
3638 Words
Sincerely Collins ft. Disashi- Prosper Season Sesshomaru: "They're on the move," Lilly sat down across from me. She looks upset. I've noticed that she's been losing her temper as of late. I've never seen that before. Not even when she was running around chasing my guys. What she said startled me. I didn't see it coming. Not from someone so close. "What is it?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and averted her gaze. "Nothing," "Will you chew me out again if I press the issue?" I smiled. "I didn't chew you out. I was simply pointing out the obvious. You were being difficult just because it's Dylan," she scoffed. I wasn't. I didn't even say a word when she exploded. I get why she was so upset but I really didn't say a single word. I just listened. "Come on, tell me what's wrong," I encouraged. "She never planned on making me her Queen. She already had someone in mind. Stupid Elder Highwind," she crossed her arms over her chest. "Your position here with me is greater than Highwind's," I pointed out. "Yeah, I know but she didn't even-ugh. I don't even know why I'm upset. I've never been this angry before," the glass vibrated with her anger. Even some of the decor moved. I got up and went over to her. "A massage isn't going to work," "We both know that's not true," I laughed, lifting her blouse. "That's not what I'm doing," "What are you doing?" she asked leaning forward. I pulled the blouse high enough to see it. "Lilly, your wings are coming in. It's why you're so temperamental as of late," I let go of her top. She turned around reaching for her back. "Are you serious?" she asked. I nodded. "It doesn't hurt," "It doesn't hurt until just before. I think you should stay put until it's over. By the looks of it, any day now," "But I have to report to the Elder Towers. I have a lot to do," she shook her head and stood up. "I've been doing research on your specific breed of blossom fairies, Lilly. If your wings decide to sprout while you're in a meeting, you might kill everyone in there. Come on, Pinky. Redwood and Sage will understand," "And if they don't?" "They will," I assured her. "They're all health comes first and s**t. I'm scheduled to see Redwood tomorrow. I'll call her," "Okay," she nodded. "Go lay down. You're going to need the rest," I pulled her to her feet and motioned her to go to her room. She didn't fight me. I watched her until she shut the door. I dialed Sage and got a quick response. "What's up?" she asked. "You're in a good mood," what is this opposite day? "I'm nice to you once and you start accusing me of s**t," she chuckled. "Lilly's wings are sprouting. Her skin is open pretty deep already. I give her until the end of the week," "I'll send a doctor. She's a blossom fairy so, I'll send someone immune to watch her. Are you okay with that?" "Yes, of course," I agreed without hesitation. "I was wondering if we could talk," "Is it about the painting?" "You f*****g know it's about the painting," I growled. She laughed. "Sure. I have dinner plans but I'll get to you after. Where?" "Meet me at the Ice Lounge. You can bring your little boyfriend. That's not the only thing I want to talk about," I hung up before she could say anything else. I stopped in front of Lilly's room remembering the other night. She thought I had rejected her and I still feel bad about it but I can't risk it. I can't risk her. The bracelet is going to help protect her but with everything going on, I feel like I'm a little on edge. I opened the door to see that she fell asleep. I remember my early stages. It was different for me. Being a water element partial is rough. We never know what form the water is going to take. My mother was ice but there was no guarantee with the air part of me. My symptoms were primarily air-related. The ice didn't come until the night they sprouted. I almost killed Sasha and Knuckles. Had it just been one of them with me in that room neither of them would have survived. The Ice Lounge was a gift from my mother's family to my father when he accepted her as his mate. This place used to be a run-down bar at best. The renovations cost me a lot more than the place brings in a night. I've always hated it but it's good for business and it's private when we need it to be. The cops don't come around her. At least, not since Lilly came over to our side. There's a line waiting outside when I arrived. The guard opened up for me before handing me a puck. Tonight's guest list. "The spade is will be here soon. Clear the VIP section," I instructed him. "Let me know when she's here," "Sir," he bowed. I walked inside and headed straight for my office. I was greeted as I always am. The music is loud. The people all blur together into chaos. The warmth they're producing is more of an itch than comfort. I shut everything out and went over to my desk. Knuckles is sitting at his own to my right. The left has been empty for some time now. "Rough night? Pinky yell at you again?" he asked with a smirk. "No, she's in transition," I answered. He sat up and smiled. "Really? We've never had a blossom in the ranks before. She's proven to be very efficient," "She has. How are the kids? Kelly feeling any better?" I changed the subject. "You remember?" he asked surprised. I smirked looking up at him as I organized the files waiting to be tended to. "Yes, I do listen to you contrary to what you may think, Knuckles," "She's doing better. Getting a warm is rough. I thought I was going to lose her," A warm is a fire fairy sickness. It's rare among elite fairies like Knuckles but his chosen female isn't as pureblooded as he and his children are paying for it. If his daughter overheats she can die or worse, the flame inside of her will burn out and the fire magik will abandon her leaving her human. He'd have to send her to the mortal realm. She's seven years old. I've been sending dry ice to keep her cool and for the most part, it's helping her. She just has to ride it out. "She'll be fine. She is your daughter," I reminded him. "Pinky is really bringing out a side of you I've never seen," he sighed. "I still think you should have waited to give the jewel," "I know you do and I appreciate your concern, Knuckles. There's nothing to think about. She's the one," I opened the files coming in from Diana. "Wow, I've never heard you say that," he grinned. "Have you told Sage that?" "Sage knew before I did. She's the one that pushed the jewel," "It concerns me that you need her approval for this. Having her around is going to make you crazy," "On the contrary, it's lessened the load. She's-" I looked up at him. "Different. She's struggling but her vision is clear. The struggle isn't with the details or the fight in front of her. It's internal. She's going to come tonight. She might bring her top two. I want you to watch her. Tell me what you see. I've always trusted your judgment. You see more inside of people," "Debora called," "Where is she?" I asked looking over at her empty desk. "She was in Vinyard. She said there's a massive army being trained there. She will be here any minute now," "Sage is going to want to hear that," "I think you need to talk to your Queen first," he disagreed. A camera file popped up wth Debora's picture on it. "I think we need a new one," "She's here. Why don't you go welcome her?" hearing him say that just makes all of this more real. First the kid and now this one. Do they really think we're weaker apart? "Yes, sir," he stood up. I haven't heard from Debora in a couple of years. Queens are chosen for intel. They know everyone. Elder Highwind is the perfect candidate for someone like Sage. Highwind knows all of Aldrich's Elite families. Highwind makes it her job to know everyone to make sure they don't ask questions about her father and his whereabouts. Sage had been looking into her since before she joined the military but at the time, Highwind was in a very dark place. Her family had just been slaughtered by Earth fairies. The Sandstorms eradicated her bloodline to prove a point to her father. The only reason she survived is because Sasha struck a deal with Namiko Sandstorm. She never told me what it was. I think it's time we had a conversation about that as well. "Sess," I looked up at her and smiled. I stood up going over to her. "You look tired," "It's been a rough few months," I hugged her. Debora Primitive was Sasha's best friend since the two of them were in the academy. She's from Vinyard but was raised here in Aldrich. A beast fairy. One of the strongest among her kind. It's what drew Sage in. They taught one another to survive. Deb was in love with her when Sasha was in love with me and when we finally ended up together, she came to realize that Sasha was never going to be hers in the way she wanted her to be. I offered her to be my Queen and she accepted it without hesitation. Sasha was hurt at first but she got over it when she found that Gerard Highwind was still alive. "I heard. Sasha is home. You must be delighted," she smacked my chest, playfully. This is the girl Sasha learned to lie from. "I was until she presented us with her new boyfriend," I laughed. Her mouth fell open. "Who?" she asked appalled. "Who could be more worthy?" "Elder Ericson Redwood," I motioned her to take a seat. "I'm going to need a drink," she sighed. "I'll get it," Knuckles excused himself. His anger is going to give him away. "I've heard some stories about her. It's not an easy thing to become the Guardian of the Realm. Not to mention survive being in the position as long as this party has lasted. How bad is it?" "What have you heard?" "Darkness. They call her the Wind Sage," "She got her wings," "I figured. What is she?" "A void sprite," "A void sprite?" she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "So, Breeze really walks on the heavens and all that?" "Yeah, she's the opposite," "I see," she pulled her gloves off and set them on my desk. "I take it you need me here then," "Yeah, all hands on deck. What's going on back on Vinyard?" I asked. "Well, I few things. My father is dead," that's a lie. "I'm sorry Debs," "Don't be. f**k him. Anyway, Kalesko Vines is the king now. They're looking for an Elder. Rumor has it that he created Elder Tree seeds and handed them over to someone here in Aldrich but they don't know who or why. A s**t ton of botanists were executed in the capital yesterday. None of them said a word. By the looks of things here, Sage have, them doesn't she?" "I don't know anything about Elder Tree seeds but something else happened," "With her?" "Yeah, she broke a loop spell," "What? Like she was in a loop spell and broke out of it?" "Yes," "Sweet fireflies," she laughed. "I mean if there was something as reckless as breaking a loop spell it would be Sage doing the recking. The fire fairies must be pissed," "They are. Which is why she has us all running around. We have military contracts," "What? As in we now work for the Aldrich Government and have diplomatic immunity?" she grinned. "Correct," "f**k, she's been busy," she sat back. "When can I see her?" "She's here," Knuckles barged in with her drink. He handed it to her. "She has three with her. Redwood, Highwind, and Coventree," "You're coming with us," I informed him. "Where's your King?" Debora asked. "She's in transition," we both answered. "She?" she asked. "You have a lot to catch up on, sweety. Come on. I'll try to shorten it as best I can," Knuckles offered her his hand. "You need to get dressed. None of this beast girl bullshit anymore. You're home now," "Go, I'll see you two soon," I nodded when she looked back at me. The VIP booth was closed in and the table was set up as they led the four of them inside. I walked out to greet them first. The four of them together like this is rather impressive. They leave a trail of intimidation behind them. A part of me is surprised but I knew she had all of this in her since the moment we met. There's something completely broken inside of her and no matter what she does, nothing is ever going to be able to fill it. I know the feeling all too well. "Elder Highwind. You clean up well," I greeted her Queen. "Sesshomaru Airington, you finally got rid of your disgusting hair," she glared at me. Elias and Sage laughed as I took a seat. "And the hits keep on coming," I sighed. A couple of different bottles were brought in along with glasses for all of us. Sage looked over the cups and then at me. "Are we expecting others? I thought Lilly was going to be out of commission for a bit," she reached for a cup. "My Queen and my ten are here," "Deb is back?" she asked taking the bottle from me. "When did she get in?" "Just now. Before she comes up, I want to talk about the painting, Sage," "Okay, what do you want to know?" "What do you want to tell me?" "The painting has nothing to do with you. I told Lilly about it because I want to know more about it myself," "You painted the f*****g thing," I growled. "Hey," Elias pointed at me. "I did but it doesn't mean I know anything about it. Your father went out of his way to obtain it. Why?" she countered. I never considered that question. My father was a snob. I figured it was the reason why he got something as pretentious as a six hundred and eight five-dollar painting of nothing. "I don't know. I didn't even know it was your work," "How did you not know? You were together for a very long time," Highwind looked between us. "She didn't paint anymore when I met her and I'm not exactly an art enthusiast. I want the names of the other buyers," I demanded. She placed a puck on the table and slid it over to me. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. "Don't talk about the seeds. Not until we know where she stands. For now, we're working on the loop spell thing," "You don't trust her?" she asked. "No, as of late, you're the only one I trust. The only one that's been honest with me," "That's not good. We just made a f*****g alliance," her eyes darkened. I took a drink. "Told you not to rush me," "I didn't think you could get more beautiful," we all looked over at Debora and Knuckles. Knuckles looked down at her annoyed. Sasha laughed as she jumped out of her seat. The two of them embraced like two long-lost lovers. I turned my attention to Redwood who looks amused. "Your Queen is in love with your ex?" he asked. "It's the only reason she's my Queen," I admitted. We both laughed. "Freaks," Elias scoffed. "Debs brings grave news," I informed them when they finally settled down and took their seats. "The only kind of news she ever brings," Sage sighed before drinking the entire glass of bourbon. She sat back down between Redwood and Elias. "Do I even want to know what Diana and Dylan look like?" Debs asked. "You guys are on that first two years after the take over stress," "Well, I should be dead right now and I'm not but the universe seems keen on making it happen," Sage played it off. "Now that you're back, will you be staying?" "Well, your highness. You're in deep s**t. So, yeah. Looks like I'll be staying. Diana has been pestering me for some photo ops anyway and I'm running low on funds. Stealing other realm information is pricey," "Good. You're going to need to get to work here. This is my Queen. Aviona Highwind. Donovan Windfrey and Katherine Hightide are downstairs. Why don't the two of you join them? Booth sixteen. Our Queens need to be well versed with one another," "You could have just said this isn't the kind of meeting I need to be in. You used to be a lot more forward," Debora scoffed. She reached for Sasha's drink. She downed the entire thing before crushing the glass. "Aviona, let's go," "You struck a nerve," I grinned. When they walked out together. "She used to be a lot more fun," Sasha reached for another glass. As soon as we were closed in again. The void inside of her reached out covering the entire room. When it returned back to her, she held up a green leaf. She put it in her glass and filled it. "f**k," I sighed. "Where am I going to find another one as good as her?" "What did Lilly find?" she asked. "A few things," I glanced at Redwood. "Elias, Ericson take a walk," "Really?" he asked her. "Please, this is personal," she nodded. Redwood glared at me before the two of them walked away. "Go with them, Knuckles," I ordered. The two of us were left alone. "I know you're taken by him but what do you really know about him?" "A lot. A lot more than he's shared. Why?" "Lilly is a f*****g superfan. Like she knows all of your paintings. She has a couple of the small ones in her house. One of which is part of the canvas I have. Your paintings, what the f**k are they?" "I don't know," she sat back. "Ever since I can remember they've been there. Images in my head needing to get out but these. They took over. Completely. I don't know anything about them and my mom didn't let me keep them long enough to find out. What is it?" "More complications," I slid the puck over to her. She opened it. "Am I supposed to know who that is?" she asked looking up at me. I placed the picture Lilly gave me on the table and slid it over to her. She picked it up. "That's Redwood's ex-wife. The building behind her is the Botany Building going up in a couple of months," I filled my cup again. I watched her piece together what we think it is. Her face darkened. "She's alive?" "If your vision is right, yeah," "None of them have ever been wrong," she tossed the picture on the table. "I'm sorry. You know what they are?" "Yeah, I just don't know why. I don't know what to do about this right now," she drank what was in her cup. Her eyes are getting watery. I went around and sat down next to her. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Why would I tell anyone? I'm f*****g weird as it is. Add a fortune teller to that and-" "They wouldn't have let you go," I nodded. "I don't think he knows," "He better not know," she shook her head. "I'll see what I can find from the buyers. Do you want to take care of Debs?" "I think we should take care of her together. I brought her in but you made it official," she sighed. She rotated her shoulders, popping them. "Send your men home. I'll clear the club up," I stood up. She grabbed my hand. I stopped looking back at her. "Who else?" "What do you mean?" "Who else are you suspecting?" "Dylan," "Dylan is yours. You brought him in," she shook her head. "I know and he's a kid but he's been skimming and he has a lot of players. He asked Diana to keep some things from me. She immediately reported them to Knuckles. I think he's going to try and move in on her because of it," "Do you think he's working for someone?" "No, Knuckles and Jesse have been watching him," "Is that why we haven't seen Jesse around for a while?" "Yes," I nodded. "f**k, he's younger than Breeze," she sighed taking the bottle. "I know but we all know what we walk into when we join. He wants to play like an Ace, he's going to be treated like one," "Does Diana know?" "She wants to be the one to do it. They're close," "Call a meeting. Two birds. It's going to be a long night," she reached into the cup and put the leaf in her mouth. "I haven't gotten information out of anyone in a while. This should be fun. I'll compensate you for tonight's losses," "No need. This one is on me,"
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