Chapter 9-2

1955 Words

“It was Sabrina, here,” Jett explained, nodding toward me. “Uh—let's not go into details,” I cautioned, lifting a hand to stop him. “Who?” The young woman looked me over critically with her cherubic lips pursed in anger. I could see why Jett was attracted to her, but his philandering felt wrong to me, especially since he'd offered to kiss me in thanks. “Introductions are in order,” Jett said. “Sabrina, I'd like you to meet my fiancée, Princess Penelope of Targoviste.” “Hi… uh, how do you do?” I stuttered, trying to make a decent curtsy while hiding my discomfort. “Uh, I'll just leave you two alone.” I brushed past them on the narrow walkway. Jett tried to protest, but Penelope cut across him. “Is she a Breeder or a Blood Dame?” Her question would have stumped me if I hadn't had it exp

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