I want you

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6 months later Taylor's 16th birthday Taylor and Brandon had been dating for six months and she was surprised that he had stuck to his word of not cheating on her as she hadn't given her virginity to him. They'd met on a sunny day and had gone to the outdoor pool with slides. She loved it there and was glad he'd taken her there. After they'd had their hour there, they'd got out,gone into the separate changing rooms, dried and got dressed before heading to the pizza palace for an extra large margherita pizza and two large strawberry milkshakes. He took her hand in his and they walked slowly towards his house through the park, which was peaceful. The sun seeped through the tall trees and the birds chirping. They walked past the late lake skimming rocks across it before continuing their romantic walk to his home. She knew what was coming and she was dreading it. She knew if she turned him down he'd dump her or find someone that would and if she let him and gave in he'd leave her anyway, so it was a lose lose situation. He closed the door behind them, leading her up the stairs to his room. She'd been in his room many times and watched movies with him and helped him with his school work and done their projects together there, but never passed making out and touching. He'd already turned sixteen but he was no virgin like she was and she was scared, in fact, she was shitting herself. What if she wasn't good enough? What if he compared Eth to the other girls he'd screwed? With all these thoughts swirling around in her head, she felt nauseous. He pulled her down onto the bed. "Are you okay, Tay?" "I'm fine." "You don't look fine. What's wrong?" "Nothing." He smiled, moving forward. 'I know we haven't spoken about taking this to the next level but I'd like to be. We're both sixteen and I'd like it to be my special present to you." "Oh." He leaned closer. "I want this Tay so much. I've waited till I thought you were ready. I hope you are because I am." She looked at him nervously. Could she do that? Could she be another notch on his bedpost?" He pressed his lips on her, kissing her; she reluctantly kissed him back, he deepened the kiss, kissing her passionately, slipping his tongue into her mouth, lowering her down onto the bed. kissing her harder and harder. His hands slid up her body, going for her jeans. She backed off. "What's wrong, Tay?" "I..I can't do this." "Why not?' "I'm.. I'm." He looked at her. He knew she wasn't like the other girls who would just go to him for a f**k. She was different. He knew she'd never had a boyfriend and he was her first. And she knew she was a virgin. He took a deep breath. He knew what he had to do if he was to get anywhere with her, then the words just slipped out of his mouth."I promise I won't f**k off after I sleep with you. Tay I want to be with you. I promise I'll always be with you. I promise I'll never let you down and no one will get in our way. I want this Tay. I want us and I won't ever do anything to hurt you, I promise." "Are you sure? I mean?" "I promise Tay I'm yours and you're mine. No one will ever come between us and I'll never leave you. I want you Tay. And I just don't mean I want to f**k you, I want you Tay every inch of you every day, every night. There's no one else wants, I promise." He looked at her waiting for her to answer." "Okay." She sighed heavily. "Are you sure?" "Yes." He smiled, pressing his lips back on hers, kissing her passionately. Their clothes fell to the floor. He slipped her legs around him before he eased himself inside her, gently thrusting inside her. He began slowly, gradually upping the pace, thrusting deeper and deeper as she let out a soft moan making him thrust harder into her. She moaned louder as he came inside her. He collapsed on top of her talking into her ear. "I love you." Did she love him? Three months later. "Your what?' "Pregnant.' "Does he know?' "Yeah he followed me and he made sure he was there when I found out. He wants me to keep it." "He's doing this to spite you, Tay, so no other guy can get to you. So no one will ever look at you again. He's making sure everyone knows its his like he did when he put all those love bites over your neck and got you grounded." "I know." She sighed. Wow, she wasn't even going to argue it out. "I'm scared, Tyler, what if this isn't what he wants when it comes to the birth or he decides I'm not what he wants in a few months' time? I'll be all alone and taking care of a baby." He placed his arm around her. "I'm always here for you no matter what Tay." "Promise." "Promise." He said, kissing her brow. "I love you Tay, don't you ever forget that." "I won't." Brandon slipped his arm around her, kissing her. Cheek looking at Tyler. His jaw clenched. "You okay Ty?" "Perfect." "Come on Tay, we have class." He led her away from a vexed Tyler. "What's his problem?" She looked at him. "Did you do this to spite me?" "Do what?" "Get me up the duff?" "No, who told you that?" "No one." He looked at her. "You told Ty?" "He's my friend." "So, he's mine too. I thought we agreed to wait, so why the hell did you tell him?" "I was scared." "Ive already told you. I'm not going anywhere." 'Did you even use protection?" "Yes I did. I've already told you this." "So how the hell did I end up like this?!" She asked angrily. "It must've been out of date and split. Why would I lie to you?" "So, I didn't meet anyone else and so you could have me until you got bored and moved on." "I'll never get bored of you Tay. I love you." "Did you use anything?" "No." "Why the f**k not? Did you ever use a condom?" "Yes I did." "So why the sudden change of heart?" "Cause you were different, okay!" He said angrily. She stared angrily at him. She couldn't believe him, he'd planned this so she couldn't get out of it. Or had he just assumed it wouldn't happen the first time? They entered class. He dropped his arm from around her and they entered their class, sitting down. Toby walked up to them. Brandon looked at him. "Tob.." His fist connected with Brandon's face by punching. Him straight across his jaw. "What the f**k?" "You got my sister the duff?!" He said angrily. "Not here Toby." "We are doing this now. How could you be so stupid?" "It wasn't her fault Tob...It was.." He punched him again. "You did this to piss everyone off. Congratulations you succeeded. I got, I hope you're f*****g happy." "I am actually." He grinned. "You asshole." His fist shot forward. Tyler grabbed it. "He's not worth it Tob." "You best take care of my sister or I'll hunt you down and make you regret it!" PRESENT DAY "What are you thinking about?" "Not much, just the past." "Really." "Yeah, how Brandon blackmailed me to date him." "Really?" "Yeah, really." "Didn't think he was the type." "Well, if we hadn't pranked him I doubt he ever would." "How did you prank him?" She laughed, telling him the story of how they got her brother involved with trying to get Brandon off her back because she wasn't interested in him but it just fuelled him more to get her. He found out by pure coincidence that Cody was in fact her brother and not her cheating boyfriend, so he turned the events of that day against her to get her to date him so he'd keep his trap shut about Cody. "Wow, you are a dark horse.& "I know. You're the first person I've ever told. Please don't tell anyone." "I won't.' He looked at Taylor with a seriousness on his face.'But in all seriousness I think that you need to move on, Taylor. He made his choice and it was the wrong one in my opinion. You need to forget about the past, the one you had with him, and start living your life." "You know what you're right." "I am?" He asked, smiling. "Yes you are. It's about time I put that part of my life behind me and moved on. He doesn't deserve to have a place in my life and my heart anymore." He smiled, moving closer. Pressing his lips on hers, kissing her. She looked at him stunned, he'd been there with her every step of the way through all of this. "What was that for?' "I like you Taylor. I mean I really like you. I have since the first day you came into my office. I wanted to be more than friends with you but I had to hold back because of him. Now I don't have to anymore. I want you with me always. What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girl?" "I..." She said, speechless. Brandon had been right all along. Why did she not see the signs when he'd sat and listened to her as she broke down from her broken heart? Could she afford to end up with another bad boy? "You don't have to answer straight away. I can wait." "I don't know Jayden. I've just left one bad boy. I don't know if I can be with another." He smiled. "I'm not him Taylor, I grew up and out of everything that made me that person, all you need to do is trust me and we can be happy and get through all of this together. I want to spend the rest of your life with you." She smiled. "Okay, one chance and if you screw it up." "I won't I promise." He leaned forward, pressing his lips on hers, kissing her passionately, slipping his tongue in kissing her harder and harder. Pulling her closer to him, he continued to kiss her.
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