Chapter 21 Transfer Student 2

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You were climbing the mountain to go to class. Kayano: Good morning (y/n)!~ You: Kayano!~ Morning~ Rio: Mor-nin~ You: Morning~ Then, you spot Nagisa with Sugino and Isogai discussing about something. You: Morning!~ Nagisa-kun, Isogai-kun, Sugino-kun~ "Morning!~" You: What were you guys talking about? I: Did you see that group mail from Karasuma-sensei? You: No, what was it about? S: It's about a transfer student. It's probably another pro killer. You: Another one? N: I guess they're bringing assassin teenagers as students to kill him *sweat drop* You: I wonder what he/she looks like~ O: On that note... S: Uwah!! Where did you come from? O: I was curious too, so I asked Karasuma-sensei if he had a photo. He took out his phone and show it to us. O: Here's what he sent back! It was a purple haired girl with red eyes smiling. You: A girl! She's cute!~ O: Right? She's super cute right?! Oh man, I sure hope we hit it off! I: Looks like she'll be harmless. You: Don't judge a book by its cover, Isogai-kun~ O: Please let us hit it off! S: Jeez, calm down Okajima~ Karma's POV K: Morning (y/n)~ What are you guys talking about?~ You: Good morning, Karm... S: We're talking about the new student. You: Sorry but I need to go. She ran away. K: (Y/n)? I and the others went to the classroom to see a big black box. It turned on. "Good morning." "?!?!" "I will be joining your class today. My designation is Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery. It's nice to meet you." "Didn't see that one coming." Where's (y/n)? -Time Skip- Karasuma-sensei came in and wrote something on the blackboard while twitching. Karasuma: As I'm sure you know, this is your new classmate: Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery from Norway. Pfft. Kayano: Must be rough on Karasuma-sensei. Sugaya: I would go crazy if I had to act like everything was normal here. Octopus: Pfffftt!!! Karasuma: Don't laugh! You're no better than her! Just so you know, she is registered as a student here. She'll be sitting there trying to kill you, but you can't fight back since she's a student. You're not permitted to harm any of the students, right? Octopus: Of course~ Welcome to the E Class, Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery-san. Robot: Thank you, Koro-sensei. -Time skips- (Y/n)'s POV I opened the classroom door. Me: Sorry I was lat- wait what happened here?! It was a mess. Me: And what is that thing? I pointed at the black box. K: Welcome back (y/n)~ That's the new student. She tried to attack the octopus, making the classroom a mess. And we are in charge of cleaning it up~ Her name is Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery. She's not on at the moment though. Where have you been? Me: That's the new student? *Sigh I knew it, she's not harmless. She's not human huh? That's cool. I've been at the toilet. My stomach hurts. K: I see, you're okay now? Me: Yep! Maehara: we have clean this all up? Muramatsu: You wouldn't happen to come with a vacuum, eh, Fixed Artillery-san? The box is still not on yet. Yoshida: She ignored you *snickered I approached her. Me: Hello Artillery-chan!~ It turned on. Me: Wah! Cool! Artillery: Hello, (l/n)-sama. Me: ? How do you know my name? Artillery: I know everyone. You: I see, well just call me (y/n)!~ Yoshida: How come she didn't ignore you? Kayano: You call her with sama, why is that Artillery-san? Artillery: Because you are the (y/n) (l/n), AKA the Angle of Death. I respect you. Me: Wah, thank you!~ -Time Skips to Dismissal- Me: ...I-I didn't know she would keep on attacking...... The next day when I went inside the class, I saw her being tapped. You: What are you doing? Terasaka: She distracts us from studying! We need to do something about it. You: Yeah but...I feel like it's bad to do stuff like that... K: You don't need to be kind all the time, (y/n)~ You: But.... When class starts, she turned on. "Koro-sensei, I can't kill you like this. Please remove my restraints." "Well, I don't know..." "Is this your doing? It's clearly harming me and you're not supposed to harm stud-" Terasaka threw a tape to her. "It's me, not him. You are disturbing us." "....." The next day when I opened the door, she got bigger. "Good morning, everybody!~" She greeted us with a cheerful smile. I deadpanned, "What happened?" "Ah! Good morning, (y/n)-sama!~" Me: Morning, what happened to you? Koro-sensei came and explained. He upgraded her. -Time Skips- Me: She sure is amazing huh?~ She made this sculpture. She beat Chiba-kun 3 times at Shogi. Koro: Oh shoot! Her character type is just like mine! "It's nothing like yours!" Koro: I went and upgraded her, and now she's taking my popularity! Look, class! I can put on a human face too, you know! See? I just need to change my skin color a little and... His face turned to somehow a bit human, but creepy. All: Kimoi! Somehow it reminds me of Sugino-kun ( ̄v ̄) Koro-sensei sulks in the corner. Koro: My students called me creepy ;-; Yada: Her name is so long, why don't we pick a name for her? Artillery: Huh? Me: I got one! How about Ritsu?~ Her name is Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery so we'll take jiritsu (autonomous) and remove the ji. How about that?~ Artillery: Ritsu...I love it! So please call me "Ritsu" from now on!~ Someone banged the door. It was Itona. Me: Itona? Where were you from this last three days? I: Nothing. Ritsu: Hello, Itona-sama. I: Artillery, what happened to you? You look weird. Me: Koro-sensei did it. Her name is Ritsu now. I: I see. Itona's POV Everything about her changed. What sensei did to her? Koro: Itona-kun, let me remove those tentacle cells now. ....Should I? Well whatever, I only got these to meet (y/n) again and to protect her, but she already found someone to protect her. She's strong enough to protect herself too.. I: Suit yourself. I don't need it anymore. Koro-sensei removed it, and I sneezed. I look at (y/n) and saw her eyes widened. (Y/n): Itona-kun! You're so cute!~ She hugged me tightly. I: (Y-y-y/n)! *Blush Stop it! (Y/n): But you're just so cute!~ K: ╬ I sneezed again. Me: Aw~ If only you are my little brother~ I'll sleep while using you as my pillow everyday~ I: Stop it.. K: ╬ ╬ Mae: What are you gonna do now Karma? Watching your girlfriend hugging another man~ Right..(y/n) is dating this man.. K: (Y/n)~ (Y/n): Ah! Sorry Karma~ He's just too cute~ Ritsu: Is Karma-kun, (y/n)-sama’s boyfriend?~ (Y/n): Yup!~ Ritsu: How about Itona-sama then? (Y/n): My little b.......I mean my childhood friend....Itona....please be my otouto ;-; By the way, are you okay? With your family...I heard from my brother.. Brother... I: ....I wasn't before...but I'm fine now since I get to meet you again. I'll tell you next time in a private place. (Y/n): Itona....what do you want me to do? I: What do you mean? (Y/n): You've help me when I was still child, and now I want to repay you. I: Well, I..I guess just keep on being happy. (Y/n): I will Itona!~ Oh, and do you and Ritsu know each other? I: Yeah. (Y/n): I see. Oh, by the way guys! Do you know that exam is coming near? All: What?!
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