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Skylar Grey ft. Eminem- Kill For You Breeze: "...the shooter has been apprehended and is being taken into custody by Captain Lilly Airstrike who has taken lead in the investigation. Sources state that both Mayor Marcus Lovewind and Doctor Alstin Peabody were working on a project alongside Aldrich's Lead Scientist, Breeze Airstorm. Who the shooter tried to assassinate right outside of Aldrich's University. We have Elder Ericson Redwood here for an official statement," Jessy Wirlwind reported. I used to go to school with that girl. "Oh, my sweet fireflies. What the hell happened to Elder Redwood?" I asked when the cameraman turned to him and Captain Airstrike. He looks like he was in a serious altercation with someone. If my sister sees this, she's not going to be happy about it. He's an elder now. He can't be going around picking fights with anyone. Military background or not. That's her job now not his. What is Captain Airstrike doing? Isn't her job to protect Elder Redwood? "He got his guy," we all turned to the front door when my sister walked through it with a few paper bags in one hand and a cupholder in the other. Falcon instantly went over to her to help. "Good morning," "You're in a better mood," Elias took a foam cup from her. She took two after setting the cup holder down and handed me one. Hot chocolate. My favorite. "Shush," Rey waved at us annoyed. "My condolence to the families of our beloved Mayor. I'd also like to take this moment to give High Rise my most sincere apology for the loss of a great and brilliant man-" "Ansly can really write great speeches," my sister laughed. "Come sit, guys. I have some things I have to tell you before we get out of here. I brought breakfast bagels," "Are these from Shunty's?" I asked taking one from inside the bag. "You went home? Is that safe?" "Yes, for me," she nodded taking a bite out of hers. "Were you with Redwood or Airington?" Rey asked accusingly. "Who is Airington?" I asked looking at my sister. This is the first time I've ever heard that name. "Some ass hole. Don't worry about it," she waved me off. "Elder Redwood has cleared us," she took a drink from her cup. "Mmm," "Are you drinking coffee?" Elias asked her. "Ewe, no. It's camomile. I have a good vibe going today and I want to keep it in hopes of getting some sleep later. Anyway," she turned her attention to me with a bright smile. "A few months ago when my teeny wings began to sprout, we finally received access to our inheritance. I know that you wanted to go back to Angelic Villas but I sold mom and dad's place when we left-" "Wait, wait, wait," I stopped her. "What do you mean we finally have access to our inheritance? Did we not always?" Rey and Elias both stood up. They asked Falcon to go with them, leaving the two of us alone. I looked around the room before I met my sister's eyes again. How the hell have we been getting by if we didn't have our inheritance? I went to one of the most prestigious academies Aldrich has to offer. I've needed some really expensive equipment growing up and she never once hesitated to give it to me. Aldrich University is one of the most expensive Universities in our Realm. It's named after the Realm itself. "No," she cleared her throat. I put down my food feeling a cold wave completely flood my entire body. It's getting a little difficult to breathe. All this time I thought she worked because she wanted to. I honestly convinced myself that she didn't want to be around me because I reminded her of mom. I look just like her. It was my fault she died. It's my fault Sasha and I had to grow up the way we did. "Sasha-" I don't know what to say. "Hey," she chuckled, coming over to sit next to me. "What's wrong?" "Sasha, you- I didn't know. I could have helped you. I thought-" my mind can't keep up with my emotions. I'm not entirely sure how I feel right now. "Hey," she shook her head. She took my cup from me and set it on the table. "I did what I had to. It's not a big deal. Everything has happened the way it was meant to. Don't worry about it, yeah?" "How can I not worry about it, Sasha?" I stood up. "All this time I thought-" I took a deep breath. "You've done so much for me. You've given me a life I can never repay you for. All this time, after everything I took from you. You still took care of me. Why?" "What do you mean everything you took from me?" she asked confused. I stepped away from her. "Breeze, what are you talking about?" "Please, don't be mad," I put some distance between us. She's never raised her voice at me, much less a hand but she's not the same person she was before. Something is different about her ever since she came back from her mission. "Why would I be mad, B? What are you talking about?" she asked without coming any closer. "It was my fault, Sasha," I can't even look at her right now. "Mom and dad were looking for a man named Ludwig Frost. They were talking about it in dad's study. He couldn't find him. So, I took dad's laptop to try and locate him. I did, it took me a few hours to locate him. Dad found out what I was doing but before he could stop me, Frost had traced our location. From the moment I got into his server and began to snoop. He put me in your art chest when they came inside. It's all my fault," "Breeze, stop crying," she came over to me. I pushed her away. "It's my fault, Sasha," I choked out. I've never said this out loud. Not once and it feels like the knot in my stomach has come undone. I can't stop crying. She let out a heavy sigh and put her arms down. I can barely see her through my tears. I don't even know why I'm crying. All this time, she's been taking care of the person who got our parents killed. I wanted to tell her before. I wanted to show her but I couldn't find the right moment to do so and she was always very distracted. She was so good at keeping me distracted with all my computers and Elias. "I knew," she whispered. I looked up at her with disbelief. "I know about Frost. I know about the computer. It wasn't your fault. Frost was a bad man and he was going to find mom no matter what anyone did. Dad was going bankrupt and she did some very illegal stuff to get him out of the debt. Some people died. Including Frost's daughter. In order to keep the treaty between us and the ice fairies, the council decided to let them have mom and dad as long as we were spared to continue the Airstorm bloodline. None of it was on you. It was all business. Why are you bringing this up now? I didn't think you would remember," "I remember everything," I shouted. "How did you know? "I'm the Guardian of the Realm. Did you think I wasn't ever going to ask?" "Why didn't you ask me?" "You were a baby, Breeze. Yeah, you've been annoyingly smart your entire life but you didn't know what you were doing. I didn't think you would even remember. You almost asphyxiated in that f*****g box. I had to give you CPR when I found you," "How did you pay for everything?" I asked."Sasha, you haven't been in the military for twenty-seven years. You were a minor when mom and dad died and officers make like just a little bit of money," "I worked. A lot. It was very difficult going to school for me. My teachers all kind of understood and let me pick up the slack over weekend assignments. As soon as I was done, I joined the military. I didn't have much of a choice, B. I'm not very good at many things and painting wasn't going to pay our bills. "I'm not as smart as you are. Also, I like really expensive things. See my new pink Windstella? That cost me seven hundred credits. Just the shoulder bag, B. I got the matching set too. It came with my phone case and a laptop carrier. I can negotiate with other Guardians to avoid us killing one another but I cannot say no to a sales lady who had the entire spring Windstella collection available in the back of her store," "The shoulder bag and the laptop carrier are almost the same things," that is not what I want to say but I am so upset she did that. "I'm so sorry you had to take care of stupid little girl without being asked, Sasha. I've never once said thank you for anything that you've given me. When you got me that dumb G-16 motherboard for my PC I snatched it out of your hand, told you to go f**k yourself, and slammed the door in your face," "I remember that. I was deaf in my left ear from a bomb explosion. I didn't hear what you said. It's why I said you're welcome," she laughed. "Oh, my fireflies. You're a d**k," she continued to laugh. "I raised a spoiled genius. Ten points for the Guardian," "I'll allow it," Rey is sitting in the spot where he had been earlier as if he hadn't gotten up to give us space. "Just this once. You're in the lead again by two points." "Yes," she tightened her fists happily before going for her sandwich. "So, we're just going to ignore that you did a bunch of illegal s**t before you joined the military and became the Guardian of the Realm?" I asked. "Yes," everyone answered. Even Elias and Falcon. "New guy, we'll kill you, no one will ever find your body, and it will be years before people find out you're gone," she threatened. Falcon instantly paled. "Aye," Elias and Rey agreed. "She's kidding," I shook my head. "No, she's not. Neither am I," Elias looked between the two of us. "Come finish your breakfast, baby. It's going to get cold," he tapped where I had been sitting. "You drink the chocolate. She's going to need the camomile," "Take it," my sister agreed. They switched our cups. I took a seat next to him without taking my eyes off my sister. He handed me the tea. "Will you tell me about it? How did you get involved? How illegal things got?" "Sure. I met a boy named Sesshomaru Airington. I fell in love with him. During the time we were together I graduated high school, went through my complete training in the military, and did two tours before we broke up. Yes, I still did illegal things while I was with him and in the military. Nine years, before you ask. It was right before I reached Commanding rank. I almost took it back because he started calling me Commander Airstorm. If you ever meet him, you'll see what I'm talking about. What was the other question?" "How illegal were the things you were doing?" Falcon chuckled. Rey laughed. "Very. Like super illegal," she laughed. Rey sneered at her before punching her on the arm. "We killed some politicians. Illegal weapon stuff. There was this weird phase we had in business. It's how he owns that massive resort. Where most of our money comes from really. I mean all of it is legit now. There were drugs," "That thing with the Hailstorms was my favorite," Elias pointed out. "You knew?" I asked him. "I did. It was a complete accident when I found out but your sister scares me more than you do. I stand by that statement. I've seen her kill six grown men with a cellphone. The scariest thing about you is that you are not squeamish because I feel like you have this little kill switch in you and I don't want anyone to mess with that. With that said, I apologize for not saying anything. I love you," "Simp," Rey laughed. Elias flicked a piece of an egg at him, hitting him in the center of his forehead with insane accuracy. "I'll kill you, Elias," "I know this is a lot to take in," Sasha ignored them. "If it makes you feel better, I chose this because I love it. I'm not a good person, Breeze. You're just on the positive side of my love. Can I tell you what I was going to tell you earlier?" "First of all, I want to say that I am not okay with all of it. You did what you had to do. I understand that when there is money involved dangerous things happen. Can you please not exclude me from things for my own protection from now on?" "We can't promise that," to my surprise, Sasha wasn't the one who answered that. I looked over at Elias. "I'm sorry?" "We can't promise that," Sasha agreed. "Look, there are a lot of things you can't know about. Specifics. Both in and out of Aldrich Military and crime. I can, however, promise that when I come home a little beat up or am going away for a while. I will tell you if it's good or bad. It's usually going to be good. Guardian s**t an all. But, once we're out of the military and Rey becomes King King. We're not going to run a b***h council. Somethings require their little push if you catch what I'm saying," "Do not call me King King," Rey shook his head disapprovingly. Elias laughed as if this matter had been previously brought up."Or you can just pretend we're not having this conversation. You're just Doctor Breeze Airstorm. Second Princess of the Realm. Smartest Person in the Realm and call it a day," "That's a really good option," Elias agreed. "On that note," Sasha stood up. "We have our place now. I bought some terrain in Imperial Gardens. Right by the Celestial lake. In fact, we own the private docks behind our house. One of four," she placed a hologram puck pro in front of me and pressed the button. A massive property appeared over the coffee table. "It's very beautiful and spacious. Our rooms are very far apart because I know I sometimes want to be alone. It's also very well guarded. There are no towers around that can be used for sniping. Except for our watchtowers but our guys have the snipers. I conducted the interviews myself. Would you like to take a look at it? In-person, I mean, and forget that conversation?" There are so many red warning sirens going off in my head. My run meter is in red. This goes unbalanced on a scale between what would be worse accidentally created a zombie virus and this. I'm not really sure how to describe this feeling but it feels a lot like I should be grateful for everything considering how far I've come. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her. I can't even begin to imagine how my life would have turned out had she not done what she did. Who would be if not this? Also, this feels like I am trapped in a nightmare. My sister and the man I am in love with are both insane. Their weird friend who is now the King too. "What conversation? What? This is our new house?" I pointed at it as enthusiastically as I could. She smiled and her little smile turned into a full grin. Her way of saving the Realm is interesting but she's definitely gotten more done than any other Guardian and Rey more than any other King. The three of them are unstoppable together. Yet, it still feels very wrong. "Yes," she nodded. "I want to go see it. Now. I want to go right now. Let's go," I stood up. "We can finish breakfast in the car," "Yes, let's go," she stood up. She pulled out her phone and went outside. Rey followed but stopped at the door to look over at Elias. Elias kissed the side of my head and excused himself. "Are you as scared as I am?" Falcon asked sitting where my sister had been as soon as Elias shut the door. He's still eating his bagel. "I'm more in shock than afraid," I admitted. "Understandable. I will never speak of this ever. I too do not know what was spoken of. I was going to resign after your assassination attempt but I feel like that ran out of our lab doors and was sniped by that creepy dude on the TV. Question, if they find out I am gay, will they kill me? I don't know where they stand on the issue," "I will ask and get back to you on that. I am really sorry for this Falcon. You just got dragged into this and-" "Stop. Stop. I regret nothing. Since meeting you. My life has been amazing. I love our work and although things are scary right now, I know we're going to get back to normal eventually. I mean it's exciting, isn't it?" he laughed. "I am excited as hell. I had to readjust my pants when the King was like or you can pretend this didn't happen," he mocked Rey's voice. "Do you want to go drinking with me tonight? Like clubbing and drugs. I ask because I need to wipe this clean," "Falcon, we're sitting in a safe house right now. I was almost killed fourteen hours ago, buddy," I shook my head. "Right, I know a guy who can hook us up. We can plan what our rooms are going to look like under the influence," "Just this one time," I agreed. "The same stuff from my birthday last year?" "Breeze Airstorm," he looked at me shocked. "You got it, sweet face. Let's go for a ride," "Let's go. Our ride is here," Sasha opened the front door. "Grab my bag, please," "Got it," Falcon reached for it before I did. She smiled at him taking it. He looked back at me and motioned me to get up. I grabbed the hot chocolate. Everything is happening so fast. "Camomile, my ass. If I want hot chocolate, I will have hot chocolate," I rolled my eyes. "That's the spirit," Falcon approved. We both laughed. I have only been in a car three times. They're not essential for us. Even those of us with no wings can float aggressively when we're late. They're for show. Something that says, I'm rich as hell and floating around is a peasant's chore. The first time I was in a car was my first day of grade school. I had just turned five two weeks prior. Dad drove me. After that, everyone knew who I was. Noe one wanted to talk to me, so I asked him if I could just go to school on my own and his response to that was, don't feel bad about being different. You are different, Breeze. It's just the way things are. He respected my wishes anyway and had Sasha take me to school after that. The second time was when I was escorted to the police station after my parents were murdered. The third time was when I won the IFA. "Alright, first things first," my sister began. "This is your car. You and Falcon will be taken to work and any other place in this car. Gust and Elena will be your bodyguards. You will meet them when we get home. They will follow you everywhere but you won't be able to see them. You two are now public figures. It's going to take some time to get used to. It did for me. Please, and I cannot stress this enough, Breeze. Do not try to lose them. They are there for your safety. Yes, I am going to go a little overboard after what happened yesterday. Don't fight me on it," "I wasn't going to. I am still scared out of my mind. I was almost shot in the face by someone who was super far away. Why do we only have two guards?" I asked with disbelief. "She is a natural at this," Elias complimented from the front passenger seat. Rey laughed as if agreeing with it. He's the one driving. "Good, I am glad you feel that way. Elder Redwood and Captain Airstriker are bunking up the security in your lab. Settled? Are you both okay with that?" "I am," Falcon nodded. "I'm not unfamiliar with this," "Right, gold medalist," my sister pointed at him. "Which brings me to this part of my speech. I completely approve of your friendship with my sister. Welcome to the family, Falcon. I know this is a little too soon but you're going to have to stay with us. You now know some very dangerous secrets and are what we in the military and mafia call an unfortunate liability. Now, we talked about this and decided that killing you would be the best option. However, I know how hard it is for my sister to have friends, and if we're going to start killing them she's never going to have any," "That freaks me out," Falcon admitted. I am still processing what she said. What just came out of her mouth. "However, I want to tell you something important. I love Breeze. When I was trying to get into all of this no one wanted to even glance at my profile or my thesis because to everyone else, I was just some dumb-ass gold medalist meathead. I did that to pay for school. I was a mess and Breeze took me in. She gave me that one in million shot to prove myself and here we are. So, if you need me to keep this a secret and hide a body. I'm doing it for science mostly but also because I kind of owe her my life to her and it's beautiful. So, I am at your service," "See," Sasha smacked Elias on the leg. "I told you he was awesome," "That hurt more than I thought it would," Falcon sighed. "However, I accept it because of what happened in the restaurant the first time we met. I too am excruciatingly possessive. Probably not to the point of murder but I come close to seeing that line," "Bre, you okay?" Elias asked me. I looked up at him. "What conversation?" I asked. They all laughed. "She'll feel better when she sees it," Sasha bumped my knee with hers. "See what?" I asked. "It's a surprise, blueberry. Don't fret," she dismissed me. I laughed. I am laughing because there is no way this is true, right? No, there is no way any of this is happening right now. Sasha, Elias, and Rey are good people. A little intense but good people. They're playing a joke on me. It has to be. Conversation, what conversation? Nothing happened. This is just a funny dream. We're okay. It's all going to be just fine. I'm okay. Really.
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