Chapter 1 Haven

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POV: Haven "Haven! Can you come help me for a second." My mom yells for me from down stairs. Oh I should probably tell you about myself shouldn't I. Well as you heard my mom yelling my name is Haven. I'm twenty years old. I have auburn hair with green eyes. I'm also on the short side of thing at a height of five foot two inches. "Haven! Can you hear me. Come down here and help me load these in the car!" My mom yells again. I guess I should get down there. While I help my mom I'll tell you about myself. I head down stairs to my mom. "Yes mom I heard you. What do you need?" I ask. "I need you to help me load these boxes of muffins in the car." She says handing me a box. I take it out to the car placing it in the backseat. Mom is a baker and owns her own bakery. I work there with her. Anyway while I load these in I can tell you more about my life. I have an older brother. His name is Luke. He's my parents biological son. I'm adopted. My parents don't know who my birth parents are or where I came from. All they know is one day I just showed up on their door mat with a note. The note stated some basic information, like when my birthday was. I was a month old when I was dropped here. I wasn't even given a name. I have one now, Haven Summers. My dad likes to celebrate my birthday and what he calls my gotcha day. Thats when I arrived on their door mat. It's kind of like having two birthdays. Dad works for some security company. Luke is 25 years old. He's very protective of me along with dad but I can't really blame them especially have the incident. I lost my memories. I remember bits and pieces from before I was 14 but not much. Some memories don't make a whole lot of sense. I sometimes remember a persons eyes glowing or making animalistic sounds. I even remember once being in the precense of a wolf. Isn't that crazy.. I do remember the incident though. I guess it wasn't really an incident as much as a traumatic event and was completely done on purpose. I was raped when I was 14 years old. He was an adult. It was raining and lightning. I don't remember how I ended up out in the middle of the woods but he had me pinned to the muddy ground and raped me. For some reason I remember him with these pitch black eyes. He had claws and fangs. He was a monster. The doctor said it was my mind manifesting him as a monster in my head and he is. I don't remember if I knew the guy before or not. My parents said I didn't. Ever since that day I've been terrified of the rain and lightning. For years I didn't like to be touched. I'm better at it now but I still don't like it. Especially with men. I was told that Jax was the one who saved me. Jax is Luke's best friend. I've been getting better from it all. I've actually put myself out there and now have a boyfriend. His name is Liam. I later found out he was Jax's little brother. Liam is 22 years old. He's amazing and so patient. We haven't slept together yet. We've only been together for two months now. He wants to take me to one of his family's estates this weekend. I agreed. I'm still not ready to be intimate with him yet. i told him this and he said he just wanted to take be away and spend some time with me alone. I finish bringing the muffin boxes to the car with mom. She's taking them to some event. I go back upstairs to my room to finish packing for my weekend trip with Liam. I hear my phone ring so look to see who it is. It's Liam. I accept the call. "Hey are you packed yet?" He asks. "Uh yeah I'm almost finished. Why?" "Well I was thinking we could go on today. I have some work I have to do so I thought why not make it today." He says through the phone. "Uh yeah sure that's fine. When will you be here?" I ask him. "In about an hour. Do you think you can be finished by then?" "Yeah thats not a problem." I tell him. "Great I'll see you then." He says ending the call. I guess I'm going on that trip today then. I better get to packing then. I call mom and dad letting them know that Liam wanted to leave today. I just texted Luke. He's always texting me and annoying me with his over protectiveness. I pack everything I will need. I'll only be gone for two or three days so I don't need much. I decide to take a quick shower before Liam gets here. I wash by body and rinse off. Then I dry off and wear a pair of jean shorts and a grey t shirt. After my trauma it took me a while before I would even wear any shorts. I'd always wear pants with a belt and long sleeve shirts that showed no cleavage. I was scared of it happening again. I still am. I can now wear shorts and short sleeves but I still don't show my cleavage. The short go to my mid thigh so they're short but not to short that I'm uncomfortable. I slip on some flip flops and grab my bags. Down stairs Liam is already waiting for me. He grabs my bags from me and softly pecks my lips. I smile at him. "Hey. Are you ready to go?" He asks me. I nod my head yes. He holds my hand in his and leads me to his car. He puts my bags in the back. Liam opens the door for me to get in. Once we're both in and buckled he drive to our location. Since he's driving I get to mand the radio. I connect my phone to his radio and play my Playlist. Liam groans at my choice. "Seriously. Taylor Swift. Come on pick something else." He says. I just hit his arm. "Dont be hating on my girl Taylor. Now shut up and drive." I tell him. "Your so mean to me." He says jokingly. I decide to play her song Mean since he wants to call me mean. I'm a swifty for life. I sing along to the song. Later on we finally arrive at the estate and it is beautiful. The funny thing is I'm suddenly nervous to go inside. My palms are sweating and my heart is beating fast. I wasn't nervous before so why am now.
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