
3656 Words
J. Cole- The Climb Back Sasha: To be lying in my room alone again is great. There's color everywhere. The blush pink walls are covered in pictures of us all and paintings from before I joined the military. The area around my bed is still covered in the mural of roses I had painted after my mom died and I moved Bre and me here. I haven't picked up a brush in a very long time. It's been years but the first thing I saw while I was in the loop was a brush. I was standing on our patio back in our villa in front of a canvas with my favorite brush in my hand. I don't remember how I got there, but I didn't fight it. I knew there was something wrong but I chose to ignore it for a while. I knew it was a loop the moment my mom walked over to me with a fresh mix of red. I used to make my own paints so the colors were more vibrant and thicker. I don't know why but I felt like I needed a reminder of why I am where I am. Why I've endured all of this for so long. "Sage?" a tap on the door brought me back. I jumped down from my lifted bed and went over to the door. Rey is standing there looking the way I feel. "Are you alone?" "Yeah, come in. Breeze is with Elias. I think it's best to give them some time so he gets a feel of reality," I shrugged. "How was your date with Elder Redwood?" he asked. "Amazing. I had a lot of fun. I named our first child when I got home," I smiled. He laughed. "Did you ever give us kids?" he asked. "No," I admitted. "I never saw us having kids. I honestly never really thought ahead when we were together. Everything was always kind of the spur of the moment with us," "You're right. I was a terrible boyfriend," he jumped up on my bed. "Ms. Perfection never noticed?" "No, I didn't. It was exciting. We had a lot of fun together," I sighed taking a seat in my desk at the other end of my room. I started up the computer. I was really just in love with the idea of love while we were together. Why did I accept that? "You know your room has been like this since we were in training," "Since I was in high school," I corrected him. "I rarely spend time in here. You can't get tired of something that you rarely enjoy," "Ouch, point taken," he laughed. I turned back in my gaming chair and smirked at him only making him laugh more. "What do you want to do when we're out?" "Wow, that is a random and very profound question. I mean, you're going to be finishing your military trials and going into business right?" "Yes," he nodded. "I always thought I'd end up being your secretary or assistant or V.P," I laughed. He grinned. "You look good at your desk," he nodded. "Sage, you do know you don't have to come with me when this is over. I know you did this because you wanted to be Queen," "I never wanted to be Queen," I shook my head. "I hate everything that has to do with Politics and the Military," "Then why did you join?" he asked. "Breeze. She's not like the rest of us. I mean she really has a shot at being more than just Political figures that don't really mean anything. We're basically cherished assassins and the people praise us for it but she's not. She can contribute something real and I don't want to take that from her. If this is what I have to do to make sure she changes the Fae world then so be it," "Sage, what did you see in your loop?" he asked after a while. I turned back to my computer and signed in. "You experienced some of my darkest moments in there. You don't have to tell me everything," "I saw my parents. I was painting again. I-" I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I let it sweep me away with probabilities but I knew they weren't real. It was like I was stuck inside of my head screaming and had no control. All I did was sit there and smile and watch as they destroyed Breeze. How they tried to stop her from being herself. That's what they did to me and I don't know why my mind showed me that. I wanted to be more than this but they took it from me. "When they disappeared, some sick part of me was happy that they were gone. I thought I was free but as Breeze started getting older and doing what Breeze does, I knew I had to do the grown up thing and do what they raised me to do. You know I keep telling myself that I would never have let them do that to her. That I would have protected her and taken her away from there but the truth is that I probably would have ruined her too," "Well, she's here now and she's doing amazingly at literally everything. We have two more years of this s**t. If you could choose, what would you be?" "I have no idea," I laughed. "I haven't painted anything since that," I pointed at the roses. "I wouldn't even know where to start," "You painted these? They're not a print out?" "No, put your hand in it. You can still feel the strokes of the paint at the tips of the rose petals," I smiled. He sat up and placed his hand on the wall. "Sasha this is beautiful. Wait, did you paint all of these?" he pointed at the pictures on the wall. "Those are pictures. I just told you I haven't painted since that," I laughed. "Hypothetically speaking, if you wanted to paint that picture of us on base, could you?" "I don't know. Maybe. I don't know if I could just pick up where I left off," "Hm, why didn't I know that about you?" "Because usually when we were in here, it wasn't to make sure that we're all in present reality time," I laughed. He jumped down from my bed and came over to me. "Sasha, we almost died. I mean we almost die all the time but this feels different. This scared the s**t out of me. I was completely defenseless. I-" he swallowed hard. I turned to face him. "Sage, I wanted you to be wrong so much that I was willing to kill you for it. I could have," "You didn't," I stood up wrapping my arms around him. "We're right here. We're alive. Right now, that's all that matters to me," "I'm worried about you, baby. I know you hide this better than anyone. Than all of us combined. Sage, I think you need to surround yourself with something different for a bit. Get the hell out of this apartment. Make changes to your life. You've been stuck here since you were seventeen. You raised Breeze on your own, baby. You've done everything you could for her. More than our parents ever did for us. You're allowed to be selfish after all this time. "Take what you want, not what you think they would want for you. If you want to paint, f*****g do it. Look at this room. It's a masterpiece. You did that. If Redwood is where it's at, work on it. If you want to take a different path when you step down as Guardian, do it. You can do whatever you want now. Breeze is an adult and she's been with Elias for years. I mean maybe they didn't say it out loud but they've been together for a really long time and it's just now hitting that super gross phase couples go through in the start," "I know. Did you see how he reacted when she shook Elvin's hand. Awe man. You're right. I think I do need to make some changes. I'm not going to quit though. Despite everything, I like working for you. We're always no the same page," "We are. Is that weird?" he laughed pulling away. "I mean I got it when we were having fun," he put air quotes on having fun. How did I not pick up on this sooner? "But even before that. When we met, we hated each other. Remember that?" "Yes, I bubble wrapped you and taped you to the top of the school's midday bell," I laughed. "Principal Mariposa hated us individually," "She did. The only reason why we never got kicked out was because we had the best test scores in all of Aldrich," "I only got perfect scores to get under your skin. I would come home and study nonstop to spite you," I laughed. "Me too," he pointed at me. "Why did we stop? Fighting with you was the best thing ever," "Your mom died and I couldn't bring myself to lock you in the tide rise room. I know exactly what that feels like. I mean I had Breeze. I didn't know you had Elvin," "Awe, there's a heart in there," he pointed at my chest. I flipped him off. "How was your night with the Fire King?" I changed the conversation. His face flushed red. "That good, huh?" "Shut up," he laughed. "How long have you known? How were you able to have fun with me? You were what, sixteen when you guys met?" "What? I'm- it's not like that. I mean, yeah. It's like that but not with every man. I mean it's just-" he fell back on my bed annoyed with himself. "Oh, my sweet fireflies," I jumped up on the bed next to him. "Rey, are you in love with him?" "What?" he shook his head. "You don't think other men are hot?" "I do. I mean I know how attractive people are. I was completely obsessed with your body for three years," he glared at me. I should find that flattering but I kind of want to punch him in the throat. "But this one particular man just turns you into a seventeen year old school girl in love for the first time?" I grinned. He sat up looking me in the eyes. "Yeah. It feels so good to be able to talk to someone about this, Sage," "Sasha, I'm home!" Breeze pushed the door open and walked into my room with Elias and Ericson behind her. I tried to get off of Rey but my leg slipped and I fell of the lifted bed. My jeans got caught on the side rail. My face and my chest smacked against the carpet with a loud thud while my leg was caught at the top. "I'm sorry. We'll come back," "No," Rey pulled my leg off the rail freeing me. "This is not what it looks like. We were just talking," "I've heard that before," Elias laughed. "It's true this time," I groaned pushing off the floor to get up. "I deserved that," "Face planting?" my sister asked. "Mhm, that's what I get for trying to force unnecessary answers to my unnecessary questions," I rubbed my chest and my chin. "That's is a great strategy," Elder Redwood spoke up. "I should get going," "No, no," I reached for him. This is the worst thing to happen to me in front of someone who's opinion actually means something to me. "f**k. This looks so bad, Ericson. I know what you're thinking and I swear to all that is good that it's really not what it looks like," "She's right. I was just telling her that I am relieved that she knows something I don't like to talk about. It was my fault. I came here to make sure she was okay. She's not used to being alone after missions like this. Neither am I. You have my word that this isn't what it looks like. We're having an off day," Rey rushed out with a huff. "You don't owe me an explanation," his eyes are on me. "I believe you," "I am leaving," Rey announced. Yes, get the hell out. I will call you later. "We'll walk you out," Breeze rushed out of my room and over to him with Elias in tow. I shut my eyes wishing this would all just go away as they made their way outside. "I'm really sorry about that," I sighed. "Would you like a warm beverage?" "Sure," he laughed. I spun around in my heels and went over to the kitchen. "Have a seat," I motioned the island. He didn't hesitate. "I meant it when I said I didn't have feelings for Rey anymore. I mean, yes. I love him. We've been friends forever but that's it. It was never more. I mean we wanted it to be and it was fun for a while because we're so alike but that's all it is. It would probably be sexier if he was a woman," "I can't believe you just said that," he laughed. That makes two of us and that is hilarious because I wouldn't change a single thing in that conversation. I stand by what I said. It would be sexier if he were a girl. "You strike me as an oolong tea kind of man," I placed a cup in front of him. "What about me says that?" he grinned. I've never seen him smile like that before. It's cute. I've gotten smiles, and smirks, and little chuckles but not a full on grin like that. I love it. I mean I like it. I like it. A lot. "Am I wrong?" "No, not at all. It's my favorite but how would you know that? Walk me through it," "Okay, this is just based on my opinion of people. Elias is a camomile guy because he's always worried about my sister. Always. He joined the military so that he could closely work with me to protect me. So that Breeze never has to loose her sister. The only family she has left. What does camomile do?" "It calms you down?" he asked. "Exactly," I put the golden tea ball in the porcelain tea kettle with hot water and placed it on the tray before I went over to him. "Oolong is kind of like coffee but as kids, high society fairies are taught that coffee is bad for growth. Especially wing growth and there are studies that prove that. You are a tall very intimidating man which brings me to the conclusion that you would drink something that would help you stay awake and concentrate while still contributing to your beautiful physique," "Black tea and Green tea would also fall under that category," he smirked. "Yes, you are right. However, green tea is gross and black tea leads to coffee temptation. Things you as a man with actual adult ambitions could never allow. Your body is a temple that must be maintained to peak perfection without distractions such as a stupid coffee craving in the middle of a mission. So, oolong," "No offense, Sage but you think too much," "No offense, Ericson but that's literally my job," I poured us both a cup. I set the sugar cubes next to him. He prepared his tea and took a sip. "Wow, where do you get your tea blends?" he asked. "I made this," I pointed at the jars in the cupboard behind me. "Breeze went through a herbology phase and I stole some of her tea leaves and conducted my own experiments that didn't involve blowing things up. Although, a glass tea pot did explode once but that was because it was hot and I spilled cold water on it," "How many times have you two set this apartment on fire?" he laughed. "Uh, we're not at liberty to discuss that without a lawyer present," I admitted. "That many times, huh?" he took another sip. "Why are you in the military? I mean, I know it's traditional for your family but it's just you and Breeze now. She went a different way," "Well," I sat down and really thought about the answer I'm going to give him. Earlier, when I said it to Rey, it felt like I was being resentful and I'm really not. While I don't believe in some of the things that we have to do, I love my job. "My parents disappeared when I was seventeen. Roughly the age I had to start thinking about what I really wanted to do with my life. Breeze and I are actually well off because of our parents but I had to step up and teach her that there's more to life than getting what we want," "How did you end up here? If you don't mind me asking," "No, I don't but it has to be equal footing. You know about me a little. You have to give me something," I smirked. "Sounds, fair. What do you want to know?" "I know you're the oldest now, but you weren't always. Your parents disappeared around the same time mine did a bit before. How did you and your siblings fair?" "Wow, I didn't know you knew that much about me," he sat back. "I was thirty-two when my parents died. Uh, we're from the Sentinel Realm," "Lightning. You're a lightning fairy? I didn't know that. That is so cool. I've never met a lightning fairy before," "Thank you. Yes, I am a lightning fairy. Pure class," "Whoa, You're special. Like I knew you were special the moment I saw you for the first time but holy unicorn horns. You're like the golden egg of fairies," "You have a weird talent of making me feel more important than I actually am," he shook his head lightly before taking a sip of his tea. "What? That's not right. You're Elder Redwood. The youngest and strongest Elder on the council of Aldrich. You should always feel important. You're important to us all," "Thank you," he smiled lightly. "Sentinel Realm. Keep going. I am hooked," I encouraged. He grinned again. "I was married once before. I got married really young actually. Right out of high school," he expression saddened. "What happened?" "The Earth Fairies. My dad was trying to establish a treaty between Sentinel and High Rise but it went south. They wanted to combine our military forces to force Emblem and Aldrich into submission and when my father refused, they came for all of us. I had just gotten home from a mission late. Reported to the Elders there. When I got home I-" he took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry," I placed my hand over his, He looked up at me. "My parents lived down the street. My brother and sisters were all home from the academy and I rushed over there as fast as I could. I was able to get my siblings out of there but my dad was already dead and my mom didn't want to leave without him. When the council found out, my older brother was beheaded for treason and we were banished. "Your dad was the one of the acting Elders when I sought refuge here. He gave us all new names for our protection and asked me what I wanted to do with my life. He swore me into the Armada. I didn't even know he had a family. It wasn't until you told me your name that I found out what happened to him," "The night in Kettle Square?" I asked. "Yes," he nodded. "You remember me?" "Remember you? Are you kidding? I wanted to be you so bad. I mean, you were the Guardian of the Realm at a time when everyone was offended by everything the council was doing. They didn't understand that in order to get to the peace we more or less have now, things had to change not just in the council but as a nation. You stood your ground while people threw rotten tomatoes at the soldiers that were keeping them safe. To find out that you're not even a native is even more inspiring. You have no idea that you inspire people the way you do, do you?" "I didn't-" his eyes are on mine. There's a certain gloss over them. The look of complete confusion on his face is too cute. His mind can't process what I just said and it's breaking my heart. I didn't think there was someone out there who understood what it's like to not have a choice. To do things to protect what's most precious to us and not just the fame and glory. If this ends badly, and I am about thirty-two percent sure it is already, I am going to be heartbroken. I will go on a love strike. The love strike to fuel all love strikes everywhere. I swear. It will be the end of me. "It's okay. I didn't know what I was doing either. It takes looking at yourself through someone else's eyes to find out what you mean to someone. It makes you realize just how much you've taken things for granted while holding on to things you have no control over," "Those loops really messed with your head didn't they?" he whispered. I looked up to see him gazing into his empty tea cup. I took the tea pot and refilled it. "Or they opened my eyes to a bunch of things I missed worrying about all the wrong things for the wrong reasons," I shrugged. "It's kind of one of those glass half empty or half full kind of deals,"
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