Chapter 10-1

2113 Words

Chapter 10In a heartbeat, I went from Drakulya's palace to standing in a dark, upright box no bigger than a coffin. Panicked, I felt around for an opening. There wasn't any. Terrified, I beat on the sides, turning and pounding until something gave. I tumbled out of the grandfather clock and into a dimly lit room with several tables and chairs, an old scuffed up wooden floor and a small black bar. The aroma of a rich stew and the strong yeasty smell of beer, and homemade bread filled me with a joy I could barely contain. I took in the six-foot bar, and the tall figure in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, wearing a black vest and jeans, standing behind it. Seated in his usual place, the short fellow with no arms turned to gape at me, and the panic drained right out of me. I was exac

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