Chapter 24

2075 Words

Chapter 24 Emilie led the way along the train tracks, scanning the wall with her glasses as she walked, the camera-destroying device clutched in one hand like she might need to throw it at any time. Scout followed behind, Emilie’s heavy bag of tools over her shoulder. She had left the lens in place over her left eye even though the eye strain was giving her an ever-worsening headache. She didn’t want to walk blind. Geeta, bringing up the rear with the grappler in her hands, was going to be blind the moment they started down the shaft. If that thought bothered her at all, she didn’t show it, just walked on with her mouth one thin grim line. Emilie climbed up into another shaft hidden in the shadows between two closer-than-normal supports, and Scout surmised there must be quite a number o

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