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Shouse & David Guetta- Love Tonight Ericson: The first time I saw her across the courtyard, I remember thinking I had to have her or I would die. Jewel Brightstone was the most beautiful fairy I had ever seen as a teenager. I fell hard and I knew that this was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and for some f****d up reason, she wanted me back. Jewel wanted to save the world without war. She thought that a kind smile should be more than sufficient to make the world a better place and I wanted that for her. I wanted her to live this unrealistic fantasy. She had some really good ideas. However, Lightstorms aren't exactly known for their peaceful ways. Even my sisters are in the military. It's in our blood. How we were bred. We're soldiers. For some time after I joined the strike force in Sentinel, we were at odds with one another. She was against everything I took an oath for. It was heartbreaking when she finally realized the way the world works. When our homes were invaded by High Rise. When she watched Sentinel was on fire from the safety of our home. It was a harsh slap on the face as reality shattered the walls around her life. I was in the middle of an important mission when she called me freaking out. I finished that mission three days ahead of schedule to get back to her. Shortly after that, she gave us all life-changing news. The idea of having a son was everything. My parents, hers, we were all excited. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened that night. I didn't know how to handle it. For a long time, I closed myself from any interaction outside of my job. I didn't think I would ever feel that warmth again. Not until she saved me. "You have this look on your face," Ensley, my youngest sister arrived in her special ops uniform bringing me back to reality. "How did it go?" I asked her, trying to shake off the memories rushing through my head. It's been a long time since I've thought about the days when I was part of the Sentinel army. "Great, as always. Got what you wanted," he tossed the file on the glass coffee table. "I heard she finally came back," "They did. She's fine. Where are the twins?" "Emblem," she sat down unbuckling her vest. "You're taking her off of the roster, Ericson. That's not going to go well with the other platoons. She takes on all the s**t we can't even consider doing. She's the only one qualified to do them. The three of them are. How often does a Sage like that come along? If you take her off the roster, things she can do on her own will require more than one team and we'll have more casualties than we're prepared for," "This is important. The mission isn't over. It's just getting to the good part. The official statement is that they are grounded until further notice but it's not for the reasons you think. It's classified and if she can pull this off without it getting out, it's going to change everything," "Eric, the others are going to see the favoritism and if you're starting to get close to her, it's only going to get worse," she stood and began to walk up the staircase. She paused just before getting to the top. "I'm glad you're recovering, brother. Your taste in women is as exquisite as ever. Things are different now. Lady Sasha isn't Jewel. However, you have to consider her options when she finds out. Remember the hell we put Jewel through? It's different," "I am very well aware of their differences," I sighed. I have considered those things. It has been a long month. "Are you going to tell her who we are?" she asked. As soon as she removed her vest, her wings expanded. The golden swirls sparked with an electric current not very many lightning fairies have. Her squad members are the only ones who have seen them. She trusts them and because of that, they trust her. They protect her. If word got out, the Sentinel council will want to take us back to silence any secrets they believe we might have. Secrets my parents died to protect and they wouldn't be wrong to fear what we know. What we're hiding inside the very realm they want to destroy. "Only if I have to. She's not interested in ranks or titles. The more I learn the less worried I am of her," "Be careful, brother. You're the only thing standing between those people and what's left of our family. Once it's done you can't take it back, Eric. None of us can. She's not interested in titles because she's one of the last two princesses of Aldrich. She's doing what she can," with that she went up to her room and shut herself in. My phone buzzed on the table next to her file. I glanced at it to see it was a message from Sasha with an attachment. -This is called a lightning tulip. (picture of a white tulip surrounded by bolts of electricity) -They're in season. -Would you like to come to see them bloom with my sister and her stupid bf? -Yes. This is a date. I am asking you out on a date. -Again. -You can say no. -Not sure why I sent individual texts. -That's annoying -I'll stop -Stopping rn -Last time. I apologize. "Do you not hear it ringing? Pick it up," Ensley called from her room. I took the phone off the table and replied. -I -Would -Like -That She answered almost immediately. -LOL! Ok, see you in an hour. (Location) "Ensley!" "Where is she taking you?" she shouted. "Lightning tulip blooming," I answered. The sound of her feet rushing down the stairs made me laugh. "That's romantic," she jumped into the spot next to me. "Also very public. This is a big thing here. It's been a tradition since King Artemis the third married Queen Electra the first, post sixteen. Signifies the union of both realms. Sixteen hundred and twenty-seven years and counting," "Really? This is the first time I hear about it," "That's because you don't have a life outside of work," she tapped my head. "Go shower and I will lay your clothes. Casual but also a little business. You need to keep this classic rich veteran chic thing you have going on. I have going on," "Are all women like this?" I asked remembering Sasha telling me why she guessed that I liked oolong tea correctly. "Sasha guessed that I like oolong tea," "Oh, it's obvious, Eric. You love yourself too much to put garbage like coffee in your body but moronic enough to drink something with the same effect. Also, green tea is out of the question. If you like that, we're not related. What kind of tea did she have? Oh, I bet it was something delicious like raspberry or breakfast," "We had the same tea," I shook my head. What the hell? "Oh, wow. She likes you," her wings lit up and released more golden mist than they usually do. "What? What are you talking about?" "She had the same tea as you. A beautiful girl with high standards," she motioned my body. "She doesn't drink oolong. She drinks something sweet with a delightful aftertaste. She's a solider but under all that I bet she's a writer or, or maybe even a painter something way, way creative. I firmly believe that. There is nothing you can say to change my mind," "Wrong. She told me she made the blend herself," "Oh, my sweet fireflies. Ericson! You found your next wife," she jumped up in the air and fluttered around the room excitedly. "I'm going to go take a shower. Stop smoking hooka with your teammates," "I refuse and this has nothing to do with hooka. I happen to be completely sober. I'll have you know," "The damage might be permanent, Ensley," "Say what you want, Eric! I'm right. I want to be the best man at your wedding," "Whatever," I called back. "I am holding you to that half-assed answer," I didn't say anything else. I don't remember a time when I ever wore the color blue. I got dressed and began to fix my hair. She even laid out a watch for me to wear. I'm starting to get a sense of what Ensley is trying to create here. When I told her that I needed to figure out what to wear outside of my uniforms she let out the worst scream. Almost immediately, I regretted going to her. She spent a massive amount of money and if I tried to tell her no, she would shut me down or she would just laugh. I wanted some advice, not a personal assistant. She's even gotten all of my work necessities in black. Like a flat dark shade of black. The kind that's smooth and doesn't shine. She said it's aesthetic. Whatever the hell that means. The event is on the outskirts of the capital where state lines begin. Aldea is one of four states that are connected to one another. There's a visiting center where we can take a picture while simultaneously being in all four states at the same time. The area around the visiting center is a beautifully correlated garden hosted by all four states. Aldea hosts the event happening tonight. The blooming of the Lightning Tulips. "You made it," her voice sent a chill through my body. This is a coincidence, right? Her dress is the same blue as my shirt. "I'm not late am I?" I asked going over to her. Her small wings are adorable. Every few seconds, they flutter releasing a glittery black powder effect. Void fairies are incredibly rare. Almost a thing of legend. Yet here she is alive and well despite her recklessness. "No, we have an hour to get to our spot," she's looking at my shirt. "We match," "We do," I sighed. Her dress is an elegant royal blue tailored perfectly to fit her figure. She paired it with a golden belt and matching heels. Her long hair is down and she's wearing make up. This is not the girl I met a few days ago. That girl is the Guardian of the Realm. This is the princess of Aldrich. "You look amazing," "Thank you. So do you. I can't believe this is what you look like when you're not wearing your uniform or business suits," she took a deep breath as her eyes shamelessly took the view of my body. "Who did you get to dress you?" "How do you know that?" I laughed. She stepped into me with a serious expression. "I have people too," she shrugged. "Really? You have to people to help you dress up?" "Yes and no. Yes, my sister picks out what I wear sometimes. No, I buy what I want to wear and forget it exists because I am always working," she shrugged lifting her shoulders and raising her arms up playfully. "I have my sister do all of that for me. I've been wearing uniforms and suits since I was six years old and joined the academy. I don't know how to be a civilian. I didn't think I was going to make it out of there," I admitted. She took my hands in hers and pulled me with her. "Tell your sister to cool it on the shoes. Romanos are kind of douche-y" she smirked. I laughed feeling kind of douche-y. The shoes are all me. I mean she picked them out of the closet but I was the one who made the final decisions on them back in the store. Why do I suddenly want to change my shoes? The two of us caught up to her sister and Elias. Elias is an interesting kid. He's very young, the only reason why he was able to take his place as Lord of the Realm is because Sasha vouched for him. This kid's fighting spirit is amazing. His focus is unmatched. Even Sasha herself isn't as devoted to her cause the way he is. It's like he's trying to prove something and by the way he looks at her, it's Sasha's kid sister Breeze. She's his fuel and the kid is a machine. They led us away from the crowd. We're climbing up the side of the cliff here in Aldea. The only thing we can see from up here is the darkness of the open field below with a light blanket of fog beginning to form. Breeze pulled a small speaker out of her purse and began to play classical music setting a serene atmosphere. These girls aren't real. There's no way this is happening. Things like this only happen in films right? "You look a little lost, Elder Redwood," Elias smirked. "I have no idea what's going on," I admitted. He laughed. "You get used to it," he shrugged. "He won't. He's never not been on a schedule. He's a little scared right now," Breeze scoffed. She tensed up and slowly turned to look at me with her lips pressed together just now realizing what she thinks she's done wrong. Her eyes are the same intense shade of gray Sasha's are. They look very alike except for her golden yellow hair in place of Sasha's pitch black hair. "I'm sorry, Elder Redwood. That slipped out," "It's all right. Don't apologize for being right," I tried to dismiss the incident. "Dammit," Sasha groaned. She reached into her backpack and tossed something at her sister. "Ha! Pleasure doing business with you," Breeze laughed. Sasha rolled her eyes. "What just happened?" I asked. "We bet and she lost," Breeze shrugged. She's holding up a tube. "How many times do we have to tell you that is not nice?" Elias looked between the two of them. "You can't bring it up in front of the person. The point is for them not to know," "Right," they both nodded seriously taking in the information. "I apologize, Elder Redwood," Sasha pulled me to her as we approached the edge of the cliff. Sasha jumped down, for an instant, my entire body tensed up but eased up when the other two followed. I glided down unsure of what to expect. There's a small opening where there's a blanket spread out on the ground, four poufs, a couple of picnic baskets, and a cooler. "All is forgiven, ladies. I'm not easy to insult," what the hell is happening right now? "Remember that," Elias retorted as he went over to one of the giant pillows. "Get the lights, Bre," Sasha pulled me with her. From here we can see the entire field. Breeze pulled a gust of air around her before centering it between her hands as she spun it around rapidly. She pressed both her index fingers together and whispered something to herself before suddenly releasing it. A small bolt of electricity sparked when she pulled her fingers apart. It danced around her before she guided it towards the cave's ceiling. A string of crystals dimly lit up the cave. Bright enough to give us light but not strong enough for the people across the field to mistake for the tulips. We all took a seat. "Are you impressed? Because she brought out all the stops tonight," Breeze caught my attention. "Shut up, Breeze. I only let you come because you were mad you didn't think of it," Sasha flicked a grape at her kid sister who was too slow to move out of the way. "Hey," Elias laughed blocking it before it smacked against her forehead. "You wanted to impress me?" I asked Sasha. "I did. Yes," her face flushed brightly as she reached for one of the baskets. "Are you hungry?" "Did it work?" Breeze laughed. "Yes, to both questions," I smiled. She's doing it again. What is this feeling? "Good. I heard that you liked your time in Paris last year. You were fond of the cuisine and I didn't know what the hell it was so I made pasta," "Pasta is not French," her sister laughed. "It's as close to Paris as I could get after you waisted hours I could have used to cook by making me guess what you found," Sasha retorted angrily. "Okay, that one is on me. I apologize," Breeze began to help her take things out of the other basket. "Traditionally, a plate and silverware are used but since we're here to watch the show I have bowls and chopsticks. Yes, I do also have forks if any of you need them. If you do, don't talk to me the rest of the night. How dare you," she handed us each a bowl. "I've been able to use these things since I moved in across the hall from you guys," Elias smirked. They all turned their attention to me. "Stationed in Japan for two years before I was able to qualify for Captain. These things were essential," I took two of them from her. "Nice," she laughed. We all served ourselves. It's been a really long time since I've had to serve myself anything. I didn't have to serve my wine. "Thank you," I smiled at her when she handed it to me. Breeze and Elias went up to the front of the cave. "Have you ever seen the blooming?" she asked. "Never," I admitted. "I've never had a reason to," "You don't need a reason to do something. You do it to see something different, new, really pretty, and potentially deadly. My parents brought me when I was twelve for the first time and I was almost electrocuted to death when my ball went over the fence," "What?" I almost choked on my pasta. She laughed. "My dad saved me," she smiled fondly. "I didn't get to see them. I got kicked out of the visiting center. It wasn't until Breeze was nine when I brought her that they let me in again. I guess they figured I was old enough to know not to do that," "I am genuinely concerned about you," I laughed. "Don't be. One person is enough," she looked up at her sister who looks like she was explaining something to Elias with great detail. He's completely into it. "How old was she when they disappeared?" "She was four. Her color hadn't even come in yet. But she was already solving difficult equations by then. My mom had tutors around her all day. It was really cool," "I bet it didn't feel really cool. My brother was the fastest fairy in Sentinel. I know what it's like to have a special sibling. I can't believe you're letting her date him," "You know you're not the first person to say that. Because of my career, people just assume I'm going to keep teaching her what my parents wanted. I've never taught her any of those hateful traditions. I just want her to be happy," "Sasha, the sparks," Breeze called out from the front of the cave. We both went over to her. In the darkness, the thick fog swirled around in the same manner Breeze has used to start the crystals. I glanced over at the two sisters as they stare at the field expectantly. A massive gush of wind made us all step back. The fog was cleared and the tulips began to bloom. A loud screech of electricity swept the field settling into a light buzzing as the tulips began to open up. The entire field lit up with a massive wave. The people below are all watching intently. The tulips close to us are gravitating towards us. My magnetic abilities are pulling the electric waves towards us. "Is that you?" Sasha asked. She smiled looking up at me. "Yes," I nodded. "This field is strong enough to power my wings up for the night," "The night?" Breeze asked. "Just for the night?" "Yes, it would be a light boost," I reached out pulling a bit towards me. They watched as I turned the bolt into a butterfly. The two girls watched as it fluttered around them before diving into my wings. They sparked revealing the black and gold design. Breeze laughed. "That was so cool," she mused. However, Sasha's face grew serious. She didn't say much the rest of the night. I got the same reaction from Elias.
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