the ladies at the Center this morning," I responded innocently. She pulls her paper up, covering her face to hide a chuckle. She knows I'm lying. I shrug it off, reaching over to grab a muffin on the table. She gets up from the table, pulling a glass from the cupboard, and pours out some juice from the fridge. She brings it over and sets it down in front of me, "Here you are, Miss cheerful," she says jokingly. I giggle and reach out to take a sip of juice, "Thanks, Las." Around 7:30 am, we leave for work. I sense that she wants to ask about Dylan during the car ride, but she doesn't pry. I figured I'd beat her to the punch, "You know Dylan is nice. I think we could be good friends," I mention to her casually. She casts a side glance while raising her eyebrow at me, "You sure about that, darlin?" No, I'm not; I need a lifeline, but I can't say that because I almost don't want to be saved, "Of course. I'm not looking for anything serious right now." Lies! I'd marry him tomorrow if he asked me! She reaches down, turning up the radio volume as a Reba McIntire song blares over the speakers. She doesn't mention Dylan anymore for the remainder of the drive. A few minutes go by, and we pull up in the parking lot at Dolewood; I grab my activities bag and march inside, following close behind her. The ladies are so sweet as they greet me warmly the moment that I step foot inside. Miss Norma comes up, wrapping her arms around my neck, embracing me tightly. The creepy male worker from yesterday finally gathers his nerve and comes by to introduce himself, "Hello Miss, I'm Ethan Stoltz. I'm an LPN here," He says as he reaches out his hand. I reluctantly take it, noticing how rough and calloused his hands are. He's kind of tall with a stalky build; he has big blue eyes and bushy eyebrows. His hair looks unkempt and greasy.  I shake my judgmental glare. How shallow of me to judge him by his appearance, I know better than that, "Hi, I'm Mariah Knox. I'm Lori's niece," I respond politely. He doesn't say another word; instead, he just stares directly into my eyes. Feeling uneasy, I quickly look away, starting a conversation with Miss Norma. Catching the hint, he turns and walks towards his med cart in the hallway. His eyes are plastered on me the entire day. I try to ignore him and focus my attention on the ladies, but he gives me the creeps. Today they chose to play cards. We played poker that afternoon and use chocolate kisses in place of chips. Nova checks in on us periodically throughout the day. Her eyes are so inviting; it's hard not to become attached to that woman the moment you meet her. As it nears 5:00 pm, Dylan strolls through the front entrance looking fine as f**k. The minute I spot him, the blood rushes to my head as I recall the dream that I had the night prior. I cross my legs, attempting to calm the storm that arises between them. Nova stops passing the dinner time medication as she notices him approaching me; she intercepts, "Dylan, what brings you in after work, son? Usually, you are so tired." "Well, Mom, I'm taking my friend Mariah on a picnic," He responds as he flashes a cheeky grin my way. Two sets of eyes moving in my direction as Nova and Miss Norma bore a hole through me. I smile back shyly as I march to Aunt Lori's office to let her know that I was leaving. When I return to grab my things, Dylan takes my hand, leading me outside the parking lot. Dylan's POV Before I meet Mariah tonight, I need to call Brie and get the scoop on her cousin. I dial up her number, and she picks up after two rings, "Hello," She answers. "Hey sis, what's goin' on?" She audibly sighs on the other end, "Well, it better not be you trying to break my cousins' heart! So, help me, God! I will hunt you down!" I was taken aback by her tone. What did she tell Mariah? Did Mariah talk about me? Hmm... I was interested in where this was going, "What do you mean, break her heart?" She scoffs, "Dylan Tyler Hudson; you know you are going to play her! Don't lie to me! She is going through a rough time right now, and she doesn't need you when she's most vulnerable trying to get in her pants!" I pause for a second, "Rough time as in fiancé?" I ask. "So, she told you?" "Well, she didn't go into detail about it; that's why I'm calling you. I need to get the scoop." She pauses for a moment before continuing, "Okay, so you didn't hear this from me, but Mariah was engaged to her high school sweetheart, Aaron. He is the only guy that she's ever been with. Two weeks after he proposed, he decided to be a d**k and break off the engagement but not before he starts banging her best friend behind her back. She's a mess, Dylan. She thinks he will come to his senses, but we hope not because we f*****g hate him. He's so controlling over her and tells her what to wear and how to act. It's disgusting! I hope that he and her friend Lacy get married and move away and leave my cousin alone. She's too good for that. She's a good girl, Dylan; way too sweet and innocent for this world." I sit quietly, taking in all she said before I respond, "Dude is a f*****g moron. I hear ya, loud and clear, sis; I won't f**k around with her, I swear. I can't get this girl out of my head; I like her a lot! More than I've liked any girl before her." "Then stay away from her because I know you too well. You are like my brother. I know too much!" "Brie, I can't stay away from her; I'm drawn to her like a f*****g tractor beam. I just promise that I won't play games. I will be a gentleman, I swear, okay? The balls in her court. I won't do anything without her making the first move." Brie snickers, "Boy, that's what I'm afraid of! Whatever! Just remember, if you f**k around with her, I'll Lorena Bobbit your ass!" I chuckle, "Absolutely, I would expect that! See you later, little B!" "Bye, D!" I disconnect the call. Wow! The dude is a total d**k wad! His loss, my gain. I got my eye on the prize. I want her any way I can have her in every position imaginable. God, I can't stop thinking about her. The way she moves, her hair, her eyes, how she blushes; It drives me f*****g wild. Let's see how much restraint I have tonight. I grab my keys from the hook next to the front door and head out to pick her up. Mariah's POV While walking out of Dolewood, I turn to face him, walking backward through the parking lot towards his truck, "So, friend, where are you taking me?" He clenches his jaw and rushes towards me, closing the gap between us, "Okay, so let me get this straight. You want to keep a man in the friend zone while wearing a short dress like that? Honey, if you want me to keep my hands to myself, you better cover yourself up. I can't resist you like that," He barks as he scans the length of my body. I stop to look down at my clothes. Aaron has never mentioned anything about me wearing a dress before on our dates. Honestly, he never cared what I wore unless it was too revealing, "Oh, I'm so sorry... I never intended to upset you." He places his hands on my hips and pins me up against his truck. With his body pressed up against mine, I can feel on my thigh how turned on he is, "Don't apologize for being you. I just can't help myself. You drive me f*****g crazy but in a good way." He reaches up and runs his fingers down my chest. Realizing that I am holding my breath, I coach myself. Breathe, Mariah, breathe... I let out a breath and swallow hard. Feeling flushed, I look down at the ground, too nervous about meeting his gaze. With his finger, he pulls my chin up, so our eyes meet, "You don't look down again while you are with me, you understand? Look right at me, baby. All I want to do is get lost in your eyes." He leans down, grazing his lips across my neck while breathing in the scent of my shampoo; he begins to grasp my hips tighter. I am breathless... Nobody has ever reacted this way to me before. I am losing myself to this man, and I can't even feel sorry about it. Without realizing my actions, I lace my fingers through his dark blonde mane and pull him to me. He picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His tongue is hungrily massaging mine as he explores my body with his hands while pressing me against the truck. His hand moves down south, rubbing the outside of my panties. Knowing damn good and well he can feel how damp they are, I seductively squeeze my legs tighter around his waist. He quickly pulls away from me and runs his tongue along his bottom lip, "Take off your panties and get your fine ass in the truck!" he orders. I lean back with my elbows resting on the truck, and my legs still tightly gripping him while trying to catch my breath. I surrender! What else can I say but f**k, yes?! "Alright," I whisper. He releases his grip on my hips once I plant both feet on the ground. I reach underneath my dress, pulling my panties off while he opens the passenger door for me. Once I climb in, he shuts the door and walks briskly over to the driver's side, and hops in, "Give me your panties," He orders as he motions his fingers for me to hand them over. I hand over the balled-up panties from my hand, placing them into his palm. He brings them up to his nostrils, inhaling my scent. I lean over in shock. Oh, my f*****g lord! I am literally coming undone, watching this in front of my eyes. He sticks them in his pocket. "Scoot over close to me now." He barks. Without hesitation, I scoot over, getting as close to him as I'm able. He leans over to whisper in my ear, "Now I want you to understand something. I will not f**k you tonight; however, I want full control over that p***y, is that clear? If you don't want that, then I will take you home, but if you choose to be with me tonight, that is what's happening." Holy s**t! I'm staring back at him, eyes wide, mouth slightly open; I swallow hard, "Okay," I manage to choke out. He turns the ignition, starting the truck, he puts it into drive while placing his hand on my inner thigh. My breathing quickens as he runs his hand down to my aching p***y, takes a finger, and runs it gently along the inside of my slit, "You are nice and ready for me, aren't ya?" he asks with a cocky undertone. I spread my legs further apart, allowing him easier access. He takes notice, moving his finger further inside to the core of my p***y, massaging the inner walls. As he begins moving his finger in and out, I writhe in pleasure, gyrating my hips, meeting his finger at every thrust. He turns the steering wheel to the right down a narrow country road while continuing to pleasure me. I run my hand up to his forearm as he moves his finger up to massage my flower once more. How in the actual f**k can a finger feel this good? This boy has magic fingers. Christ! I could get used to this. If this is just a one-time thing, at the very least, I could see myself getting over Aaron quickly, fantasizing about this sexy man sitting next to me. I mean, at this point, Aaron, who? I'm looking forward to what he has in store for me tonight. Next, he pulls into a gravel driveway leading to a cute little red farmhouse with a front porch. It's situated next to a pond with a large red pole barn and a detached garage. It looks well maintained, like off a postcard or straight out of a Thomas Kincaid portrait. He stops as he pulls up to the house. He removes his finger from my p***y and sticks it into his mouth, licking off the arousal and putting the truck in park. Holy f**k! This s**t is pornographic! "Mmm... just as I thought, you taste like a fine Georgia Peach." I begin to roar with laughter as I recall the dream that I had the night prior, where he uttered the same phrase. He casts a partial grin as curiosity flashes over his face, "What's so funny?" Before I can stop myself, I blurt it out, "That's exactly what you said in my dream...Oh, s**t!" I quickly cover my mouth, my eyes wide, realizing I revealed too much information. He snickers and elbows my arm, playfully, "Dream? What kind of dream did you have? Tell me about this dream; I have to know." Embarrassed, I pull away from him and turn my head to the side. He pulls me back over to him, "Look at me, baby; there is no reason to be embarrassed around me. Tell me about this dream; I want to know." I shake my head from side to side, "Sorry, stud, not gonna happen. It's going to my grave; I've told you too much already." He reaches down and squeezes my inner thigh, "Oh, I'm gonna get it out of you sooner or later. Take that to the bank, sweetheart." I raise my eyebrow at him as he quickly gets out of the truck and struts around to the passenger side, opening the door for me. He puts out his hand for me to take. I place my hand in his and climb out of the truck, "Wow," I say aloud as I gaze at him, awestruck. "What?" he asks curiously as he moves to the back of the truck unlocking his tailgate. I approach him as he pulls out a cooler and a grey buffalo checkered blanket, "You give new meaning to the phrase southern gentleman. I'm just in awe of you." He begins to chuckle, "Well, you can thank Nova Hudson for that. She'd hunt me down if I ever dare to mistreat a lady."  "I'll be sure to thank her tomorrow," I respond as I playfully squeeze his bicep. He reaches out for my hand, and I place my hand in his as he leads me to a willow tree near the pond, "Is this your house, Dylan?" I ask curiously. "Yes, ma'am." As we approach the tree, he lays the grey checkered blanket out on the ground, popping a squat and placing the cooler down on the ground next to him. He gazes up at me, "Have a seat next to me, beautiful," He directs. I sit down next to him, crossing my legs to ensure that I'm not open and exposed. He notices as I pull my dress down further to cover my thighs. He shakes his head from side to side, snickering, "I hope you like bologna sandwiches and root beer." I lean back on my hands, grinning ear to ear. Bologna sandwiches and root beer with a side of Dylan Hudson? f**k yes! "I love them," I respond. He hands me a sandwich enclosed in a zip lock baggie. I lean up to take it from his grasp and begin to remove it from the baggie. He pulls a bottle of root beer out of the cooler; pulling the cap off, he hands it over to me, "Here ya go, darlin. Eat up; I have a surprise for dessert." "Hmm... sounds interesting," I reply as I take a bite of the sandwich. Mmm.. mayonnaise on my bologna sandwich, exactly how I like it. We scarf down our sandwiches, washing them down with root beer. After he's finished with his food, he lies back underneath the tree atop the blanket, "You ready for dessert, baby?" Curiosity gets the best of me at that moment; I lean over him to look inside the cooler, only to find that it's empty. He runs his fingers up my thigh beneath my dress, "Hey, what are you lookin' for, girl?" My body jolts from the initial shock of his touch, "The cooler is empty? Where is dessert?" I question. "Well, I'm lookin at her," He responds as he flashes me a cheeky grin. I belt out with a burst of nervous laughter, "I beg your pardon?" "Don't be shy, beautiful. Sit on my face. I am ready for my dessert." My cheeks feel flushed; I begin to fidget as I sit on my knees, "Umm... Dylan, you should know that I've never done that before," I admit. He quickly sits up, cupping my face as he pulls me in, "How did I get so lucky to meet you? Come on, beautiful; don't be shy. I promise you won't be disappointed." I hesitate momentarily; then, I crawl up to him as he lays his head back on the blanket, "You sure about this?" I ask. "Absolutely." I take a deep breath and hike my leg up to straddle his face. I pull my dress up slightly to see him while he laces his arms around my thighs. "Girl, you are a beautiful sight down here. You get it waxed?" I nod my head anxiously as I reposition to slowly lower myself onto his face. He starts gradually by leaving a trail of kisses on my inner thigh, teasing me. As he gets to my p***y, he nuzzles his nose through my slit, inhaling my scent. He tightens his grip around my thighs, "You ready?" I nervously nod my head, not knowing what to expect. My entire body tenses at his moment as he inserts his tongue through my slit. I jolt from the unexpected sensation. He watches me as he moves his tongue up to my sensitive spot, swirling it around my clit in a circular motion. I cry out as my clit begins to warm. I will my body to relax as I enjoy the sweet assault of Dylan's tongue on my p***y. I feel as though I'm flying; I can't even believe this is real! This beautiful man pleases me in every way, shape, and form a girl could ever imagine with just one date. I never even knew men like this existed, not to mention, I never knew it could feel this good to have my p***y eaten. Holy f**k! I was missing out on a lot being with Aaron. The minute he begins to suck on my flower, my abdomen tenses, and my clit begins to pulsate. I cry out as my entire body is thrust into ecstasy, "s**t, I'm cumming!" He moves his tongue hungrily along my slit, lapping up my arousal as my c****x claims me. I attempt to squirm out of his grip, but his hold is too strong. As my body relaxes, I gaze down at him in my post-orgasmic daze. His eyes, blazing with desire, are boring a hole through me. He loosens his grip, and I fall beside him on the blanket, panting. He wipes his mouth with his hand and turns to his side, facing me, "Wow, Dylan, you are... I mean, I don't even know what to say..." He places his arm over my abdomen, his face inches from mine, "So, are you going to be my girl or not? I'd venture to say we are past the point of friendship, babe. I don't do those types of things to my friends; I don't know about you." I cover my face with my hands, giggling in response to his words, "Like as in your girlfriend, Dylan?" "Anything you want to be. Now that I got a taste, I'm sorry, but I can't just be friends." I uncover my face, gazing up into his beautiful blue eyes, "Okay, I'll be your girlfriend." He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close, and plants a kiss on my forehead. We lie there under the willow tree, tangled up in each other for the rest of the evening. As the sun sets, Dylan helps me off the ground and leads me back to his truck. Then he drives me back to my Aunt's house to drop me off. As he pulls in the drive near the house, he puts the truck in park and hops out, strutting around to the passenger side to open the door where he puts his hand out for me. I place my hand in his and slide out of the truck, "There's a Country Music Festival in town on Saturday. Do you want to go with me?" He asks. I squeeze his hand, "Sure, I'd love to." He pulls my hand up to his mouth, planting a gentle kiss on my knuckles, "Okay, I'm working late the rest of the week. I can pick you up at 6:00 pm on Saturday, would that be alright?" "That will work," I respond. He presses his body to mine against the truck, "Goodnight, Mariah." I run my hands up his biceps, "Goodnight, Dylan." Reaching up to cup my face, he plants a tender kiss on my lips. As he pulls his body from mine, I turn and saunter towards the house. As I reach the front porch, I spin around, looking back at him before entering the front door. He's standing frozen in place with his eyes glued to me, leaning up against the truck bed. I can feel my cheeks begin to flush; I wave at him as I open the front door. The minute I step foot in the doorway, I press my body against the door, closing it quickly. I peek out the window and watch as he jumps into the driver's side of his truck, backs out of the driveway, and speeds off down the road. I let out an audible sigh and press my forehead against the door. Wow! He is f*****g incredible! I'm startled from my daze as I hear a voice behind me, "Okay, missy, spill the beans! What is going on between you two?" I spin around to find there are two sets of eyes glaring at me suspiciously. Aunt Las and Brie are standing next to each other, arms crossed, tapping their foot on the ceramic tile, waiting in anticipation for me to explain. f**k! What am I going to say? I stay silent for a moment as I look for the right words to explain my situation. Aunt Las can read me like a book, "Oh, Lord Jesus, help me! Your Mom is going to kill me," She says aloud as she rubs her hand across her forehead. I cast her an apologetic look because I know damn well she's correct. Even though it isn't Aunt Lori's fault, I know my Mother will be placing the blame on everyone she can; that's just how she is. I must plead my case to Aunt Las; I know she's a hopeless romantic. If anyone can understand my predicament, it's going to be her, "Dylan asked me to be more than friends tonight and... I kind of said yes." She approaches me and places her hands on my shoulders, "Just think about what you are doing, Colie. Your parents are expecting you back home by mid-August. That's only a couple of months from now. Do you think that it is wise to spark up a relationship right now? That boy has heartbreak written all over him. I'm sorry, Colie, I want to tell you that things will work out, but I'm not so sure." My desire to see this through to the end overshadows my fear of heartache, "Aunt Las, would you object if I decided to stay awhile longer? Maybe transfer up here to finish my degree?" She rubs my shoulder with a half-hearted smile, "Honey, I would love to have you as long as you want to stay, but I don't know if your Mom will appreciate that very much." "Well, I don't know, Aunt Las, I'm so torn. I've felt things with Dylan that I have never felt before. It's so fast and sudden, I know. I don't know what is happening, and I have no rational explanation for any of it, but I know I like it here: I'm happy. I can see myself sticking around long-term. Not to mention I'm a 24-year-old adult woman. Haven't I earned the right to make my own decisions?" She nods in agreement and smiles warmly at me, "Well, just make sure if you decide to stick around, you do it for yourself and not because some boy swept you off your feet. He may make you feel things you have never felt but remember; it can only go two ways. Either happily ever after, or it could go south quickly, and I don't want you to give up on your career now. I know Aaron hurt you, and to be honest, I wasn't a fan of his. I'd never tell you that before because all I ever cared about was your happiness. You are frankly just as much my daughter as Brie is; I love you that much. Just don't lose yourself in some hot and steamy love affair because if it ends, it's going to leave you feeling empty and lost; trust me, I know. When Jack and I split up, I found myself in that very same spot, so I know all about it. But the heart wants what it wants, and to hell with who tries to stop it. It's so easy to get caught up in the moment sometimes." She pulls me in, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I match her embrace, knowing that she understands what I'm feeling. Nobody will ever get me as she does. Brie is quiet throughout this conversation, knowing she has concerns with the whole situation; I pull her to me and embrace her, "So how about Saturday morning we have a girls' day and go shopping in town?" She squeals excitedly, "Just like old times!" "For sure!" "Do you care if I invite Maggie to go with us? We were going to plan something for Saturday. It's Dylan's sister. She has been dying to meet you." I squeeze her tight; she is so cute and petite, "Of course, I'd love to meet her too." She wiggles from my grip and takes off up the stairs, "Okay, I'll go call her then." "I love you, Coliebell," Aunt Las says as she places her arm across my shoulders, giving me a side hug. I lay my head on her shoulder, "I love you too!" She releases her grip on me, and I begin to trudge upstairs. This is all overwhelming to me. I don't know yet if I'll stick around, nor do I have any clue how this is going to work out between the two of us. All I know is that I'm feeling something in my gut that tells me that this is where I'm supposed to be. This does put a kink in my plan because I hoped to go back home and patch things up with Aaron. I didn't know I could be anything else but Aaron's girl. Now I'm not so sure how I feel about that anymore. Being with Dylan this past couple of days made me realize that I deserve better. Aaron never opened a door for me, he never made me feel like I was pretty, and he certainly never made me c*m like Dylan did tonight. Dylan had no hesitations in eating my p***y. That boy is all about my pleasure more than his own. I have a lot to think about over the next couple of months, so I hope I make the right decision. I march into the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I set my phone on the nightstand and plop down on the bed. I lay there daydreaming over the events that occurred tonight when I'm interrupted as my cell phone vibrates on top of the nightstand. I sit up anxiously to check the caller ID. Oh great! It's my Mother! Her Spidey-senses are obviously in full swing; my heart starts racing as I pick up, "Hello," I answer. "Hey, sweetheart," She chirps. "Sorry I haven't called; I have been keeping myself so busy, but I love it here." "Good to hear. I think you needed to get away, but I sure will be glad to see you home, though. I miss you." Oh boy, this is not going to be fun, but I must tell her now. It's going to be like ripping off a band-aid, right? "Listen, Mom, I was kind of thinking about sticking around longer. Maybe transferring up here for nursing school." There's an awkward silence over the phone. I can hear my heart pounding out of my chest as I wait in anticipation of her response. She lets out an audible sigh, "What's going on up there?" Here we go! Female fight club has commenced, "Nothing, Mom, don't jump to conclusions. I'm just happy here. That's all. I'd like to stay a while! Don't ruin this for me, please." Based on the tone of her voice, I can tell you she's beginning to get angry, "I don't believe you, Mariah. What is going on? I'm not going to ask you again!" I know she won't let it go, so I just let it out, "Well, I've met someone. His name is Dylan, and I like him, Mom." She interrupts me by busting out in a maniacal laugh, "That makes perfect sense. Mariah, the answer is no. You will not uproot your life for some silly boy! You will end whatever you have going on with him and come home. Have fun while you can and be safe, but come August, you are coming back home!" I do my best to keep my emotions at bay, but I'm seething with rage. How dare she bark orders at me? I'm not a child! "Mom, listen, I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions, so if I want to stay, I'm going to stay!" I listen closely as I can hear her practice her pursed-lip breathing exercises. That's a coping mechanism she's learned to self-calm, "Well, I suppose I can't really stop you but hear me out, please. You just got out of a long-term relationship. That is all still very fresh. I can't make decisions for you, but I know you are very vulnerable right now, and I don't want to see you get hurt again, is all." "I know, Mom, I don't want to get hurt either. I have a lot to think about." "Well, yes, I suppose you do. Does Aunt Lori know about this?" she asks curiously. "She just found out like an hour ago." "I guess I'm going to need to discuss things with her then." Just as Aunt Las predicted! Unbelievable! "Mom, please don't blame this on her! We have already discussed every scenario that could come out of this; she is not to blame. She didn't even know," I tell her defensively. "Okay, well, I have to go; just make sure you call to check in with me; I miss you." "I miss you too, Mom. Love you," I respond. "I love you too, sweetie." After I disconnect the call, I hurry and change into my pajamas, plopping down on the bed once more and curling under the comforter and sheet. It doesn't take long before I drift off into a deep sleep.
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