Chapter 9-3

2573 Words

“Yes. You are a vampire. Vampires stalk their victims.” I turned around, my feet stumbling as I back-pedaled. He laughed—probably at my antics. “No… Well, perhaps I am stalking you just a little bit.” He brought his finger and thumb together. I turned up the next walkway. He kept up with me. It unnerved me that I actually liked his “stalking” me. “So, that's how you kill these Dreadfuls” Jett asked as he strode up beside me. “You saw what happened,” I said, surging ahead of him toward a French window. I had a distinct feeling he was herding me in this direction. “The dagger recognized it as something evil. It knew the thing was there before either of us did, and so killed it.” I stopped at the door. I half-turned, unsure what to do if he kept coming. Would he cage me? Grab me? My heart

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