Chapter 6 - People Talk

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Dylan's POV Work is busy today, but I'm unable to focus. All I keep thinking about is her; I got it bad, son. I've never met a woman who had me by the balls like this. I think I'm in love with her. This is unchartered territory for me. I know that whatever it is, it goes beyond just trying to get into her pants. I'm startled from my thoughts when I hear a voice behind me, "Dude, what the f**k is your deal today? Hello!?" Startled, I spin around, "Sorry, bud." My buddy Seth is standing behind me, arms crossed, "What the f**k is this girl doing to you, man?" he asks. "I wish I f*****g knew, bro. I'm at a loss. She's got me by the f*****g balls, man, in a good way. I can't help but let her, and it scares the f**k out of me," I confess. "s**t, man! I never dreamed you would fall for a city slicker. Those city girls are a lot of f*****g work." "This one... she's worth it!" He scratches his chin while smirking at me, "Yep, Dylan, you are so f****d. What are you going to do when she leaves in August?" My stomach is in knots just thinking about it, "Good question, man. I don't have a f*****g clue! Hell, I'd probably follow her. I don't even want to think about it until then. My mom invited her over for dinner yesterday and never even mentioned it. Mariah is the one who told me. No doubt, Mom is trying to get the scoop on her. She's already in good with my Mom and Grandma, man; they love her. You know that's hard to do." Seth just stands there, arms crossed; he knows me too well. He knows I never get like this over some chick. He's like a brother to me. We have been friends since the first grade. That's a long-ass time to remain friends with someone, "I'm going to have to meet the girl who has managed to tame the beast while gettin in good with Ma and Granny," He jokes. "Yep, she's coming Saturday with me to the music festival. You'll get to meet her." He stops, dropping his arms, "Wait a minute... did you f**k her already?" "Yeah, why?" "You might as well get down on one knee right now. The Dylan that I know doesn't act like a love-sick puppy dog after getting in the girl's pants." "You are probably right, dude. I'd marry that girl tomorrow, swear to God. She's everything I'd ever wanted; wifey material even, but I'm not sure if she's there yet, ya know? I'd hate to keep her here and interfere with her getting her degree. I know it's important for her to finish; she's so close." "Well, damn buddy, that's huge! You got yourself into a good old fashion dilemma." "I know, man, I have a lot to think about." He shakes his head from side to side, "Let's finish digging these trenches so we can get these lines installed this year, okay?" "You got it, man." After getting back to work, we didn't discuss it any further after that. We worked late into the evening and left just before 7:00 pm. Mariah's POV "Alright, Miss Norma, you are all finished!" I tell her as I finish painting the final topcoat on her nails. "Thank you, my dear! It looks lovely!" I begin to gather my polishes, placing them into my makeup bag so I can head out. It's 3:00 pm on Friday; TGIF! "Hot date tonight, dear?" she asks innocently. "You are too much, Miss Norma!" I say jokingly. "Well, dear, you know I'm not one to gossip, but I hear that you and my boy have been spotted together a lot around town. People talk, not me, you know... it's a small town." I can't help but roll my eyes and laugh. Do people have anything better to do than to worry about who I'm seeing? "Well, have fun tonight, darlin. See you Monday," She says as she pats my arm. "Okay, Miss Norma, have a good day!" On the way to my Aunt's house, I look in the rearview mirror and notice Ethan is right on my tail until I reach the driveway. He slows down as he drives by. He's been eyeing me all day. I'm gonna have to ask Las about him. This is getting out of hand. Once he passes, I get out of the car and go inside. Brie is lying on the sofa watching television. She sits up once she hears me coming through the front door, "Hey, Colie!" "Hey, Brie! What do you have going on tonight?" "Me? Nothing. Maggie is hanging out with Nate tonight; why?" "You wanna go for a run and then come back and get ready to go grab some pizza?" She raises an eyebrow at me, "Why? No hot date tonight?" I throw my hands up in the air, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" "Colie, it's a small town. People talk." "So, I've heard." "Besides, don't think I didn't hear you come in this morning. I know you left and went to Dylan's." "What? How did you know!?" "Girl, I watched the whole thing go down; he is all about you. I watched you leave in his truck. I'm nosey. What can I say? Momma is on the Ambien; she doesn't have a clue what's happening." "Well, Dylan is working late tonight anyway, so I thought maybe we could hang out. I probably won't see him until tomorrow when we go to the festival." "I'm sure you will see him sometime tonight, but yeah, sure, let's go." We both dash upstairs to get our work-out clothes on and go for a run. After an hour or so of running, we get back, shower, and get ready to go out. I throw on a cream-colored halter top that ties in the back and a pair of cut off denim shorts. I curl my hair, add some makeup to finish off the look, slip on my gold strappy sandals, and run downstairs. Brie is sitting on the couch, waiting on me as I enter the living room. She looks so darn grown up and gorgeous. Her long flowy pink dress shows off her amazing curves, "Aww, you look pretty, Brie!" "So, do you, Colie! You ought to let me borrow that top sometime. It's so cute!" She responds as she reaches out to feel the fabric. "Sure, anytime!" I grab my purse, keys, and sunglasses before we get in my car and head into town as I drive out to Max's Pizzeria. As I pull into the parking lot, my phone rings. I figured it was probably Dylan trying to call me, but when I look down at the caller ID, I'm in shock when I see whose number pops up. It's Aaron!! Oh, God! I hesitate for a minute, "Colie, what's wrong? Who is it?" My eyes are glued to my phone; my heart begins to race, "'s from Aaron!" She rolls her eyes, "What the f**k does that asshole want?" "I don't know. I didn't answer; I let it go to voicemail," I tell her as I put my phone in my purse. "Wait, I want to know what he has to say for himself." "Okay, I'll play the voicemail," I take a deep breath, pull my phone out of my purse, and play the voicemail on speakerphone. (Aaron) – "Hey, babe, it's me. I miss you. We need to talk. Call me, please. I love you." Both of us look up at each other, eyes wide, mouth open, "That son of a b***h! I knew he'd do that. Don't even call him back; let him sweat it out. He's the one that f****d up. Come on, let's go eat," She says. I nod in agreement and get out of the car. You know, I was shocked to hear from him, and before I came up here, I would have been more than happy to run right back to him. I can't even lie; for a minute, I felt a hint of excitement from the call, but that quickly faded because, to be honest, I don't even care to talk to him. I'm that crazy about Dylan Hudson, "It looks like Miss Lacy dropped his ass. Karma is a b***h," I gloat as we walk through the doors. "No doubt, Lacy is such a w***e! He deserves whatever she dishes out." I put my phone back in my purse and follow her inside to the front entry, where the hostess greets us. She seats us in a booth; when the waitress comes by, we order a pizza and sodas. Brie and I eat and hang out like old times. It was so nice to spend time with her; I missed her so much. I feel like I missed out on so much living so far away from her. She discussed her plans to go to college but isn't sure what she wants to pursue. I've been there before; she's got time; she's still so young, only eighteen years old. I have no doubt she will do great things. She is so spunky, motivated, and full of life. When the waitress comes by to bring the check, Brit asks her to split the bill, "Nope, it's my treat, sis," I tell her. "Thanks, Colie!" We get our leftovers boxed up and get ready to leave. As we begin to walk out the door, a familiar face comes inside as we are going out. It's Suzanne, the waitress from Stags. The one who was a total b***h the first night, Dylan and I went out for dinner. She has a group of girls with her, "Well, look who it is. Miss Fancy Pants," She says as she blocks me from leaving. I snicker, "Miss Fancy Pants? That's new. Suzanne, right?" "Yep, that's me. I'm sure Dylan told you all about me with our history and all," She boasts. Brie steps in between us, "Get lost, Suzy, that's old news. Nobody f*****g cares, least of all, Dylan." She puts her hands on her hips and flashes me an evil grin, "Hmm... that's not what he said the other night." My stomach turns; what the f**k?! What does she mean by that? Has he been seeing her as well? Brie sticks her finger in Suzanne's face, "Dream on cunt!" Brie then pushes her to the side, grabs my hand, and leads me through the door. Suzanne calls out as we step outside, "Run along, city girl, momma's here now," Her clan of mean girls begin to laugh along with her. I just shake my head and keep walking. She's so jealous, it's written all over her face. She must feel threatened by me. Once we get into my car, I feel the need to get something straight, "Brie, what the hell was that? What is she talking about? What history with Dylan? What does she mean by the other night?" She sighs audibly before answering, "Suzy and Dylan dated in high school. She got super drunk at a party one night their senior year and was caught messing around with one of his buddies from school, Charlie Vance, and Dylan immediately broke it off with her. I think they would occasionally hook up after that but not recently, that I'm aware of, anyway. To be honest, Dylan has no interest in her; he knows she's all drama, and he wants no part of it. I know this because I am always hanging out with Maggie. I hear everything he says about her. Her Dad took off with his secretary during her senior year of high school, and her Mom is still a mess over it six years later. She's so depressed; she can't work or do anything. Suzy works as a waitress, takes care of her, and pays all the bills. Some would feel sorry for her, but honestly, though, she's a real piece of work. She is always throwing herself at him, trying to win him back; it's pathetic! He feels bad about her situation, so he just tries to be nice." I think about that night at Stags when Dylan asked how her Mom was. I can see this all unfolding. I just hope he doesn't still have feelings for her. While I'm deep in thought about the whole Suzy situation, Brie asks, "What are you going to do about Aaron?" "I'm not even going to call him back. I'm just going to leave it alone. I have no desire to get back with him." "Thank God! You are way too good for him," She says. As we pull up in the drive and walk inside, Aunt Las is sitting on the sofa watching a movie when we come in. Steel Magnolias... classic. We hang with her for a bit until the Ambien kicks in, then she stumbles up the steps to bed. After she goes to bed, we hear a knock at the front door. Brie looks at me, eyes wide. "Ahh, someone has come to kill us!" she yells as she hops up to answer the door. I burst out laughing, "I got your back, sis." I can hear Brie groan from the entryway, "Colie, it's for you! Hey s**t head, what do you want?" "I came for my woman, back up!" he says. Realizing its Dylan, I get up and strut into the entry, "Hey stud," I say shyly; I begin to blush as he stalks towards me. Brie interrupts, "Hey Dylan, you know we ran into Suzy tonight at the pizza parlor; she says hi." I bite my bottom lip to hold back laughter. He stops and turns towards her, shaking his head, "God, what the f**k did Suzy do now?" "Oh, you know, just being her old charming self as usual," Brie says sarcastically. He snorts, "I can imagine. Laurel's very own Queen of Drama! She's a mess." He continues towards me. Brie clears her throat to interrupt, "You know, I'm beat! I think I'll turn in. Good night you two," She says while giving me a side wink as she passes to run up the steps. He comes up to me, putting his arms around my waist, and picks me up. I yelp as he lifts me effortlessly off the ground, "Where did your fine ass go tonight looking like that? How many men am I going to have to fight off now?" he asks before he sets me back down. I put my hands on his chest, "Brie and I went to Max's Pizzeria tonight. We have some leftovers; do you want some?" He contemplates a minute before answering, "Yeah, that sounds good. I haven't eaten dinner." I take his hand, "Okay, follow me; I'll heat you some pizza." He follows me as I lead him to the kitchen table. He sits down as I heat the pizza, grab something for him to drink from the refrigerator, and sit down next to him. He begins to eat the pizza as he places his hand on my thigh. God! All he has to do is put his hand on me, and I'm like putty in his hands. I reach up and scratch his back while he finishes up his pizza. Once he's done, I put his plate and glass in the dishwasher, "Thanks for dinner, babe." "Yeah, that's no problem." He takes my hand, "Come out and sit on the porch swing with me." I follow him out onto the porch, and we sit down on the swing. The air is nice and cool tonight, with no humidity. He places his hands on my thigh, moving it up to my groin. I spread my legs a little further for easier access. He leans over and kisses my shoulder, "Straddle me," He orders. I cast a side grin at him, "Come on, baby, straddle me," He orders once more while pointing to his package. Without hesitation, I stand up and begin to lower myself onto him. "Wait, hold up," He says as he lifts his hand to stop me. I stand there, waiting in anticipation for his next move. He reaches out to unbutton my shorts. Oh, God, what is he doing? I stand there, hands on my hips, "Now come here," He directs. I lower myself onto him as he takes his hand, slipping it down through my shorts, and rubs the outside of my panties. He then pulls out his hand and reaches up to untie the back of my top, freeing my t**s. He buries his face between my t**s as he slips his hand down my shorts, beneath my panties, and inserts a finger through my slit, massaging my flower. Oh, God, I feel like I could pass out. The man with magic fingers. I'm a nervous wreck that someone may see us, but I'm like putty in his hands. He notices how aroused I am getting, so he begins to kiss and suck on my n*****s. Slow and sweet torture with his tongue and his finger. I wrap my hands around his neck and whisper, "Don't ever stop!" I plead. I can feel his body tense beneath me as he slips two fingers into my slit, thrusting them in and out of my p***y. I tilt my hips slightly as I bury my face into his neck while riding his fingers. My abdomen tenses as he hits the sweet spot, and I lace my fingers through his mane, leaning into him as I hit my c****x. As I relax, he pulls his fingers out, putting them up to his mouth, and licks the arousal off, "I never get tired of peaches." I cover my face and howl with laughter, "Oh my God, you always do that." He puts his hands out, "What? It's the highlight of my night to get a taste of you." I stare down at him in awe. God, he's so fuckin sexy and knows exactly what buttons to push to make me beg for more. My legs are like Jell-O now; I attempt to stand, but I'm a bit discombobulated at the moment. He places his hands on my hips to steady me as I stand while I get my bearings and button my shorts. Then I spin around to sit on his lap, "Would you mind tying me up, baby?" He snickers, "Hmmm, now there's a thought." I cover my face as my cheeks flush while he ties my halter top. After he fixes my top, I reach back to rest my arm around his neck. He wraps his arms around me as I lay across his lap, "Boy, you are just full of surprises, aren't you?" He gazes up at me, "Honey, you have no idea." I kiss him on the forehead, "You are so good to me. Such a gentleman. Always so pleasing." "You should stay with me Saturday night," He blurts out. I contemplate for a moment before answering, "I don't know, Dylan, people talk..." He interrupts me, "Let them talk, who cares. I just want my woman next to me when I wake up." I lace my fingers through his hair and tickle his ear, "Okay, I'll stay with you. No panties, right?" "That's my only request." "Okay, I'll throw them all out." "Sounds like a plan," He responds jokingly. We sit there cuddling for a few minutes on the swing. He reaches up to rub my back, "Well, I'd better head out before Lori wakes up and shoots me." "Okay, call me about tomorrow when you want to go to the festival. I know Brie and Aunt Las are going too. Let me know about the driving arrangements if you want to pick me up or if you want to meet you there." "Oh, I'm picking you up. You aren't leaving my side. Sorry, I may just throw you over my shoulder and carry you around all night," He says jokingly. I playfully smack his chest. Then I lean down and kiss him on the lips, "I'm going shopping with Brie and Maggie in the morning, but I'll be back before you come to get me." He reaches up and scratches his chin, "Make sure to wear a dress and no panties for me." I roll my eyes at him, "Okay, babe, whatever you say." I lift myself off him. He stands up and kisses the top of my head before walking down the porch steps, "Bye, beautiful. See you tomorrow." "Bye, baby!" I respond before going inside. I decided not to mention anything about Aaron. I think maybe I'll just keep this to myself for now.
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