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Capital Cities- Safe And Sound Elias: As the children of very successful parents, there are times when we're alone. We don't get to pick and choose their schedules or anything else for that matter. We're kids. I did, however, get to choose the love of my life. I had never cared about anything as much as I care about her. I didn't even know it until just recently. Breeze came into my life at a young age. She's timid when she meets someone for the first time. She's a great listener, mostly because she's too nervous to say anything. She can be a little selfish when it comes to her work but I get it. She has the kind of mind that can both save and destroy the world if she wanted to. Yet, Breeze is a very sheltered girl. She knows the world is a little beat up but thanks to her loving sister, she's never really had to deal with it. Like Sasha, I don't want this world to ruin her. Mostly because I firmly believe that she's a slap across the face from becoming a supervillain. I love it. We're having a great time. This is the first time Breeze has been away from me since we returned but I can't exactly just go into her lab without permission. I want to. For non-work-related reasons. I mean who can really say they're dating the insanely hot scientist that might help resurrect the Elder Tree? No one else but me. Maybe her lab partner's wife but I've never met the man, so I'm not really sure. For the time being, Sasha and I have more pressing matters. Elder Ericson Redwood isn't a lightning fairy from Aldrich. I saw it in her eyes as soon as his massive wings surged with that bit of power. Lightning fairies from Aldrich don't have wings like that. Only high members from Sentinel do and by the looks of it, he might not be some random fairy. This changes everything. If things keep going in the way they are, we might go to wat with the Sentinel Realm. "You're hopeless," Rey's voice startled me before his hand landed on my head. "Where is Sage?" "You can stop lurking now," I called out. She jumped down from the tree she was hidden in behind us. "You're both hopeless. Is Redwood in there as well?" Rey smirked. Other building but yes. He is here. "I think we have a problem," she announced without taking her eyes off the university's main building on the other side of the campus. That's probably where he is. "You had to bring me down here for it?" Rey asked. "Redwood is Sentinel Royalty," she looked over at me before meeting the King's eyes. "That's impossible. There is no Sentinel Royalty. The Lightstroms were all taken out by High Rise twenty-two years ago. You know the story better than I do," he tried to dismiss her. She should, all royal bloodlines know about each other. It's a mandatory study. "Sir, I saw it myself. His wings are black with the golden design of a royal fairy. Kind of like Sasha's when she lost it on Emblem. He was completely calm," I defended her. "A prince of the old world here, in Aldrich?" Rey shook his head refusing to believe it. "You're missing my favorite part. He's an Elder. I was right this hurts," Sasha dropped onto the floor with her legs crossed. "Get up," Rey laughed, grabbing her by her arm trying to lift her. She loosened her body up so he wouldn't be able to lift her. He let go when he realized she wasn't going to cooperate with him. "There has to be an explanation to this. What has he told you about himself?" "He said he and his family are refugees here. He told me he was an officer back in Sentinel but he never told me he was a prince. That's a pretty convenient story for a spy prince to have don't you think?" she's completely laying on the ground already. "Or it's true. We can't just go around saying he's a spy because if he isn't, he's going to get into a lot of trouble. Him and his entire family. If he is, it's safe to assume that he and his family aren't here alone. We don't know how deep this goes," Rey is going to obsess on this more than she already has. "Okay, both of those options make me feel better," Sasha jumped up as if she hadn't been having a fit a second ago. "What's our next move?" I asked. "He's in that building," Sasha pointed at the main building. She hasn't taken her eyes off of it. Not even when she was on the floor. "Let's go for a walk, Lord of the Realm. Sage you can keep lurking here. If he comes out without us toss me a location stone and stall him," Rey went into King mode right away. "I still don't think he's lying," "I will apologize if he isn't," she agreed. "He doesn't know you suspect him. Let's keep it that way," he shook his head impatiently. "You must really like him. You're making some pretty stupid decisions here, Sage. Wake the f**k up," he smacked her shoulder a little hard. Sasha looked up at him with a glare. "Get the f**k out of my face, both of you," she bit out. "What did I do?" I laughed. "Shut up," they both shouted at me. "I thought you guys were past this," I scoffed. Rey followed behind me. We both looked back to see that Sasha is gone. She disappeared. Probably lurking in a tree somewhere. She's weird like that. She used to watch Breeze and me when she was on lunch break while we were in the academy. Breeze never spotted her. However, there were times when I felt better to have her be around. There was always this weird sense of danger around Breeze. Especially when it involved outsiders. "Are you sure Breeze is the only one for you?" Rey asked when we walked through the main entrance. "Are you sure you want to deal with Sage every day for the rest of your life?" "Sasha is really chill. You know that. Before you start swinging it for her you guys were best friends," I rolled my eyes. "I was always getting something out of it. You have to deal with her s**t free of charge. Not just at work but at home," That has never, not once, crossed my mind. Sasha is a very strange girl. She adapts to the situation around her, for the most part. However, growing up, Sasha was always there for us. She had just turned eighteen when I met the two of them. Breeze and I were five and barely starting school. My mom died shortly after I was born. I don't remember a single thing about her and my dad works a lot. I had a nanny who was not very good at her job. Sasha took me in, she prepared me for the world. She was always working but she always found time for me and Breeze. They gave me a home. I can literally say I am who I am because of this woman. I love her. The only person I love more than I love her and myself is Breeze. This is hilarious because I used to hate her for having Sasha. There were times when I thought that she didn't deserve it. It was on the nights when Breeze would stay up researching and making up all these little experiments. Sasha had to stay up with her to make sure nothing bad happened. Sasha would then go to work and school without any rest. "I don't mind having her around. She's like my sister," I admitted. "But you're in love with your sister's sister?" "Rey, stop being a d**k. I said like my sister. She's always taken care of me. Breeze is a completely different subject," I rolled my eyes at him. "Why are you getting defensive? It was just a question," he teased. "No, man. It wasn't. It was inappropriate. I think you're lashing out because this is the first time she's showing interest in someone who isn't you. A potential prince and it's eating you up inside knowing that you f****d up. You're never going to know what could have been because you messed it up and you're trying to stir an empty pot. Stop it. You made your choice. Now live with it. Also, you're very lucky she didn't choose your half-brother. You would have been within earshot of it," "You're stupid," he huffed and started walking faster. Before I could reply he held his arm out in front of me. "Elder Redwood, do you have a minute?" someone called out from the hallway leading towards the ramp to the second floor. "General Mill, how can I help you?" the second voice answered. "I hear you're benching the Realm's guard. I can give you a few reasons why that's not a good idea," General Mill is ballsy talking to an Elder in that manner. Especially since the only reason why he was promoted is because his dad is on the council. He's kind of an i***t. "I don't see how that's any of your business. It's above your pay grade," Elder Redwood for the win. "Sir, Sage is a very big part of the recent successes we've had and-" "So you're telling me that without her out on the field, the rest of you are essentially useless?" Rey and I looked at one another and sneered. Damn, right they are. Well, his platoon is. "No, of course, not. I just mean-" "This conversation is going nowhere. If we're done here, I have more pressing matters to attend," "They know. Everyone does. You're sleeping with her. What's it like to have a real King's sloppy seconds, Elder?" he spat his title out mockingly. I had to take a look at his expression. Both Rey and I peeked around the corner to see Elder Redwood back. I can barely see General Mill's face but he's looking pretty smug. "You're lucky I'm not easily insulted, kid or you'd be nothing but a smear of s**t on these walls for saying what you just did about a princess no less. Whether I'm sleeping with the girl or not is no one's concern," his hand lashed out so fast I barely saw him twitch but the General was slammed against the wall hard enough to make us take a step back. "If I hear anyone speak of Sage this way ever again, you'll have me to deal with. Jealousy isn't a pretty color on anyone, Joseph. She's out there risking her life the way she does so the rest of you don't have to. Have some respect. Maybe some dignity. Spread the word. If she so much as hears a whisper of what you just said, you're the first one on my list," We stepped back leaning against the wall as Elder Redwood stormed out of the building. We both stepped out of our hiding spot to see General Mill wiping the tears from his eyes and massaging the spot on his chest where Elder Redwood had pinned him. He looked up at us, realizing that we just witnessed that. "My King, My lord," he bowed. "Get the hell out of here, Mill. You're an i***t," Rey scoffed. He turned around and left without saying another word. Rey lifted his hand when the location stone caught up to us. He shoved it in his pocket giving the General's back one last glance. "That was a waste of time," I sighed motioning the way we had come. "Not really. Now we know the platoons are pissed about us getting benched. We're going to need replacements. I'll get the word out to the Riders," As soon as we stepped out, Sasha's flirtatious giggle met my ears. I looked over at Rey to see him freeze. His expression faltered for an instant. Sasha and Elder Redwood are casually flirting in the middle of the courtyard. There's something there. I saw it in the way they were last night. Even after we saw his wings expand properly, there was something there. An inevitable attraction. Breeze was all over it. She said she can't believe that her sister finally found someone as weird as her. Rey shook it off and completely changed his demeanor. "I wanted to talk to you about last night," I heard Elder Redwood say. "Did you not like the date? Was it too much? I've been told I can be a little too much," "Not at all. I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would. I rarely go anywhere. My siblings are usually the ones that drag me along with them," he reassured her. That was a great first date. Despite Breeze making us crash it. "You do know that it's the man who has to woo the woman, right?" "That is sexist. I firmly believe that if we want something to happen, we can't just wait for it to happen. That's a waste of time. Time is not the side of those who work in our field," "You're right," he nodded. Rey cleared his throat snapping us all back into reality. Elder Redwood looked between the three of us as we surrounded him. "With that being said, you know then. You saw my wings. Only Royal firstborns can," "I did," Sasha admitted before sneaking a glance at me. I heard what he said myself. Why would I have been able to see them? There isn't a single Royal bone in my body. "You get how this looks," "I do," Elder Redwood smiled without a care in the world. "I told you why I came here. I just left out my real surname," "Elder Redwood, we're sorry for ambushing you like this," I spoke up when she didn't say anything. "We're all on edge after what happened," "I agree," Rey added. "Especially, Sage. She just doesn't like making mistakes. I'm sure you know how difficult it is to be the Guardian of the Realm yourself," "I do," Elder Redwood reached over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. I have to remember to do that when Breeze has her hair down later. My girl never has a single hair out of place. It's difficult to get close to her when she's out of the house. Sasha's face flushed but she didn't look up at him. His eyes are on her intently. "I'm not mad. If you'd like to conduct a screening. I'm more than happy to oblige," "That won't be necessary, Elder Redwood," she finally straightened up and met his eyes. She took a step back. Like Rey, she completely changed her expression. "I apologize for speculating. It won't happen again," "Hey, guys. You're all here," we turned our attention to Breeze as she came up behind Sasha. "Are we going to lunch?" "Yes, we'll see you around Elder Redwood," Sasha dismissed him. He finally looked away from her to the rest of us. Sasha turned away before she aggressively reached for Breeze. "Hey," Breeze laughed as she stumbled into her sister's arms. The spot, a couple of inches above the place she had just been standing in, exploded. "Get down," Sage shouted. My wings instantly expanded, I jumped up opening them wide and to pull the dirt off the ground to give us some cover. As soon as the dust filled the air I dove, going for Breeze. Sasha grabbed her shoulders. "What's happening?" Breeze cried out. "Take her," Sasha called out without sparing her sister a glance and tossed her up. Without thinking, I wrapped my arm around Breeze's waist and broke for the treeline next to us. "Elder Redwood, stay with me. Rey, flank right," I glanced back to see the ground in front of her getting shot up. She moved strategically before completely stopping. She crouched down and sprung forward. The sound of the sound barrier around her feet echoed through the dark forest. They're going after whoever that was. A-part of me wants to go with them but I know I have to protect Breeze. "Elias, what's happening?" Breeze cried. I looked down at her to see her tear-stained eyes looking back at me with fear. Just then, it hit me. Someone tried to kill her. Had Sasha not been upset with Redwood, Breeze would be dead. I pulled her close to me, stopping by the river bank just outside the city. My heart is racing, I'm not exactly sure what I'm feeling but it's taking over. "Are you hurt? Did anything graze you?" I asked looking her over worriedly. "No, no. What happened? Please, please," she's panicking. "Hey, hey. Baby, look at me. You're okay. You're okay. We have to get you to a safe house. Sasha and Rey have been preparing for this," "Preparing for what?" she began to cry. I pulled her to me again. "We have the cure to the only spell none of us have been able to fight since it was created by the Sentinel Realm. They're not taking it likely, B. We have to get moving. You're going to have to work while we're on the road. Let's go. We don't want to keep the others waiting," "Elias?" she began to sob softly. "Was that meant for me?" "It could have been meant for her. She's the one who figured it out, baby. We can talk about it once you're somewhere safe," "Are we ever going to be safe again?" she whispered. "We'll figure something out. We always do. I'm so sorry about this, Breeze. This is the last thing I wanted to happen to you but we have to go. It's not safe out here. Once the others are cleared, they'll catch up if they haven't gotten to the first location already,"
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