Chapter 2 Mate

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POV: Raphael Hello reader my name is Raphael Rickson. I'm a lycan. Yes, that's right, I said a Lycan. Now I'm not just any Lycan. I'm the Alpha King of both werewolves and Lycans. Now I know what your thinking. You must think that a Lycan and a werewolf are the same thing but no they're not. Both Lycans and werewolves come from the same decent. We are both part of the wolf family. A cousin species if you will. A lycan is more of a beast wolf than an actual wolf form. We stand on two legs instead of four. We don't really have fur like a wolf. We have some. A good example is that movie underworld. Those are Lycans. Lycans are stronger and faster than a werewolf. We both have basically the same abilities with a few differences. Our life span being one of them. Lycans live a very long time. Werewolves do to but only three to four centries. Whereas lycans live about double that so about six to eight centuries. I'm the only lycan to be a one thousand years old. I have lived a millennia. I was blessed by the moon goddess herself to be immortal. I was chosen by her to be the king of all her people. I am the permanent king. Now I don't look a thousand years old. I actually look like I'm about 30 years old. I do have three kids. My oldest Jax is a lycan like me. I have a set of twins. My twins are Liam and Caroline so a boy and a girl. They're werewolves like their mother. Their mother, Lillian is my chosen mate. I've never met not had a fated mate. I don't think I have one. There have been times I thought that because I was gifted immortality that the goddess didn't think I should have a fated mate. I mated to Lillian because my parents and the council betrothed me to her. My parents are long gone by now. I have a lot of complicated feelings towards Lillian. Lillian was the daughter of an alpha of a pack. She was a very spoiled person. She still is. I do try to tread lightly around spoiled people because the second they don't get what they want they become dangerous. They will do whatever they have to to get what they want. They are never satisfied. I've never seen Lillian satisfied in my entire life. She always whats more. I do care about her. We have formed a comfortable relationship. Do I love her? No. I know that is horrible. She is the mother of my children though so that does count for something. Lillian is still alive because when she mated to me her life became intertwined with mine. So in other words I die she dies. My sons are Alphas of their own packs. My daughter lives here in the palace. Carolina is just like her mother. That girl never listens to me. I tried not to spoil her but Lillian had other ideas. I'm staying at one of my estates right now for break. Lillian and Caroline went on a trip to Paris to go shopping and stuff. Things have been pretty slow lately so I figured while I can I'll just come here and relax for a few days. I own several estates and houses scattered here and there. I'm visiting Jax in a few days to check up on him. I do this from time to time with my sons. I saw Liam last month. I chose this estates because it was close to Jax. Jax and Liam's packs aren't that far apart. Those two see each at least twice a week. I've heard that Liam has a girlfriend who is human. She's not his mate or anything like that. He'd know of she was or not. The one tell sign that a human is your mate is their eyes will glow purple in your presence when their eyes land on you. Liam is my only child that doesn't have a mate yet. He's looking. He might be tired of looking at just decided to find a chosen. Why he would chose a human I don't know. They don't know of our world. That is a very complicated situation. I haven't met the girl yet. Because of this I don't think it's to serious. Anyway I'm just sitting here on the back porch just gazing outside. I notice my beast starts getting a little agitated. "Whats wrong with you" I ask him. My beast's name is Midnight. He just growls at me. I roll my eyes at him. I can feel him pacing in my head giving me a head ache. "Would you stop that. What is your deal?" I ask him again. "Something is about to happen. I just can't put my claw on it." He says grumpy. "Is it bad?" I ask wondering if he senses some kind of attack coming. "No. Not bad. I think good." He says. I nod. I guess we'll find out soon then. I hear a car door shut from the front. I wonder who's here. Midnight perks up hearing this urging me to go see who it is. Its probably just one of the staff that takes care of the estate. I sit there for a few more minutes ignoring his urging before I go see. I walk back inside the house walking to the front room. The closer I get to the living area of the house a scent hits me. It is the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled. My beast purs at the smell. I wonder if the maids are using a new air freshener. I'll have to find out what they're using. It smells of honey and pears. What is that. I follow the scent trying to find the source only to see a the back of a girl in the living area. My beast is on full alert now. He wants to know who this girl is. She suddenly turns around facing me. Her eyes glow purple. "Mate" my beast tells me. The one word I never thought i here. My fated. She's human. She's just staring at me not say a word. I see her gaze looking me over until her eyes lock on to mine. Her eyes shining a brighter purple. She is definitely my mate. My fated mate. I can't believe this. Midnight is purring inside me wanting me to go to her. "OK Haven I'm back. What the hell!" I hear my son Liam say behind me. I turn around to see him. He looks as dumb struck as I feel. He saw her eyes glowing and he knows what that means. "Son." What is he doing here. "Uh hi dad. Um this is Haven." He say introducing the girl, my mate. She's here with him. I'm trying my best to stay calm and keep Midnight calm. He's thinking that she's Liam's girlfriend. Well so am I too. "Haven this is my dad. I swear I didn't know he was going to be here." Liam says aloud. "She's your mate?" Liam mindlinks me asking me in disbelief. "Yes. I don't understand this." I tell him honestly. "Oh um thats ok. I guess." She says with a twinge of fear. Why is she suddenly scared. "Haven no one is going to hurt you. My dad would never hurt you. You can trust him." Liam tell Haven calmly. She just nods taking a deep breath. "OK. I'm trying." She says more to herself. "She suffered a trauma when she was 14 and now she's a little antsy around men especially ones she's never met before." Liam explains through mindlink. "What trauma?" I ask in mindlink almost growls. Who the hell hurt my mate. "Eh I don't think I should tell you around her right now. You might freak out. Midnight will definitely freak." He links back. "Hello, I'm Haven. It's nice to meet you." Haven says holding her hand out to me now calmer. I hesitantly grab her hand only to feel the sparks immediately. She gasps pulling away looking at her hand. "Uh sorry must be static." I lie. Sparks. Another sign she's my mate. "Hey haven how about I show you to your room real quick and you can take a nap before dinner." Liam says leading her to a room. I watch as she follows him. A few minutes later Liam is back. I sit on the couch. "I guess I just lost my girlfriend to my dad." He jokes. "Your not funny. What am I going to do. I'm surprised your not mad. I would be." I say. He sits on the opposite couch of me. "I guess I get it. I mean I want nothing more than to have my fated but I haven't found her yet. So I guess if the roles were reversed I'd hope you'd let go to." He explains sadly. As soon as our kind kits the age of eighteen the longing of a mate hits. He's 400 years old so he's longed for a mate for a long time. I've lives with that feeling my whole life. Even with a chosen mate you still long for your fated. "I can respect that. Your a good man Liam." I tell him proudly. "So what are you going to do about this. Moms going to freak." He says. She most definitely will. "I don't know. I have a lot of things to think of." I admit. "If you want her just lay your claim on her. Just move slow with Haven as I said she's afraid of men." Liam says. "Its not that simple. I can't just be selfish here. I still have a lot of things to think of. I have Jax and Caroline. Your mother. A whole kingdom. " I explain "Jax will understand. Caroline. As much as I love my twin sister will likely side with mom but she will get over it. Mom i don't know how to handle that one." Liam argues back. He is really pushing this. I guess I can't blame him. He doesn't want to see Haven suffer a rejection. I don't want to do it either. Midnight growls at me telling me I better not. I know he's right with Jax and Caroline. Caroline may be just like her mother but she will get over it and eventually understand. Caroline will also go with Liam in the end. Their twin bond won't allow them to fight for to long. Lillian may never understand. Well she might but she won't let it go. "I placed her in the room next to yours." Liam informs me. I do appreciate that. I nod at him acknowledging what he said. "Midnight won't let me and I don't want to fight this. I'm the Alpha King. Its my final say. I'll accept Haven." I admit defeat but let's be real I wasn't fighting against it to much. There are still issues to come later with this and I will handle them as they come. "Good because Haven doesn't deserve that." Liam says. "Tell me about her." Liam smiles. "Well she lives in Jax pack. She's adopted by werewolves. She doesn't know any of this. Well remember anyway." He starts out. Why would werewolves adopt a human child? "Who are her parents?" I ask. "Linda and Jack. Their son is Luke who is Jax's beta." Liam explains. I know Linda and Jack. I also know Luke. "Luke is very protective of her. He never leaves her alone. Especially after her trauma." Liam says mentioning her trauma again. I squint my eyes at him. "What is this trauma?" I ask in a demanding voice. "She was uh raped by a rogue." Liam tells me. Midnight growls hearing this. I'm not to happy about it either but I have to stay calm. "She lost her memories after that. She remember most of the attack but anything before is gone. She did know of our existence but not anymore. She has shown no signs of her memories coming back." Liam explains further. Fourteen years old. She had her life almost taken away from her. Liam tells me how she is getting better and isn't totally fearful of men anymore. "Jax was the one who saved her. She is comfortable around him. She knows him." Liam tells me. I nod taking it all in. "Tell me something more positive about her." I tell bot wanting anything negative right now. I don't think I could handle that. He tells me what he knows of her. Her interest and things she does. We discuss their relationship and how to go about it since they're here for the next few days. Liam want to break up with her tomorrow and leave her here. She can stay here until I go see Jax and she can just ride with me home. At least I know she's safe in a pack and Jax will keep an eye on her. I need to make up an excuse to be around her after this. This is going to be interesting.
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