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Kendrick Lamar- ELEMENT. Sasha: We had a great day. Dinner was amazing. It really felt good to have everyone seated at the table for the first time in years. The house finally felt like home. We were laughing and joking. Even the Redwoods were having a great time. I had high hopes for this meeting but I guess it was just too much to ask for. My chest is already tight. Sesshomaru walked out of the VIP booth giving me time to clear my head. Elias and Elder Redwood came in after. "You guys need to go home," I cleared my throat. "What's wrong?" Elder Redwood asked. Elias stood up and grabbed him by his arm. "We have to go, man," "Wait," he shrugged him off. "Talk to me, Sasha. What's wrong?" "I have to kill a kid. I have to kill one of my closest friends. I don't want you guys to see me do that because I need information. They're not going to give me what I need without a fight. I know it's going to get ugly," "Ericson," Elias called out his name when he didn't say anything. I don't even want to look at him. "I can do it for you," he whispered. I finally looked over at him. He's really close. So close, all I have to do is lean in a couple of inches. I reached up caressing the stubble on his cheek. "No, I'll be fine. Don't wait up for me," "Sasha-" he tried to protest. I looked over at Elias and motioned him to take Redwood by force. "Come on, man. Let's not make a scene," Elias reached for him again. Ericson stood up without taking his eyes off of me but didn't press the issue anymore. "Take Highwind with you," I added. "My lady," Elias bowed. The people below began to clear out. The music was cut off but not put away. I walked out of the VIP booth and went over to the Dj setup. I used to love these things when I was in the academy. I was president of my class for three years in a row. Venues like this were easy. Everything seemed so trivial then but times were a lot easier. They made perfect sense. I had complete control of my life despite having lost so much. I was free for the first time in my life. I had it all. But it was never enough. Nothing kept me distracted enough to push the pain back. It all reminded me of my parents because it was what they wanted from me. It all reminded me of my former life and I despised them all for pretending like none of it had happened. I needed less control. I needed someone to guide me past the pain and suffering I held onto so desperately. It was when I found Debora. It was homecoming and we had just won Fairy Ball Realm finals. Breeze was going through a growth spurt and she wouldn't stop crying. I needed some time alone and I took a shower in the locker rooms. That's where she found me. I was beaten up pretty badly from the game. Bruises were starting to form all over. We didn't say a word to one another as she came up behind me and began to wash me. Things escalated pretty fast and I didn't stop her. I didn't mind it. At the time, any release and distraction were more than welcome and Debora Primitive had a reputation. Not to mention that she was one of the prettiest fairies in the academy. Her pretty jade green eyes are memorizing. Her pretty ivory skin, her curves. Her soft scarlet lips. I doubt anyone ever told her no. Man or woman. "Do you still play?" she asked. Just the sound of her voice is upsetting me. "No, I haven't played in a long time. No one left to listen," I answered. She stepped into me from behind and reached for the power button. The lights all turned on around us. "Hm, I'm here right now," she whispered into the back of my ear. "Are you?" I asked. She tried to pull away but not fast enough. I gripped her wrist pulled her into me and spun her around me. I pinned her against the table and pressed my body flat against hers. I leaned in close enough for my nose to graze her jawline. She smells like wildflowers. Always has. She misinterpreted what I meant and smiled. She cupped my face trying to get closer. "You're different," she whispered. "What happened to you?" A whistle caught my attention. I pulled away without letting go of her hand and she didn't try to fight it. I turned the lights off and pulled her along with me. Diana and Dylan are with Sesshomaru. I stepped away from her when the Diamond jackets stepped forward and took her. Her wild eyes looked around and her expression faltered. Guilt and fear riddled her features. The scent is permeating the air. They didn't stop with her. Dylan was apprehended and two chairs were brought out. I reached out with the void and blackout their senses so that they can't hear or see us. They can't move or scream just yet. Sesshomaru handed me the bottle he opened up without a glass. I took a big drink and handed it over to Diana. She did the same and he followed. Tears flooded down her face. "It hurts the first time. Like everything else that feels this good. There will always be a price to pay," I wiped her tears away. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. I stroked her hair gently until she calmed down. "Thank you for knowing your place, Diana," "Thank you for teaching me," she sniffled. I wiped her face and kissed the top of her head. She's wearing her signature red suit. Tailored slacks and blazer with nothing underneath. Her strawberry blonde hair is straight and pulled up into a high ponytail that reaches her waist. Her soft gray eyes are sparkling with grief. Her lips are bright red, perfectly shaped with a lip liner. Diana is the beautiful little girl I ruined when I chose to protect Breeze at all costs. She firmly believes I saved her but the truth is that I chose to put her in front of Breeze without knowing that she would make it this far. "Let's begin," Sesshomaru ordered. He stepped forward when the jackets cleared the room after binding them. Diana stood to his left and I to his right. I reached for my void and pulled it back towards me. Dylan was the first to recover. He looked up at Sesshomaru. There's so much potential in the kid. This is going to be a big setback if we actually kill him. It's going to haunt me for a really, really long time. "What's happening?" he asked. Diana handed Sesshomaru a tablet. He looked at me and motioned me to go to him. "A few things," he answered him when I took my place behind Dylan. "What the hell was that?" Debora finally came around. "Sess?" "I'll get to you in a second," he dismissed her. "Diana," "Sir," she bowed and took his spot in front of him. "Hi, Dylan," "What is happening, D?" he asked her. His heart is beating really fast. I can hear it in the shadows around him. "That's what I want you to tell me, Dylan. What's happening?" she asked him. "I don't know," he looked around. "What's in the Airpoint Ruins?" she asked. His heart skipped and began to beat faster. Like a gear change in a fast car. I've heard that happen to someone else. Who? "The what?" he asked, pretending not to know what she's talking about. I placed my hand on his shoulder making him jump. "I don't want to hurt you, kid," "Then don't," he shouted. "I'm going to ask you one more time and I expect an answer," she tucked her hands behind her, standing her ground. "What's in the Airpoint Ruins?" "I don't know what you're talking about," he shook his head. "Step back. This is my first time using this," I informed her. She took a couple of steps back. I released the spirit inside of me, forcing it into him. His muscles all locked up but he clenched his teeth without letting out a single sound. The spite in his eyes is very familiar. I let him go. He gasped for air trying to find any way to put pressure anywhere on his body to soothe the pain but he found no relief. Not with the way he's bound to the metal chair. He's feeling the entire effect. "f**k," Debora shook her head. "He's a kid," "He's not just a kid. Are you, Dylan?" I asked stepping in front of him. "No, you're one of us. I see it in your eyes. You know we know everything already. We just want to hear it from you. "See, Sesshomaru has a soft spot for you. We were just going to go after something small like Debora over there. He can be cold, As recipients of his love, we both know that underneath it all is a real heart and you were his favorite. He taught you everything you know. He treated you like a son and he gave you everything you could possibly want. Why would you spit on him this way?" "You spit on him constantly," he scoffed. "I've never spat on him. Not like this. Sess and I have a deeply rooted history but I'd never disrespect him this way, you little fucker. Tell me what's in the Airport Ruins or I'm going to turn up the voltage. I've only scratched the surface. That was just a little taze," "I don't know what you're talking about," he said tightly. "Oh, I like you. I can see what he saw in you," I nodded. I placed both hands on his thighs. "Let's start at the bottom tonight. I'm upset now. I had a great first day at work. I had an amazing dinner with my family and I expected to have a good meeting with our esteemed Ace. But you went and f*****g ruined it. You both did and now I need a release. You hurt him. That's my job and I'm very territorial about it," I growled. He's panting now. I released the spirit again, more of it than before. He tried to fight the pain but it was too strong. He clenched his jaw tightly and groaned through his teeth. I looked over at Debora whose eyes are locked on mine. I smiled at her and released him. He tried to keep himself from crying out as I stepped aside. Diana stepped forward with the tablet in one hand. "Dylan," she called out his name. I stopped her when she reached for him. "He's still hot. Give it a minute," I turned my attention to Debora. "When did you stop trusting me?" I asked her. "When did we stop being family?" "Family?" she laughed. "We could never be family, Sasha. You made sure of that when you chose him," "He was never really an option was he?" I shrugged. "I loved you," "You loved me?" she laughed. "If this is how you love, I don't want s**t from you," "You know I could never love you like that. You took advantage of my pain and you tried to turn into something that was convenient for you. You tried to take my choice away and had I been just anyone, it might have worked," "No, no. Don't do that. You were there with me," "I was never there. I wasn't even then there for the laughs and the parties. I'm barely here now. I would never do this to you. Despite everything you did, I would never have turned my back on you," "You have your back to me now," she screamed. "Then talk to me. Tell me what's going on," "Tell us," Sesshomaru came over to us. He unbuttoned his sleeves and folded them up his forearms to reveal his Ace mark. "If you make me use this, it's going to hurt," "He's my father," she looked away. "You weak b***h," Dylan choked out. Sesshomaru's hand shot out making a high pitch swish before it connected with his face. "Keep your f*****g mouth shut," he roared. His voice bounced off the walls. Diana stepped away from him, eyes wide. The kid took the hit like a champion. He immediately glared at Sesshomaru angrily as he spat blood from his mouth. There's no way he's what I think he is. "I understand," I looked down at Debora. "What did he get into?" "I can't tell you," she cried. "I'm going to find out one way or another. I'm going to hurt you and if you don't tell me before you die, you have siblings here on Aldrich. Your mother is on the Elder council. I know she told you what Rey did. We have a mass execution taking place in a few days. The first in centuries. I did that. She can easily be added to that list. Not only will she be forcibly deruned, dewinged, and killed live for all of Aldrich to see. Your bloodline will be exonerated. You'll all be traitors by default. Do you want that? You want what happened to Breeze and me to happen to Kali and Eddie? Breeze had me but the twins won't have you or anyone else taking care of them. Give me what I want and I promise they'll be left alone. Your mother will continue her work and they'll be fine," "I curse the day I set my eyes on you," she cried. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing," I nodded. "You know the laws. You've known them all along. Tell us what you're hiding," "Do what you have to do," she looked away. "Look at me," I shouted. She refused. I grabbed her face and made her look at me. My hands are shaking, my body is trembling with anger. Tears are sliding down my face. Her resolve momentarily faltered but she held my gaze. "Don't look away from me. You want us to be here together, this is what it looks like, Debs," "Do what you have to do, Sasha. You're not getting anything out of me," she sobbed. "I ask out of courtesy," my voice broke. I swallowed the knot forming in my throat. "I don't need you to talk to get what I want anymore. It's just less fun," "What?" she asked. I let go of her and stepped back. My wings stretched out behind me. The void began to leave my body. "No, no!" she began to move trying to get out of the binds. "Sasha! Please, don't do this. No!" she screamed. "Please!" The void entered through her mouth instantly shutting her up. Minds are usually easy to infiltrate but this is different. She's fighting it and for that I have to give her some credit. Whatever she's protecting has to be big. Her body began to shake as the void felt around for an entrance. I got closer to her and placed my hand on her head. I reached for the memories of us. It'll be easier for me to see what's in there if she's thinking of me. If she thinks my memories are hers. "I have to open my own memories to her. Don't touch it," "Touch what?" Diana asked. "The darkness," Sesshomaru pulled her to him. He even picked up the boy and pulled him away. I let the void surround us. If she's not going to let me in I'm going to bring her out. The void began to change. I thought of the first time she touched me. The two of us naked in that locker room shower. "You're so beautiful," she whispered against me. "Who are you?" I asked her. "My name is Debora Primitive, princess. Remember that," I reached out grabbing her by her face again. Her eyes looked up at me and she finally realized that this isn't a memory. She stumbled away from me. Suddenly we weren't in the locker room, nor are we two stupid teens driven by our hormones. I stood up and followed her as she ran. We're in Vinyard. I've seen these hills myself. Not like this. There are hundreds of soldiers training. Not just physically, but they're pushing their magik. Debora led me to her family home. The place she had once run from she now runs to for refuge. "Dad! Dad!" she cried out looking back at me. The void surrounded her, calming her down. She stopped running and relaxed. When it let her go, I went over to her and helped her to her feet. She looked at me and let out a heavy sigh. She wrapped her arms around me and began to cry. The emotion in her gesture is genuine. Her mind has given up to the void. "What's happening?" I asked her. "The end," she answered. She turned around. Everything changed. We're standing in front of the elder tree. She pointed up. "It's dying. The earth fairies can't heal it anymore. It's over. Fate had turned its back on the fae world. Those of us who can survive it will become human. The rest will be purged. They'll become nothing but a memory," "Why would you hide this from me?" I asked. "I can stop it," "Because I don't want you to stop it. This is the end, Sasha. The end of the Fae World. You can kill me and my family but it's not going to stop. We will rage war before we let the seed take root. It's time for Magik to end. It's time for humanity to thrive," "Why would you want that? These are our people. We have to fight for them," "That's just it, Sasha. All we do is fight. You more than most. There's an insatiable war inside of you and you won't stop there. You're not beautiful because you're pretty on the outside. You're beautiful because you're the incarnation of death. Wherever you go, death follows and you have no means to an end. You will kill your way through this generation and the next. You'll even end what you love the most. There is no light strong enough to stop you," I pulled out of her. As the void entered back into my body what she had been fighting to keep a secret began to play in my head. She gasped for air as I released the hold I had on her. She looked around not knowing what just happened the fear in her eyes is the same as it was when I entered her mind. "Please, don't," she shook her head. "You really think that?" I asked her. "You think I'm just a killer?" "You saw," she cried. "Sasha, you've seen it. What you do. The fire, the pain. the death, you did all of that. I know you're still good inside," "Good inside?" I laughed. "Do you know what the void is?" "Your power. You shouldn't have all the power you do," "The void stems from the darkness of the Elder Tree. The darkness inside of me comes from the tree itself. Just as the light reached for Breeze, the shadows reached for me. I'm nothing but the will of the tree. Even if I fight, and believe when I say I have tried countless times, it will do what it needs to survive. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am just a killer. The incarnation of death or whatever you think I am. What does that make you? You're willing to sacrifice the entire Fae world to stop me. Not just fairies. Gnomes, giants, shifters, vampires, pixies, dragons, swamplings, all of them just gone because of your so-called mission to save us all from the bad little void sprite. "I'm not going to execute your family in the capital, Debora. No," I shook my head. "I am going to wipe your f*****g disgraceful bloodline from existence. Starting with the ones here in Aldrich and I will not rest until they're all dead at my feet and by my hand. I'd love nothing more than to let you see it but we both know you're a devious little snake. I can't risk you escaping. I assure you Debora Primitive, no one is ever going to remember you again," "You're not a hero, Sasha. You're a plague," she spat at me. I looked down at my blazer. "I never claimed to be a hero, Debora. I'm just trying to survive," I released the spirit inside of me. The lightning inside crackled all around me. She looked up at it. I feel it inside of me, angrily needing to be used. I focused on her. The black lightning waves circled around her winding up before they screeched the way they had when they left Ishtar's body and struck her on her chest. Debora cried out in agony as the lightning forced its way through her body burning her from the inside out. It took a few minutes for her screaming to stop. The lightning broke her apart before disappearing into the void again. I dropped on one knee when the void slammed back inside of me. "It's powder. We created a new powder called Grave. It keeps you up for days with no side effects," Dylan cried. "Please, please. Don't do that to me. I don't want to die like that. Just kill me fast," "We should have started with that," Diana broke the silence. "Why were you hiding it from us?" Sesshomaru asked. "Aurora is my mom," he lowered his head. "I was cooking for her. I've always cooked for her. What you sell are scraps. It's good s**t but it's not what I make for her," Sesshomaru grabbed him roughly and pulled his shirt off. On his chest is a crescent moon just like the one on his chest. Diana stepped away from the two of them and hid behind me as he came to terms with what's sitting in front of him. He stepped away from him and looked back at me. I wasn't just seeing things earlier. s**t. "Well, f**k," I shrugged. I went over to the kid and undid the binding spell. He stood up unsure what to do. "How old are you, kid? The truth," "I'm seventeen," he answered. "And your mom just made you do this?" "It was this or she was going to kill me," he lowered his head. "She's my mom," "Do you know what that is?" Sesshomaru asked pointing at his chest. "No, it's always been there. It's a birthmark," "Yes, but it's more than that," he knelt down in front of the kid and unbuttoned his shirt. "It's the ice moon from the last ice tribe of the Water Realm. Bahr Shasie," "No," the kid shook his head. He shoved Sesshomaru hard enough to make him stumble a few steps back. "You're lying! I tired-" he stopped himself, placing his hand over his chest. He turned away from us and threw up. "I tried to kill you," "When?" Sesshomaru asked. The kid continued to throw up. "When?" Sesshomaru roared. "Now!" "The new diamond bracelet. It has a high dose of blossom dust," "Lilly," he turned to look at me. "It's not going to affect. If anything it gave her the boost she needed to sprout her wings, Go, I'll take care of this," "No," he grabbed my arm. "No, not like that. You know I'd never hurt your son. He glared at me. "On purpose. I didn't know he was yours," I reassured him. Dylan looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. "We'll think of something," "Diana," he called out to her. The two of them left. "Okay," I looked the boy over. I see it. He does look a bit like Elias but the rage inside of him is all Sess. I laughed unable to hold it back anymore. How f****d up is this? We really need to get the hell out of here and meet new people. The kid sat down and began to cry. I stopped laughing feeling bad for him. What a b***h. To her own son and for what? Money? To spite us? I pulled him into me. He gripped my arm tightly as he continued to cry. I placed my hand on his head and hummed Breeze's favorite song. Maybe the Primitives are on to something.
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