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Everybody Loves an Outlaw- I see Red (It's pronounced Re-say. Not Rise. Thank you Jen for asking) Sasha: "Mind if I join you?" I asked. She instantly turned around and pointed the sniper point-blank at me. I laughed. "Forgive me for startling you. Sweet Devotion. I have a pink one," "Sage," she instantly lowered the giant gun let out a heavy sigh. "You're Rize Redwood. First officer," I smiled at her. She nodded. "Wow, you look just like him," I went over to her and took a seat next to her. "The other one is giving off a hostile aura. Is she upset about something?" "That's my sister Rain," she lay back on her belly and put her face into the scope. "Want to listen?" "Sure," I nodded. She tossed me an earpiece. "His com is off. He can't hear us," the other one informed me. "I'm Rain," "Ladies. You can call me Sage. Everyone does," I greeted them. "Is it true that you dated that guy?" Rain laughed. "I did. Yeah, nine years," I groaned. "That's a long time. What made you walk away?" Rize asked. "Men in power get carried away with their newly gained status in the beginning. One minute it's I would kill for you, Sasha. Then it's not now, Sasha I have somewhere to be," I deepened my voice mockingly. They both laughed. "I mean you think you go in knowing what you're getting into, but then they let victory define them. They get cocky and they change. Kings are a f*****g drag. Take it from me girls. Find yourselves a hot civilian or a soldier. They know how to appreciate what's in front of them," "I had a civilian. She just dumped me. Said I was too much," Rain scoffed. "She was a gold digger," Rize rolled her eyes. "I have movement," Rain called out. I pulled my binoculars from my backpack and took a look myself. One thing that's always bothered me about Sess was his carelessness. The guy is strong and it's made him incredibly arrogant. That's why he doesn't have bodyguards. Ericson has looked around his place for a few minutes and he's sitting in the living room reading a magazine. He's pouting. He doesn't like that I rejected his gift. It was a good one but I can't take something I'm never going to use. Something that's going to mock me whenever I come across it. Ericson stepped out of the kitchen catching his attention. Sess put his magazine on the couch next to him. It looks like he asked him what the hell he's doing in his place. "What the hell, man?" Rain mocked in a deepened voice. They both giggled. I looked down at Rize amused but said nothing. "What are you doing in my super luxurious apartment?" "Oh, like it's hard to get in?" Rize added to the mock conversation. "How are you the ace of Airington without any bodyguards? Are you insane?" we all laughed this time. "Shame on you. Get your s**t together, Ace," "Look, man. I'm a criminal. Don't get in my face. What are you, my dad?" Rain laughed. "f*****g losers," "I like you guys," I laughed. "Thanks," they both beamed. If Rize wasn't sitting here next to me I wouldn't have been able to tell which one was which. Ericson began to talk. He looks laid back. Without a worry in the world. Sess is pissed. His wings are starting to release snow but he hasn't stood up which means Ericson hasn't said anything to "insult" him. They exchanged a few words. Ericson has a smile on his face. With Sess giving us his back, it's hard to tell where this is going. We all tensed up when Sess abruptly stood up and began to close the distance between him and Ericson. He's mad. Ericson finds it hilarious. He's enjoying Sess's reaction. Although Sess is taller than him, underestimating Ericson would be a grave mistake. "Sage is mine," Rize grunted. "Hm, she doesn't need a boy. She needs a man," Rain scoffed trying to mock her brother. I put the binoculars down and started laughing. "I am a man. You're not a man," Rize continued. "I'll fight you," "Really? I only fight to the death. Fight me prepared to kill or be killed," Rain muttered. "He would not say that," I laughed. "He totally would. He gave us a whole speech when we graduated and become officers," Rize giggled. "No, that is adorable," I shook my head. "Hey," Rize bumped me. I looked down at her. "You're not going to hurt my brother are you?" "That's not my intention at all. I like him. Family drama and all," "He told you?" Rain asked. "He showed me," I nodded. "Rize," his voice came through the com. We all froze. Rize loaded the sniper. She looked up at me a little spooked. I nodded letting her know I was okay with whatever he wanted her to do. She loaded the Devotion and fired. Her bullet when through the glass and shattered the glass of apple juice in his hand. Sesshomaru doesn't drink. I one hundred percent know he's drinking apple juice. It's where I got my addiction to it from. He lifted his hand and glanced back at the hole in his window. He pointed at it as if asking him why he would do that. "We need to move," I stood up. "Why?" Rize asked. I pulled her to me just as a wave of fireballs were fired in our direction hitting the spot where she had been laying. I tossed her off the building and gathered her things. She screamed. Fairies without wings can float but not from this high up. I dove after her catching her just as reached the ground. I pulled her into me and covered her mouth using the shadows around us to take cover with the void. Knuckles stepped down in front of us looking around before he took off. "They're fighting," Rain informed us. "Should we go in?" "No, let them hash it out. Rize, go to Rain. I'll handle the guard. We know each other," "Okay," she nodded. I handed her the case. She quickly put her sniper inside of it and took off running. I stepped out of the shadows, tucking my binoculars into my backpack. "Knuckles?" I called out. He turned around to look at me. "Spade? What are you doing here? I thought you were in the military now?" he grinned widely. "I was just passing through. I heard some commotion out here. What's going on?" "Some i***t is up there with Ace. whoever it is, has backup," "Oh, that must be Elder Redwood. Ace killed the mayor today and a doctor. He's probably just telling him there's a new councilman in town," "Hm, new boyfriend?" he smirked. Knuckles has never dared show any affection towards me outside of a verbal one. Sess didn't like others touching me in anyway. I shrugged. "Always did like the crazy ones. How have you been, Spade?" "Not Spade anymore but I've been well. You?" "I have a son now," "Really? With Veronica?" "Yeah," he nodded sheepishly. "Want to see?" "What kind of question is that? Show me," I laughed. He came over to me with his phone. His son looks to be about two or three. He looks just like him. Ruby red eyes, golden blonde hair. But he has Veronica's features. "Knuckles. He's so cute. Congrats, man," "Thank you," he smiled proudly. "Are you here to see him?" "I already talked to him," his smiled fell knowing that I had gotten past him without him noticing. "That's where I'm coming from," "Did you like the brushes? He obsessed on them all day," "I couldn't take them. I explained why," "I told him to go with jewelry," he shook his head. "I even gave him some of your favorite options but he was adamant on the f*****g brushes," "Thank you, Knuckles. You're a good friend. How has he been?" "Lonely," he shrugged, sadly. "You know the boss isn't the kind to stick to his distractions. It's all work and appearances since you've left," "It was always work and appearances. We should find him a girl," "You really not coming back?" his eyes lowered. "You know I love him right?" "Yes, I do. I mean I get it. I thought you guys were endgame but he did get carried away didn't he?" he shook his head. "Yeah, a new girl would be great. Heads up, the captain of the Elder council has been snooping around your place for a while. Mostly when you're gone. I think she's watching Breeze for you. Is that you?" Lilly Airstrike is watching Breeze when I'm gone? "Yeah, she's a friend. Don't f**k with her. She's a good girl," "Man, I have to tell Ace. He kind of hates her," he shook his head. I laughed. "I will see you around, Spa-Sage. It was good seeing you," "Do you make rounds on Breeze still?" I asked as he was walking away. "His orders," he answered without looking back at me. Elder Ericson Redwood walked out of the resort exit. He's bleeding from his mouth and his right eye is swelling. It's going to swell shut by tomorrow. Knuckles pulled his hoodie on and walked right past him without Ericson paying him any mind. He has a smile on his face as he walks in my direction. He hasn't noticed me standing here yet. "Go home, girls," he ordered into the coms. "Yes, papa," they both answered. I removed the earpiece turning it off. "Can you give this to Rize for me?" I asked him. He froze. His golden eyes sparked and his wings crackled. "Sage," he sighed. His mouth is as busted as he is. I laughed going over to him. I pulled the packet of tissues Breeze makes me carry. I took a couple of tissues out and handed them to him. "Elder Redwood," I greeted him properly. "Did you get what you came here for?" "I did," he confirmed. I held out the earpiece. He took it from me and put it in his pocket. "You were careless tonight. Rize could have been hurt. She's brilliant but she's still a kid. Come on. I know a place," "Is Rize okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'd never let anything happen to her. One thing you need to remember about the Ace is that he's an ass hole. He might not be able to best you in a fight but the grounds are always going to be even at all times," "Is that right?" his wings are thundering like a storm. "Yes, Knuckles would have hurt her but he wouldn't have killed her," "Are you okay?" he asked looking me over. "Yeah, we're friends. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up," I grabbed his hand. He groaned. I got closer and linked my arm around his. His knuckles are split open. Neither of us said a single thing as we walked to my apartment. His wings are frosted over and the storm around them is not helping them warm up. He's not bleeding from his wounds because of the way Sess fights. I have to give Ericson a lot of credit for standing his ground and walking to my apartment. He doesn't feel it yet but he's going to need a lot of rest to shake this one-off. "You're friends with wanted criminals," he groaned when I sat him on the couch. Someone filled my sister's mini unicorn's bowl. I had taken her to the safe house earlier. That's weird. Maybe it was Lilly. "I'm friends with a lot of people. Even Royal refugees with cute baby sisters," I smirked as I went into my room to get the first aid kit. "Ugh, did they behave themselves? The twins are always cracking jokes and making fun of people. They get it from Ishtar," he called back. I laughed. "They were perfect young ladies," I reassured him. He looked up at me and let out an annoyed sigh. He doesn't believe me and I am okay with that. His sisters are adorable. I can't wait to meet his two other siblings. I grabbed the bottle of alcohol and smiled when I looked up. "You're going to enjoy this aren't you?" he asked. "I really am," I pressed my lips together. I cleaned up his eye first. His eyes are on me as I clean him up. It's making me feel a little shy which is new for me because I'm not in the least bit shy. I just really want him to see more than what others see. "I didn't know I could be possessive over something that isn't even mine," he sighed after a while. I got up and went over to get him icepacks. We have a few. I love these things. I put one on each of his hands and one on his eye. "It's a fun feeling isn't it?" I laughed. "I have a question for you," "Ask," he nodded. "Do you have Captain Airstrike watch over my sister when I'm gone?" I asked. He pushed himself up a little to sit properly. "Yes, Breeze is a brilliant and beautiful young lady. She's very important to all of us not just as the second princess. You do a lot for us all I don't see why going that extra step to protect her would be too much to ask," "Thank you," I sat back satisfied with his answer. "I also have questions," he sighed. "Ask me anything," I encouraged. "That ass hole would have given you anything you could have ever wanted. Protected Breeze, begrudgingly but he would have done it for you. Why did you walk away?" "When Rize and Rain were little and you would come home. What would you say to them when they asked?" "I would tell them about my missions," he shrugged. "I had to lie to Breeze about the things I did. There were times I couldn't go home because I was severely injured and I didn't know what to tell her so I would lie and say work sent me far. She was always with Elias and his nanny anyway. I paid her handsomely for her half-assed babysitting skills. The more I fell in love with him the further I strayed from her. I wasn't the only one who noticed it either. When she was fourteen, we had a huge argument. I missed one of her science things. She has won first place and I missed it. I didn't even remember it and for a moment, I considered just walking away. I did. I walked out of that door and when I got to the street I realized what I had done. "Sess was all about giving me what I wanted. He gave me the attention I had always wanted. But he would also use that to punish me. Whenever I would spend time with Breeze when I spent a lot of my earnings on her projects. On things she needed. He didn't like it and he would make me apologize for taking care of her. He would say that she was holding me back. That I couldn't be who I should be because of her. "Breeze isn't just my sister. She's mine. The only thing I had left and instead of being supportive he wanted me to abandon her. He made me feel bad for loving her the way I did. I didn't expect him to understand. He never had anyone to take care of him or to take of. After the whole thing with his dad. I realized that he would never understand. I was heartbroken but that didn't matter to me anymore. I made my choice and I stand by it," "He told me to tell you that he'll burn it all down and that you would know why," he smiled. "Turns out you're going to be a lot of fun yourself," "So, you have been thinking about it," I ignored that first bit. "From the moment you disappeared," he nodded. "And?" "I want everything. All of it. I didn't even have to think about it but I did out of respect," he smirked. "Even if it turns out that we're not as compatible as we think we are. I want to invest my time in this. Even if we go our separate ways, I don't think it would be a waste of time. I don't think anything we do is a waste. Being with that i***t made you realize what your sister means to you. It helped you become the person you are now," he cupped my cheek. "I think you're perfect. You did an amazing job with both Elias and Breeze. She is very polite, well-spoken, and a complete success. Elias is no different. He's doing great," "The twins were right," I laughed sitting back. "What? What did they say?" he asked worriedly. "You're not a boy," "What? They said that?" he laughed and groaned when his lip split open again. He curled his lip into his mouth to get the blood off. "They did. I was with them for about thirty minutes but I can easily say if anything were to happen to them, I would destroy whoever hurt them and their entire bloodline. Chance Windslow is about to become the first pariah of the year. Courtesy of me. Stupid b***h," I proclaimed. He laughed. "You need to take a warm shower to get the frost off your wings. I'll make you some tea and get a change of clothes. Elias has some sweat pants and t-shirts here. You can use my bathroom," "Thank you but I think I should go home," he shook his head. "Sure, try to get up," I smiled. He looked up at me meeting my challenge. He scooted towards the edge and actually stood up. His eyes stayed on me. When he tried to take a step forward he stumbled. He took a knee unable to keep himself upright. "How did you know that?" he groaned. "He's half-ice fairy. Every time he touches you, even for an instant, he frosts the surface of your skin. It numbs you, opens you up to get hit more. It gives you false confidence. He aims for your main magic points. Your wings can power up as much as they want but the magic has nowhere to go. Your critical magic points are blocked. As the ice thaws, your wounds open up. They start to bleed. If that's not a kick in the balls when your magic points thaw, your magic rushes through your body so fast it opens your wounds up more. Had he hit a vital spot, you would have been able to walk away and then died later when you warmed up again," "That sounds like something that should be in his file," he sighed. "What did you do to him?" I laughed. "I electrocuted him until he passed out. I played with him for a bit first. He's extremely agile for a guy his size," I helped him up. I turned the light to my room on and took him into the bathroom. "Really?" "What?" I laughed knowingly. "Your room is pink. Spoiled princess pink," "I'm not ashamed," I rolled my eyes. "Let me know if you need help," "Really?" he instantly turned bright red. "I meant if any of your wounds get really bad. There are towels under the sink," I shook my head but I wouldn't mind the other thing either. "Right," he mumbled and walked the rest of the way on his own before shutting the door. I turned around and looked around the room. Everything is white and accessorized with a soft pastel pink shade. I love things this way. When he was done, he got dressed in Elias's sweat pants and laid down on my bed. I brought him some tea. He looks so out of place here in my room. It's hilarious. "Did you paint those?" "I did," I nodded looking up. They go from the floor to the ceiling. He reached out touching them. "They look so real," he whispered. "You had amazing talent. It's a very unfortunate loss," "Did you ever think of doing something other than what we do now?" I asked. "Yes," he took a deep breath. "Don't laugh," "I can't make that promise. I have no control over my laughing," I pressed my lips together trying not to laugh now. He smiled. "I wanted to create my own tech company. Reasonably priced luxury PCs for everyone," he smirked. "Really? Are you good with computers?" I asked. Breeze would like that. "I am. My tech tag is XenoFiftyTwo," "What?" I looked over at him with disbelief. "You're a gamer?" he asked surprised. "No, god no. Breeze is. She's in love with you. Well, XenoFiftyTwo. No one knows who he is or when he's going to be on but he's one of the best players in the game. I'm not sure what game she plays but she does not shut the hell up when he does play," I laughed. "When she finds out who you are, she's going to scream. Be prepared for that," "I will be," he tried not to smile. "I'm mostly known on the Fairy Wars servers," I'm not sure when we fell asleep but when I opened my eyes. The room was dark. He smells so good. Like freshly made caramel. His arms are around me. His chin is resting on the top of my head and for the first time in a very, very long time, I feel safe. My body is completely relaxed. I can hear everything around me but none of it matters right now. The only sound I want to listen to is his even breathing. I wish I could stay here forever but duty calls. Not just for me either. I sat up looking at his peaceful expression. He looks so calm. His eye doesn't look as bad as I expected it to. He has amazing healing magic. "What time is it?" he asked. Correction. I just want to hear his sleepy voice for the rest of my life. "I have no idea," I answered. "It's still dark out though," "It's not morning?" "No, you'd know if it was. That entire back wall. Not a wall. Windows," "Ugh, that's terrible," he pulled me into him. "Go back to sleep then," "I have to get back. With everything cleared up, I have to tell my sister a few things before we move into our new place," "The Imperial Gardens Mansion?" he mumbled into the side of my head. I grinned feeling my entire body tingle. "Mhm," I answered. "That place is a fortress. Retirement plan?" "Yes, it is," I turned to face him. His eyes are shut. "Hey," I poked his chest. He opened his eyes. I can barely see his left one. "How are you feeling?" "Like I went up against a seven-foot-tall assassin a few hours ago," he smirked. I laughed. "How are you this awake already?" "I haven't slept since I woke up from the loop. I'm grateful about sleeping at all," I admitted. He pulled me closer. Not once has he let me go. "Thank you," "For what?" he asked. "Making me feel safe again," I lied back. If he wants to get some more sleep, I'm happy to lay here until daybreak. He looked at me for a few minutes. Before I could ask him why or start to feel insecure, his lips were gently pressed against mine. My entire body shuttered nervously and he took that as a hesitation. He pulled back, his eyes are shut. His lips are tight and he's clearly upset that I didn't respond the way I was supposed to. "I'm sorry. I misread-" I pushed off the bed and kissed him. I pushed him back and straddled his waist. His hands did not hesitate. The first time I ever kissed Sess, I had been the one to initiate it. He has been completely caught off guard. The same thing happened with Rey. This is completely new to me. My body is on fire. I can feel my wings reacting to the way he's making me feel. My entire body is buzzing with excitement. I pulled away trying to catch my breath. If we keep going like this, there is no way we're going to be leaving this room any time soon. "You didn't misread anything," I choked out feeling giggly. "The room is pitch black," he panted. "Oh," I sat up pulling it back. "Sorry," I laughed. "That happens when my heartbeat becomes erratic," "f**k," he reached up using his thumb to wipe my lips. "I got blood on you," "I can taste it," I laughed touching my lips. "Why did you hesitate when I kissed you?" he asked sitting up, he's so close. "I've always had to ask permission. You're definitely not a boy,"
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