The Accident

1164 Words
{Winter’s POV} I was exhausted after another sleepless night, but life goes on. I got out of bed, getting ready for school. I hastily pulled most of my hair back into a low pony tail, placing a white ribbon and bow on it, and decided to wear a white sundress. Some curls laid on each side of my face in long ringlets. I quickly got dressed and patted on my light makeup gently then rushed to school. My students were sure to be excited, as we were taking a trip to the schools extensive library! As I walked into the classroom all of the children were sitting at their seats waiting patiently. I walked leisurely to the front of the class and placed my bag down on the table. “Well students, I think today would be a good day to go to the schools very extensive library! Every one of you will get to choose a book and keep it for the next week! Once you’ve finished having your parents or Nannie’s read it to you, I’d like you all to draw me a picture of what you think of when you think of your book!” I said cheerfully. The kids all jumped up screaming in excitement! “Alright now kiddos, let’s go pick out those books!” I said calmly. We walked to the library, and each student made their way around the room looking at all of the books they could choose from. I began walking around and helping each child with their book selection, every child had a different preference. “I knew this would be a great idea, maybe now they’d all come out of their shells a bit!” I thought to myself. {James’ POV} I stormed into the school, how dare someone act that way about my children. Didn’t she know who I am, who they are! They shouldn’t be around such a woman who would say such things about me! Who does she even think she is? I marched into the office and the receptionist looked at me, eyes filled with terror. “Mr. Lemoi, how can I help you?” She asked shakily. The principle stepped out of his office, looking at me with wide eyes. “Mr. Lemoi, right this way!” He said loudly ushering me into his office. I walked in and looked over the place, it was a decent office, but nothing like mine. I looked at the principle, he was a short, stubby man. His hair was combed over his head, he was obviously balding. “My children’s teacher, I want to speak with her immediately!” I spat out. “Of course sir, today she took them to the library to pick out some books, I’ll take you right away!” He said then bolted from his office. He began walking me to the library, and kept dragging on and on about things to do with the school. I didn’t care, I just wanted to give this woman a piece of my mind. No one acts that way in front of my children! My son has always been, adventurous, fearless even, he’ll do and say what he pleases, whereas Tessa is more sweet natured. I don’t think I want my kids around such a woman. We opened the door to the library and the sight before us made us both panic! {Winter’s POV} I had just finished helping half of the class when I looked over and saw Tessa looking up at the top of a bookshelf. I followed her gaze and my heart sank, Teddy had climbed the bookcase and was trying to reach a book. These book shelves were at least 20ft high, he was up about 12-15 feet. I ran over to the bookcase, then I saw it, his grip slipped. “Teddy!” I screamed running over, I held out my arms to catch him and I did it, it was over. Until the bookcase came crashing down. I grabbed Teddy and Tessa throwing them out of the way. I ran, but only made it so far before the bookcase came tumbling down on top of me. My head smacked the hardwood floor, then my vision was taken over my darkness. {James’ POV} As we walked in I could see Teddy on top of the bookcase, his grip slipped, I was about to go after him when I saw her catch him. She looked over him frantically. Then she looked up, noticing the book shelf was tipping over. She grabbed my children tossing them out of the way. She kept running then the bookcase crashed down on top of her with a sickening thud. “No!” Teddy screamed running over and trying to nudge her. I walked into the library and realized she wasn’t getting up, I looked down at Teddy and noticed blood on his hands. “Teddy, are you hurt?” I asked frantically. “No, she saved me!” He looked at his hands. “Daddy, she’s hurt!” He screamed. “What happened?” I asked. “I just wanted the book from the top shelf, it was red, and pretty. I saw the ladder across the room, but I thought it’d be faster if I climbed. I’m good at climbing, but then I got scared, she ran to help me.” He cried looking down at her. Her body laid limply on the ground, blood pouring out from under her, I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. She was beautiful, her hair looked soft, and her face was gentle. She looked like she was only sleeping, but then I remembered. “Call and ambulance!” I shouted at the principle, he nodded and went running towards the office. I knelt down to feel her pulse, it was there but it was weak. I pulled out my phone, “This is James Lemoi, send an ambulance to my children’s school immediately, their teacher is injured in the library, I want you here now!” I shouted then hung up. “Don’t worry kids, she’ll be fine!” I looked over at the librarian. “Please take the kids back to their classroom!” I said pointing to all of the children standing there staring. She nodded and stood, “Alright kids follow me!” She said walking the children out. Teddy and Tessa knelt down beside me. “I’m not going anywhere daddy!” Tessa said. “Me neither, it’s my fault she got hurt, I want to make sure she’s okay! She’s kind to us, and doesn’t care who our daddy is! She’s the first person who didn’t want something from us, and I got her hurt!” Teddy said crying. He felt love for his teacher, and here I was trying to get her in trouble. She just saved both of my children’s lives, and now, I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay her.
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