chapter 4 Break Up

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POV: Liam Last night I fell asleep watching the movie but woke up to dad shaking me awake. Haven had already gone to bed. I went to bed soon after. Now I lay here contemplating how I'm going to end this. By the was Have was glaring at me last night I think she knows. She was always good at reading the room. I don't want to end it on bad terms. It would be easier if she knew of our kind. I thought that maybe in the near future Haven could be my chosen mate but fate took over that one. I noticed the way she looked at dad during dinner. She has never looked at me like that. You could see she feels the mate bond but she doesn't understand what she's feeling. As much as I'd like to fight dad for her I won't. I get it. I want my fated just as much as he does. Dad has waited a long time for this. I should get up. Its nine o'clock. I get dressed grabbing my keys and wallet so I don't have to come back up here to get my things. I didn't bring a bag due to already having clothes here. When I get to the breakfast table I see dad is already there. Not really surprising since he wakes up at 6 am every morning. "Morning son." He greets as I sit down. He's just sitting there sipping on his coffee reading some stuff on his phone. Probably emails. He is very busy. "Has Haven woken up yet. I doubt it. She Normally wakes around 9:30 and ten. More so ten. It's nine thirty now. "No. She's still sleeping." He replies. "Yeah I figured. If you want her to wake up early you have to wake up sleeping beauty." I tell him. "Not a morning person huh." "Nope and she will not speak to you until she has had at least a cup of coffee." I tell chuckling. "What happens if you do talk to her?" He asks curious. "She'll make some kind of human version of a growl or she'll groan like a zombie." I answer. "So I take it she likes her sleep." Dad says. "Yes. Heaven forbid you wake her up. Thats a mission of its own. I've never seen someone sleep as hard as she does." I say. That girl wouldn't budge in a tornado. Haven then stumbles in the kitchen. "Good morning Haven." I say. She just makes a zombie like sound. "Need coffee" she grumbles. A maid hands her a cup. She looks at the cup like the maid was insane. She drinks it in like three gulps. "This is a really small coffee mug." She says groggy. "They're normal size coffee mugs." Dad comments. She glares at him. "Normal. Well I need an abnormal amount of coffee every morning." She says back. "She has some mugs that are bigger than this at home that she uses." I explain. "Do you want more?" Dad asks her. I already know dad is going to start limiting her coffee in take now. "Yes." She answers. She sits down at the table with us. "She eats her breakfast and drinks two more cups of coffee. Dad wouldn't let her have anymore after the third. She pouted after that. She was not happy. Dad didn't seem fazed by it. "I'll see you at lunch. I have a few phone calls to make." Dad says knowing full well I won't be here at lunch but he's not going to give away the he does. He walks off to leave me with haven to proceed with the plan. "Haven can I talk to you for a minute." I ask. I give her another cup of coffee in an effort to make this situation a little better. "Umm. Sure." She says nervous. I sigh deeply before I say, "Haven this has been great with you but I'm afraid things aren't going to work out." There I said it. Her eyes scrunch in confusion. "Is that why you brought me here to break up with me? Because you could have done that at home." She says feeling hurt. I see the tears start to flow down her face. I wish I could help her but what can I do. I don't know what else to say. "I really hope we can be friends." I say. "Friends? Why? You clearly don't like me." She says getting angry. "Haven thats not it at all and you will understand one day." I tell her. "Is it because i won't sleep with you?" She asks and i flinch feeling offended. "No! It's not. I would never be with a girl just for that." I yell. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. I see she is now shaking in fear like she's afraid. I close my eyes frustrated. "Look Haven I'm going home. My dad will take you home tomorrow." I tell her leaving. "It's done dad. I kind of yelled at her for accusing me of something so now she's scared." I link my dad. "OK. I'll meet you out front." He says ending the link. I make my way to my car where dad is waiting for me. "I guess she didn't take it well." He says. "Nope. She already has issues with men. This didn't help." I tell him. He nods. "We'll have to fix that." He mumbles. "Anyway I'm off. Just be careful around her. She scares easily." I warn him getting in to my car. "Drive safe." He waves. I guess its back to the drawing board for finding my mate.
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