chapter 2

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Jenna. the live band has started not long ago and Jackson has run off to throw the football with a few of his friends, I could still see him from where I was sitting so it wasn't a big deal. I was just enjoying the music sipping my drink when I heard the deep voice, it wasn't directed at me so I didn't look up immediately. a habit I'd picked up from my previous relationship, basically any guy I spoke to or looked at I was interested in and it would lead to a fight. Matthew always made it out like I was a big flirt or just an easy lay for anyone. but then would turn it around and tell me that wasn't how he felt he just didn't want to lose me to anyone else " well well well Jim I didn't think you had much off a life outside of the rig" the voice says and my uncle laughs " Shane! man I could say the same for you" the other guys let's out a deep laugh and I hear my uncle introduce him to my aunt and I know I'm next, my uncle introduces everyone. " and this is Jenna" my uncle says to the guy and I look up to see a man he's definitely handsome, shorts and a tee with a hat and shades on his face. but by his neatly kept beard I can tell he has dark hair. he's tan and has quite a few tattoos from what I can see. I stick my hand out taking the one he has out for me " Shane. nice to meet you Jenna" I just give him a small smile letting him know it's nice to meet him as well. " well you here alone or with company?" my uncle asked " oh alone just figured I'd come see what the band looked like" " well join us we have plenty of chairs since Jacksonville has run off" I figured he'd take a seat next to my uncle but to my surprise everyone shifted and my aunt left the seat beside me and he took it. I kept my attention on the band and switching between watching Jackson, the last thing I needed tonight was for Matthew to accuse me of planning on having the guy around Jackson. he'd apparently gotten up at some point and I wasn't sure where he's gone. " so you are the famous Jenna?" the deep voice asks and I turn my head Shaking it slightly " definitely not famously but I am Jenna" he laughs. " oh you are definitely famous, the " daughter" of Jim here. everyone wants to meet but yet he keeps them away with a 10 foot pole" I laugh shaking my head as my uncle shrugs " she has enough on her plate without dealing with a bunch of roughnecks knocking down her door" they share laugh " well I definitely see why they would be" I blush at his comments and I know he's looking at me through his dark shades, I'm greatful mine are hidden as well. " so you work with my uncle?" I ask changing the subject " well you could say that. I run a different crew and he gets pissed when I steal his work" I smile nodding in understanding, my uncle knows a lot of people because of work and if he didn't actually like him he wouldn't have offered him to hang around. I turn my attention back to Jackson who is tackling another kid hoping Shane will start conversation with my aunt and uncle " which one's yours?" I look over at him biting my lip he definitely isn't gonna just go away and I'm sure Matthew will have a lot to say about that. " that one" I smile as I point out Jackson, he chuckles " he has a lot of energy " I nod " you have no idea" he finally makes conversation with my uncle and they talk Abit about work things and how the rigs are looking. I take the moment to go find myself some more food since Jackson ate mine. " want anything while I'm gone?" I ask my aunt " cheese fries please yours looked good " I nod and my uncle just shakes his head. I was gonna ask Shane to be polite but he stands " you know I wouldn't mind checking the food trucks out if you don't mind the company " I shrug it isn't like I can stop him from going. as we walk off together through the crowd of people sitting down listening to the music he bumps my shoulder " you don't talk much do ya?" I blush looking at him then back to the front " well what would you like to talk about" he chuckles " well tell me about the famous Jenna. your uncle basically raves about you and your son" I laugh lightly shaking my head " well not much to know I work as a dental assistant, you know I have my baby boy and that's about all there is to know about me" we stop in front of the food truck line and he smiles down at me, he's pretty tall and you can tell he definitely works alot from his body. or maybe it's the gym? I'm not a actually sure. " well I'm sure there's plenty more to you" I shrug " there really isn't much, what about you? you must not be to bad if my uncle let you sit with us " he laughs " well I run a crew on the rig, been doing it for a few years now but the guys aren't to hard on me since I actually put in the work to get there. I don't have any kids, I do have a dog. duke. and that's about all I've got" I nod smiling " well do you live around here?" he shakes his head " I stay in a travel trailer for now, wanting to put down some roots now that my job is pretty set in stone and I'm not traveling as much for work" I just smile not really sure what to say to that but thankfully it's our turn to order. I order two cheese fries and a drink for Jackson, then Shane places an order for some fries also I go to pay but he pulls out his wallet and does before I get the chance. " I could've gotten that" he looks at me like I'm crazy but shakes his head " I'm a gentleman if nothing else" I nod taking our food " well thank you" I say as we turn to walk away. we walk back in silence and I see Matthew has returned to his chair beside mine and I already know this is gonna be weird. " your ex husband is here" I'm not sure if it's a statement or a question " yeah it's his weekend with Jackson we all try to get together for things were doing to keep things normal for him" he smiles down at me and gently bumps my shoulder " hey Matt! long time no see" he says as I hand my aunt her food and take my seat. they shake hands " oh yeah man didn't know you were in town" Shane nods " yeah staying while I'm looking for a permanent place. how's work your way?" I start eating as they talk around me about work. " you know our Jenna?" Matthew asks and I can feel him looking at me and from the other side I see Shane smile looking at me out of the corner of my eye " actually just met today when I ran into Jim" Matthew just nods. " mama!" Jackson yells as he and his little friend Jacob run up. he crashes back into my lap taking the Gatorade I have in my hand for him and sucks some of it down beforehand breathing hard from all the running. " can Jacob stay the night?" he asks " that's a question for your daddy bud you are with him tonight." his face falls lightly and thankfully he isn't facing his dad. " oh okay." he turns and he goes to ask his dad who is already shaking his head " not tonight bud we're already busy" Jackson just nods and they rush back off. Matthew isn't much on his having sleep overs now that he is the one having to take care of them all. but I'm sure Jacobs parents will reach out soon and since next weekend is mine he will talk me into it. Matthew grabs another beer and I sip my drink. I can feel the tension and I don't know how to break it. " need anything to drink?" Shane offers beside me and I shake my head holdings my cup up " ah what's the poison today?" I chuckle " I'm kid free Tonight so just a little whiskey and coke" he clinks his cup to mine " absolutely nothing wrong with that" I smile lightly. I'm not sure where he think the night is going for him but I already know I'm going home and crawling in my own bed. I know a lot of people can do one night stands but I just don't know how, I don't know how to get out of my own mind and just do it. I'm sure it'd be fun but I can't seem to let go that much. they announced they'd be setting off a few fireworks soon and the band was gonna play a few more songs. with that it starts to get a little darker and shand and my uncle were standing up stretching their legs as they talked. " so you talking with Shane?" Matthew asked and I looked at him surprised, I didn't have my sun glasses on anymore to hide my eyes and I shook my head " I just met him Matthew " he grunted but didn't say anything but yet at the same time I knew what he was saying. he was making it out like I was sleeping with half town just because I'd talked with one guy. when the fireworks began Jackson came and sat In my lap and we all watched together. Shane. I'd heard of her, hell all of Jim's crew and my own had heard of the famous Jenna. Matthew had it made at home, a wife who took care of everything and never really asked for much of him other than spending a little time. when he cheated it was the talk of the crews, a lot of these guys wife's ride their ass, when will they be home? why are they workings so late? but Jenna no. she always seemed to just hold it down for him and they seemed to drink and have a good time together. until he got stupid and I guess to comfortable with her staying put. I'd seen pictures of her, they'd passed them around from i********: and Jim had even shown a few family ones but I never knew a woman could be so pretty in something so simple as a tee and shorts with her hair pulled back and if I wasn't mistaken no trace of make up. to say it was a surprise to actually meet them here is an understatement. I could tell by the short conversation we had that she wasn't like most of these girls, she didn't jump at the fact I ran my own crew. she didn't jump at the fact that I had a job. no she kept her replies short and simple and just kept watching the band or her son. I knew she was a good woman just by that. just by the fact that she basically said she was having a drink sitting here but I knew that meant she was going home and calling it a night after. she wasn't out looking for a man. she wasn't trying to impress her ex, if anything she looked uncomfortable with us both sitting there and I could only assume it was from what I'd heard through the crew gossip. he always made her feel less than, always acted like she was a hoe even when it was his own friends around. I'd heard he would accuse her of flirting when she was just being polite. I watched them as i had conversations when Jim and his wife, her son obviously thought she hung the moon the way he was 7 years old and still climbed in her lap to watch the fireworks. I knew in my head i could go around and find a quick fling for the night, I'm not stupid and I'm a single guy but I've grown up a lot in the past few years, I'd struggled with my shades of drug addiction and my share of hard work to get through that and to get to where I am in my job. now I was just looking to settle down. my mama, God bless her soul she never gave up on me even after she lost dad. she was still the back bone of our life family. my younger sister happily married at 22 and starting her life. she never got wild, she went to school found the love of her life and they settled down together. me I was the hell raiser always chasing the next rig, the next high until I lost dad. I knew then I needed to straighten up, I needed to be someone they could depend on if needed. which is why I am where I am today, I work my days I'm supposed to and look after my guys. obw parked my travel trailer in this small town because it was about half way from the rig to my mamas house and it felt nice, it felt like home. I visited when I could and I kept to myself, having a few beers here and there with the guys and going out to mud parks or baseball games with the boys. but I'd stopped bar hopping and I'd stopped chasing woman because they all wanted one thing to live off me or just a quick roll on the hay so to speak. but meeting her hell I felt like maybe I could actually start something, I knew she wasnt ready for a relationship just yet I could tell by the way she was so closed off just talking with me. I watched as she kissed her son goodbye letting him know she'd see him tomorrow and her ex husband hugged her and shook her uncle's hand. I helped her carry her chair to her car " you didn't have to do that" she whispered and I just smiled " it's no big deal just a chair Jenna" she nodded breathing in " well thank you. I'm sure I'll see you around" I smirked I would definitely be seeing her " you get home safe and enjoy the rest of your night relaxing" she smiled as she got in her car " you too and don't work to hard or your crew" I chuckled as she waves as she backed out. I just smiled Shaking my head. I knew I needed to actually work for this one, I'd actually have to see if she was even interested but I wasn't gonna push it. I was walking back to my truck with my hands in my pocket and Jim called me over. " hey man everything okay?" he nodded and looked around at the crowd of people leavings and then back at his truck where his wife sat waiting " look I know she's beautiful and I know technically a mystery but she isn't to be played with" I nodded as I leaned against his truck " I understand that brother I do. this isn't a game. and I didn't even ask her number. I realize she has some things to work from still and she may not even be interested in me, hell I've got my own last. but I would like to get to know her, and I hope you don't think wrong of me for that" he breathed in and I lite a cigarette waiting for his response " he's a friend, what he did was wrong. hell I wanted to kill him for hurting her but she believes she's doing right for that little boy so I am working through my own feelings on this. I want tell you not to try because hell the girl has got to come out of her shell some but I'm telling you it'll take work. he f****d her up more than I could ever imagine and more than I'd ever like to admit as her uncle and basically her dad but I'm the end just know he's gonna come back on her just as hard if she senses she's even trying to move forward " I nodded thinking it over " I'm not saying we'd work. and I'm not saying she's give me the chance but I am saying if she did I wouldn't let her face him alone. I wouldn't put her through more than needs be. but I do believe I'd she was interested and she wanted to at least hang out as friends then she's a single woman and should be able to do that" he nodded and stuck his hand out for me to shake and I took it " I'll be in contact maybe a fish fry or something so everyone is around each other more but I swear if I hear a peep from the guys you are blasting her business I'm pulling out and I will make your life hell" I smiled shaking my head " don't worry about my end. worry about him running his mouth it sounds like. what I do is my business not my crews. I have a best friend, tony and I know he wouldn't run his mouth either even if I did say anything about a possible date with her. and I hope after this we can be friends" he nodded. " we will see how things go. let me talk with the wife and I'll be in touch" with that he for in his truck and I continued walking towards mine. I knew I wanted to even try to be her friend it'd take some work. but mama always says things worth having are worth the work so we will just see how things fall. I know for sure the girl is worth the work I just don't know exactly how she would even feel about me. maybe if we were able to be able to get together again as a group even with her ex husband I could maybe talk with her more see where her head is in all this, see if she even if interested in me. either way I will just wait and see I guess because that's all I can do at the moment. when I got back to my travel trailer I took Duke for a walk and got him some food beforehand shower I and falling into bed. I searched her up on i********: and he'd accidentally was basically everything about her child, a few of the two of them not no selfies ask for attention, no quotes of heart break and I could only assume that that meant she was true to what I'd already thought she was findings her self, she was comfortable with just being alone. now I just needed to find out if she was ready to start being friends with me, maybe a few dinners or something fun. didn't mean we had to fall into bed, just meant we hung out for to know each other
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