Brandon & Tyler

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I paced around the cell. He had to do something, he had to get her away from that conceited arrogant bastard who'd turned her against her so he could have her to himself, with me out on the way, he could make his move on my girl. I don't care what she said, she was still mine. MINE! "Gee bran stop pacing, you're wearing a hole in the floor." "Sorry Dim." "Is this about your bird, again?" "Yeah." "I'm sure she'll be fine man." "I doubt it." "You really think he'll get his claws into her, don't you?" "I know he will, you won't see the slimy jackass when she invented him to dine with us and how smug he was when he was there the day she threw me out." "You should've thought with your brain not your d**k, Bran, it gets you into all sorts of s**t, believe me." "I know I f*****g regretted as soon as I was sober." "Well, that's a start, I guess." "I need to do something to get him away from her." "I'll help. I know a few people, but I may take time. Bran just trust me okay." "I do." 1 year later. "Mr Jayden Mathews." "Yes." He said, looking at the police officer. 'I'm here to arrest you for perjury against this company." "What? This is my company. Why the f**k do I need to steal from it?" He pushed the cuffs on Jayden's wrists. "You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you say may be taken in defence in the court of law.' "I didn't do it, I swear." They pushed him forward. Taylor looked nervously at him. "I didn't do anything baby. I swear I'll sort this out and find out who did this. I'll be home soon, I promise baby." They pushed him out of the office, tears slipped down her face, everyone staring as he was pushed through the building, his wrists cuffed behind his back. Staff members whispered, some accusing him, others defending him. Taylor was at a loss. She knew he wasn't capable of such a crime. But someone was there and she needed to find out who. The door of the police car opened and he was shoved into the back before driving away. "It's done, Bran, now all we have to do is wait." He nodded, knowing he'd owe his cellmate a favour. And he had, six months later, he'd managed to get them both out on parole another year and he'd be out for good. He grinned when he found out the outcome from Jayden's court hearing he'd been given 10 years for perjury. He grinned evilly. His cellmate's plan had worked. Now all he had to do was get Taylor's trust again so they could be together, which was going to price harder than it looked. ~ It had been sometime since I had seen Taylor. I knew she was going through a lot after what had happened to Jayden. I had an idea who was behind it. I think she did too. Once Jayden knew who had put him behind bars he'd regret the day he'd ever come between them, then the tables would be turned for sure. I joined Smith Inc. as I understood he'd handed his title over to Taylor till he got out of prison, which wouldn't be anytime soon if what Brandon had insulated stuck. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I swallowed. I hadn't heard her sweet voice for a while. I straightened myself up, taking a deep breath before entering the large office which was now shared with Taylor and her P.A. She looked up and smiled. "Tyler." "Taylor." "Come over, let's take a look at you." I smiled and walked over. I was proud to call her my friend. She had grown up in these past six years and she was still as hot as hell. I had to control myself to let her know I believed in her and I believed Jayden. We walked towards each other, meeting each other half way, engulfing each other in a hug. God she smelt divine. Get a grip, Tyler, shes your friend and that is all you'll ever be. "You look well Ty." "So do you Tay. I must say this new you suits you well." We broke our hug. "Let's sit down." I nodded and followed her to her desk. We sat opposite each other. "So how have you really been, Tay?" "Getting there, thanks for your concern Ty, but I'm doing fine really. I have to be, for the sake of the twins and make sure this place doesn't go to the shittier." I nodded. "So how are the twins?" "Good they are doing really well at school though they keep asking where Jayden is. I can't keep lying to them, because they're clever kids.' "I'm sure you won't have to. He'll be out sooner than you know it." "I hope so." "I believe him, Tay. I know I didn't like the dud much when I met him, but he makes you happy. I can see that, and I for one second don't believe he would take money from his own company." "Thanks Ty, that means a lot." Her phone rang. "Let me just get this. Jayden's lawyer is meant to be calling it his hearing today." I nodded. She picked up with brief words and a little conversation. "Oh I see thanks for letting me know." She put the phone down, her face poised and unreadable. "Is everything okay?" She burst into tears. I pulled myself up and went around the desk. Wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped her arms around me, continuing to cry. "I'm here for you Tay." "The verdict came back Ty." "Oh. And what was it?" I gulped, hoping she was crying happy tears and not sad ones. "It came back as guilty Ty. He has ten years." I did not expect that. "What am I going to do, Ty?" "I'm here for you, Tay. Whatever you need help with, I'll give it to you. I promise we'll get you through this." "Thanks Ty." "Anything for you angel." I said, kissing her forehead. At the time, I wasn't aware that things would progress between us over the years we were going to spend together as our firms became one. ~ 10 Years Later Taylor My life is finally on the mend and Brandon has finally decided that we were not meant to be; we are working through everything that has happened in the last ten years after his failed custody attempt. Well, a few actually. After a long, hard ten years, Jayden has been in prison after false allegations of perjury to his own company. He is finally out of prison after his five-year sentence. At that time, me and Tyler got together for a short period of two years and we have a daughter together. Brandon ruined any chances we had of staying together. Brandon, after two years away, decided to come back and make my life hell, which I with the decision of me and Tyler going our separate ways he still sees his daughter time to time as he is a CEO of Hemingway's plc in the city and is a highly demanding position. He always manages to make time for Izzy. She is his world next month. He is taking her to DisneyLand Paris for her fourth birthday. I am now six months pregnant with Jayden's baby. We were so excited when we found out he'd be the perfect father, though he had never told me all about his life before we met, there were still a lot of secrets and one had just hit us straight in the face. He had a son, one he'd never mentioned before. He's five years older than Lily and Addison, which makes him 21. He came to the office a month ago demanding to see Jayden. The horror on both our faces when he told Jayden was his father. I know Jayden had a past, a relatively colourful one, but I didn't expect that he'd dated Rhys's mother when he was around twenty before he became the CEO of Colten Enterprises. The paternity test had come back as he was Jayden's son. We hope he is his only son. We didn't need any more skeletons coming out of the closet. We had invited him to dinner unaware that he had already, me Lily,
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