chapter 5: Raphael

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POV: Haven I was right. Liam broke up with me. The worst part is he left me here with a stranger. I don't know his dad. I don't even know his name and that specifically annoys me the most. What is his name. I feel like I need to know it. To say it. I'm still standing in the kitchen scared. Liam yelled at me. He's never yelled at me before. I was just trying to find out the reason he suddenly wanted to end things. "Haven are you ok." Liam's dad comes in asking. I nod my head yes. "I heard that Liam broke up with you. I'm sorry about that." He says softly. "Whats your name. I never got that." I ask. I couldn't help it. I had to know. It was like something inside of me was pushing for me to know his name. "Oh I'm sorry. How rude of me not to have induced myself. My name is Raphael." He answers. Raphael. I like that name. "Like the ninja turtle?" I comment. He gives me a funny look. "Whats a ninja turtle?" He asks. My jaw drops. How could he not know what the ninja turtles are. "Your kidding right? You've never seen ninja turtles?" I say in awe. "Nope. Is it a play of some sort?" He asks. Play? "A play? How old are you? No its a movie and a cartoon." I answer. "My age doesn't matter. If you want we could watch it." He suggests. I agree to that. We watch the old movies first then the newer movies with Megan fox in them. It was a nice distraction from my break up. During the movie I kept feeling like he was watching me. Every time I would look over to him from feeling his gaze on me I would just get lost in his beautiful Hazel eyes. I barely watched the movie with his looking at me and Luke's constant texting and calling. I love my brother. I do but sometimes I wish he would just leave me alone. I haven't told him about the break up. If I did that he'd come get me. I don't want that. For some reason I feel like I need to be around Raphael right now. I like the way his name sounds in my mind. I haven't said it out loud yet but I bet it is devine. My phone buzzes alerting that I have a text. How much you want to bet its Luke. Yep I was right its Luke. I roll my eyes seeing his name popped up on my screen. His text reads: just checking in. Me: Luke I'm fine. Luke: ok. ? Raphael went outside a little while ago leaving me here alone. To be honest I'm glad. Being around him is intense. I feel things that I'm unfamiliar with. He makes me feel like I need to he near him always. Like right now I feel cold with him gone. Theres this safeness about him. I feel like no matter what happens as long as im with him I'm safe. Isn't that weird? I need to stop feeling these things. It's wrong. He's liams dad. My now ex boyfriend's dad. Thats wired, right? Plus he's married and way older than me. I sigh deeply walking to my room to take a nap to clear my mind. I wish I had my paint stuff that normally always helps. After my assault I was sent to therapy. The therapist suggested that I take up painting. The first thing I painted was an owl with a top hat. I painted a suit on him and red eyes. I gave it to Jax to thank him for saving me. For some reason I remember him having red glowing eyes when he saved me so I gave the owl red eyes. The therapist said it was just a trick of my mind trying to make sense of my trauma. I continued to give Jax little figurines that I painted. The therapist also said that do do this because I feel this appreciation towards Jax for saving me so I feel the need to keep showing my thanks. I think at first it was like that but it ended up becoming its own thing. Jax would always accept them and he sometimes names them. I lay on the bed tossing trying to fall asleep but my mind is to clouded. Why would Liam just take here if he had planned to break up with me all along. Tears star to fall down my face. All the emotions from my break up coming I to full veiw. Men are cruel. Only one thing is on their mind and if they can't have it they just take it. A knock comes from the door. I quickly wipe my tears and open the door. It's Raphael. "Hey I was just coming to let you know that dinner is ready." He says. "Oh. Ok I'll be down in a minute." I reply. He gives me a sad look nodding. He walks away to leave me be. I hate that look. The look of pity and sadness mixed together. Thats how he was looking at me. I hate it.
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