Chapter 5 - Gettin in Good With Momma

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The next morning, I'm woken up to the sound of my alarm. I cheerfully hop out of bed, stumbling into the shower. After I've finished washing, I jump out of the shower, wrap a towel around my body and my hair before traipsing down the hallway, into my room, and over to the closet to choose an outfit. I slip on a multi-colored maxi dress, fix my hair, and add some makeup. I am feeling some type of way today. It feels nice not to be consumed with heartache. I tiptoe downstairs to grab some breakfast. Aunt Las is on her usual routine of drinking coffee at the kitchen table. She looks up as she notices that I have entered the kitchen, "Morning Coliebell. You can drive separately today if you want, so you don't need to stay until 5:00 pm. Although the ladies would love to have you all day, you are free to leave around 3:00 pm. How does that sound?" "Sure, I'll drive in separate. I wanted to spend some time with Brie after work anyway." I grab a blueberry muffin and chocolate milk for breakfast, scarfing it down before leaving for work shortly after. As soon as I walk through the front doors, I'm greeted right away by the ladies in the front lobby, "There's our girl!" Miss Norma calls out. I walk over to where she is seated, "Good morning Miss Norma," I greet her as I lean over to hug her, "I have a lot planned today. I brought some games and puzzles for us to play. I also figured we could do some chair exercises this afternoon." I could tell by the look on her face; she had something else on her mind. She leans in to whisper in my ear, "So how was your picnic yesterday with my boy?" "Oh, it was nice; he was nothing but a gentleman." She pats my arm, "Good to hear, honey. We raise our boys right here." Mmm... They sure do! I walk over to the table to get things set up for our activities today and look up to find Nova approaching me, "Hi, darlin, good to see you." "Good morning Nova." "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I'm making lasagna and my world-famous lemon meringue pie. I'd love to visit with you." Hmm... I wonder what her intentions are? "That sounds nice. What time should I stop by?" "How about 6:00 pm?" "Sure, sounds great. If you don't mind, write down your address for me, and I'll be there." She writes her address down on a sticky note and hands it to me before walking back to her med cart to finish passing the medications. After I get set up, I rush to the bathroom before I get my day started. As soon as I turn the corner, I run into Ethan, "Oh, gosh, excuse me, Ethan," I belt out. He inhales audibly, stepping closer towards me before he reaches up to brush my hair back off my shoulders. Appalled at his actions, I scoff, stepping backward away from him. He belts out with a high-pitched maniacal laugh before darting past me down the hallway. Holy s**t! What the f**k was that?! He is one strange individual! I continue towards the restroom, attempting to brush it off. Throughout the day, I had no issues with keeping the ladies entertained. Apparently, they are content just spending time with me. As 3:00 pm approaches, I bid my farewell to everyone and head to the house. I arrive at the house to find that Brie is curled up with an afghan on the sofa, watching one of our favorite movies, Wayne's World. I excitedly curl up at the other end of the sofa, and we spend the rest of the afternoon imitating the character's lines from the movie. She does the best Garth imitation I have ever seen. Once 5:30 pm approaches, I get myself ready to leave for Nova's house. As I pull up in the drive, she runs out to greet me. She lives in an adorable craftsman-style home across town. I notice in the sunlight how beautiful she is. She is a petite woman with long brown hair and blue eyes; her smile is warm and inviting. She embraces me in the drive as I step out of my car. Then an adorable little blonde with the prettiest blue eyes steps outside onto the porch with the biggest smile on her face. It must be Maggie, Dylan's sister. Nova leads me up the steps to the front porch where she stands, "Hi! I'm Maggie, you must be Mariah?" she greets me timidly. "Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, Maggie. I'm excited to go shopping with you and Brie on Saturday." "Me too!" As they lead me inside, I notice the house is tastefully decorated. The smell of garlic fills the air, making my stomach growl. Nova serves our plates with a generous portion of piping hot lasagna as we sit around the kitchen table together. This little southern woman certainly knows how to cook; this is the best lasagna I've ever eaten. While eating our dinner, we make small talk, discussing Maggie's plans to open a bakery with a side catering business. Apparently, the apple doesn't fall far; Maggie is known around town for her sweet confections in which she sells at concession stands during the festivals in town. I could tell by Nova's demeanor that she wanted to discuss something more personal but appeared to hesitate. I assume she's going to ask me about my intentions with Dylan. After we have finished our lasagna, she gets up from the table and strolls to the refrigerator to pull out the pie. Maggie sits back and exhales, holding her stomach, "No thanks, Momma, I'm stuffed," She excuses herself from the table and retires to the living room, no doubt recovering from a food coma. Nova brings the pie over, sets it on the table, walks to the cupboard, grabs two plates with two forks, and sits down with me. I'm stuffed from the large portion of lasagna I scarfed down for dinner, but I don't want to be rude, so I graciously accepted. I'm surprised as she serves a generous portion on my plate, enough for two people. Oh boy, I hope I can finish all that. I'm going to give it my best shot; she must have a lot she needs to get off her chest now that Maggie has left the room, "So, Mariah, my boy seems to be quite smitten with you." I take a bite of the pie, and the minute I taste the lemon flavor, it tantalizes my taste buds. This is, hands down, the best pie I've ever eaten, "The feeling is mutual for me," I choke out in between bites. She takes a bite of pie before she continues, "What is your plan exactly? Are you going back home to start school, or can we expect to see you longer?" I sit and contemplate for a moment before answering, taking in what she's asking me. I figured this was why she invited me over; she's wondering what my intentions are with Dylan. I can't say that I blame her. It's her son, and she is just looking out for him, "Well, to be honest, I've been looking into some other options because I'm enjoying my time here, but I haven't decided yet. Not all my credits transfer, so I'd have to take a couple of classes over. It wouldn't be too bad, but it's a lot to consider." "Okay, I see. How's the pie, darlin?" she asks, attempting to change the subject. "It's delicious," I answer with a mouthful. She smiles warmly at me and pats my hand. I had no trouble finishing off the pie, but now I'm beyond stuffed. I lean back in the chair and pat my stomach as she cleans up the table, "Nova, thank you for inviting me over. I enjoyed every bite of your cooking." "Well, don't be a stranger, honey, come visit me anytime. I enjoyed talking with you. I assume I will be seeing you more now," She responds with a smirk. I get up from the table, bidding them farewell before grabbing my purse and keys to head back to the house. During the drive back to Aunt Lori's, I just happened to look back in my rearview mirror to see a Neon following behind me. I recognize the person driving the car is Ethan. f**k! What in the world is he doing? I turn down the road my Aunt lives on and quickly pull in the driveway. I look back in the rearview mirror and watch as he slowly passes by the house. What the hell?! Is he following me? He is so strange! I wait until he's out of sight before I get out of the car and book it inside. Once I walk through the front entry, I run upstairs to the spare bedroom to throw my pajamas on and get into bed. As I begin to doze off, I hear a tapping on the window. I sit up in bed and wait to make sure I've heard correctly. Then I hear a tap again. Holy s**t! I pray it's not Ethan! I jump out of bed to look out the window. Oh, thank God! It's just Dylan trying to get my attention by throwing pebbles at the window. I open it up, smiling ear to ear, "Dylan, what are you doing?" "Hey, beautiful, I missed you. Come down and kiss me goodnight, would ya?" "Okay, I'm coming." I tiptoe quietly downstairs and step out on the porch. He's standing there waiting on me looking f*****g hot as hell on the porch with a navy-blue t-shirt and tight jeans with a baseball cap on and work boots, "So beautiful," He utters as I approach him. I realize I'm not wearing a bra, so I cross my arms to cover up my n*****s that stand to attention whenever he's around. Damn, my body gives me away every time. He stalks towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss. I feel the pulse of electricity shooting through my veins with his touch; there's no way I can deny it. Nor would I want to; I wonder if he feels the same, "I had to get my fix," He whispers as he runs his hands down to my ass. I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck, "I went to dinner at your mom's house tonight," I blurt out. He pulls away for a split second with a confused expression, "You did?" he asks. "Yep, she invited me over. She was so sweet; I like her a lot." He smirks and shakes his head from side to side while looking up at the sky, "That woman is so nosey. Gotta love her!" I lace my fingers through his dark blonde mane, "She loves you, and she obviously senses there's something between us, so she just wants to see who her son is spending time with." He chuckles, "Well, I think a blind man could sense something going on between us." He pulls me closer, pressing his body against mine, as he leaves a trail of kisses on the side of my neck. I lean into him, enjoying the sweet pleasure of his lips grazing my skin. He slides his hand down my shorts beneath my panties, but I reach my hand out to grip his forearm attempting to stop him. Shock crosses his face as he looks down at me, "Nope, not tonight. It's my turn to please you." Slowly, I pull his shirt up, revealing his chest, while leaving a trail of kisses from his pecs down to his abdomen. With a clenched jaw, he closes his eyes, throwing his head back, enjoying the sensation my mouth gives his body. I bend down and gently kiss the area above his pants. When I look up to gaze at him, he's looking down at me, running his tongue across his bottom lip. He reaches down, rubbing his finger along my chin, "Come this way." He reaches out his hand for mine. I put my hand in his, and he pulls me up to a standing position, leading me to his truck that's parked on the street. As we approach the truck, he opens the passenger door for me. After I climb in, he shuts the door, runs to the driver's side, and climbs in. Once he turns the ignition to start the truck, he motions for me to slide next to him. So, I do what he asks, sliding as close to him as possible, "Let's go to my house right quick before we get arrested for indecent exposure," He says as he rubs my inner thigh. Without hesitation, I agree to go with him. I want this man so badly at this moment; I can hardly stand it. I know Aunt Las would not be happy that I left so late, but I can't even think about the consequences right now. Once we arrive at his house and climb out, he presses me against the truck, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck to my shoulder. I reach up and lace my fingers through his hair as he lifts me, carrying me into the house. His mouth never leaves mine as he busts through the front door, heading straight to his bedroom and gently laying me down on the bed. I sit up to remove my tank top as he strips down naked before me. I stare at him in awe, marveling at the sight of his perfect physique. His c**k springs free and erect before my eyes as he plops down next to me on the bed. I reach out to stroke it, looking up at him for reassurance to proceed. He doesn't stop me; instead, he reaches out to palm my t**s. As I stroke his shaft, I lower my mouth to the tip of his p***s and roll my tongue around, licking and sucking like a melted ice cream cone. I can tell he is enjoying this; he audibly exhales, throwing his head back and groaning in pleasure. I deep throat his c**k, taking him in as far as I can without activating my gag reflex while simultaneously stroking his shaft. He laces his fingers through my hair, gently pulling my mouth further down his shaft. After a few moments, I hear his moans growing louder, his abdomen tenses as he cries out, "f**k baby, I'm cumming!" Suddenly, I taste a warm shot of his c*m shooting down my throat as he climaxes. I roll my tongue around the tip slurping up every last drop, and swallow the thick saltiness of his c*m. After I've gotten him off, I sit on the edge of the bed, waiting in anticipation for his next move. He rolls off the bed, kneeling in front of me as he laces his arms around my thighs, pulling me towards him. He impatiently yanks my shorts and panties off before burying his face through my slit, "Damn baby, you are so wet!" I writhe in pleasure as he teases me, kissing my inner thigh as he makes his way back to my aching p***y. I throw my legs over his shoulders as he inserts his two fingers into my core while continuing to kiss my inner groin before swirling his tongue around my flower. I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. I grip the comforter as my legs quiver, and my clit warms and begins to pulsate. He tightens his grip as I begin to squirm while he gently sucks on my clit. I lean up and lace my fingers through his hair, watching him go at it. My abdomen tenses, and I tighten my grip around his hair, pulling his face further into my p***y as I lift my hips. He moves his head from side to side as he hungrily laps up my arousal while letting out a soft growl. His eyes are blazing with desire as he watches me while I hit my release. Once my body relaxes, I lay back on the bed, staring up to the ceiling with a post-orgasmic gaze. He then reaches over to his bedside table and pulls out a condom. He stands, hovering over me, and slides the condom over his erect c**k, "Baby, are you ready?" he asks. While panting, I sit up and flash him a cheeky grin, "Yes, but I'm on top." "Well, who am I to argue with that," He responds as he plops down on the bed. I crawl up beside him, throwing my leg over and straddling him. He positions his c**k for me to ease myself onto him slowly. f**k! He feels incredible, just as I had imagined. I tilt my hips slightly as I ride him. He laces his fingers around my hips and thrusts into me with each move I make; somehow, our bodies are entirely in sync. He sits up, pulling me down with each thrust as I wrap my arms around his neck, our bodies slick with perspiration. Suddenly, he flips me over onto the bed, his eyes never leaving mine as he slams his c**k into my p***y. I pull my legs up to rest over his shoulders so that I could feel every inch of him enter me. After a few minutes, my body tenses as I'm close to my c****x, "I'm cumming!" I cry out as he plows himself into my p***y. Faster...Harder... With so much intensity. My abdomen tenses as I explode in pleasure, hitting my release. He cries out, "f**k!" as he reaches his c****x shortly after. As he finishes, he collapses on top of my chest, breathing heavily, our bodies sticking together from perspiration. I run my fingers through his damp hair, brushing it back out of his eyes. He looks up at me, smiling ear to ear, "I just can't get enough of you." I nod in agreement, "I feel the same way about you, Dylan." He pulls himself up, planting a kiss on my lips before lying down next to me, "Why don't you just stay the night? I'll take you home in the morning." I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling, contemplating, "As long as you can get me back to my Aunt's before 6:00 am. I have to work tomorrow." He brushes a lock of hair from my eyes with his finger, "I just want to wake up to this beautiful face every day." I turn and smirk at him, "You will get tired of me soon, I'm sure." He lifts his eyebrow, "I will never get tired of you. Your eyes, your smile, your beautiful body, your scent, how easily you blush... It drives me f*****g wild," he says as he rests his arm over my abdomen. The intensity of his desire for me turns me on so f*****g much. I turn to face him, resting my head on my hand, gazing into his eyes, "Dylan, you don't know what you do to me. I've never met a man who was so willing to please. I can't stop thinking about you." He reaches up to run his thumb across my cheek, "Well, that's it! I'm not ever going to let you go. You are just going to move in." I begin to chuckle, "If I lived here, you would never allow me to wear panties." "No, ma'am! No panties and skirts only. Those will be my rules," He responds as he presses his forehead against mine as I giggle. He then turns over onto his back, setting his alarm clock for 5:30 am. Then he reaches up to turn off the lamp on the side table before rolling back towards me and pulling me into him. He leaves a trail of kisses along my shoulder as we cuddle before drifting off to sleep. The next morning, we are jolted awake by the sound of his alarm going off, still wrapped up in each other's arms, naked. I jump up quickly and slip my pajamas back on while he reaches to the floor, grabbing his boxers and jeans before slipping them on. Then he drives me back to my Aunt's house. Luckily, she only lives a few minutes away. He helps me out of his truck once we pull up and kisses me on the forehead before we part ways, "Have a good day at work, baby. I'll talk to you later," He says. "I will. You too, baby. Be safe," I respond as I squeeze his hand before walking back towards the house. He watches me until I walk inside before he takes off in his truck.
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