The Surgery

1270 Words
{James’ POV} “Me neither, it’s my fault she got hurt, I want to make sure she’s okay! She’s kind to us, and doesn’t care who our daddy is! She’s the first person who didn’t want something from us, and I got her hurt!” Teddy said crying. He felt love for his teacher, and here I was trying to get her in trouble. She just saved both of my children’s lives, and now, I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay her. Soon the paramedics arrived and with a lot of effort lifted the bookshelf to get her out. They laid her gently on the gurney, and put a neck brace on her. I looked down noticing that her leg was broken, and the bone was pushing out. Blood was pouring from the open wound. There was also a larger gash on her head that went from her hairline to her eyebrow. “We need some O negative, and an iv started now. She’s lost a lot of blood, call the hospital and have them prep an OR!” One of the paramedics yelled to the others. They began working on her and loading her into the ambulance. “Come on kids, we’ll meet them at the hospital!” I said lifting them both up into my arms and running to our car. I got them buckled up in their car seats and followed the ambulance to the hospital. I got the kids from the car and ran inside with them. “My kids teacher was just brought in, she was crushed by a bookshelf. Where can we wait for her?” I asked the front desk nurse. “Oh.. Mr. Lemoi.. I’m sure I can find somewhere comfortable for you to wait..” she licked her lips and winked at me. “Find out what room she’ll be put in, my children and I will wait there!” I said, a frown appearing on my face. “I-Of course Mr. Lemoi..” she stuttered. “Room 324, go up the elevator to the 3rd floor and it should be the second room to your right!” She finished frantically. I grabbed my children and tan to the elevator, we went up and waited in her room. There was a fold out couch that I opened up and laid the children on. “You two rest up, it may be a while.” I said softly. A nurse brought them warm blankets and soon they drifted off to sleep. I waited for bourse before they finally wheeled her in. Her body still limp, she was still unconscious. Her head had been wrapped up, and her leg had a cast on it. They grabbed extra warm blankets for her, and my children and left them with me. I pulled my chair up beside her bed. Looking over her features, she was young, beautiful. She was kind today, she put her life at risk to save my children. I could tell that she would do that for any child in her class. Her heart was kind, and her soul seemed untouched by the evils of our world. Her hair hung down in her face in soft waves. Her skin was pale, and her eye was bruised and swollen. I looked over her broken form, and though I know I’m not at fault, I still feel remorse. I went in there to scold her, even have her removed from her position. She, instead, saved both of my children’s lives. Had that bookshelf fallen on them, I know they would have been crushed. “Mmm..” I could hear her begin to stir. She moved her head slowly and groggily. She raised her right hand to her forehead and touched it, wincing at the pain. “Hey, hey, calm down. I’ll go get the doctor, you had an accident, and I’m sure he can tell you more about it.” I said softly, bringing my hand to hers and moving it back down to her side. “The doctor.. an accident?” She whispered. She sat up quickly her eyes jolting open. “Teddy, Tessa!” She yelled, stirring both of the children. “Ms. Rosewood!” They both shouted, running over and jumping into her arms. “Oof..” she let out a hard breath of air. “Children, I’m so glad to see you’re okay! I was worried when I saw Teddy climbing! Teddy, honey, what we’re you thinking? Climbing bookshelves is very dangerous, you and your sister could have been hurt!” She scolded him softly. “You aren’t hurt are you?” She asked, looking over them carefully. “No Ms. Rosewood, we’re both okay, you got hurt because of me..” Teddy cried softly. “Teddy, I’m alright, don’t worry about me! I’m clumsy, probably would have gotten hurt at some point or another on my own accord.” She laughed softly. She turned softly to me, her pale green eyes were large, and kind looking. “I suppose you’re their father, sorry for the scare, luckily the children are all okay. No other children were near that bookshelf either, so we got very lucky today!” She smiled softly. “Ms. Rosewood, you were injured, pretty badly might I add. You say that it’s all okay because all of the children are okay, but you didn’t even think about yourself!” I snapped at her. I watched her eyes dull, and I could tell she was angry. “Excuse me Mr. Lemoi, but I refuse to let any of my students get hurt in my class. If I get hurt so be it, but at least all of the other children are safe! I’m sorry that I am not up to your standards of the average teacher who would have saved themselves first. Children deserve a chance to be happy and loved, and if I did nothing they would have been seriously injured. I’m glad that I was able to help them in time, even if it means that I got injured in the process. As I said before, I’m fine, just sore, and that, in time, will go away!” She said, anger building in her chest. Her heart monitor began beating faster. “Okay, just please calm down..” I said lying my hand on top of hers. “I’m sorry, I came here to make sure your were alright, and to thank you, yet here I am scolding you. Thank you, for saving my children, you risked your life for theirs. I can see that you are a kind person, you would do anything for the children in your class. I apologize for scolding you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! My children are only here, and well, because of you. If there is anything I can do to help, just ask!” I finished, staring into her pale green eyes. Her eyes softened, and she looked over to my children. “I’m just glad I could help, Teddy and Tessa are both so kind. They’re great students, and always try to get along with everyone else. You kids are amazing, and I’m going to be just fine, so don’t worry about me!” She said smiling at them. They both nodded with tears in their eyes. They really cared for her, and she for them. I’m glad they have someone in their corner, just as much as I am. My children need a woman like her in their lives. Maybe I can convince her to become their nanny..

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