Exams are a headache: The Date

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Lilly and Addison had their exams this week and there forth till the end of July and they would be finally free of high school and would be on there way to college they'd a;ready been accepted into the city college Lilly would be doing business and Addi would be doing law before they both went into the big wide world. Addi would be joining their father at his company which Lilly had refused point blank. She had no intention on working with the man who had made her other unhappy all those years ago and had almost destroyed her relationship with Jayden and had officially destroyed anything that her mother and Tyler could've had all they had to show from their broken relationship was Izzy who was looking more and more like her father day by day. They had spent four days in Disneyland Paris she'd been so excited before leaving she had been sick the whole night and Taylor had to calm her down. She would be turning four soon and would be off to school in September to begin reception class with all of her friends that she had made from nursery. Tyler had picked her up on Friday night for their four day trip to Disneyland Paris and she would be returning Tuesday as their flight would be at night and she would be spending her last night at his bachelor pad. He had no care for women since Taylor; he was just happy to spend time with his daughter. He and Jayden were never best of friends but they had called a truths for Taylor and the kids and it was working well in both of their favours. She returned from Tyler's Wednesday night so she could go back to school on the Thursday which was a complete waste of time, but she wanted to tell all her friends what she had done whilst she had been there. She'd told her mom, Jayden and her siblings what she'd been doing there in the four days she was there. She'd met all of the princess's and all of the characters from Mickey Mouse to Aladdin, her eyes sparkled when she was reenacting everything including the shows and fireworks. She'd told the story almost a thousand times in the few days she was back giving everyone a headache. Taylor and Jayden had thanked Tyler for taking her; he told them it was no need to thank him. He was just glad he got time to spend time with his daughter cause one day she wouldn't be so little and she'd want to go off and do her own thing. They all agreed and were all hoping that day wouldn't come too soon. They just wanted her to stay a little princess forever but they knew that was never going to happen. Lilly and Addison had met their friends and walked into school for their exams. "So how are you feeling?" "Nervous." "You'll do fine sis your brainy." "Says the genius." She grinned. He sloughed. "You put yourself down too much sis." "He's right Lily you'll ace it." "I hope so." The head of the highschool came out of the hall. "Right everyone your candidate number is on the table so find it quickly, get out what you need and the next set of instructions will be given you. And good luck." "At least he didn't say be break a leg." Evan chuckled and they all walked into the hall trying to find their seat sitting down getting out their pens, pencils and rulers. "Right Everyone the exam is two hours long, answer all the questions the best you can, no talking if you do you'll be escorted out and you'll get a zero grade. Off you go." The exam was long and hard, the hall was full of silence until the teacher spoke again. "Right time's up so whatever you're doing stop and once your paper is picked up you may leave." The papers were picked up by various tutors and students left one by one. "So how do you think it went?" "Good I guess." Addi nodded and we waited for our friends for come out of the double doors and we left chatting about the exam and the ready to come and planned to meet up to revise This went on for the next few months. God exams are such a headache. The final exam was finally over, Rhys had showed up outside the highschool where Lilly snd Addison attendedm, and smiled. "What the hell is he doing here?" "I don't know Addi, just be nice to him." "I don't like him." "You don't like anyone Addi." "There's something about him sis you shouldn't get involved." "He's Jayden's son Addi, try for him if not me." "I don't think so, I've got to get going. I'm meeting the guys on the pitch for a kick about." "Sure. I'll see you later." "Later Lilly." "Later Addi." He said, before he jogged away cutting his eyes at Rhys. She walked up to him. He looked at her. "Why do I get the feeling your brother doesn't like me?" "He doesn't like anyone, don't let it bother you." He smiled. "So, why are you here?" His smile faltered. "I want to take you on a date." "Oh." "Don't sound so enthusiastic." "I'm sorry, I'm just shocked that's all. Are you sure you want to do that? Take me on a date I mean?" "Yeah sure, why wouldn't I?" "Your my stepbrother." "So what of I'm Jayden's son? We're not bound by blood. I like you Lilly and I'd like to get to know you more. So what do say go on a date with me if you don't like what you see then I'll leave you alone." "Fine." She sighed. He smiled."Come on then my car is there." He said, pointing to the Jaguar. She returned his smile, he opened the door and she slipped in, he closed the door and slit over the bonnet getting in, closing the door, he pulled away smiling at her nervousness. "Chill Lilly you don't need to be nervous around me." "I hardly know you.' "And that's exactly why we are going on this date, to get to know one another better.' He said, as he continued to drive. They pulled up in front of a cafe and got out of the car walking over to it would you like to have something to eat and drink? "Sure." "What would you like my treat." "So it should be considering you said it was a date." "So it is." He smirked. "I'll have a BLT and coke." "Sure." He ordered two cokes, one BLT and a BEST before they both sat down. He cleared his throat. "So, how long have you known my father?" "Oh.. me and Addi met Jayden when we were six. Mom worked for him, mom and dad were having issues he was jealous of Jayden" He laughed. "I know right. He thought mom was going to have an affair with him or something." "Is that what happened?" She shook her head. "No, the complete opposite. Mom and dad had an argument and he stormed out got bat s**t drunk and cheated on her." "Did she tell you that?" "No. I was an inquisitive six year old I heard mom and our grandparents talk she made them swear in no circumstances they must not give us to our father because he was a cheating asshole who couldn't keep it in his pants and if he could do that to his family he wasn't a father,' He nodded. "So when did my father get with your mother?" "Oh I'm not sure after the divorce I think. They were really close; we even moved into his mansion." "He had a mansion?" He asked, amazed. "Once upon a time yes." "So what happened to it." "Have you been told anything about your dad?" He raised a brow to question her. Explosive reunion. "Only what my mother has told me."
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