
1266 Words
I feel bad about what is going through my mind. Jaden says, “Are you sure you want to tell her? How are we going to about telling her that her soul has to be yours soon?” I shrug and shoot back, “I don't know. We could start by explaining the world we live into her. Then explain what it has to do with her.” He rolls the thought around for a moment before grinningly replying, “Okay. Let's go step by step first. It will help.” I nod and pull open the door to my room. Jaden lets Kie know we are in my room. Kie and I sit on my bed and Jaden on the floor by the door. “Okay, I’m sure we're going to butcher this, but do you remember Jaden talking about demons? Or anything about my life away from the house?” She nods. “Good, okay...Well, first you should know that Jaden and I are soulless. We gave up our souls for one thing or another. I can tell you my story, but you'll have to listen and wait to ask questions.” She nods again. Here it goes: “It was about five years ago that I moved here with my family. We had wanted a quiet place to live at for a while. See we have powers or gifts or curses...whichever you would like to call them,” I take a breath before continuing in a factual tone, not giving anything away, “I had control over mine and I had a lot of ‘gifts.’ Things go weird around me. I would lose control of my emotions and throw things without touching them. Or at night I would communicate with my family without talking. So, we moved as far out on the middle of nowhere that we could find.” “Anyway, I started school late and ran into Jaden one day. He and I became friends and then one night I was sleeping off a migraine when I woke up to find Trinity gone. But I found a note on my chest. It said that I had to meet with someone alone to get her back. So, I went to get Trinity but...I had to make a bargain for her. He, Rade, wanted my soul. Said I would be happy, live forever, wealthy beyond my imagination, and so many other things. But all I asked for was for my friends and family to never be harmed because of me. So, he took my soul and I became his eternal whipping boy to toy with.” I take a deep breath and continue. “I traded for my sister and gave my soul up. From that point on, I have been a disobedient slave and punished ever since.” “Why,” she starts, “did Rade want your soul?” “Because the Meister told Rade that I was his, he says, ‘He’s destined to be with you’ and I’m quoting.” “I’m sorry that they have done this to you for years.” I smile at her and murmur, “Thanks.” Kie asks, “Can Jaden tell me his story?” “I don't care. If he wants to tell you, he can.” She turns her head in the direction of the door, “Please? If you wouldn't mind, can you tell me your story?” “Sure. I’ve been with Rade for ten years. I was on the verge of making the worst mistake of my life, suicide. My life was horrible. My father was an abusive drunk, my mother was abusing me in every way imaginable. They had five kids after me and they both had five kids each before they married. Rade had walked by when I was standing at the edge of the bridge wondering, thinking...feeling and he talked me down. Rade took me to his place and explained everything, about him, me, this world, his world. I was about eight when this happened. The thought that there were demons and other supernatural creatures were out there. It made me excited. When he told me what he wanted in return for my happiness and that I might be able to protect my family. My soul. I agreed. Rade never attacked me without warning or reasons.” He shrugged. Kie looked at Jaden’s direction for a few minutes digesting. She adopted a thinking face. “Why are you telling me this? What does this do with me?” I trade a quick glance with Jaden. He shakes his head. I nod mine. He sighs defeated. Jaden doesn't want to fight with me. “Well, Kie, Meister wants me to obtain your soul. I have to agree, or the punishment is...unbelievable. But it's your choice. I’ll support your decision either way.” She nods, distracted. “Okay, I’ll give you my soul. But I want to know what it fully means. Will you tell me?” “Sure. Let's start at the beginning. First, we do a ceremony in front of my ‘master’ and one witness. You would have to drink a potion that ties you to me. Then we must physically tie you to me within the year. However, and whenever, you want.” “What do you mean physically?” Kie asks. “Just a touch would do. But we would have to do it with a few words and a witness.” “Really? Just a simple hand holding would work?” “Yes,” I say after nodding and remembering that she can't see. She looks in my general direction. “Kie, this is up to you. I would never force you to be tied to me. I swear to you. Take a few days or so and think about it. Don't rush the decision. If you have any questions, ask. Please. I don't want you to hate me because you think I forced myself onto you.” “Okay.” Kie gets up and leaves with a thoughtful face. I lay down and Jaden comes over to me. “Ziruk told you to get her at all costs. He also told you to not fall for her before the ceremony, but it's too late isn’t it? What did he threaten you with?” “A lifetime of hell.” He sucks in a breath and nods before Jaden leans back against my headboard. Five days later, Kie walks into my room to check on me. She lightly runs her hands over my wounds. When she’s done, she sits with me. She starts talking, “I’ll do it, but you get to choose the place and time.” “We have to do it at my ‘master’s’ house, and we must give about a week’s notice. So next Saturday.” She nods and walks out of my room. As she passes the threshold, Meister, Ziruk, becomes visible. “You, boy, don't learn very quickly do you? You fell in love with her even after I threatened you with hell.” He tsks at me then puts his hand on me, burning my shoulder. I arch up to stop myself from screaming in pain. Ziruk flashes us to his bedroom. He ties me spread eagle in the middle of his bed and flashes my clothes off and walks out.
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