
3587 Words
Freddie Gibbs- Crushed Glass Sasha: The first time I was ever shot at, I was nineteen years old. In their will, my parents instructed those taking care of us to not let us receive our inheritance until we earned our wings. That meant we had to make our way in this world until our destiny made itself known. Everyone left us. Our villa was abandoned from one day to another. In order to properly take care of my sister, I made some pretty stupid decisions. Working three part-time jobs wasn't enough, but there were other less honorable trades I started up. Underground activities that paid for the expensive textbooks, for military-grade laptops, and high-performance PCs Breeze needed for school. All the things I was able to hide from her, things she still doesn't know about. I feel like it would destroy her. I've worked so hard for her not to be in the position she's in now. Had I not glanced away from Redwood, I wouldn't have caught the glare of the sniper's scope on the rooftop. The angle was perfect. He wouldn't have missed his shot had I not pulled Breeze out of the way on time. I know because he's the one who taught me how to use a gun. How to protect myself. Standing here in front of him with his pistol aimed at me feels a lot like betrayal. "It's been a long time, Sasha. Or is it just Sage now?" he smirked. "You just tried to kill Breeze," I didn't greet him. There is nothing more important than her. "Breeze," he scoffed. "Always holding you back from being who you're meant to be, Sage. The void isn't meant to be controlled. Especially not because of something as pathetic as her." I pushed the void through the barrel of his pistol and expanded it. He cried out when it broke apart. He laughed, looking up at me. This isn't personal, at least, not for him. Sesshomaru Airington isn't the kind of person who goes around targeting anyone by random. He gets paid for it. Money is the only thing that matters to him. That and a handful of his men. We used to work for his ill-tempered father until I helped him kill him so that I could walk away and join the military and he could take over his family business. "The deal was you don't f**k with me and I don't go after you. How much were you offered?" I shoved him. "I would kill that tiny b***h for free," he scoffed. "This was never about killing her. They want you on the move, Sasha," he went over to his case and began to take his sniper apart to it back in the case. "Whoever you pissed off has some powerful friends. Watch your back. You know I don't miss," "You expect me to believe you after that?" I pointed below. It's the middle of the day. "Is this really what you want?" he stepped to me angrily. "Do you really want to be the face of the Aldrich government? They're going to kill you, Sasha. You and your little sister. You and your little boyfriend. You know those kids can't protect her. They're trained to believe in this broken system. You know better. You know where your real home is. The people you're protecting are the same people who sent me for her," "Sess, wait," I called out to him when he turned to leave. He stepped back to look at me. My fist connected with his face with a loud crunch. He stumbled back and spat a tooth out on the ground. "Don't you ever f*****g do that again. Do you understand me? I'm not like you. That's what you never understood. I'm not some kind of shadow who would rather watch my world burn. We're not the same, Sess. I want more than what you offered me," "And the King has more?" he scoffed, spitting out a mouthful of blood. "Can the schoolboy even handle you properly?" "I'm not with the King, Sess. It burned out just as fast as you and me," I scoffed. He dropped the case and came closer. I put my hand up stopping him from getting too close. Wow, he smells amazing. "Is that right?" he smirked. "Looks like my job isn't finished tonight," "Give me the name and I'll let you know," "Marcus Lovewind," "It's not finished. Go back to my apartment. Payment's in the jar labeled Black Tea," I looked up at him. His ice-blue aze sent shivers down my spine. I haven't thought of him in a long time, I thought it was behind me but the only thing that's changed is-not a single thing. "Do you want to know why he wants your sister?" he asked. His voice is low and seductive. He used to use this tone with frosty lips against my ear lobe. "I already know why," I pulled the pieces of the gun to me as I stepped away from him and put it back together. "Can she really do it?" he asked, his voice is back to normal. I can hear the smile on his lips. He's getting a kick out of this. "Yeah, you know exactly what she's capable of," I jumped down, watching as the police fairies surrounded the area. "Did you see anyone?" Elder Redwood asked. "No," I lifted the gun. "But I found this. Let's get some prints off of it. We need a suspect. He has trash laying around to pick from. That's who's prints are on that gun. Someone he wants to get rid of or he would have taken the gun from me. "Lilly. Evidence," he called out. "Yes, sir. Oh, wow. You're Sage. I mean you're Lady Sasha. Princess, guardian of the Realm. It's an honor to meet you," she bowed taking the gun from me. "Likewise," I smiled at her. The pink in her cheeks intensified. Her strawberry blonde hair is longer than she is. Flower fairies are the cutest but have the darkest personalities. "You need to get going. I don't think this is what we're waiting for. It's too soon. This is something else," Elder Redwood led me away from the crime scene. Lilly is taking the bullet that could have killed Breeze out of the ground. She's coaxing it out so that she doesn't have to touch it. Funny, he still uses my mold to make his heavy ammunition. "Sasha," "You should call High Rise. That doctor that created the elder seed could be in danger. This was an inside job. We need to take care of the problem," "How do you know this was an inside job? Who are suspecting?" he asked looking at me almost like he's trying to figure me out. "I'm not sure who, but I do know who it was who shot at us," I went over to Lilly to see the bullet she had pulled out. "He's a local," "Do you know him personally?" he asked. "I do. This was a warning shot. He's letting me know they're coming," "I have very many questions about that entire statement. Go see if she's okay. I'll wrap things up here," "Look, I don't know if you're real or not. I don't mean like real in the loop. I mean what we talked about earlier. You being this complicates everything. All of it. If people find out, we're both going to be in deep s**t. Do you get that?" "Yes, I do," "Were you ever going to tell me?" "I figured it would be better to show you," he shrugged. My instincts are telling me to go. It's the scandal avoidance I've been trying to fight for Breeze's sake. "Okay," I nodded. Trouble is my middle name. Adventure is the love of my life and there's something here. Something very broken and filled with the kind of magic that just spills perfectly over an empty page. "f**k," I sighed. "I want to help. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. I'm going to walk down this path with you, Ericson. I want you to keep one thing in mind. I love trying new things. Experiencing new sensations and this one has been calling from the moment I spotted you sitting in the council room the other day. With that being said, please. And I cannot stress this enough. Do not waste my time," "Why?" he smiled. His gaze is in the space between us. Why, he asks? I am never going to say no to danger? I fell in love with it a long time ago and nothing has ever measured up to it. This feels a lot like looking destiny in the eyes and having it smile back at me. It's beautiful, it's elegant, and it has a temper. I've seen it already and have secretly wanted to be on the receiving end of it but my stupid perfectionist brain won't allow it to show in my work performance and this feels like an opportunity. I want to know this path even if it's not the one I meant to walk. "Honestly, it started off as a wow, he's cute. I kind of want to touch him, I've been up all night thinking of what it would mean for us to be together. An Airstorm and a Lightstorm is the combination of a disaster that needs immediate evacuation. It sounds like fun. That's where I am. I know you're a few years older. You've been married before. I am sorry for your loss. For both of them. The last thing I want is to waste your time. So, think about it. Ask yourself what you want from this and if it's more than that. I'll see you at the funeral," "I'm sorry, the funeral?" we were on the same page up until the end. That last part slipped. There's no use in hiding it anymore. "Yeah, the funeral," "You had me the entire time and then funeral. What funeral?" "I have friends in unlikely places and this was an unlikely event. The next person to lose their wings is probably going to be the man or woman who tried to have my sister killed. We're wasting time. I'll see you at the funeral in a few days," I handed him my phone and my location stone. "If you need me for any reason, follow it or throw it. I'll find you," I flexed my wings and let them carry me. Seeing Sess really messed with my head. He looks amazing. Why was I hoping he would get fat as the boss? I really wanted him to get fat. Except he didn't. In fact, He traded those hideous jeans he used to wear, his stupid hats, and his dumb sneakers for a real grown-ass man's attire. He finally cut his stupid long hair. I am going to miss that. Air and ice fairies have the most beautiful shade of white hair. It's like snow but also satin. I walked away from that. All of it. the height, all six feet eight inches of it. The muscle. The anger. The smirk. It was toxic. It turned me into someone I didn't want to be but the military hasn't done much better. So, that one can be tossed out as an excuse. Rey is gonna be pissed. "There you are," Breeze's body smacked right into me as soon as I shut the door to the safe house behind me. "I am so sorry that happened to you, Blue Berry," I pushed her hair away from her face. She's been crying. Her nose is bright red, her eyes are puffy. My poor baby is scared. "It's not Sentinel," "Then what is it?" Elias demanded. He's a mess. Poor kid is probably seething with rage right now and wasn't able to do a single thing to hurt those who tried to hurt his Breeze. "I'm sorry about this, Breeze. The doctor you were going to work with, in High Rise is probably dead. Where is your assistant?" "He's in the lab," she took a step back processing what I just said. "Elias go get him," "What? Why me?" "I have to make a few calls. I can't go. Asking the King sounds stupid. Also, he has to stay behind to rip me a new one," "Sage, gross," he complained. "No. Not like that. I'm about to do something stupid," "Go, Elias," Rey shook his head. He's already mad. Elias left. "Breeze, go take a nice warm bath. There's a box with bath bombs under the sink, use the red and black one. It'll help you settle down," "A bath? I was almost killed and you want me to take a bath?" she shouted at me. I took my eyes off of Rey to look at her. "Yes, Blue Berry. That's exactly what I want you to do. You're safe here. Elias and your little buddy will be here soon. Relax," "Okay," she took a deep breath. "You promise?" "I promise. Also, the windows are bulletproof and the entire area is protected. I set up the perimeter myself," I placed my hand on her head. She sniffled and jumped into my arms hugging me again. The fear in her eyes is subsiding. "You scare me more than those people," she whispered against my neck. "Good. Now go on. Take a nice hot bath," "Okay," she nodded and walked away. "How do you do that?" Rey whispered. I put my hand up until I heard the door shut. "I raised her. I know everything about her and Elias," "Except that he was in love with her," "Yeah, he f****d half the cadets the year he enrolled. Now I know it was out of frustration but he hid it very well. Denied it very well," "It's him isn't it," he sat down with a glass of something gold in it. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say it's apple juice. "Yes, it's Airingston," I dropped into the armchair behind me. "Did he get fat like you wanted him to?" "No," I choked out. "Did he point a gun at you?" he asked with a smirk. I nodded. "Sage, that guy is a murderer," "Me too," I reminded him. I have a file of people I've killed and one the military archives don't have. "You too," "He's a criminal. He doesn't care about anyone other than himself. He just tried to kill Breeze," "He would have done it the moment she walked out of the building," "Are you seriously defending him right now?" his wings crackled. "Rey, I know him. I know him better than he knows himself. I spent nine years with this guy," "Do you trust him?" he demanded, putting his apple juice down and standing up almost challenging me. I'm not going to meet his challenge. It's not even the afternoon yet and I am exhausted. "I do not. I don't trust anyone outside of us. But he has no reason to lie to me right now because it benefits him greatly," "What about Redwood?" "Okay, first of all. I am not getting back together with Sesshomaru Airington," "Sage, he's your second biggest weakness. Second to your little sister who is apparently Aldrich's little sister now. This is going to be a massive political scandal when it gets out. I hate that guy. Your parents were rolling over in their graves the second you met that i***t. They wept watching as he poisoned their little flower," "Their little- shut up, Rey," I grabbed his glass of apple juice and drank all of it in one drink. It's definitely not apple juice. "You're drinking? It's one fifteen," "You're not my girlfriend anymore. You don't get to nag me about it. Just drop it," he took the glass out of my hand and went to the kitchen. "Sage, I love you and there is no doubt in my mind that you love me or that you were in love with me when we were together. But Airington is different. He was your first everything. He taught you how to be who you are now. Granted it was for the crime. You wouldn't be who are now without him. Be careful. You're a different person around that ass hole. He brings something frightening out of you," "Even if I wanted to. He's a bad man. You were somewhere in between. I want the good man. I want to be normal again," I sat down. He came over to me with a full glass and put it in my hand. "You're a Sage now. The first one we've had in a long time," he pointed at my right arm. "Whether it was for good or bad, this is who you are. There is no such thing as good and bad, Sage. You know that. As someone who has been on his side, you should know by now that things aren't as simple as they seem. You just chose to be on the side of ones writing history," He walked away. What kind of lame philosophy did this ass hole take? It's not that simple. Not good and bad. Ugh. I have to admit that I was dumped because he decided to come out of the closet and that's all he's going to give me? That's not fair, he means well. Wait, is he on Airington's side? What is the world coming to? I got up and went over to check on Breeze. I stopped the water and sat down on the edge of the tub watching her take a nap. Is this girl dumb? She fell asleep in the bath. I might have put too much relaxant in those bath bombs. The murky water is almost past her chin. I pulled the drain plug and grabbed two towels. She is not waking up after she freaked out the way she did. I picked her up and dressed her in a robe. You're welcome, Elias. He was standing in the doorway when I finally covered her with the duvet. "She fell asleep? I for sure thought she was going to keep at it for a couple more hours," "Relaxers," I pointed at the tub. "Good call," he sat down next to her and tucker her in better than I did. He even spread her hair out so it can dry better. "The mayor is dead. Marcus Lovewind," "I know. He tried to kill my sister," I walked out. He followed me out and shut the door to their room. "There was a guy in their lab. He's been there all day. Numbnuts over there told me he had been watching her closely. He's one of General Mill's guys. The General was arguing with Redwood when you sent out the stone. They don't want you off rotation. It's only a matter of time before they get to that doctor. I think we can get to him first," "No," I turned away. He grabbed my arm stopping me. "What do you mean no?" "I mean no. f**k that guy. He tried to take my sister from me. With him gone the project goes to Breeze and it will be posted here in Aldrich. You want to live between High Rise and Aldrich or do you want her here with us?" "Do you hear yourself?'" he whisper shouted at me. "Yes, I do. I can't protect her when she's in some other realm, Elias. She's safe here," "Would you have killed him yourself had this not come up?" "Of course not. I don't kill people just because it's an inconvenience to me. I get paid for the by the realm," "So, what you would send someone after him like you did with Marcus?" "I would have sent you. Yeah," I nodded. "Are we done here?" "Sage, I-" "Hey, I'm making the choice. I've been making them for her since you were both finger painting in our living room. If you feel guilty then tell her. I think deep down, you both have always known," "You killed him didn't you?" he stopped me from going into my room. "Did you do it for me or was it for her?" Their similarities are difficult to find. Sesshomaru was too much like his mother and Elias is more like his. The only thing that binds them is the father who might as well have tossed them into the abyss himself. What I did was save them both. I've lied to them both and it's always going to sit in the back of my head but I regret nothing. Keeping them apart was better than pushing them together. It would have been a disaster. "Get some rest, Elias. You've earned it. The walls are soundproof. Let me sleep in for once," "Yes, sage," he bowed. "I did it for you," I sighed. He paused before going back into the room. "You deserved better. I'm not saying I'm better. I just wanted you to have a choice. A good one and I'll never regret it. Even if you hadn't turned out the way you did, Elias. I'd still be proud of you because you didn't turn into him," "Sage?" he whispered that name with anger. "Yeah?" "I won't say anything but it's not for you," he walked into the room. "Never wanted it to be," I mumbled under my breath.
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