
3885 Words
Guns N' Roses- Sweet Child O' Mine Sesshomaru: Lilly is in the midst of her transition. As promised, Sasha sent a doctor to accommodate her. He gave me a gas mask so that I can be in the room with them. She's burning up. I don't know what to do or what to think. I can't even lash out without making a big mistake. I met Dylan two years ago. He was fifteen years old at the time but his maturity was much more than that. He told me he was nineteen and I didn't question it. His methodology, his ideas. All of it called out to me and I came to respect him as a colleague. "Sir, she's blooming," the doctor interrupted my thoughts. There's a bright glow around her as the blossom dust on her body changes her. Since I left early last night, she's grown a few inches. her body is adjusting not only to the expansion of her body but to the poison on her wrist. I want nothing more but to watch the life drain away from Aurora's eyes while I crush her throat. "You're upset," Lilly groaned when she opened her eyes. I helped her sit up while holding the towel up to her chest so it wouldn't fall. "We'll talk about it later," I dismissed it. "You're right, it doesn't hurt until they start to sprout," she gripped the sheets of her bed tightly. Her eyes are a crimson red now. Her hair is a little lighter than before. Her skin is lightly sunkissed with a rosy pink shimmer. The silver air silhouettes forming along her arms and neck show the history of who she is. I sat down next to her as the blossom dust continues to flutter around her. Little pink sparklets that shine against the low light. Her blossom dust is definitely potent. I know she's in a lot of pain but she's putting up a good face. The warmth coming off her skin is warming my own enough to change my color from its pale white to a pinker shade. I picked her up and sat her on my lap to cool her. She let out a sigh of relief. I removed my shirt and let her press herself against my cold skin. "Better?" I asked. She nodded. "It feels good," she sighed, resting her head on my chest. Hours went by. She had fallen asleep humming to herself minutes before it started. Her eyes shot open when the sound of her skin opening up to release her wings met my ears. A moan escaped her lips as she locked her arms around me tightly. The skin on her back opened up as wide as it needed to before the tips of her pink wings began to slide out. She held on to me tightly as she began to cry. Each wing sprouted like a blossom bud. Her skin began to adjust around them as the membrane around the wings began to turn translucent. Once the skin repaired itself around the base of her wings, the membrane around them began to rip apart. I've never seen anything like this before. Her wings look like see-through petals. They match the tone of her hair. The silver wind silhouettes began to appear on them as they stretched out behind her. They're bigger than I expected. Round wings on a blossom fairy. "You're a rare little blossom aren't you?" I asked myself. Her body went limp in my arms. "It was a success," the doctor informed me. He set up a suction bot in the middle of the room to collect the blossom dust. He started it up and the dust began to fade away. By the time he was done, I had tucked her back into bed and she was sound asleep. Her breathing is even and painless. We cleared out the room to let her rest. The doctor handed me the glass box with the blossom dust in it. "Lady Airstorm sends her regards. She said if you want to see her, she'll be at Spade Enterprises through the night," he lifted his sleeve to show me the number four Spade jewel on his wrist. "Go safely. Thank you for your assistance. Will she need a follow-up?" "No, sir. She's a very healthy blossom fairy. I have a list here of natural waters and light snacks she can have for an excellent recovery. I know I wasn't asked but I did an evaluation of both your elements. I understand that you're a rare ice fairy yourself. Her breed of blossom fairies can survive the coldest of winters. Her blossom dust captures frost. She's a prodigy. No matter how cold you get, she is compatible. Your elements accommodate one another perfectly," he bowed."I have a couple of appointments this morning before I can call it a day. Congratulations," "Thank you?" what the hell is he congratulating me for? He got into the elevator and left. I finally removed the mask and went to take a shower. She's sitting on my bed when I got out. I went over to my closet and got dressed. Her wings are moving around trying to get the feel of the air around them. It's a strange sensation at first. Something foreign but at the same time something anticipated. "I'm starving," she looked over at me. Her eyes aren't bright red anymore. They're back to their soft pink shade. "Me too," I nodded. "Breakfast?" "It's morning?" she asked. She tried to stand up but her wings lifted her off the bed and held her up. Her arms and legs wiggled as she tried to steady herself. I laughed going over to help right her up. "How do I control these?" "You listen. Your magik is circulating through you faster and stronger than before. You have to learn how to keep up with it before you can take control," "So, roll with it until I can use it?" she asked. "Exactly," I offered her my hand. She took it without hesitation. "So, what did I miss?" "f**k. A lot. There's an open space for our Queen position now. Spade killed her. The earth fairies want their seeds back and they want to kill her," "Oh," she said after a brief pause. "So, not only are we going to war with the fire fairies but with the earth fairies? Do we know what sector?" "Vinyard," "That's not good. Anything else?" "Do you remember when Diana bought the Airpoint ruins for Dylan and he asked her not to tell me?" "Yes," "We questioned him along with Debora and a few things came out," "Like?" she grinned. "He's Aurora's son. She ordered him to infiltrate the Aces and kill me. The bracelet you're wearing was originally intended to replace the one I broke in Windsville. He packed it with blossom dust which is why your transition happened so fast," "To heal," she nodded. "If it forced my transition, it could have killed you. We wouldn't have known why. Did you-" "No," I sat down. "He's mine," "Your's? A jacket? I thought he was the Ace of clubs," "He is. I mean he's my son," I looked up at her to see her staring at me with her mouth wide open but she doesn't look upset. "Your son? As in your son, son. Like he's your baby?" she mused. "That's what- yeah. He's my son," "Whoa," she jumped onto the bed next to me. "I see it," she nodded. "I mean that kid is fierce. Close to nothing gets to him. Sage did that brain thing huh? Scared him with the darkness?" "She f*****g scared me. She has this lightning inside of her. It's black and she fried Debora with it. He's with her," "If he's Aurora's kid, Elias is going to want him around. They're not going to kill her. You shouldn't either," she took my hand. "Are you okay?" "He took it pretty hard. When he realized what I was trying to tell him he threw up. If she gets his hands on him, she's going to kill him," "How old is he really? Sixteen?" "Seventeen," "I'll take care of it," she smiled. "You'll take care of it?" "Look, Dylan is a f*****g genius. I love that kid and now that we know he's your kid, there is no f*****g way I'm going to let that b***h hurt him," "If you kill her the title passes on to you or Elias," I reminded her. That's the last thing I want for either of them. Sage would be pissed. "I'm not going to kill her but I know someone who is very interested and he'd like nothing more than to see Aurora Coventree burn to s**t. In fact, you know him," "I do?" "Mhm, Solice Payne," "You're friends with Solace Payne?" I stood up looking her over. Solace Payne is a f*****g monster. No one really knows who he is or where the hell he comes from. "Solace Payne is my brother. His name is Delphinium Airstrike. My father's firstborn before he married my mother. He sent him to High Rise but he went off on his own. He's in town and he wants a permanent residence. You know, to be around yours truly," "I want to sit down with him and the others before you do anything rash," I shook my head. Secrets are really annoying. "Rash? Me? Pft. That's your thing. I'm the voice of reason, remember?" she grinned before getting serious. "Is this what it feels like?" she asked placing her hand on her chest. "I've never felt anything like this. When I look at you, I feel like I'm going to explode," "I know," I pulled her to me. Her wings fluttered. Her eyes are red again, her wings are glowing, and her marks are shining even in the darkness. "It feels insane, doesn't it? But you just want more of it," "Yeah," she laughed resting her head on my shoulder. "A whole lot more. You smell really nice," "For a second, when he told me about this," I raised her hand. "I felt all of the cold in my body drain away. I couldn't breathe. I've never felt anything like that not even when we killed my father. The idea of losing you, it-" "I'm right here," she chuckled. "I'm not going anywhere. Except maybe to you know," she shrugged. "No, I don't," I looked down at her. "To work," she smiled playfully. "Do you ever stop joking around?" I laughed. "Nope. I would have laughed so hard when the kid exposed who he was. Did Sage laugh? We're usually on the same page," "Not while I was there but she was smiling. She didn't really look all that surprised," "Maybe she saw it. I mean she was in love with you at some point. Maybe she saw the similarities in you and in Elias," "Elias?" "He's Aurora's brother, remember?" "Right," I nodded. "What are you going to do about Dylan? You can't pretend he's not your son," "I'm not going to. He is my son and he's a minor," "He's also an Ace. The youngest there's ever been. Sess, you can't just ignore that either," "I know," I sighed, trying to think of something. The only thing all of my instincts scream is kill her. Slowly. My phone rang somewhere in the house. I got up to go get it. "Yes?" "How is she?" Redwood asked. "She's alive. She's fine," "I'm outside," "Today is not a good day, Eric," "Today is the perfect day. I'm coming up," he hung up. I groaned. I completely forgot about their stupid deal. It didn't take him long to come up. Lilly greeted him. "I let everyone know you were going to be out for the rest of the week. Get acquainted with your wings. Remember, you have to let them show you what they've got before you can control them. They're a part of you but they're also a part of the Magik around you," "Right, well. I am going to shower. Behave," she pointed between us. I motioned him to my office. He smiled at her fondly. My guess is that he didn't really mind the shift in loyalty. That or there hasn't been a problem just yet. "I honestly have never done this before and the fact that you almost kill me in my apartment the last time you were here kind of bothers me," I admitted. He chuckled going over to the window. "You have an amazing view from up here. Do prefer it this high up because it's colder?" he asked. "I've never really thought about it. It's a security measure," "Fairies all fly," he reminded me. "Not through here. They need a permit or in your case, diplomatic immunity. Since I own this entire section of Aldrich, I can kill you here and no one would bat an eye or say anything," "Do you still want to kill me?" he looked back at me with a smirk. "Honestly, I don't know what to make of you anymore. You've proven to be very useful and Sasha trusts you. I trust her," "Why don't we talk about Sasha? I feel like we need to really clear the air about this. Not just for your partnership with her but for ours," "f**k it," I shrugged. "We're gonna need a drink," "I need to ask you a question. It's been bothering me since we met," "Why did I lose interest in her?" I laughed placing a drink in front of him. "Exactly," "When I met Sasha, she was a blank page. Her family had just been killed by Water Yakuza. f*****g ninjas left nothing but two little girls. It felt a lot like fate put her in my path. I lost track of her for a whole year. She was completely broken then. I have no f*****g idea what she did but for the first time in my entire existence, I was worried about someone other than myself. "When we located her again, she was a completely different person. She was laughing and doing s**t around the school again. Our class would talk about her and her family like they were nothing. Everything she had accomplished before meant nothing to them but she got it all back. She started living again and I thought, she was fine. "I would hear them talk about her. What they wanted to do to her and I'd be lying if I said it never crossed my mind. She's beautiful but they were on something else. I couldn't interfere if I wanted to. My dad had eyes on me at all times. If he knew I had my eye on the princess he'd take her from me," "Why?" "My mother. Ice fairies are only strong as what they survive. If he could make me suffer, I'd surpass him one day. Then it happened. They tried to take her by force when their advancements failed. She slaughtered them. It's really quite beautiful when a woman takes her justice in the most vicious way she possibly can. She ripped them apart with her bare hands. I myself had done that a few times but it never bothered me," "You think it bothered her?" "I don't think what she did bothered her. I think it bothered her to find out that she was capable of doing what she did," "Did it bother you?" "Yeah, it did bother me. She was perfect before that. Clean and untainted by the darkness we all have inside of us," "You lost interest in her long before she became yours," he nodded. "So why did you go for her?" "I've never met anyone who fell in love with the darkness the way I did. It was like falling in love with a completely new person but as we progressed things only got more and more complicated. She's stronger than me and I began to resent her for it. The Ace of Diamond is a red card. We run everything because we have the means to do it. "The Ace of Diamond is in charge of everything but it's the Spade that holds the power. When dealing cards, it's known as the Spadille. The death card. Without the Spade, the rest of us are done. It's why we keep her protected. Why the Spade has to be as vicious as she is. Why no one really knows who the spade is. That's what I wanted but she was voted in after I took my father's place," "I see. Why not just tell her the truth?" "Have you met her? That b***h would have laughed in my face," I scoffed. "Do you resent her for killing your father?" "Killing my father is the only reason I trust her. I bested him. My blade was right over his chest and I couldn't do it," that's the first time I've ever said that out loud. "She pushed me aside and did it herself," I turned around to show him the painting. "She did this when she pulled the sword out of his chest. She turned to look at me and she said, never f*****g hesitate again. He wasn't your father. He was the piece of s**t that took everything from you and she walked away," "What did you feel then?" "Pain. A lot of it. Because she was right. My dad did some f****d up things to me and in the end, I didn't hate him enough to kill him. I hated my mother for it. I was able to end her quickly. All of them. Every single one of them that singled me out at their behest, I ended them but when I got to the old man I couldn't deliver but she did," "She took that from you," he stated. "No, it was more like she gave it to me. A gift I'll never be able to repay her for," "Tell me about your mother. What was she like?" he asked, he's examining the painting. "Why don't we get something to eat. I promised Lilly breakfast," "Late lunch?" he smiled. "Right," I nodded regretting bringing him in here. I motioned him to walk out of my study. I looked back at the painting wondering if he made any kind of connection and hoping he didn't for Sasha's sake. Would he take back his wife and forget Sage? It's too sad to even consider it. I may not have been too happy about it at first but they oddly complement one another. They're perfect together. "Do you know how to cook?" he asked me when I went to the fridge. "Not exactly," "Here. I'll do it. Watch," he began to look around. "Your mother?" "Right. My mother was the chief of her tribe," I answered. He stopped and looked back at me. "The Vast Sea?" "Yes," "You're Allura Shasie's son?" "You knew her?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, well, my father did," he shrugged. "Not like that but they worked together. My father was the chief of Ruh Ealia," "The High Spirit Tribe. I've heard of them," "Yeah, I met her a few times. She was beautiful," "That she was," "What was it like for you to be the son of someone like that?" "Difficult for the most part. Every day was a test of endurance. An uphill battle. She wanted absolute perfection and anything other than that got the whip," "Not only were you tested by your father but your mother as well?" he asked. "Yes," "But you hated her more than you hated your father. Enough to strike without hesitation," "My father followed her lead. There were times that he felt guilty for what he did. It was written all over his face. We had good moments. Especially after Sasha came along but it was never like that with her. It felt like she hated me. There was anger in her eyes all the time. She never once showed me there was a person inside of her," "That must have been rough, Sess," "Was your old man like that? Or your mother?" "No," he shook his head. "My dad was a soldier and he taught me. Trained me. But it was never abusive. Not the way you were treated. He had to be hard but it never turned into cruelty. My mother was loving. She was the Lightstorm princess. Adored by all of her people. She made changes without war. It was frustrating because she had the patience of a saint whereas my father and I didn't. I still don't. I have that patience with the people I care about but I strongly believe that the only way to fix a problem in our Government is to remove the part that's already rotten," "You don't believe in redemption?" "I do. A second chance is the only reason I'm here but power does something to people. Weak-minded people let it corrupt them. They abuse their authority because no one tells them they can't," "Like us?" "Sure, if that's the way you want to see it but we still hold on to that vision. That feeling of being helpless. Maybe we didn't save who we were supposed to. Maybe we weren't saved. However, we were able to save one person. For me, it was my brother Ishtar. For you, it was Sasha. This thrill. This discovery. It paved the path that we follow now. We want to feel that sense of strength because it wasn't power. It was something inside of us that despite everything we've been through was hidden under all that s**t and we will spend the rest of our days trying to find that feeling again. Right?" "Right," I agreed. Do I respect this man? "Why am I talking to you?" "Because you trust her to want to help you as you helped her," he placed a plate in front of me. "You can trust me, Sesshomaru. So as long as she wants you around. I will devote myself to her. She's mine now and I will kill anyone who tries to harm her or take her away from me. Just like you will for Pinky back there. Women, huh?" "More like crazy bitches," I shook my head. He laughed. "From the deepest trenches of the Darkness we all have inside of us," he agreed. "This was a good start," "Why are you doing this for her? I know you'd like nothing more than to cut me open," we both laughed. "I don't like that you're her ex that's for sure but you're more than that. You're a person. Your own person and I see a little of me inside of you. You've been through a lot. The world has branded you a criminal but you're not. Sasha and Breeze can't stay in the same place for long periods of time and I'm not going to stay here without her," "You want to make me an Elder?" I laughed. "No, man," he grinned. "I want you to be the King of Aldrich. I want you to protect Breeze and Elias when we can't and in return, you can have all of it. The entire realm,"
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