Chapter 3: Dinner

1200 Words
POV: Haven I wake from a knock on the door. Liam cracks the door open slightly to see if I'm awake. "Hey." I say. He comes in. "Hey how was your nap?" He asks. "Fine. I had a weird dream." I tell him. I did have a weird dream. His dad was in it. I'm oddly finding myself attracted to him. I didn't even get his name. When I first saw him I was mesmerized. He is tall. He has pitch black hair and Hazel eyes. My eyes traced his whole body up and down. My dream had me doing so certain activities with him. I feel myself blush thinking about it. "Yeah? What was it about?" Liam asks me. I can't tell him I was having a dream about his dad especially the things he was doing to me and how much I enjoyed it in my dream. I wonder if s*x can really be that enjoyable. I wouldn't know. I'm just getting comfortable with kissing. Just the thought of it scares me. "Oh it was nothing. Just odd is all." Say avoiding the subject. He gives me a weird look. "OK. Anyway dinner is ready. Let's go eat." He says. I get up sliding my flip flops back on. "Hey Haven." Liam says stopping me from leaving the room. He hugs me and pulls back with both his hands on my arms. "I just want you to know. Whatever happens we'll always be friends." He says sadly. Friends? Is he? "Uh yeah. Sure." I say unsurly. I knew this was a bad idea. I'm not ready for this. He's going to break up with me. Was he just playing me this whole time? I feel like I want to go home now. How stupid could I have been. I knew better. Never trust a man. I follow him out forcing the tears back. I can't cry. Not in front of him. We walk into a dinning room where his dad is. His dad sits at the head of the table. Liam sits in the chair on his right, while I sit on the left of his dad. Three maids come in and serve our plates. Liam and his dad talk in conversation while I stay silent. Did I do something wrong for Liam to want to break up with me? Did he see the way I was looking at his dad. Could he somehow tell I was dreaming about him. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Is it because I'm not ready to sleep with him? Why bring me here if he had planned all along to break up with me. Was this some cruel joke. Of course it is. Men are monsters. Maybe I can call Luke to come get me? "Haven. Haven!" Liam says startling me from thoughts. "Yes? Sorry I was just thinking." I respond. "Its fine. We were asking you if you were going to eat. You haven't touched your food." Liam says concerned. I glare at him knowing his concern isn't real. He's going to break up with me so why would he be so concerned about me now." "Yes. Sorry I was just in deep thought." I tell him. "Did something happen?" His dad asks drawing my attention to him. My eyes instantly land on his eye and I'm suddenly consumed in his eyes. It's almost like he can see straight through my soul. He snaps his finger in my face. I shake from his gaze only to see him smirking. I blush having been caught. "Did something happen?" He asks again. "No. Just my brother annoying me." I lie. It's not a total lie though. Luke has texted and called every half an hour. "Just tell Luke you're fine and to stop." Liam says. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Easier said than done. Luke is over protective of me. He never stops. He call me every hour on the hour and text me every half hour." I tell him. They both shrug like it's nothing. "Ugh. Men." I say aggravated. "Always blaming men." Liam says jokingly. "Stop being mean or else." I tell him. "Or else what?" He challenges. I grab my phone. "Taylor swift blasted all night long." I challenge back. "Taylor swift?" Liams dad questions. "Yes she likes to use it against me knowing I don't like it. And she says I'm mean." Liam explains. "You are." I tell him. "You know what I'm going to tell Jax your being mean to me." Liam say. "Ha. Jax won't do anything im his second favorite person. I'm above even you his own brother." I taught. Liams dad chuckles. "I thought you two were a thing but instead you sound like two arguing sibling fighting over who's the favorite." His dad say looking back and forth between us. "I should have treated to tell Luke instead and not Jax. What did he name that bunny you painted?" Liam asks. "Bunny?" His dad ask scrunching his eyebrows. "Ever since Jax saved her she has painted these little figurine and gave them to him. He names them to." Liam says like he's revealing some big secret. His dad opens his mouth like he's shocked. "Jax. My son Jax does this?" Liam nods laughing. "He is going to kill me. Yeah he even buys them for her to paint and give back to him." "What did he name it?" His dad ask curiously. They both look at me. "Um fluffy tail." I say shyly. "Fluffy tail!" Liam bust out laughing at the name. "Oh I am so giving him crap for that next I see him." He says. "No! Don't be mean." I tell him. In a way Jax is my best friend. I know he's Luke's but he's mine to. "Right i forget Haven doesn't like people making fun of her best friend." Liam teases. I finally pick up my fork now in a better mood to eat now. We have light conversation. We decide to sit in the living room and all watch a movie. "What movie you want to watch Haven?" Liam asks. "Whatever is fine." I say. I have making the final decision. "So the conjuring is ok?" Liam asks smirking knowing that would be a no. "Are you trying to give me nightmares. I have plenty already." I tell him almost crying at the memory of my nightmares. "OK I think thats enough teasing." His dad says in warning. His tone of voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Then what movie?" Liam asks. "Just put grease." His dad picks. We all watch the movie in silence. Liam fell asleep halfway through the movie. My eyes are starting to feel heavy. I find myself slipping into the depths of darkness. My body is suddenly lifted. For some reason I'm not afraid, rather I feel safe. I snuggle into whatever this warm feeling is. The warmth is suddenly gone and I'm laid down on a pillow like surface. My body being tucked into a blanket of some sort but its not warm like what had me before. I sigh in my sleep wishing forthat warmth and safety to be back.
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