Chapter 3 - Trouble With a Capital T!

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As we walk through the front entrance, a group of ladies is seated in the lounge area. Aunt Las strolls over, greeting them warmly, "Good morning, ladies! How are my girls? I brought my niece the one I was telling you about! She's going to head the activities while Gina is out." I wave shyly at them as they wave back. One lady stands from her chair and approaches me, "Hi sweetheart; I'm Miss Norma; it is a pleasure to meet you. You are such a pretty little thing. I bet the boys are lining up to take you out!" I look down, attempting to avoid her gaze. Aunt Las chimes in, "Oh boys, are nothing but trouble; let's have a girls' day, shall we?" she says as she gently squeezes my shoulders. Miss Norma pats me on the arm, "Sounds wonderful. Dear, would you mind painting my fingernails today? I could sure use a manicure if you are up for it?" She asks while looking down at the bag of makeup and nail polish I'm carrying. "I'd be happy to paint your nails, Miss Norma." She smiles so big as she leads me to the table in the middle of the room, and she watches as I get set up. She begins to rummage through my case, picking out a perfect shade of hot pink. As I begin to paint her nails, I notice a beautiful woman with long brown hair approaching me. She is wearing a uniform, so I assume she works there. "Hi, there darlin, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Nova; Miss Norma is my Momma." "Hello, my name is Mariah Knox. Lori is my Aunt." Nova pats me on the shoulder, "Good to have ya sug; when you get settled, I'd love to invite you over for some sweet tea and my world-famous lemon meringue pie!" Her eyes are so comforting and warm, there's no way I could ever turn her down, "That sounds nice. Thank you." She walks away to speak to one of the residents as I continue to paint Miss Norma's nails. It's hard to believe how friendly everyone is, not like this where I'm from. One male worker hasn't stopped staring at me since I walked in. He is wearing the same uniform as Nova, so I assume he's a nurse. He kind of makes me feel uneasy since he hasn't introduced himself to me; it's awkward. Nevertheless, I feel comfortable here among the ladies I've met; I could get used to this. As I start the second coat of nail polish, Miss Norma begins speaking with someone, "Well, there's my boy! Come over here and see your granny!" I look up, and the wind was knocked from me; I was nearly jolted from my chair. The most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever seen were boring a hole through me. I couldn't move; I was frozen in place. At that very moment, I knew I was in trouble with a capital T! Dylan's POV As I walk through the front entrance of Dolewood to visit my Mom and Gran, since I have the day off today, I am blindsided. This girl who's painting Gran's nails is a stone-cold fox! She has long blonde hair, perky t**s, tan skin; she's a ten! Who is she? Where did she come from? Her face is flushed as if she's embarrassed. Damn baby! What do you have to be embarrassed about? Her eyes alone would be enough to have any man fall to his knees! I try to look away, but I'm drawn in like a f*****g tractor beam, "Oh, hey Granny!" I respond as she greets me, attempting to distract myself from the Goddess that sits before me. She motions me over to sit next to her, so I try to play it cool, "Dylan, come here and let me introduce you to my friend. Dylan, this is Mariah Knox; she's Lori's niece. Mariah, meet my grandson, Dylan Hudson." I reach out my hand to her, "Nice to meet you." She places her hand in mine, and I awkwardly hold on to it for a little longer than I should. Her hands are like ice, "Umm... Hi, Dylan, nice to meet you too." I plop down next to Gran as Mariah continues painting her nails, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. It's probably for the best anyway. I imagine my head between her legs, eating the f**k out of that p***y. Damn, I bet her p***y tastes like a fine Georgia peach. f**k me; I love peaches! I'd like to taste her peach. I inspect every curve of her body. I notice how the fan rotating around the room blows her beautiful long blonde hair gently around her face, just enough for me to catch a whiff of her sweet scent. Her lips are soft looking and the perfect shade of pink. When she concentrates, I notice how she sticks out her tongue a little. It's so f*****g cute I want to snatch her up and carry her out over my shoulder and f**k her into oblivion in the back of my truck. Her flannel shirt pairs perfectly with her skin tone and hair color. Her long, lean legs are positioned apart, having her feet wrapped around the chair legs. She's wearing combat boots with maroon and black shoelaces. I like her style; she's a dime! Straight out of a magazine, son. I reach up to wipe the perspiration from my brow as I watch how her hand shakes ever so slightly as she runs the polish over Gran's nails. Yeah, I f*****g pay attention that much. She's f*****g gorgeous! Where have you been all my life, baby? Then I snap out of it as Gran smacks my arm, "Dylan, are you ignoring me? I'm talking to you! Boy, get your head out of the clouds!" Mariah's eyes meet mine, and she begins to chuckle. Damn, her eyes are so beautiful, green with a brown spot in one eye that stands out. It demands attention, just like her; baby, you have my full attention; I clear my throat, "Oh, sorry, Gran, long week at work, I'm pretty tired. What were you saying?" I ask while staring a hole through Mariah. Gran huffs, "Well, I was saying that maybe you wouldn't mind showing Mariah around town sometime. Your Mom invited her over for tea and pie. We can do what we can to make our guests feel at home, right?" Mariah begins to fidget in her chair, "Oh Miss Norma, I'd hate to trouble anyone. I'm only here for the summer; I start classes back in the fall." Gran pats her arm, "Nonsense child, we would love to have you around as long as you're are here for." Gran casts a side glance at me, winking. She knows me too well. Mom strolls over, giving me a peck on the forehead, "Hi, son. I see you have met Mariah," As I look up at her, I notice she's also winking at me. Lord, these women will be the death of me. I shake my head from side to side and audibly sigh; they are starting to embarrass me. Mariah bites her lip to keep from smiling, "Alright, Miss Norma, just a few minutes to let them dry, and you are good to go." She stands up and walks towards the sink to wash her hands. I can't help but stare at that tight little ass in those faded cut off jean shorts as she walks away from me, swaying her hips in perfect rhythm, knowing she's only doing that because she knows I'm watching. I must talk to this girl, but I can't do it around all these nosey-ass women. I need to hang around and wait until she leaves. So, I bide my time and wait. As dinner approaches, I have watched as the ladies have lined up for Mariah to paint their nails all day. Lori notices me as she steps out of her office, "Well, hello, Dylan," She greets me while eyeing me suspiciously. Crap! She knows! "Hello Lori, I just came to visit my Gran." She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow; she knows I never stay past lunchtime, but I can't tell her the real reason. Oh, hey Lori, how's your day? I want to f**k your niece in every room in this place twice around. That probably wouldn't fly. Lori turns to Mariah, "Hey, Colie, are you ready to go?" Hmmm, Colie... I need to know where that came from. I like it; It suits her, "Oh, yeah, let me get my things, and we can head out," She responds. Before I have a chance to stop myself, I blurt out, "Lori; I was hoping that Mariah would let me take her out for a drink." Mariah looks at me, eyes wide, mouth gaping. Lori begins to chuckle as she elbows Mariah, "If you want to go with him, sis, you can." Mariah stands there, contemplating for a moment, "Sure, I'd love to. Let me get my things." Fuck yes! Baby, I want to do more than take you out for a drink. God damn! What this woman does to me already. I'm so f****d! This girl will be mine. Mariah's POV Oh, my God! This guy is f*****g gorgeous! I'm such a nervous wreck! Why in the hell did I say yes? I have a fiancé! Well, sort of. Wait, no, I don't. Oh, I'm so confused. My body has a mind of its own. I can't let it win; I must be strong. I can't have a wild steamy affair for just a couple of months. I'm not built that way. Shit! I can't help but stare at him. He's tall with a muscular frame, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He's wearing a ball cap and a tight white t-shirt with his washboard abs on display with a pair of tight jeans and work boots. Holy f**k, my armpits are starting to sweat; I'm so heated over this guy. I notice how the female workers were ogling him throughout the day. I'm sure with a body like that, the ladies are lining up. What does he want with me? I'm a f*****g mess! "So, Mariah, you say you are starting school in the fall; what do you study?" he asks, attempting to break the awkward silence between us as we walk out. I have no words... come on, Mariah, say it! "I'm in nursing school. It's my last year; then, I can take my boards." "Where do you go to school?" "The University of Cincinnati in Ohio," I respond as he opens the passenger door to his truck for me. He drives an older blue Chevy pick-up. Oh my gosh, is it wrong for me to want him to throw me in the back of his pick-up already and f**k me stupid? I hop in, he shuts my door and comes around the side, jumping into the driver's seat. Hmmm, southern gentleman. Oh, God, No! I don't want this, not now. I shouldn't give in to temptation. "So, Mariah, are you seeing anyone?" He asks as he backs up out of the parking lot. Before I have a chance to think, I respond, "Oh yes, I'm engaged." I instantly regret that statement knowing I won't get by with lying; I'm a terrible liar. "Oh, s**t, you're engaged! I'm sorry, I had no idea. Where's your ring?" I hesitate for a moment, "I don't have it. I gave it back," I mumble. "Gave it back? Why did you do that for?" He asks curiously. "Well, I gave it back because we are just taking a breather; I'm sure once I go back home, we will get back together." I watch as he smirks at me; he knows that I'm lying. Well, it could happen. His dimples are so f*****g cute! Damn it! Thankfully, he changes the subject, "So, are you hungry?" I breathe a sigh of relief and begin to relax, "Yeah, what's good around here?" Wait, what am I doing? Mariah, you hussy!!!! I'm telling you that it's a constant tug of war with my body and mind right now; that's what you do to me, Dylan Hudson. All rational thoughts are out the window. "Well, we could go to Stags. It's a hamburger joint; they have good food," He suggests as he watches me tuck stray pieces of hair behind my ear as they wildly whip around my face in the wind. "Sure, sounds good," I respond. Oh, f**k me!!!! Literally, f**k me, Dylan. We arrive at Stags, and everyone's eyes are glued to us as we walk through the front entrance. The women in the room, casting hateful looks in my direction. Whoa! I'm not used to this. Did I happen to steal their boy toy? He places his hand on my low back, "You wanna sit in the corner booth over there?" he asks as he points to the booth in the corner. Wanting to run and hide, I nod in agreement before he leads me in that direction. I slide inside the corner booth and move over so he can sit down next to me. Oh lord, well, at least it makes it easier when I blush to look away. A waitress approaches our table and greets him right away, "Hey Dylan, how are you tonight, baby?" She asks while chewing and smacking her gum with her mouth wide open like a damn horse. I can't help but laugh, thinking about how Chuck would be so annoyed with her right now. That is a pet peeve of his when someone chews and smacks their gum around in their mouths. I watch Dylan, as he seems completely unphased by her charms, "Good Suzanne, how are you? How's your mom?" he asks. "She's doing good. Staying out of trouble," she responds jokingly. He chuckles, "Well, that's good to hear." "So, what will you have to drink?" "I'll let Mariah here order first, and I'll go after her," He replies as he smirks at me. I twirl my earring around with my fingers while resting my elbow on the table, "I'll just have a water, please." Without making eye contact, she writes down my drink order. What a b***h! She doesn't even acknowledge me. Based on her reaction towards me, I assume she has a history with him. I'd probably react the same way if I were in her shoes. He casually lifts his arm and places it around the back of the booth behind me. God, he smells good! His musky cologne is intoxicating as it invades my nostrils. "How about I get Miller on draft, please," He chimes in. "Comin right up, darlin," She responds before walking away. She looks back while shaking her hips to see if he notices. I'm taken back when I glance at him to see if he's watching her; he's completely fixated on me. "Do you know what you want to order? You can have anything you want," He asks quietly. I quickly look down to avoid his gaze as I feel my cheeks start to flush. Are you on the menu, Dylan? "Burger and fries sound good to me." "Yeah, me too," He replies as he casually brushes his hand on my shoulder. The waitress returns with our drinks and takes our order before leaving once more. As we sit there for a little while making small talk, my body responds; being this close to him; I begin to feel over-heated so, I remove my flannel, tying it around my waist. He inhales audibly as he reaches behind his head, scratching his neck before readjusting his hat. He looks a little flushed. Surely, he isn't responding to me taking off my flannel. He finally attempts to spark up a conversation but seems distracted when I pull my hair to one side with my neck exposed closest to him. He trails off for a moment before clearing his throat, "So, I was wondering if Lori is your Aunt, then why haven't I seen you around here before?" "Well, you know I was busy with school and work I didn't have much time to visit. Then I got engaged... "I stopped myself from speaking as I realized I shouldn't be discussing such private matters with him. I've only known him for a few hours. His face drops momentarily, but he brushes it off quickly, "You know, I was wondering. If you were engaged, why did you accept my invitation to go out?" I'm speechless as my body begins to tense. Why did I agree to go out with him? Because he's hot, and I can't help myself! No, I can't say that! "I'm just trying to make friends. We are two people just trying to get to know one another as friends, right?" He snickers as he scratches the back of his neck and adjusts his hat. This must be a nervous habit of his; it's adorable. He looks over at me, meeting my gaze. I start to feel flushed, and I turn away, "You know you are cute when you blush," He says as he playfully elbows my arm. I look away to avoid his stare and adjust my shorts while realizing they are riding up my leg, "You don't have to be embarrassed about anything, Mariah," He reaches out for my chin and tries to draw me in to meet his lips, "I bet you taste good...those lips... like a Georgia Peach." My brain begs me to stop this insanity, but my body takes over, and I lean into him without hesitation. The waitress interrupts us as she clears her throat. We are both startled as we turn to look at her. She angrily sets down our food before stomping off. I can't help but laugh out loud. God, I hope she didn't spit on my burger. I gently nudge his arm, "Thank you, Dylan." "For what?" he asks as he cuts his burger in half. "You know for bringing me here. I know it was probably weird for you when Miss Norma insisted that you show me around. Just letting you know you don't have to." He takes a bite of his burger and sets it down while chewing it before he chases it with a swig of beer, "Look, Mariah, I am very attracted to you. My Gran insisting that I show you around had nothing to do with me wanting to ask you to hang out with me. I asked you because I wanted to. I would have done it regardless." Feeling partially embarrassed but flattered, I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, "Oh, okay then." He playfully nudges my shoulder. As I begin to relax, I realize how hungry I am, and I scarf down the burger and fries in front of me. He is the textbook definition of a southern gentleman. I enjoyed his company. He pays for our meal, and as we leave, I walk out of that bar, realizing that I was in for a hell of a ride.
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