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Fitz And The Tantrums- Out of My League Sasha: She is not okay. Breeze is sitting up straight, her legs are perfectly crossed at her ankles, her eyes are wide, and she hasn't blinked in a while. Elias is really upset about me telling her the truth. Rey thinks I should tell her everything. The ride to Imperial Gardens was quiet. There is no doubt in my mind that she's going to love this. Breeze has always done well with distractions and I think this is some of my best work. I know it's going to be a temporary fix until we can actually sit down and talk about this in a few weeks or months. Preferably years. If ever. "Oh my sweet fireflies," Breeze scooted closer to me before nearly jumping on my lap to get a better look at the house from my windshield. "It's so much bigger than I thought it would be. Did you hire the entire army to protect us? Look at all those people!" "Redwood went a little overboard, no?" Elias asked from the front seat. "No, this is the procedure after an assassination attempt. It was Airstrike. Mock my words, that kid is taking my job when I step down," I sat back when she decided to sit on my lap. "Wow, that was incredibly uncharacteristic of you," Rey laughed. "No, it's not," Breeze scoffed. "It would be uncharacteristic coming from you," I bit back my laugh. Rey glanced back at us only making this more difficult to hold back. As soon as he stopped at the bottom of the steps that lead into the house, Breeze jumped out excitedly. I followed behind her apologizing to Captain Airstrike who was about to open the door for us. "We've cleared the perimeter and have set up surveillance as requested," she handed me a tablet. "Thank you, Lilly. Would you like to join us on a tour so you know where everyone is?" I asked. "I actually have to get going. Lieutenant Jackson Breeson will be taking lead along with officer Rize Redwood. Officer Rain Redwood and I will be going down to High Rise to settle that matter. I should be back in a couple of days," "Do you have someone to cover you with Redwood?" I asked. "He doesn't want any cover," she chuckled. "He's kind of a-" "Yeah, I know. I'll cover for you. As the guardian of the realm, one of my duties is to ensure our Elder's safety," I shrugged. She grinned taking my hand excitedly. "Thank you so much. I was afraid to ask. I also would like to thank you for last night. I lost him in the office. One second he was like forward my calls and then poof, gone," "Here," I pulled out a tracking stone. "Put this in that little extra space in his hologram puck. He won't notice. It's how I keep track of Rey. Elias, and Breeze," "You are a freaking genius. I love you. You and I should be friends," she wiggled excitedly. "Thank you. I am going to submit my report and plant this. Your home is very beautiful. She's going to love it," "Thank you, Captain Airstrike," I laughed. "Please, call me Lilly. Everyone does," she excused herself and walked away. "I like her," Rey put his arm over my shoulders. "I am going to show Breeze and Falcon their new lab. Give the tour? I have work," I shrugged him off. "Of course. Try not to take any in the face," he tapped his knuckles on the top of my head. "Breeze," I called out to my sister. She's super excited and is talking Elias's ear off. He loves that she's in a better mood. He tends to stop her when she goes off a little crazy like this but I'm sure he's just glad the tension in her body has unwinded significantly. I thought I was going to have to drug her again. "Coming," she laughed. "Are you coming with?" "You too, Falcon," I shook my head at Elias. I don't want him there when I show her. That attention is mine. He can have her after when I'm not here. "We'll wait inside. I want to see what Airstrike set up," Elias kissed her. That calmed her right down. "Okay," she nodded, trying to step back. She stumbled on her own feet. He had to steady her. She turned bright red and rushed over to me without looking up. "You ready?" I asked. "Mhm," she shied away. Falcon tried to mask his laughter with a cough. That caught her attention and she glared at him. "Shut up," "I will, but only because I feel bad for you," he rolled his eyes. "Alright, you two. So, the university sent over your research things. I'm not exactly sure what was brought over. Elder Redwood and Elder Brucie want you guys to keep working away from the public's eye. So, technically this will be a public vacation. "A few months ago, I asked Falcon to help me put together a lab so when you're home and need to blow off some steam and get away from me and Elias. All the equipment is brand new. I didn't place anything anywhere specific, you can move things around to your own convenience," "Doctor Cooper?" she asked when the team that was hired for her walked over to the entrance of her lab with a guard. She excused herself when they all reached me. "Lady Breeze, always a pleasure," Dr. Cooper Windstorm greeted her. "Lady-" "Sasha. You can call me Sage," I introduced myself. He smiled extending his hand out for me to take. Breeze hates shaking hands. I've had to scold her a couple of times. I took his hand without hesitation. "I am honored to have been chosen for this project," "We didn't have a choice," Breeze scoffed. "My leading guy was murdered," "Breeze," I scolded. She rolled her eyes and looked away, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry. She's still a little shaken up from yesterday. For the next week or so you'll all be setting up. The main corridor is the lab itself but there are eight rooms equipped with anything you may need if you would like to stay on those long nights or whatever you guys are going to be doing. We also have a state-of-the-art kitchen with staff on standby. I'm not sure if you guys would be comfortable with this but I have Breeze on a schedule. Otherwise all she does is work. Forgets she needs to sleep, eat, and get some sunlight," "That would be amazing. Thank you, Lady Sage," Dr. Cooper nodded. The others liked the idea as well. Smart people. "It's just Sage. Sage is my rank of fairy. Not a nickname," "What?" one of the other lab coats stepped forward. "You're a sage?" "I am," I nodded not sure why she reacted that way. Falcon handed me the box with their bracelets in them. "These will be your access to our grounds. You can't get in through the front gate without these. They're waterproof and stylish," I took Breeze's baby blue bracelet out and put it on her. Falcon handed the other bracelets to the three others. I wasn't aware that Breeze didn't like Dr. Windslow Cooper. "Are you ready to see it?" "Yes," they all answered at the same time. I went over to the double glass security doors, pulling my sister with me. There aren't any guards in this specific area because I don't want to make it obvious. However, the place is riddled with sensors. The entrance to her lab is a small pod covered with grass. I have no idea how Falcon pulled this off. I told him what I wanted and he designed it himself in a matter of days. I found this property a few years ago. It was overpriced and a dump when I found it. I invested in real estate and had the entire place cleared out. There are several bunkers around here from the magic wars eight centuries ago. I had them all reconstructed and repurposed. This one, I kept for Breeze. Two of the other bunkers are really cool man caves. One of them is used as an actual bunker. "Would you like me to explain it?" Falcon asked. "Please," I motioned him to start. As soon as we reached the door, Breeze's bracelet opened the doors for us. We all stepped inside and the doors shut. I pressed the L button and the elevator began to move. Breeze's eyes widened with excitement. She took my hand in hers as Falcon began to explain a bunch of things I need dumbed down for me. His charisma is spectacular. I feel like I deprived Breeze of something beautiful by keeping her as guarded as I have. As soon as the elevator opened, Breeze let out a little squeak. The others are also as excited as she is. There are boxes everywhere. Falcon continued to talk leading the others away. "Sasha, I don't know what to say," her voice reached a high pitch. "Don't say anything. I'm really sorry about springing everything I did on you. It wasn't fair. I know it's going to get some time for you to get used to the idea but I don't regret telling you, Blueberry. I know it sounds a lot like I'm trying to keep you in this bubble but that's the last thing I want. I just want to protect you. You're all I have, B and I can't lose you. Ever. I like to think that you're going to outlive me by many many years," "Don't say that," she wrapped her arms around me. She stepped back looking around. Her eyes are filled with excitement. I love it. I've always loved that look on her face. My bratty blueberry. "I have to go. With Captain Airstrike away, it falls on me to look after Redwood," "Don't work too hard," she smirked. I laughed. "Me? I just stand there and look pretty," this was my favorite lie to tell her because sometimes it's true. "Thank you, Sasha," she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I think once we've settled in and feel like things are starting to get normal, we should talk about all of this. I think you need to get some things off your chest," she rubbed my arm. "I love you. Even if you are borderline psychotic," "If I'm psychotic you have to be a sociopath in the name of science," I laughed. "Shut up," she sneered. She stepped back and then sighed. "I think you might be right," she whispered. "What does that say about the people who love us?" "It means they have good taste," I laughed. She rolled her eyes. "I'll see you later," "Be safe," she called out after me the way she always does. I went inside to change into my officer's uniform. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Rey was standing outside of my room when I walked out. He handed me a pair of surveillance glasses. I smiled, taking them and put them on. His profile popped up on the lenses. These have to be the updated ones. They're smaller. A little more sleek than the ones we're used to. Also, these have clear frames. I am a big fan of these. "Sage, I'm sorry about the way I've been acting. It's a habit. One that is going to be difficult to shake," he apologized. "I know. What happened with Firestorm?" "He's gone," he shrugged. "He's getting married and he wanted to tell me himself before it was made public," "I'm sorry, Rey," I hugged him. He didn't hug me back. "It's fine. It was a good farewell," "Gross," I stepped away from him. He laughed. "I have to go before Redwood does something stupider than what he did last night," "Did he really go see Ace?" he asked with a smirk on his stupid handsome face. "He did. Blew a hole in his penthouse window," "That is ballsy. I like it," he nodded. "Be careful. I've got the kids," "There's three now. Don't forget that," I reminded him. "Right, the medalist. Are you sure he's okay to be here?" he voted we kill him. They both did. I had come up with a very compelling agrument. I started with, that kid has a way with people. A way we don't have. He brings out a fun side to my sister and I want her to have the norm. "He doesn't have a choice. I trust him enough to keep him around. You can keep a close eye on him if you like. They're probably going to be down there for a while. Why don't you and Elias figure out your rooms? With our combined benefits there is no limit to what you can have. Yes, Elias and Breeze need seperate rooms. It's true that they're perfect for each other but they argue like an old married couple." "I didn't think of that," he smirked. "Go. We're good here," I glanced back at him when I reached the stairs. He's walking away with his head hanging low. It's an instinct to try and make him feel better but it's no longer my place. I spread my wings and pulled some air around me for a boost. I got to Elder Towers in less than twenty minutes. That is going to be an annoying commute. Elder Redwood is in his office. He closed his hologram puck when I tapped on his door and opened it slightly to peek inside. "Sage, how can I help you?" he greeted me. His lip is almost completely healed. Nice. "Not what I'm here for," I stepped inside. "With Captain Airstrike away, I will be taking her place. So, my question to you is, how can I help you, Elder Redwood?" "I didn't request for a replacement," he chuckled. "You don't have to. As former Guardian you should know what my duties are," "You're right," he sighed. "I'll be out here if you need anything. You're not going to be able to get away from me the way you are with Airstrike. Just so you know," "We'll see," he smirked and opened up his puck. I shut the door behind me and sat at Captain Aristrike's desk. She left me a note telling me there's a puck hidden in the place where everyone can see with the access codes to her computer. Her writing is beautiful compared to my chicken scratch. I laughed looking up at the clock over Elder Redwood's door. It's the first thing I noticed when I walked in. I have been here before and never noticed it because it wasn't there before. I reached out with my void and pulled it to me. As soon as it met my skin the disguse dematerialized. "You're awesome, kid," I mumbled to myself. I unlocked it. The password came up and I typed it into the computer. As soon as the screen cleared a few files popped up. The home screen is a picture of her pointing at the files. "I would love to be your friend, Lilly Airstrike," the files are on Elder Hempswind and General Mill. "Oh my, sweet sweet Lilly pad. I love you," I whispered transfering the files to my tablet for easier access. "Hm, I didn't know they were related," "Who are you talking to?" I looked up to see an older version of Elder Redwood's baby sisters. This must be Staff Sargent Ansly Redwood. "Myself," I answered. "Can I help you?" "Are you new here?" she asked with a sneer. Wow, she's something. "No, I am not," "I'm Staff Sargent Redwood. I'm here to see my brother," "He's in a confrence call with Elder Brucie and High Rise Elder Peabody. It's going to be a while," I informed her. I can hear him talking inside. "You're welcome to wait out here with me," "Where is the pink hair girl?" she asked rudely. "Captain Airstrike is your superior. You should have a little more repsect dispite her young age," I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm sorry. Who are you again?" she asked. "Sage, what are you doing here? Redwood has you on desk duty? That blows man," Calvin Breezington walked in. "Is he busy?" "Yeah, he's in a confrense call. Breezington, I haven't seen you since Emblem," I stood up going around to hug him. "I know. Look at you, Guardian of the Realm and s**t. How is your baby?" "She's good. A little startled from what happened yesterday but I got her a new lab and she's hanging in there," "Yeah, I heard. Elias must be all over that," "I didn't let him. I need him to watch her. She's a military asset now. I can't think of anyone better to watch her while I'm not there," "Wow, she's come a long way, huh? I remember little blueberry running around in her little blue dresses and pigtails. She was adorable. Now look at her. Mother of Devotion," I love when people praise her in front of me. "Yeah," I laughed. "Everytime I use mine I can hear telling me that I'm holding it wrong," "To tilt it," he laughed. "I will see you later then. I have a few more stops. How long do you think he'll be so I can adjust my schedule?" "An hour, tops. Elder Peabody doesn't sound like he's in the mood to be talking about his son's replacement. Also, I think Airstrike wrote something about a meeting later too," I shrugged. He sighed heavily. "Alright, I'll see you later, Sage. You look good," he walked away. "I am so sorry. You look different with your hair up and dressed incognito," Ansly motioned my body. That's the point. It's easy to see what she's a couple of years older than me. Anyone younger wouldn't have apologized. "It's fine. Have a seat," I motioned the chairs along the wall in front of Lilly's desk. I sat back down and continued to look at the files she sent me. There's a lot of personal information. Lilly Airstrike is a snoop and I love it. "What do you think of General Mill?" "Useless," she answered without hesitation. "Elder Hempswind?" "Dumbass," she rolled her eyes. I looked up at her. She instantly got nervous. "You did amazing in this morning's speech. You write them for him right?" "I do," she said a little impressed with me. "Have you ever considered writing professionally? Maybe journalism?" I asked. The door was opened and Redwood walked out. He looked between us. We both stood up and greeted him properly. To be continued. "I will talk to you later, Ans. Why don't you meet up with Rize at the Airstorm Estate in Imperial Gardens? She's new and they have a lot of work to get done," "Sure," she nodded. "You," he pointed at me. "Let's go," "Yes, sir," I saluted him. I locked the computer, pocketed the puck, and I'm taking this tablet with me. "Laters, Sage," Ansly waved us off before she walked in the opposite direction. "Okay, Sage. You're going to want to say something and I'm telling you now not to. This is Elder business and right now, you're my guard. Nothing more, nothing less. Can you do that for me?" he began. "Holding my tongue to avoid being beheaded? Sure," I shrugged. The edges of his lips almost curved upward into a smile before he got serious again. "Do me a favor. Do not become friends with my assistant. The two of you is a large file of disaster waiting to happen," "Too late. I think we're going to kill some people together in the near future," I shrugged. His mouth fell open like he was about to scold me but then decided to not say anything. I heard the clack of his teeth when he shut his mouth. Smart, beautiful man. "I'll keep quiet. Scout's honor," "You weren't a scout," he shook his head. "Sage's honor," I raised my hand. "You're the only one that can say that. How does it feel?" he smirked. "A lot like standing at the top of Aldea's Resort listening to my potential girlfriend and her ex arguing without caring about the view," I smirked. His mouth fell open again for a different reason this time. I laughed at his reaction. "I feel like you know a lot more about me, which is why I am going to be friends with the girl that watches your every move. Sisters have a code and it's not easy to break," "Who should I become friends with?" he asked. "Ace is obviously out of the picture. My sister is not the social butterfly I am. There should be some bounderies between you and the King. Elias is no better than Breeze. Elder Brucie is my uncle on my mom's side. He got me into the military actually. You're already close to him," "Has he told you that? That we're close?" "Yes, he thinks you're obessessed with my work," I smiled. I poked his chest. "Likewise, Elder Redwood. Likewise," I motioned the Elder Council room. I hate it in there. It smells like someone was murdered in here and the cleaning crew tried to cover it up with disinfectant badly. "Elder Redwood, after you," "You're going to make my life very difficult aren't you? And I don't mean the fun violent stuff," he shook his head. "Nope, that fun violent stuff is going to get to you too," I laughed. His golden eyes flashed in a threatening manner for an instant before he straightened up and walked inside. His tailored pants hug lower body beautifully. I am going to love walking behind this man for the next couple of days.
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