
1116 Words
I get a good feel of Chris’ wounds and then I walk over to Jaden. I pull on his arm to get his attention and ask him to walk with me really quick. I lead him into the living room. “Is it empty?” I ask. “Yes, its empty. What’s wrong?” “I’m worried that if left unchecked, Chris’ wounds may get an infection. But as I heard earlier, it wouldn't kill him. Just hurt a whole heck of a lot. So, I need to know what was used to brand Chris. And I will need a large bowl of warm water, a lot of towels, and the herbs Aloe, Bee balm, Bay, Chamomile, and Witch Hazel. Please...I will need your help with the application of all of these treatments.” “Ok, but what about his sisters? Are you going to give them something to do? Or are you just going to make them leave and do something else while we help Chris?” “I have something for them to do. I’ll have them go boil some water and get his room cleaned.” “Ok, thank you. I have no idea why he tortured Chris. I’ve said his name since I meet him.” “Yes, well, if he was just what you said and Ziruk is his father, he was probably trying to show Chris who was the most dominate.” Jaden reaches out and squeezes my shoulder in gratitude before walking off to get everything I asked for. I go to the kitchen and say, “Rin, Mae, I need you to boil some water and clean Chris’ room so that he can lay on fresh sheets. When you’re done, come back, and let me know but the room must be spotless and sterile. Ok?” They nod their agreement and walk out of the room. Chris says, “Thank you. For helping distract them. What do you need me to do?” “I need you to set in a chair and let me help you. I’ll also need to wait for Jaden to get back to help.” “Ok.” So, we wait, Trinity brings in the boiling water before Jaden walks back into the kitchen. “I have it all. Do you need anything else?” I nod, “Can you help me? Be my eyes?” “Sure. What do I need to do first?” “Wash your hands in hot water with soap then get a bowl and some of all the herbs that I sent you for.” I hear him putter around for a few minutes before he touches my shoulder. “Ok, I need you to put some of the boiling water in the bowl and then in your hand get a leaf of Chamomile and let it seep for a minute. Then, I will need you to tell me which wound is the worst.” “Ok, Chris,” Jaden says, “Pull your shirt off...your back.... where he whipped you, did he use Demon Iron barbed wire?” “Yes. All the wounds were made from some kind of weapon that was made from Demon Iron.” I hear Jaden suck in his breath. “Jaden, I need you to keep calm. How bad is it? His back?” “It's in stripes even after a week of recuperation.” “Ok. Is the tea brewed yet?” “Yep.” “Good. Chris, I need you to drink the tea. It’ll help you stay relaxed.” “Okay,” I hear him slurping the drink. “Okay, Jaden I need you to take some of the boiled water, bee balm, and bay. Crush the leaves and pour them into the water slowly while you stir it.” He mutters, “Okay.” “Now, when that’s done it should be a thick paste. You will need to rub it into the lacerations on his back. It will have to be a light coat.” I wait a few minutes for Jaden to finish with my instructions. I pace the room and focus on smelling and listening to the environment around me. “Okay, done. What next?” Jaden asks a few feet to my left. “You will need to put aloe on the burns. And when you get to the branding mark let me know.” It takes him almost twenty-five minutes to finish with the burns. I feel close to crying for Chris because it seems as if he’s so used to pain he can't cry for himself anymore. When Jaden is done, Chris walks over to me and touches my shoulder. “I'm fine. Even untreated, the wounds would have healed, and I wouldn't have died. Thank you.” I smile in his direction. “Go sit down. Jaden, I need you to apply lots of aloe to the brand. Then, Chris, I need you to drink some more chamomile tea.” I continue pacing. This time it last for ten minutes. I want to see what is being done to him. Really, I do. But I’m afraid of what I would see. “I can read your thoughts, Kie. If you really want to see, I can help you. However, I would rather you didn't see. I don't want you to cry for me,” his pain-filled voice comes from the direction of the kitchen bar. I nod, “I want to see but I’m afraid to see what happened to you. I’m also sad for you. You can't even cry for yourself, even though it has to hurt you to have help.” “I know. It's become part of my life. I don't feel it anymore. I’m grateful that you want to help me.” I smile at him. Then, I look in Jaden’s general direction, “Have you got the burns cleaned?” “Yes.” “Okay, good. Now I need you to take the Witch Hazel and rub it on the cuts.” He putters around for a minute before he starts rubbing in the ointment. It takes Jaden fifteen minutes, while I pace the room again, before I feel Chris’ hand on my shoulder. “I'm fine. Why don't we go talk in my room for a little bit? And Jaden has to go with us. We have a few things to talk about.” I nod and follow him to his room.
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