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Cannons- Fire For You Ericson: Today's meeting is really not going to sit well with Sage. It's about the Elder Tree Seeds. The Elders from High Rise are here and they have our complete attention. Even as the Guardian of the Realm, Sage doesn't have the right to sit with us. She's standing behind me, in the same manner, the Guardian of High Rise is behind his Elders. He's a sturdy, rugged-looking man. His green wings are massive compared to Sage's. His eyes now and then scan the room as if looking for any sign of trouble. I glanced back at Sage to see her staring at the man. She seems amused by him or maybe the way he's taking the seriousness of the situation. He is with his elders in a realm not of their own. She should know what that would feel like. Not to mention, he's alone. Probably a request from Peabody. "Redwood," Elder Brucie sat next to me. He turned around in his seat to look at his niece behind me. I didn't know they were related. Not many speak of her mother's bloodline. "Sasha. Always a pleasure," "Look away, Bruce," she scoffed at him making him laugh. I shook my head disapprovingly. The insolence. "Don't do that. I'm being disrespectful for a reason. He knows why," "There should never be a reason for you to speak an elder this way. Especially in our Elder's Tower. Especially in our Elder's Tower with visiting Elders from another Realm," I scolded her. Brucie looked at me, eyes wide, and then looked back at her. "You're right. I apologize," she sighed. "What?" he asked her with disbelief. "I apologize for my behavior, Elder Brucie. It won't happen again," there's both resentment and sincerity in her voice. He caught them both. "As you were," he accepted the apology and sat straight in his chair facing the center of the room. He turned his attention to me. "You have to teach me how to do that," "You're not her type," I answered. She snickered before trying to cover it up by clearing her throat. "I see," he nodded with a smirk on his face. "Finally making good decisions," "Don't push your luck," I warned him, he grinned like a mad man. The round room was filled with all acting Elders in the order of importance. As the first five, we take care of the Realm's Royal Militia. The first Elder takes care of the King's assets as he completes his Military training. The second, take care of all media forms. She's the reason why the Royal guard is such a big sensation in Aldrich. Not just in Aldea, but the entire Realm. The third Elder handles their money. Brucie handles their families and I handle their personal needs. The other Elders are the ones who make the decisions for the Realm while the standing King completes all their training. Then they're all promoted to Councilmen if the King survives his training. The next two years are going to be very difficult for all of us. "Welcome Elders of High Rise," Elder Windjoy took the stance. "Let us commence the first meeting regarding project two seventeen. The Elder Tree Seeds," she pushed a USB into the mainframe so that we can all see the profile projected in the Hologram Table. She then went back to her place and took a seat. "Why don't we start with the basics?" "Of course," Elder Peabody stood. "Project two seventeen began eight years ago upon the invention of the new advanced light crystals courtesy of the Young lady of the House of Airstorm. Second Princess Breeze," "What does the invention of her crystals have to do with this project?" someone from the back asked. Elder Peabody smiled. "Everything. The crystal itself without the spell generates enough magic to create a small bomb that can level this entire tower," he held a very small one up. Sage cleared her throat catching his attention. He turned his eyes to her and quickly put it down. "Pardon me," he swallowed loud enough for me to hear him from where I am and it's not close. "The spell provided not only extends the life of the crystal but the magic in it. Not only acting as an eternal light but as proof of stability. "The Elder Tree. The last Elder Tree prospering only continues to do so because it had a stable core at its main foundation. This small crystal can't do very much for something that size. Without a stable core, the Elder Tree wouldn't supply us with any form of magic. Elder Trees create everything that makes us fae. Fairies, Trolls, gremlins, sirens, mermaids, pixies, wizards, and witches. We channel the magic of the Elder Trees in our blood. Up until now, we haven't had any type of synthetic core that can be used to stabilize the power of an Elder Tree. It's why we haven't been able to make more. We've tried two hundred and fifteen other ways and failed. "Eight years ago, the fae world was blessed with the creation of a little girl who was afraid of the dark. A little girl so profoundly brilliant that she unintentionally gave us the answer we've been searching for, for hundreds of thousands of years. If this project works. If she is able to create a crystal to stabilize the power of an Elder Tree. Breeze Airstorm would have single-handedly saved the Fae world from disappearing altogether upon the death of the last Elder Tree. If we have power now, with more Elder Trees scattered around all Realms, we'd be able to rebuild all that has died. Magic would once again reign as it did when the first tree was planted. Everything would change," "And you believe this little crystal could do that?" Elder Brucie asked. "No, we need a much larger core," he shook his head. "How much larger?" I asked. "We don't know. This is why my son sought out Princess Airstorm. Her calculations have never been wrong and we need that. Our fate is in the hands of a thirty-seven-year-old fairy girl who hasn't even sprouted her wing yet. I cannot stress enough the importance of her survival or this project," "Why her's specifically?" someone asked. I stiffened when Sage fidgeted behind me. I lightly cleared my throat distracting her as best I could. It seemed to work because she stopped moving. "There is no one else who can do the math. I've been searching for a mind like this for centuries. I've tried to create a mind like this through selective breeding and-" he paused for an instant. His voice is thick with regret. His eyes are dark, probably because of his son. "f**k," Sage whispered from behind me. Her tone matched his. "We need her," he concluded. "Not as just a realm but as an entire species on the brink of extinction," "And if she can't do it?" Elder Hempswind asked. The sound of Sage cracking her neck interrupted everyone. That's how loud it was. "Do you have something to say, Guardian?" he scoffed. "Do you know where you are?" "Don't," I stopped her before turning my attention to him. "Elder Hempswind, I would like to kindly ask you to refrain from addressing my Guard now and any other given scenarios. I'm trying to tame her and you are going to make my job a lot harder than it already is," "Tame a Sage?" he scoffed. "Please," The room broke out in a low whisper. Even Elder Peabody looked back at his buddies, shocked to have knowledge of this. I wasn't under the impression that it was a secret but it doesn't surprise me that those who are not of military background don't know of Sage's status. It's not very often the honor of Sage is earned. Especially a fairy her age. "I imagine that something as complex as this baffles you. You know that they say. Those who can't do. Teach." I sneered. A few of the Elders both High Rise and Aldrich laughed. Including Elder Peabody. "Elder Peabody, please continue," "Yes, Elder Redwood. Thank you," he glanced between Hempswind and Sage before gathering his thoughts. "We don't expect her to do this during the first try. In fact, we've created smaller simulated seeds to first these this theory before we move on to the actual trees," "Is Lady Airstorm aware of this?" Elder Strongair asked. "Yes, it was actually the only reason she agreed to work on this project with us. It was her idea for us to begin small," Peabody nodded. "We offered her the project six years ago. It was her one condition," "It took six years to create smaller Elder Trees so that she can see if the theory worked?" Brucie asked. "Yes, sir. This is a very complex experiment. See, if the core is able to stabilize the tree even for just an instant before it fails, it can have catastrophic consequences as it implodes," "How catastrophic?" Sage blurted out. His eyes turned to her. "My lady Sage, I promise you that I will ensure your sister's safety as best I can. I have been developing the equipment for this for the past eight hundred years. Just waiting for a chance like this to come by. I've never had an accident in any of my labs. No casualties in any of my experiments and I assure you that I plan on staying on this path no matter the means," he swore. Sage took a step forward close enough to where I can see her staring directly at Elder Peabody. "I sure hope so," The words were calm as they left her lips. She didn't yell or raise her voice. It was void of all emotion, yet the High Rise Guardian stepped forward because of the threatening demeanor in her stance and stare. A chill trickled down my spine and I'm not even looking her in the eyes the way Peabody is. It didn't shake his resolve in the slightest. I smiled to myself feeling as if I were rewarded somehow by this small bit of information I gathered about her. I know she's dangerous. She's Sage. But her resolve and the intimidation she instills in those around her are both equally magnificent. Worthy of applause. It's cute. "Step back, Guardian," I ordered. The coldness around her faded as she gathered her thoughts. She turned her head slightly to the left popping her neck a second time before she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She then did as I instructed and hid behind me once again. It didn't go unnoticed by the others. To my recollection, Sage has always been unhinged. She's never held her tongue before. She's always done things her way. In the most difficult manner available, brute force. I have to reward her for her behavior. Teach her that this is the way she needs to behave if she intends to walk behind the King as he progresses. She wasn't chosen to be the Queen, for that I am thankful. But it doesn't mean she's out of the woods. Protecting the King as well as Breeze is not going to be an easy task. Not with the way this man already sees the young girl. When others see Breeze for what she is, they will come. Armies will be formed to get to her. It's going to be two very long years. "This meeting is adjourned for now. We will continue in the morning," Elder Eliza interjected. "Elder Redwood, why don't you take our Sage for a walk so she can cool off? You have the rest of the day," "Thank you, Elder Eliza," I gave her a respectful bow. "Thank you. I didn't think we'd ever have a pleasant meeting with her around. Whatever you're doing, keep up the good work soldier," she stood up went over to the table, and removed the USB before handing it to Elder Windjoy who graciously accepted it. "Sage, do you think you can attend some interviews later this week?" "Forgive me, Elder Eliza. I know it's your job and that I play a very big role in it but with Captain Airstrike away, I simply can't afford to be distracted. Elder Redwood is a bit of a handful," she answered. I stood up looking at her with a glare. Elder Eliza laughed. "I understand," she mused. "Next time," "We'll see," Sage nodded. "Let's go," I walked past them. She followed. I stopped right before we got to my office. She almost smacked into me from behind. "I know I broke my promise but we're talking about Breeze. It's a reflex," she tried to explain. "You did nothing wrong, Sasha. I understand. I'm surprised you lasted that long. Good job, Sage. Since we've been cleared for the evening, would you like to go to dinner with me?" "Actually, it's our first night in our new home and we made dinner plans. I know it's way too soon, but if you like. You can join us," "It is soon," I admitted. "But I would love to see your new home. Mostly to see how tight your security is. See if I can improve it," "Oh, you're so on. I doubt it," she smirked smugly. "I'll take you to your place first. So you can get into something more comfortable," "Very considerate of you," "I know," she shrugged. "After you, Elder Redwood," She had my car brought around. She waved her hand in front of her and the small black drones on her uniform surrounded us as we walked towards the car. She put them around the car once I was inside so she can have a vantage point all around. This girl takes he job very seriously. As soon as we arrived at my home, she got out and open the door for me. It bothers me but I can't exactly tell her not to do it. She's not choosing to be here. It's her job. "Brother," Ishtar opened the door for me. I glanced back at her to see her facing the opposite direction, her hands in front of her as she moves the drones around to her liking. "Is that-" "Sage, why don't you come inside? I set up the security myself," I informed her. "You have two blind spots on both the east and west sides of your home. One by the Staff Sargents room and another by your own," she informed me. I went over to her and removed her glasses and put them on. She smirked as I took a look before meeting her gaze. "Want me to fix it for you?" "No, " I almost snarled at her. Ishtar cleared his throat. I took the glasses off and handed them to her. She put them back on. "Thank you for catching that. I'll have it fixed immediately," "You're welcome," she smirked. "Is this your brother?" "Yes, Sage this is Ishtar. Ish this is Sage," I introduced them. "My lady," Ishtar bowed formally. "Call me, Sage. Everyone does," she held out her hand. "You have twenty minutes, Elder Redwood," "I wasn't aware of the time curfew," "There isn't one. I just want you to hurry up so I can show off," she rolled her eyes. Ishtar laughed. I looked up at my brother surprised. He quickly tried to hide it. I haven't seen him genuinely laugh that way in a very long time. "Go on, Eric. I'll keep our lively guest entertained," he reassured me. I can hear the two of them getting acquainted as I go up to my room. As soon as I opened the doors I smiled. Ansly left an outfit laid out for me with a note on it. I took a quick shower before I take a look. I can't imagine the stress Sage must be under right now knowing that one of my siblings has just become an international asset that can and will be targeted as we move forward. Maybe she hasn't fully grasped the situation at hand. -They're all numbered. Don't let Sage see them and if she does, say you're super organized and I don't know become obsessively organized for the rest of your life. Love, your favorite sister Ansly. Duh. P.S. burn the note when you're done. What numbers? I went through clothes and found nothing. I finally gave up and get dressed. No need to keep her waiting. Ishtar and Sage were talking like they've been friends for a very long time. When I got close enough, my brother got up and excused himself. He walked past me tapping my chest as if we were close friends without saying a word. I watched him slowly walk up the stairs with his hands in his pockets. My siblings all tend to act very out of character when they're around her. "Ready?" she asked looking me over. "Yes," I sighed wondering if maybe I missed something. "Elder Redwood, you have a lovely home," she commented. "It's very obvious that it belongs to a man. Black on gold decor is very masculine," "Not me at all. No one wanted to take on the decor responsibility when we first moved in. Rain hired Airstrike. She was working in interior design when we met. They're all the same age," I explained. "What? Lilly Airstrike was in interior design before? How old is that girl?" "She's twenty-four. General Breezington's youngest," "I know young Breezington. He was in my platoon on my second tour in Emblem. He saved my life believe it or not," she smiled fondly. "I didn't know they were related. Why is her last name Airstrike?" "Her father's last name is Airstrike. Hail Airstrike," I answered. She turned in he seat looking me over. "The ice twister mafia lord on death row, Hail Airstrike?" she asked. "Yes," I smiled at her enthusiasm. She began to fidget in her seat before lifting her hips and pilling her pants down. I cleared my throat looking away. "That motherfucker almost amputated my leg," she slapped her thigh. I looked over to see a massive scar going from just above her knee all the way up to her hip. She turned the scar into a beautiful pink rose bouquet. She has tattoos. She pulled up her pants and began to buckle her belt. "It's like we're destined to be best friends," "What? Her father tried to kill you and think she's destined to be your best friend?" "Yes," she nodded. "We both come from eccentric backgrounds. We get each other. Like two lost souls finding one another in the darkness. No one else gets it. It's something unspoken but not in a romantic way. If you know you know," I do not understand her at all. Yet, I cling to everything she says. I find myself wanting to know more. I want to know what's going on in that insane brain of hers. She's mentioned not being as intelligent as Breeze but I beg to differ. Sure, she's not into books and science. Her interest lies elsewhere and she's dominating. When we arrived, she opened the door for me. I got out almost instantly catching the sound of what I think are hooves clacking against polished marble. The two of us walked up to the door that was already open. "Heads up," someone shouted from inside. She put her arm out pushing me to the side with her body just as their tiny unicorn rushed out with a tiny pegasus following close behind. The unicorn instantly grew ten times the size it had been and so did the pegasus. "Oh, hey. I was just about to call you," Elias greeted her. He bowed slightly when he caught me standing here with her. "Elder Redwood," "My lord," I greeted him formally. He snorted. "Come on, man. Don't call me that. My name is Elias," he held his hand out for me to take. I shook it without hesitation. Sage just rolled her eyes at me. "Have someone fix the guest room across from me. He's going to be staying a couple of nights," Sage instructed him. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked her. My driver brought over my overnight bag. "We didn't tell you? I'm sorry. You're going to be staying with us until Captain Airstrike and Officer Redwood get back. You can't be alone in that big ass house with no protection. You're an Elder now. So, I had a bag prepared for you," she informed me. "I didn't ask because I knew you were going to say no,"
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