10 years later - Rhys

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Rhys pulled the car up outside Davenport High. He was giving a talk to the year 11's on how to set up their own business and what qualifications they would need to get to where he is today. He looked over the hall of crowded hormonal teenagers spotting her, her dark curled hair sat on her shoulders, her green eyes sparkled and she sat next to a guy with highlighted hair, his glasses tinted. She was nudging him to pay attention, he had to get to know this girl. Once the lecture was over, it was over. It was time to go to their next lesson. Addison dropped his arm over her shoulder; she nudged him; he was way too protective towards her; she had never dated because of her brothers' over-protectiveness. She hated him for it. Most of the time she was glad of it, especially with the play boys in their year, ie: his friends. "When are you gonna let me date Lily?" "Like never dude." "Come on Addi, I'll take good care of her." "No offence, Gray, but you're a hoe." They all laughed going to their last lesson. He stood outside the gates hoping she'd be alone. He looked up as she walked alone. At least the guy from before wasn't with her. "Hey sweet cheeks." He said, smiling. "You talking to me?" She questioned him. "Well, there are no other pretty flowers around but you." "Is that the best pick up line you can come up with?" "First thing that came into my head." He smiled. "I thought so." She looked at him. "Rhys Hemmingway and the beautiful flower I am talking to?" "Lilly Evans." "Well, it's nice to meet your acquaintance Lily Evans." She blushed. "So where is your boyfriend?" "Hugh?" "The guy with the glasses." She giggled, what was so funny? "He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother." she giggled, hysterically. "Oh I'm sorry you just looked..." "Oh that's his way to keep predators away." "Am I a predictor?" "To him, yes." "And to you?" "I don't know you." "Maybe we could arrange that." "Maybe another time I have to get home we're having a guest for dinner." "Shoot. I have to be with my father in an hour. I'm meeting his extended family." He leaned forward, pecking her cheek. "Maybe we can finish this another time? I really like you Lilly and I'd like to get to know you." She nodded flustered. "Soon Lily Evans." He said, turning and walking over to the bmw getting in driving away. Her heart thudded as she walked away. The knock came to the door Jayden answered. "Rhys please come in." He nodded stepping in and Jayden closed the door. "Taylor is getting the dinner ready and it will be done soon." He smiled. "Lily and Addison are up stairs doing homework so they say. They'll be down for dinner. They hide in their rooms a lot, especially where their friends are here.'" He nodded. "Put your jacket there." Jayden, said pointing to the cost stand. Rhys slipped out of his jacket putting it on the coat stand. Lilly bounced down the stairs staring straight at Rhys. "And this is Lilly, she's the quiet one. Lilly meet my son Rhys." He smiled putting his hand out. "Nice to meet you again Lilly." "Y..y.you too." she said, shaking his hand. "You've already met?" "We have. I was at her high school earlier to entice the year eleven's into taking up a business qualification and degree to help them get into the business world." "I bet that was interesting." "It was." He said finally dropping her hand out if his. "Come through, Addison will be down once he's hungry." They followed Jayden through to the lounge he leaned forward whispering in her ear, sending tingling sensations through her entire body. "This doesn't change anything I want get to know you." He said moving away. She swallowed what was this guy's game? If he had one. "Rhys, this is Izzy she's almost three she's my youngest step daughter." He smiled; he never knew how colourful his extended family's life was up until now. The three year old smiled at him, hugging him. "Izzy this Rhys, remember I talked to you about him?" She nodded and smiled she was so sweet. Addison walked into the lounge in his reflection glasses, he'd now changed out of his uniform and into something more comfortable, a pair of big ass jeans that hung from his hips and a skull tee-shirt. "Addison I'd like you to meet my son Rhys." He looked at the twenty something year old man, his hair messy and tanned. He grunted. What was wrong with this guy seriously? "What did the school say about your manners towards others?" "Sorry. It's nice to meet you." He said, holding his hand out. 'You too." I said shaking it. Gee his grip was tight for a kid. He inched closer, taking into my ear. "If you go anywhere near my sister you'll regret it." He said, pulling away. Gee he had issues. Lilly was right; he was way over protective. "Addison will be moving in with his father after school has finished and he is training him up to be the next CEO in Leigh enterprises.' I nodded impressed it was a big firm and one of our competitors. I personally couldn't wait to give him a run for his money. "Guys it's done." We all went into the dinning room and sat down to the roast dinner and talked about our families and friends. I thanked them for the meal. Jayden asked Lilly to escort me out. I smiled. I'd get this girl if it took me all damn year. "Well it was a nice surprise to see you again so soon.' "It was. May I ask what the deal is with your brother?'" "Oh he's just a little over protective. He has been since we went into high school. He thinks he has to protect me from every boy that talks to me." I nodded. "And your father?" "Oh." "Sorry if it's a sore subject." "No it's fine really. He's just my dad. Addison has always leaned towards our dad, they have always been close since he was allowed to see us again." "Must've been bad." "I guess, mom never talks about it." I nodded. "Maybe one day she will." "Maybe. I know she's not happy with Addi's decision to move in with him, but he's sixteen and he has his mind set on it." "And you?" She shook her. "Not a chance. I love my dad, but he's not my mom. She is amazing." "I understand." "It must be hard on you to just meet your dad after all of these years." "Well that's life I guess. Mom was going to tell me when I turned sixteen but s**t happens." "It sure does." I smiled. "I'll pick you up after school okay. We can get to know one another." "Are you sure? I mean." "I'm not scared of your brother Lily and you shouldn't be either." He opened the car door, slipping in. "Tomorrow okay." 'Okay." He smiled, closing the door before pulling away. "I don't like him." She jumped. 's**t Addi. A little more warning next time." "I still don't like him." "He's Jayden son Addi, try for him." "I'll try, I'm not promising anything. "Okay." She sighed. He dropped his arm over her and they walked into the house closing the door. "I wish you'd change your mind and come with me when I move into dads." "I want to stay here Addi." "Who's going to protect you when I'm gone?" "I can take care of myself Addi." "And all the predators?" "They're not predators. Addi you just think they are. I can make my own mind up. Addi you have your life to you can't keep protecting me." "I can try." ~ The knock came to the door Taylor opened it, his long hair hung over his face he'd grown a goatee since she'd last seen him. "Tyler." "Tay.' He said bringing her in for a hug. 'How's things?' "Good." "Glad to hear it." He said, pulling away from their hug Tyler and Jayden still didn't see eye to eye, but he knew how Taylor felt about him even though Brandon had separated them out of pure jealousy he knew one day they'd be no longer once Jayden had been released from prison they all reckoned Brandon was behind it though it was hard to prove he was cause he was behind bars and those that worked for his company had chose to keep quiet. "You look good Tyler,I like the new look." He laughed. "Been too busy to shave it off." "So hows work been treating you?" "Busy as per. May I come in?" "Yeah sorry." He smiled and stepped in. Taylor closed the door. "So where's my little Princess?" "I'm the lounge playing." He smiled. "Come through we don't bite." She giggled. He smiled how he missed her giggle it had fantasised him since he had first met her and they had made friends, he was glad that they could still be that after Brandon had twisted everything to his advantage god he hated that prick and now could never understand why Addison wanted to move in with him when he had a perfect home her with his mother and Jayden, though he and Jayden never saw eye to eye he'd always taken care of Taylor and her kids his and that he was truly grateful for. He walked into the lounge. Izzy was on the floor playing with her dolls and a unknown guy he'd never seen before. She looked up and smiled. "Dad."She jumped up diving init him for a hug. He kissed her forehead. "Good morning princess, are you looking forward to our trip?" "Yes are we still going?" "We are a promise is a promise and I never go back on my promises. I know how much you wanted to go there so I booked it up a few months ago and booked the time off work. So, we have a whole week together and four days at Disneyland." "I'll love you dad.' "I love you too honey." "Oh Tyler, this is Rhys Jayden's son." 'Wow, I have missed a lot." "You sure have." Rhys pulled himself up off the floor. Tyler held his free hand out whilst his other was wrapped around Izzy. "I'm Tyler, Izzy's dad." "Nice to meet you." Rhys said, shaking his hand.
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