Be Mine

1700 Words
Brandon knocked on Taylor's door. He was hoping she'd be in and alone so they could talk after what happened at school. The door opened. He looked as shocked as Cody did. f**k he was about to get busted. "What the hell are you late doing here?" "I ehm." "Well. I'm waiting. First you cheated on Taylor and you are now at her house. What is the actual f**k?" "Cody honey, who is at the door?" "No one." "You brought your w***e to Taylor's house ?!" He asked angrily. "It's not what your thinking." "What is it then? You brought your w***e to Taylor's house after breaking her heart. You make me sick." Fuck here goes. "She's my f*****g sister, not my f*****g girlfriend." Brandon stood there dumbfounded. "Wh.. what?!" "You heard." "Who is it honey?" She said, coming to the door. She looked at Brandon. "Who's this Cody?" "This is Brandon. He's from Taylor's school." "Oh hi I'm Mia, Cody's fiancée." "Your his what?'' "Fiancée." "What about Taylor?" She laughed. "Haven't you told him yet?" "I did. Obviously, he's got something in between his ears." "She's his sister, darling, and you've been played." "I've been what?" "Played." "I.. I .." "It was all for show." "You were in on it?" "We all agreed to take a break. I'd had enough of feeling like the third wheel and whatever they were doing wasn't working cause you were still after her, so she decided to call it quits. They asked me to intervene to make it look like Cody had cheated on her with me." "Who's idea was this?" "Sorry I can't tell you." "Where is she?" "In town she wanted to clear her head." "Thanks.' He said jogging away. "Poor boy." "Poor Tay, once he catches up with her and confronts her." Taylor sat alone in the coffee shop. She'd left Cody and Mia half an hour ago cause he wanted to be alone with her to pop the question. She hoped she'd say yes. Cody deserved to be happy. She hadn't long met Mia but she could tell she was the right girl for him. "Hey Tay." He said, sitting next to her, taking her out of her thoughts. She looked up and his hair fell over his face. "Hey Brandon." "I went to yours to see how you were doing after what happened earlier at school. But your neighbour said you'd gone out. I looked everywhere and saw you there. I hope you don't mind me joining you." "No you're fine." "So how are you?" "Fine, I just can't believe he'd do that to me. He told me he loved me, how could he Bran? How could he bring her to my school and tell me he'd been cheating on me the whole time?" Tears slipped off her face. Just play along playing, he kept telling himself. He placed his arm around her, pulling her close to him. "Some guys are like that, Tay, not all of them, you just happen to find one of them, whenever you need to talk about it. Whenever Tay I'm here." "Thanks Bran." He smiled and kissed her forehead. They finished their coffees and left the cafe. He dropped his arm over her shoulders as they walked through the park talking and laughing. They stood outside her house. "Thanks for coming back here with me, Bran." "No problem babe anytime" She hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her. "Anytime you need me you know where I am." "Thanks Bran." They dropped their arms from around each other. "I'll see you Monday Tay." "Yeah, bye Bran." "Night Tay," he said, smiling, walking away. She closed the door behind her, Cody and Mia sat cuddling on the sofa. He looked at her. "Hey, sis you okay?" "Yeah, better thanks." "Did that guy manage to find you?" "Which guy?' "Brandon, he came here looking for you." Her face paled. "Wh.. who answered the door?" "Me. He was quite surprised. He went all hysterical, sorry sis I had to tell him the truth before it all got out of hand. Did he manage to find you?" "Yeah he did." "Good." "You told him?" "I did, didn't he tell you?" "No he never said anything, he just sat and let me cry and rant about you cheating on me." "Oh my god you gotta played by a player." Mia said. Fuck what was Monday installed for me ? I'm so f*****g dead. THE DATE Brandon leaned against the wall. She looked at him nervously. ‘I want you Tay, will you go out with me.’ ‘No.’ ‘I know everything, Tay, so you either go out with me or I’ll make your life a living hell. I’ll tell the whole f*****g school you were pashing with your f*****g brother.’ ‘Please Brandon, it just got out of hand.’ ‘And I’ll deal with anyone who ever thought something so ridiculous would stop me from pursuing you.’ He looked at her. ‘So what do you say ?’ ‘I can’t. I don’t trust you.’ ‘What if I promise I won't ever cheat on you Tay. Just give me one chance that all I need to prove to you I won’t cheat on you. Will you go out with me then?’ She looked over at Toby and Tyler, she’d told them she wasn’t interested in him. ‘Smile and laugh babe.’ She let out a short smile. ‘So will you be my girl?’ ‘Yes.’ she sighed. ‘That's my angel.’ He said, leaning forward.‘You won’t regret this Tay.' He said, kissing her neck, making her giggle. Tyler looked over, glaring at them. Toby loked. At him. I told you to make a move and you didn’t believe me. Now he’s got his claws in her.’ ‘Not for long.’ Taylor sat next to Tyler whilst they waited for Toby to get his lunch. ‘I thought you didn’t like him?’ ‘I don’t.’ ‘So what was that this morning with him?’ ‘Nothing.’ ‘He was all over you Tay.’ ‘Was he?’ ‘You know damn well he was. Are you dating him?’ She looked at Tyler, how could she tell him Brandon had blackmailed her? ‘I f*****g knew it. Every girl falls at his feet. Now you.’ ‘It’s not like that.’ ‘So how is it Tay?’ ‘Not like that. It’s not what you're thinking.’ ‘It’s precisely what I’m thinking, he sucked you in. Well it’s your funeral Tay, he’ll chew you up and spit you out.’ He said angrily.’ ‘Hey what’s with the faces?’ Toby inquired, sitting down, placing his tray down. ‘Ask your sister.’ ‘Okay.’ He looked at Taylor. ‘Please don’t tell me it’s true?’ ‘What’s not true?’ ‘You and Brandon. It's all over the school.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Is that all you’ve got to say, oh?’ ‘What do you want me to say, Toby?’ ‘I honestly don’t know. After everything we did to stop this, you go running into his arms.’ ‘It’s not like that, Toby.’ ‘So how is it?’ He questioned. She went to open her mouth. He sat down, dropping his arm over her shoulders, kissing her cheek. ‘Hey babe.’ ‘Bran.’ ‘What’s up?’ ‘Nothing.’ ‘So.. I was thinking, how’s about we go on a date tonight?’ Tyler choked and Toby grunted in disapproval. He glared at his friends, ignoring them. I’ll meet you at the end of school and we can go to the movies and grab something to eat. What do you say?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘I’m sure Toby can cover you. I won’t keep you out late, I promise.’ ‘Okay.’ She sighed.’ He smiled and turned her towards him. ‘You won’t regret it.’ She already was. He pressed his lips on hers, kissing her passionately. Moving away. ‘Later babe don’t forget.’ ‘I won’t.’ He pulled himself up and walked away. Tyler jogged up to him. ‘Hey Bran.’ He turned. ‘Ty.’ He pushed him with force against the wall. ‘He Ty what the f**k man.’ His eyes were dark and held anger within them. ‘You best not hurt Tay.’ ‘I won’t.’ ‘You best not or I’ll rip you apart.’ ‘I won’t. l like her, chill Ty and lose me.’ He let go of Brandon’s shirt and walked away. Geez what’s his problem? Brandon thought as he walked away. Taylor met Brandon outside the gates and he looked at her and smiled. ‘Ready to go?’ ‘Yeah.’ He smiled, throwing his arm over her shoulder before they headed away from the school into town, going to the cinema and grabbing a burger, fries and a shake afterwards, talking and laughing. They stood outside her house. ‘I really enjoyed tonight.’ ‘Me to.’ He said and leaned forward, pressing his lips on hers, kissing her passionately. He moved away. ‘I’ll see you at school Tay.’ ‘Sure night, Bran.’ ‘Night Tay.’ He said, walking away. She stepped into the house, closing the door. ‘So how was your date?’ She turned, her heart pounding into her chest. ‘s**t Cody, you scared me.’ ‘So how was it ?’ ‘Okay.’ ‘And here’s me thinking I’d knocked some sense into you and you weren’t going to enter any kind of relationship,.’ ‘It’s not like that?’ ‘So how is it, sis?’ ‘Not like that.’ ‘Is it that i***t that came round looking for you?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Be careful Tay.’ ‘I willI promise.’ ‘If he does anything to hurt you in any way, I’ll personally make sure he regrets it.’ ‘I know night Cody.’ ‘Night princess.’ ‘I’m not five anymore Cody.’ ‘I know, but you’ll always be my princess.’ She walked away heading upstairs to her room wondering if she, did the right thing getting involved with Brandon, but she reminded herself he blackmailed her into it. And he’d get fed up sooner or later, she hoped.
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