Chapter 22 Troublesome Teacher

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No one's POV After school, you invited Itona to go to your house to meet your brothers. He agreed, but Karma being jealous, joined in. When you arrived at your house, you went upstairs with Itona and Karma. You ran to Izaya's room telling him to go to Sora's room. You and the others went inside Sora's room. You: I’m home, onii-chan~ S: Welcome, imouto~ He kept on focusing on his game. You: Onii-chan! Stop playing for a while~ S: Okay. He stopped playing and look at you. His eyes widened. Izaya came to the room. Iz&S: .. Iz&S: Itona?!? It: Long time no see, Izaya-nii, Sora-nii. Itona sees them as his own brothers. S: Wah~ It's been too long~ Iz: Still emotionless huh? K: Hello, Izaya-san, Sora-senpai. S&Iz: Hello~ Izaya whispers to Karma, "You're jealous, aren't you?~" "...Of course, who wouldn't be jealous if someone's girlfriend is so friendly with another guy?" He whispered back. Izaya smirked. "If that's the case then..." Iz: (Y/n)~ Karma's jealous~ K: What?! I-I am not! You: ...*Smirk What's this?~ What's this?~ The Great Akabane Karma being jealous? Again?~ I didn't even hug him this time~ K: I didn't say that I was jealous -_- Iz: Are you accusing of me lying? K: ....Agh.. You hug Karma. Then the boys were like ⊙▽⊙(Eh?) ( ° △ °)(Wha-) (゚-゚ )(...) Izaya Sora Itona I want to be hugged by her too... You: A jealous Karma is cute~ I'll only love you like this, so don't worry~ K: I know that...*slight blush 'I want to be loved by her too...;-;' -Izaya, Itona, Sora Iz: But Jeez Itona, you sure have grown~ Izaya pet his head. Izaya and Sora has always considered Itona as their otouto. Iz: You're still cute too~ *laugh You: Right? Right?! Why isn't he our little brother? ;-; It: (Y/n)'s cuter though! Iz: *Chuckle By the way Itona, sorry about your family. It: It's fine. Iz: What do you mean it's fine? It: It's fine. Iz: It's not fine. Your family abandoned you, how could you say it's fine?! You: it true? I heard from my brother. You looked at him with a worried look. It: ... S: Itona...? It: It's fine, I got to finally meet all of you. Iz: We're happy that you think it that way, but still. You hugged Itona. You: Itona, are you actually fine with it? It: ....Yeah.. You: What's with that pause? It: *Sigh Like I said I'm fine. Seriously, stop asking me these questions, it's bothering me. You: Sorry. You let go of the hug. Izaya and Sora looked at Karma. K: What? Izaya and Sora smirked and pat Karma's head. Iz: There, there~ S: We know that feeling too~ K: What feeling?! S: What else other than jealousy?~ K: I am not jealous! You: Right...I forgot that you get easily jealous, sorry Karma~ I should remind myself every time I'm near Itona. Hehe~ K: ... It: By the way, how did you know about it? About my family abandoning me.. Iz: Oh, I'm an information breaker~ I wanted to see how you were doing after we went here, but you were gone so I tried finding information about you It: I see. Then we talk and talk until it was late. Itona and Karma left. That was fun, the gang is finally complete, Iza-nii, Sora-nii, Itona, and me. And it's funny to see Karma jealous, but I kinda feel bad for him. Nii-chans looks happy seeing Itona, but why was he abandoned? Jeez, why would someone abandon such a cute boy?! I would love to have him as my little brother ;-; I only know that they went bankrupt. -The next day- Koro: Okay minna-san, let's begin. Suddenly Koro-sensei is in front of all of the student's table with a different headband which represent the student's weakest subject. Koro: Exams are coming up, so we need to focus really hard. Koro: (Y/n)-san, what's your weakest subject? You always skip class whenever there's a test. You: My weakest subject is probably biology I guess.. 'Figured' everyone thought. 'Since I got 95 at the entrance exam' you thought. Koro: Which part? Me: There's this question in the entrance exam about uh...LH and...zygote, what are those? There's also something about test...testicles? All: ... "How cute~" "Does that mean she's gonna lose her innocent? We're ninth graders after all." "..." "Koro-sensei! ╬ You better not make her lose her innocent!" Koro: Nyufufufu~ What do you think Karma-kun? K: ...Let her learn it, it's not like she will learn what s*x is and lose her innocent. Koro: I'll teach her then, but shouldn't I teach her about that too? Karma gives a death glare to Koro-sensei. Koro: Eek!! I-I got it...  ̄ε  ̄ You: ... Koro: Oh, I forgot to tell you, you need to reach the top one subject in each lesson. "What?! Last time was top 50 and now it's top 1?! Aren't you expecting too much?!" You: Last time? K: When you weren't here yet, that octopus told us to be on the top 50 or else he will leave the class. You: Then? K: I was the only one who made it~ You: Really? So, you are smart then~ K: Hey, don't underestimate me. Well, how about you then? Maehara: Right! You were a former A Class student, right? Kayano: What's your score? You: It's a secret~ Kayano: Eh?~ K: I was a former A Class student too~ You: Really? K: Yep~ tell me your score (y/n)~ You: Nope it's a secret~ K: Are you scared that I'm smarter than you?~ You: Of course not. Maybe you are smarter. I was probably lucky that I got in the A Class. Or maybe bad luck? *Giggle Koro: *Clear throat* As I was saying, you need to get top 1 subject to have the right to destroy one tentacle. "Seriously?!" "Well do it!!" Nagisa: This teacher really knows how to get us motivated. -P.E.- (Y/n)'s POV It turns out that someone's taking over Karasuma's job as a PE teacher for a couple of day, because he's tired. The new teacher's name is Takaoka. He's weird, saying that he's the dad of 3E. It feels weird. But he's pretty nice since he brought sweets for the class. -Time skips- Dismissal Isogai reserved to study in the main building library and invited Kanzaki, Okuda, Rio, Kayano, Nagisa, Karma, and me to study together tomorrow. Karma refused. Me: Okay~ K: ...I'll join too then. I: Okay then so everyone's joining. -The next day- PE Today, I was skipping PE lesson with Karma. When I wanna check how things were, I saw Takaoka-sensei was about to knee Kanzaki, but I ran towards her, push her, and got kneed instead. I groaned in pain. Me: Agh, jeez. That hurts you know! If only I made it faster..Anyways, what were you about to do to Kanzaki-san? Takaoka: Where were you? Were you skipping your dad's lesson? You can't do that. I need to give you a lesson. Me: What? I only have two dads, my biological dad, and God the Father. I don't need more! Takaoka pulled my hair and was about to punch my face until I stopped his fist with my hand. Me: That's it. Let's have a duel. I glared at him. Karasuma came here. Karasuma: Stop it! Takaoka: I was thinking about that too. Takaoka took something out of his bag. He took a real knife and gave it to me. Me: ? You want me to kill you with this? Sorry but I don't want to kill anyone yet. Takaoka: Fist fight is fine, you can use both, bare hands or the knife. But I won't be using the knife. If you win, I'll leave, if you lose, I'll stay~ Me: I won't be needing the knife then. I put the knife down and looked at Karasuma-sensei. Me: Trust in me. Karasuma nodded. Well, how can I possibly lose? When the duel starts, I just walked to him. When I was close, I swing my leg towards his head, but he dodged it. Me: Hmm not bad~ While he's falling, I axe kicked him really hard. Before his head touched the ground, I quickly grabbed his shirt to stop him from letting his head hit the ground. I let go and punched him. Me: ...Weak. I took the knife that was laying on the ground. I sat on his body and faced him. Me: Wonder what would happen if I actually use this? I played with the knife with a cold look on my face. Me: This is what you'd like right? I pointed it towards his neck. Me: *Smirk Or.. I pointed it towards his right eye. Me: Should I stab this?...*Sigh I guess I shouldn't do this.. I threw the knife away. Me: But I will be doing this because of what you were about to do to Kanzaki-san earlier~^^ I punched his face over and over again but not too hard to make him lose conscious. Me: I thought you were a professional, but I guess you're just another weakling. Takaoka: S-stop. Me: It's your fault that you messed with my friends~ *chuckle He tried to stop my punch, but my punches were just too strong. Karasuma: That's enough! Me: ...It's not my fault that he's weak.. I stopped punching him. Karma approached me and pet me. K: You looked really cool, (y/n)~ Me: You think so? K: Of course~ Me: *Smile Thank you~ No one's POV 'What kind of girl is she?! (;゚д゚)' the class thought. 'She was innocent looking before, then she changed into a psycho? And then she changed back to cute and innocent. Just what kind of girl is she?!' Then the principal came and fired him. Takaoka left furiously. K: Good job, (y/n)~ -Library- Instead of studying, you were reading a manga. 'Can't believe they actually have it here.' -You And Karma was sleeping with a book on his face. "Well if it isn't the E Class gang! This library is wasted on the likes of you." Araki, Ren, Koyama, Seo, and Asano approached you. You: Well if it isn't the Five Virtuosos~ You smiled at them and they blushed. A: Hello (y/n)-chan. You looked at Asano. You: Ah, Asano-kun, hello~ A: What are you doing here? You: Stu...dy? He looked at the manga that I'm holding. A: ..What are you doing right now? You: Reading manga... A: ..You should study so you can go to the A Class again. You: I don't wanna. A: Why? You: There's Karma here. Asano looked at Karma. K: Hello Asano~ A: Akabane....Why him though? You'll get discriminated by the other student. K: You're only worrying about her?~ A: She doesn't deserve to be treated that way, she came to the E Class for no reason. Seo: Just buzz off flies. Isogai: These are our seats. We reserved them already. Rio: Yeah and it's easier to study with an air conditioner like this~ Seo: Have you forgotten? You, Class E, cannot defy a class higher than you, not at this school. O: W-we can too! We're aiming for top scores in every subject at finals! Let's see you try to boss us around then! Seo: D-don't talk back to me, you cheeky b***h! Seo: And what's with those glasses? You look like a hick! K: Pfft... Karma tried his best not to laugh. Seo: Right, Araki? Araki: Eh...yeah... Ren: In all your as criticism, you've overlooked something. Ren touched your hair. Ren: We have a Pearl here. It's too bad you moved to the E Class. You and I could be a magnificent partner~ K&A: ╬ ╬ Don't touch her! Ren put his hands up and sweat drop. Ren: Sorry Asano-kun. But he got closer to you again and kept on whispering something to you. You just ignored it. A: Hey, why don't we make 2 bets? Whichever of our two classes snags the most top rankings over the five key subjects gets to make the loser do anything they want? And another bet, if any of the E Class students could beat me in total scores, I'll stop asking (y/n) to move back. Isogai: And if we lose? A: If you lose, (y/n) needs to go back to the A Class, and the E Class can't keep any secret from us. Isogai: Well? What do you think? Koyama: We're perfectly willing to put our lives on line. This triggered their bloodlust. Nagisa pointed a mechanic pencil under Koyama's chin. You pointed your mechanic pencil in front of Ren's eye with an innocent smile. Rio pointed a ruler under Seo's chin, which made him fall back. And Isogai pointed his finger under Araki's chin. You: You shouldn't put your lives on line... It's dangerous, you know? *Smile A: ...I didn't, he did. But will you except? You: I'm fine with it. K: .... You: Karma? K: Deal. A: Okay then, I'll be looking forward to it then~ *Smirk Then they left. Karma put the book on his face again to go back to sleep. Isogai: Karma, shouldn't you be studying to protect your girlfriend? K: ... Karma finally started studying seriously. You look at Karma. K: Don't worry, we'll win. 'I'm not worried about that though.' -You You: No need to be so serious about it. Don't push yourself to hard okay? K: Okay.. You pat his head. You: There~ There~ 'Cause~ There's nothing to worry about in the first place~' -You
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