Chapter 23 Test Scores

1957 Words
Everyone was studying really hard. On the day of the exam, some people were mocking the E Class while they passed by the hallway, but when you passed by, they just stayed silent. You: Nee, Karma. K: Hmm? You: Good luck~ K: You too~ You entered the class and took the test. At the last day of the test, everyone felt relieved. K: We're finally done~ No more studying~ You: How did you do? K: It's easy~ How about you? What do you think?~ You: It's okay, I guess~ K: Hey, wanna make a bet? Which one will get higher?~ You: What will the winner get? K: The winners gets to do anything the winner wants?~ You: I still haven't use my reward for beating you at the Kyoto, and you wanna make another one?~ K: Well, it's not like you'll win this bet for sure~ You: Hmm, well how about I just use it now? Uh...What should I ask for...Hm....Um, how about you'll just always be beside me? K: Such innocence~ He pinched your cheek. On the day they were gonna announce the result, the class has this tense vibe that bothers you. You looked at Karma and he smirked. 'I studied really hard to save (y/n), so how can I possibly lose?' Is what Karma thought. Koro-sensei distributed the test papers to the E Class. When Karma saw his scores, he looked pleased and ran directly towards the main building while bringing his test scores. You followed him while bringing yours, and saw Asano approaching Karma too. Karma looked at you, and then look at Asano again. K: *Smirk So? Are you ready?~ A: Of course~ *Smirk When Karma saw Asano's scores, his eyes widened. Karma's total score is 493.5, while Asano's total score is 495.5. Karma's score= Math: 99.5 English: 99 Japanese:98 Social Studies: 98 Science:99 Asano's score= Math: 100 English: 99.5 Japanese: 99 Social Studies: 99 Science:98 Karma clenched his teeth. K: way... A: Since I won the bet, she'll go back to being an A Class student then~ K: Tch, I just needed 2 more...(y/n). You: It's okay Karma~ I could be a bad girl and move to the E Class again. K: But.. You: Besides, Asano-kun, you didn't win *smile A: What do you mean? You: Here. You showed them your test scores. Their eyes widened. You: Why do you think I was put in the A Class for?~ A: Amazing! P-perfect scores...! K: You're that smart? You: You're not having a bet with Karma only, but with the E Class. Don't forget~ You giggled. K: Jeez, is there something you can't do?~ You're too perfect~ Karma pats your head. You: Since I won again, what shall I make you do? *smirk K: Whatever you want~ Oh and Asano, please don't ever talk to her again, except if it's for emergencies~ A: Why should I? Karma hugged you from behind. K: Because I'm her boyfriend~ A: B-boy....friend? Asano clenched his fist. K: Yup~ Boyfriend~ A: Aha....ahahahahaha.....I see how it is, but I'll still talk to her when I see her. Well, since (y/n)-chan got 100 on everything, that means you won the other bet. Asano turned around. A: Email me what the E Class want. Asano starts walking away. K: Well? Let's go back~ You: Okay. '(Y/n)...She really is perfect.....Am I even...Nonono, you i***t. Don't think stuff like that!' -Karma Karma looked at you. 'But...' -Karma You arrived in front of the classroom door. You stopped. You: Karma, what's wrong? K: What do you mean? You: Is something bothering you? K: It's nothing, where did you even got that idea from? You: Your face when we're walking... K: My face? Is it too handsome?~ You: ...*Giggle Yeah, yeah~ Let's go in. I hope you're not keeping something to yourself~ Haha~ You put your hand on the door knob. You: ..Sooner or later you must tell me. You can't hide it forever Karma. K: ...*Smirk What are you talking about?~ You opened the door and your classmate ran towards you. "(Y/n)-chan, I didn't know you're that smart!" "How?!" "No one has ever gotten a 500 out of 500 before!" "That's awesome!" "We won the bet!" You: Yeah, Asano-kun said to send the request through mail. Isogai: Okay then. You: Have you made up your mind on what request you would give? Isogai: Yeah, we have. You: That fast? Isogai: Yep. You: So you guys decided it on your own?~ You didn't even think about my opinion?~ *fake sniff Isogai: R-right, I'm sorry (y/n)-chan.. You: I'm just joking~ So? What's the request? Kayano: A trip to the Okinawa Resort~ K: It's a good place for assassinating the octopus~ You: Okinawa... Karma saw your necklace turned black. '(Y/n)?' -Karma You: I see, that's a good choice~ The necklace turned back to normal. 'What does that mean?' -Karma You: Since I got the top one in every lesson, I'll give the right to 3 people. Since I'll feel bad for Koro-sensei. Karma, do you want one? K: Nah, just give them the chance~ You: Okay then, who got the highest? Excluding me and Karma. Isogai: Kanzaki, Okuda, Rio, and me. You: Hmmm, let me see the score. They handed you over their scores, and you saw their scores. You: I pick Rio, Okuda, and Isogai-kun. Is that okay with you, Kanzaki-san? Kanzaki: *Smile It's fine. Koro: Only three tentacles huh? That's good~ "Don't forget about us!" Terasaka and his gang came and showed their scores. The four of them got 100 in Home Ec. Koro: Nyu? Terasaka: You didn't say what subject we should get, so it'll be seven tentacles~ Koro: Nyuwa?! S-s-s-seven?! SEVEN?! You: Actually I 100 got too, should I make it eight?~ Koro: EIGHT?! Noooooooo!!!!! You: I'm just kidding, I don't need it so don't worry~ Koro:(Y/n)-chan *sniff you're such a good girl~ Let me hug you~ *Sniff You: .....Kimoi.. Koro: Eh? Koro-sensei sulked in the corner of the class with a depressing aura. Koro: (Y/n).....the most innocent one in the class called me disgusting....... K: Nice one, (y/n)~ You: Ah..sorry Koro-sensei~ Koro-sensei has this sparkly aura now. Koro:(Y/n- You: But it's true though. He went back sulking in the corner. You: Itona, are you coming? Itona: I'm not coming. You: Eh? Why? Itona: I'm busy. You: Busy with what? You have to come!!! I'll help you if you want! Itona: You don't have to. You: Karmaaaaa help meeee~ 'She wants him to come that bad?' -Karma K: Well, even if he wants to come, I won't allow him~ Itona: I'm not gonna go. You: But Itona... Karma whispers to Itona, "Maybe I'll do something to her~" Itona blushed a bit. Itona: Y-you! What are you gonna do to h-.. *clear throat* I'm going. You: Really? Yes!~ You're coming too right, Karma?~ K: Obviously~ You: I'll be on your hands again ok?~ K: Of course~ He pats your head. -At home- You walked home with Sora and opened the door. You saw Izaya eating at the dinner table. I: (Y/n)? Welcome home~ You: I’m home~ Iza-nii, after you're done eating, go to my room okay?~ I: Okay, what is it about this time? You: I'll tell you later. Sora-nii, you too~ S: Okay. -Time Skips- You: Here! Look!~ You showed them all of your perfect scores. S: Not surprised ^^; You: Are you proud of me? S&I: Of course we are~ I: Good job~ You got petted on your head. You: Hehe~ Well that's not what I really want to talk about. I: Then? You: So...the E Class won a bet, and we'll be going to the Okinawa Resort. I: Okinawa Resort huh?'re leaving?! Again?! You: Yep. S: What if you got lost there? What if y- You: Okay, okay, I know where this is going *looks at Izaya* Itona's coming too~ S: Itona? I: I'm going with you this time. You: What?! No, don't! Why would you even.. I: The last time I let you go, something big happened. You: And that is? I: You got a boyfriend.. You: Is it bad that I and Karma are dating? I: That's not what I meant. You do know you're going to Okinawa, right? You: ...I'll be fine, Iza-nii.. I: ..Don't you want your brother to be there too? S: Izaya...We're being overprotective again, I mean it'll be weird if a ninth grader get accompanied by a 21-year-old guy! You: That's not the case...I want you to go with me, just can't. I: Why? (Y/n), are you hiding something from us? You flinched. S: Really? You: T-there's nothing. I'm not hiding anything. I: You're a really bad liar, you know? But only when you unexpected it. You: ... I: I can hack and find illegal information. Do you think I won't know what your hiding? I'll find it easily. I'm worried that you're hiding something dangerous (y/n).. You: I-It's not like it's dangerous.. 'Iza-nii never act like this's weird..' You thought. You: But's a secret that I need to keep. Do you have to know? I: Of course, I need to know everything about you. S: Izaya, that's a bit creepy don't you think? I: I don't care~ It's for hers and my sake. You: ..If it's for your sake then....I'll tell you. Nii-chan really shouldn't know about this though. I: It's okay, I'm an information breaker~ You: *Sigh You realized that 70% of the moon is destroyed right? Do you know why it's like that? I: Kinda, I searched it up a little. Someone blew the moon up, right? You: ...Actually, Sora-nii could you get out from this room? It's a really important secret. S: Ehhh, I don't wanna be left outtt! You: ...Fine..The one who blew up the moon is an alien-like octopus creature. I: Alien-like octopus? How do you know about these things? Is it related somehow? You: The name is Koro-sensei and he's the 3E homeroom teacher. S&I: Your teacher?! You: Yeah, and the government told us, the E Class to assassinate him before the end of March. I: If that's the case, then why isn't he dead yet? You: He has a speed of 20 Mach know what, just look it up. I: 20 Mach huh? But with your skills you should be able to kill him. You: Yeah but I don't want to. I want the E Class to be the one who'll kill him. I don't think I'm ready to kill any one yet. I have the skills, but I don't have the guts. But if we ran out of time, I'll kill him. S: What happens if you ran out of time? You: He'll do the same thing to the earth like what he did with the moon. S: So, we're gonna die? You: I'll kill him before it happens, so don't worry. I: What if you kill him then? You: We'll get ¥10 billion. I: That's a lot. S: Imouto....I'm really really worried about your school life. I: I'll look him up seriously this time. You: O-okay I can go right? Since this trip is to assassinate him. I: Sure~ S: When are you going anyways? You: I don't know yet, but I'll go~ thank you, nii-chans!~ S: Don't forget to ask mom and dad. You: I'll ask them now. I: Ah, they're not home yet. You took your phone out and call your mom then your dad. You: Both of them said yes~ S: Okay then, wanna play a game, imouto?~ You: Sure~ How about Iza-nii? I: I'll be busy searching about him. You: Okay then, good luck. I: Yeah....(Y/n), just be careful when you get there. You: *Smile I'm going to be fine~~
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