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Elderbrook- How Many Times Breeze: Elias took his shirt off and tossed it in the hamper next to his bed before going over to the closet to get a different one. There are scars all over his perfectly built torso. I got up and stopped him. He smiled at me the way he always does. When did he get these? How can I be so oblivious? I try really hard not to pry. When he stays home to hide his injuries. when Sasha can barely dress herself, it's hard to press into something that they don't want to talk about. "I am feeling a little insecure with you looking at them like this, B," he cleared it throat. I looked up at him. "Do you remember how you got them?" I asked placing my hand over the oath carving in the middle of his chest. Sasha has one too. "Some of them," he shrugged grabbing a t-shirt. I took it from him and ran over to the bed, I jumped up tucking my legs under me and landing on it with a bounce. I tapped the spot next to me. He groaned and came over to take a seat. I love his loft. I've always wanted one for myself but I live with Sasha and she's a lot more materialistic than I am. Serenity loves the space and high ceilings. "What about this one?" I tapped the one on his shoulder. "That one I got when I first joined the military. After the attacks on the capitol," he tucked my hair back. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. I touched the one on his chin. "That one is a little newer. Before we went on our last assignment, Rey was teaching one of the younglings how to infuse wind magic with his arrows. The kid lost control. Had Sage not caught it in time, it would have gone through my throat," "Oh, no," I shook my head. He grinned. "Yeah, it was why I tried to avoid you before we left. I didn't want you to worry," he confessed. "I would have been pissed," I admitted. He laughed. "I know you would have. I've missed you, Breeze. It wasn't easy being gone for so long," that same sadness from before is swimming in his eyes. The way he looks at me is like he's holding on like I'm just going to vanish into thin air. "You? I didn't know if you guys were coming back. I never know if you guys are going to make it back. All I can do is sit here and wait. It's agonizing," I sighed. "Is that why you were happy to take the job?" he asked pulling me closer. I pushed him back and tucked myself into his side. He didn't hesitate to hold me. "A part of it. A bigger part was because of the letter," I groaned. He laughed. "Have you not gotten any political proposals?" he asked. "Not that I am aware of. I'd have to ask Sasha. She told me that she would deal with all the political stuff so I wouldn't have to worry about it," "Yeah, that definitely qualifies as political," he nodded. I sat up facing away from him. "What's that on your back?" "What?" I asked looking back at him. "Stay still," he instructed. I pulled my knees up and rested my chin on them. "Do you feel this?" "Yes," I snicked feeling ticklish. "Breeze, your skin is opening up. I think we should expect your wings soon," he added. I jumped up trying to reach for the spot he touched. "Are you serious?" I demanded. "Yes," he pulled me to him. "This skin is lifting. You haven't been feeling sick have you?" "Not, really," I sat back. "It would be subtle. Headaches that can last for days. You're hungry but you can't really bring yourself to eat. Restless," "Oh, uh. Maybe, I feel like that a lot anyway. My sister and my best friend are the guardians of the realm," I pointed out. "Right," he smiled. My phone began to ring. I pulled away and rushed over to it. "This is Lady Breeze Airstorm. How can I help you?" I answered. "Lady Airstorm. It's Alston Peabody," "Doctor Peabody. What can I do for you?" "Lady, Airstorm. I think you've done enough for us," he laughed. "I just wanted to let you know that the start of project two seventeen will be postponed until further notice by request of the Aldrich Elder Council. Elder Redwood to be exact," "Really?" I asked turning around to look at Elias. "He didn't mention why? Did he?" "He did but I think he'd like to give you the news himself. We are more than happy to extend the time frame, Lady Airstorm. Your expertise is of utmost importance to us. Let Elder Redwood know he can take as long as he needs," "I will. Thank you so much for calling doctor Peabody. I am looking forward to starting work with you," "Likewise. Take care Lady Airstorm. Send my regards to Princess Sasha for me," "Will do," I tried not scream. He hung up. "Is everything okay?" Elias asked. "I'm not sure. I have to call Sasha," before I could dial another call came through. "Falcon? What can I help you with?" "Shut up, Breeze. When were you going to tell me?" he demanded excitedly. "Tell you what, Falcon? What's going on?" "Your sister has the cure for loop spells. We're going to be working with your old boss to see if we can replicate her results. She broke three loops, Breeze. Three f*****g loops. We're going to be rich!" "I-I didn't know. I just got off the phone with Peabody. All he said was that the project was postponed on Elder Redwood's order. I assumed it was because he had a great time with my sister last night," "What?" he laughed. "I have never wanted to be an Airstorm so badly before. You guys know how to party," "I love her," Elias laughed. "Oh, my sweet fireflies. Breeze are you with the Lord of the Realm right now?" Falcon laughed. "I am hanging up now," "I love you, Breeze. You're my best friend. Thank you so much for taking me under your wing when no one else would give me a chance. You are the Realm's blessing. Call me when you're not making sweet love to the third scariest dude in the entire fae world," he rushed out on a single breath then hung up on me. "Breeze, talk to me," Elias put his hands on my face, making me look up at him. I placed my hands on his wrists. A loop spell? They were gone this long because of a loop spell? I could have lost them all. "That was Falcon. Is it true? Sasha broke you all out of a loop spell?" I asked. He let go of me and stepped back. "Yeah," he nodded. "We would have died without her," "Elias," I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Elder Redwood postponed my project in High Rise. He wants us to help get the information out of Sasha's head so we can try to replicate it. When the other Realms find out we're all going to be targeted. This is the cure to one of the strongest military defensive maneuvers in Fae History. We have lost many platoons to this. If we can make this work, Aldrich would be the strongest Realm in existence," "We know," he nodded. I stepped away from him. "Is that why you decided to tell me you were in love with me?" I asked. "No, but it became part of it. Yes," "Why now then?" "Does it matter?" he asked. "I have proven the effects of Stockholm Syndrome in victims of-" "No, no. Don't do that. Do not f*****g analyze this, Breeze. I've been in love with you since we were kids. I don't want to go back to being friends. I can't. I was stuck in a loop where you-you were there over and over again because of me and I don't want that to happen," "What?" I reached for him, not understanding. Loops are meant to cause a heavenly euphoria. Not pain. "I can't let that happen again, Breeze. I don't-" he stopped. His aura is getting dark. "I'm not even sure if this is real. I don't know what's real sometimes. I-I didn't want you to know yet. I just wanted some alone time with you," "Elias," I reached for his arm but he stepped away. "Tell me her name," he whispered covering his eyes. His are wild. There are tears streaming down his face. The aura around him is suffocating. "Name?" "If you had a daughter, what would name her?" he asked, looking at me with desperation. "What would you name the little girl with pale blue eyes?" "Pale blue eyes?" I asked stepping closer to him. He tensed up when I put my hands on his chest. He's sweating. His wings are lifted like he's preparing to take flight. "I would name our daughter Polly after your mom," His eyes shot up to mine. I did think about it a lot at some point but I couldn't admit it to anyone much less him. His eyes turned pitch black but hearing me say that somehow calmed him and the darkness around him began to fade. His wings relaxed. He pulled me into him and walked us back to the bed before sitting me on his lap again. I wrapped my arms around him letting him just hold me while he calmed down. I don't know what to say or think. "This feels a lot more real than that ever did. You just tried to make my reasons for loving you into an excuse," he whispered before he laughed. "I am the f*****g worst," I sighed. He pulled back looking up at me. "No, you're the real you. I know that now. I know I'm here with you," he tightened his hold on me. I knew something was up with them when they returned but the greater part of me was just so relieved that they had returned. I've been so selfish. I usually just give them a little time to tell me what happened on their missions. I know it's not always fun and games for them but this is different. They all had to leave the haven that is a loop spell. It's one of the most dangerous spells known to our kind and it's also the most beautiful way to go. To be stuck in a loop of everything we've ever dreamed of until we die. "Do you want to talk to about it?" I asked. He sniffled looking up at me. "Not right now," he shook his head. "I just need to get out of my head," "Okay," I agreed. We lied back. I laid down so that my arm and my head are laying on his head and I can still see him. I began to hum one of my new favorite songs to fill the silence that is going to drive me crazy. "What is that? I've never heard it before," he took a strand of my hair and began to twirl it in his fingers. He's been saying that a lot these past three days. I haven't done this or I haven't had that. "It's called How Many Times by Elderbrook," I answered. "I wanted to show you my discovery later," "Hm," he smiled. "Show me now," "Yeah?" I reached for my phone and pressed play. I've had it on repeat all week. I sang along to the words softly. "This is weirdly making me want to dance but it's also really relaxing and concerning. How did you come across it?" he asked. "He sings our song," "We have a song?" he laughed. "Ouch," I smacked his chest. "Yes, we have danced to this song in every formal," "No? This is the same guy?" he laughed. "Something About You," "Yes," I laughed. "I hear it now. You're right. That is our song. I can't believe you remember that," "I remember everything. It's my curse as a Universal Fairy," "You're also a Wind Fairy. Sweep them away," he smirked. "Wipe the slate clean," "I would never do that. I would rather keep it all bottled up than ever forget it," I shook my head. "You are literally the strongest person I know," he caressed my face with the back of his hand. "What? You're the Lord of the realm but I'm the strongest person you know?" I laughed. He nodded. "I wouldn't be able to do what you do, Breeze. I wouldn't be able to concentrate knowing that you were out there doing half the things we do. Not even the fun ones. I'd have a heart attack just thinking about it," "It's why I work so much. Sir, did you think I want to work late hours? Do you think I like stumbling through life wondering when you're going to be coming back to me? It's a lot sometimes. I fall apart all the time. To think that you're out there hurt and that I am here. Safe. Like a total dumbass is really scary," "You are not even a little dumb," he shook his head. "Look at these," I traced his scars. "There are so many and I love them because it tells me just how strong you are. Now let me tell you how many of these should have been fatal. This one on your shoulder. If it was just two centimeters closer to here, you would have died. Bled to death and no one anywhere would have been able to save you. This one here over your rib. Had your rib not blocked it, that's where your lung is. Two inches this way, it would have gone through your stomach. Just by the scar tissue, the arrow was going fast enough to go all the way through. Do you know what's back there? The wiring that makes your body move. I know you had a broken rib because of this one scar," "Don't cry, Breeze. I don't know what to do when you cry," he sat up. He put his hand on my head. "I'm not even a little strong, Lord Elias," "Why do you call me that?" he laughed. "Why do you refer to me as sir?" "What do you mean? There is no one more proud of you for being who you are. Lord of the Realm Elias Coventree. You earned that. That is all you. I mean do you know how difficult it is to be where you are? You deserve to be referred to as Lord and Sir at all times. If someone that isn't in our inner circle calls you Elias, I want to punch in their stupid mediocre face," "Breeze, I thought you hated my job?" he laughed. "I do. I hate your job and I hate Sasha's job. I hate that Rey is the King for two reasons. One because a lot of people want to kill him and because his name means King," "He's King King now. We make fun of him for that all the time," he laughed. "It doesn't mean I'm not proud of you guys. I mean, sweet fireflies, everyone knows who you are and you're not celebrities. The other day I went to buy Serenity's perch and there was a guy in line in front of me with a Sasha Airstorm tattoo sleeve," "What? You mean like a scene?" he laughed. "No, I mean he took a bunch of pictures of my sister and had them tattooed from his shoulder down to his fingers. He even had her rank number tattooed on the top of his fingers. I mean it was beautiful. Whoever did that did an amazing job but holy unicorn horns it was a lot. He looked back at me and had no idea who I was. He also told me that the perch I was originally going to buy was for parrot harpies. He chose that one," "Did you tell him she was your sister?" he smirked. "No, but I gave him a compliment," we both laughed. I dropped down onto his chest again. "Things are about to get complicated, Breeze. For all of us. It was easy for Sasha to get me out of the loop but whatever she saw in Rey's head. It was bad. She couldn't even talk to him after the breakup and now it's like they're best friends again. I thought I was going to be surprised when I went into a closet or barged into a restroom. I thought they were getting back together but she's just fine now. You've seen her," "Yeah," I agreed and sat up. "She was really sad when he broke it off with her," "If she doesn't want Rey to go under, we're going to need to back them up. No matter what and if he does go under, we need to be prepared for whatever comes out," "What if it's something dumb like an illegitimate child or maybe he's gay?" "Rey, gay?" he laughed. "No," "You're right. That one was dumb," I agreed. He dated my sister. "What do you think a Rey baby would look like?" "I don't know. I think he'd be adorable," "Me too. Rey is a really scary guy but he's handsome in a I will fire you all if you don't get me these statements kind of way," "What? That's a type of handsome? What kind of handsome am I?" he laughed wholeheartedly. "You are the big scary kind. The I will break your teeth if you look at my best friend like that again but secretly you're super soft inside kind of handsome," "Soft?" he scoffed. "Yeah, like everyone else is listening to Kanye but I'm listening to Mozart and Bach while I get a good work out in soft," "What? I would love to see what your loop would look like," he grinned. "That's is a scary request," I climbed on top of him. I can't believe this is real. "You okay?" he asked. "This is really happening," "Yes, it is," he smirked pulling me down to him. He turned us over and settled between my legs to look me over. "This is better than anything my mind could have come up with. I was heartbroken when Sage showed up and told me it was all a dream. That we were stuck in a loop. I refused to believe her for a while," "What did she do to convince you?" "She asked me what her name was," he whispered. His eyes are blank. "She took her from you and put a sword to her throat and asked what her name was. I didn't know. I never knew. She was so perfect it didn't matter," "You know now," I reached for him. He tucked his arms under me and held me to his chest tightly. "It couldn't have been easy for you," "It wasn't but I can't imagine what it is Sasha saw in there. In my head, in Rey's, in her own head. She didn't say anything to us when we were all awake. She's just distracting herself and I'm afraid of what she's going to do when she finally snaps,"
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