Chapter 20 Sick Karma

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You went outside to be approached by your overprotective brothers. S&I: What happened? I: How did the date go? S: You went on a date?! You: Ah, yeah, I forgot to tell you. Sorry. I: So, what happened? We heard noises. You: turns out that Karma had a fever..He kept it a secret, and I found out about it just now. He's currently inside my room. S&I: YOUR ROOM?!?!! You: So, may I sleep in nii-chan's room? S&I: Of course!~ Sora and Izaya looked at each other and lightning strike between them. They kept on glaring and glaring till you said something. You: Um...okay then. S&I: Imouto! Whose room do you want to sleep in? You: A-ah....I'm fine with both. Just decide it by yourself, for now I'm going to take a bath. They glared at each other again. You finished your bath. In the end you'll sleep at Sora's room with both of your brothers. The three of you played games together until it was 1:35 a.m. S: Well it's time, go and sleep imouto~ You: Eh?! I wanna play more~ Nii-chans are still awake too! I: Nope, you need to go to sleep. We'll sleep too, if you went to sleep. You: .... S: Are you still worried about him? You nodded. I: You've been checking on him every ten minutes *sigh S: Yeah. You: I guess I'll go check on him again for the last time. I: Okay, but after that you need to sleep. You: Fine but how come Sora-nii last time haven't sleep until the fifth day and not get scolded? I: Because he's not important unlike you. S: Izaya, you!!! I: Yes, I'm Izaya~ S: It's because of an important eventttt! Just go and check on him, imouto. You: Nn, Okay. You went inside your room and checked on Karma for 3 minutes. You: *Sigh Rest well, Karma-kun. You closed the door and went to Sora's room again. You: Alright let's sleep!~ I: Don't be sad (y/n). He'll get better later~ You: I hope so~ Sora turned off the lights. You, Sora, and Izaya slept in one bed. With you on the middle, Sora on your right, and Izaya on your left. The bed is big so it's not uncomfortable. It was 2'clock already but you're still awake. You were still worried about Karma. You got up quietly, bringing your pillow and went to your room. You quietly opened the door to see Karma awake. You: Karma-kun? K:(Y/n), you're awake~ You: Karma-kun, you should be asleep. K: Can't sleep~ How can I sleep when my girlfriend keep on checking on me?~ You: Ehhh, you were awake? You walk toward your sofa. K: Well I was always asleep before you checked on me~ You: Ah, sorry for disturbing you.. You looked down. K: It's fine~ Just that whenever you come in, I feel like it's important to be awake if I'm with you~ You: I’m really sorry, Karma-kun. K: …Hey, come here. You approached him. You: What’s wro-? Karma pulled your arm and kissed your forehead. K: Don’t use honorifics to call my name~ You: …*Nod You went back to the sofa. You: ..I'll be sleeping here at the sofa. K: You shouldn't sleep here. You turned off the ac for me, so the room is hot. You: But this is my room. K: Yeah but, you should also sleep on a bed. This is your bed anyways. You: Don't worry, the sofa is comfy. K: I don't want you to be sick because of me.. You: Don't worry! I can't get sick easily, so I'll be fine~ K: If you say so. It was full of silence. You and Karma were still awake. K: Hey, (y/n), sorry to trouble you. You: You're not....Yeah you're troubling me. That's why get better soon...I don't like you being sick. K: I'm sorry that I made you worried~ Karma wanted to pet your head, but you're just too far from his hand. K: I'll definitely be better, I'm in your care after all~ You smiled. At the morning, Sora & Izaya noticed you were missing. They looked around and went to your bedroom to see you sleeping cutely on the sofa and Karma looking innocent when he's asleep. They stared at Karma's sleeping face. S&I: Is this Karma? S: He's supposed to be sadistic looking...Who is that? Sora deadpanned. I: I guess he can look innocent too~ Izaya approached Karma. S: What are you doing? I: Checking his temperature. Izaya put his hand on Karma's forehead. S: So? I: Slight fever. S: *Sigh At least (y/n) can relax a little bit now. He needs to heal up soon. He's making our imouto worried. I: still like her? S: Well of course! You're the same too right? I: Of course~ S: It's sad to see her smiling because of another man... I: It's better than seeing her cry. She's already cheerful from the start anyways. But now...he's making her even more cheerful, that's good. S: Yeah. I: Hey, Sora? S: What? I: Random question. Do you still....remember that accident? S: What acci-Ah, you mean that one? I: Yeah. S: Of course...How could I ever forget about that? I: Right *chuckle Why am I even asking? K: ..What accident? S: You were awake? I: Since when were you awake? K: Since Izaya-senpai ask Sora-senpai about the accident. I&S: Oh... K: So? What about the accident? I: Eh, well.. You: What are *yawn onii-chans talking about? I: Nothing, absolutely nothing~ You look at Karma while rubbing your eye. You: Ah! Karma! How's your fever? I: He just has a slight fever. You: Really? *Sigh That's good... You got up and head towards the door. I: Where are you going? You: I'm going to take a bath and make breakfast for Karma. S: I want breakfast by (y/n) toooooo! I: You're not gonna make one for me too? You: *Laugh I will, I will~ Just let me take a bath first~ 'Now when you're thinking about it...' 'Who's gonna take a bath with her today?' 'For these past few days, we forgot to take a bath with her.' 'I've been too locked up in my room searching info.' Izaya though. 'I've been too caught up playing games' Sora thought. 'I need to win this for sure!' S: Well how about we make the game like this today? So, I'll us- I: You know very well that that doesn't work on me right?~ S: Tch ╬ I: Well let's go. S&I: Jan-ken-pon! Sora used rock. Izaya used paper. I: I won Sora~ S: orz My imouto.. I: (Y/n)~ I'll take a bath with you. You: Okay, it's been a while Iza-nii~ You and Izaya left the room. S: Agh! God dammit, I was the one who usually won. How did I lose? *pout K: E-eh? S: ? Ah, you're still here. K: So...let me get this both actually take baths with her? S: Yep. Karma somehow felt a bit jealous. S: A, you were thinking dirty thoughts, weren't you?! K: I did not! S: You were jealous that we took a bath with her first before you do huh? *smirk K: Am not! S: Don't worry, you'll just have to wait till you're an adult~ -At the bath- You undressed and ran towards the bath tub to see Izaya there with a towel covering his bottom. You: Nii-chan~ I: Come here, come here~ You went inside the bath tub, and Izaya hugs you. I: (Y/n) sure are growing so fast~ You: Nn, of course I am!~ I: Sometimes I hoped that you'd stop growing.. You: Eh? Hidoi~ I: So that we'll always be together~ You: Are we gonna get separated when we grow up? I: Yeah.. You: Eeh..but I want to be with nii-chans. I: *Sigh How did you grew up so fast? You even got yourself a boyfriend...I have been meaning to ask you this, but how did you even find out what love is? You: I knew it from Rio. I: Rio? You: She's a classmate and my friend. I: Hmm~ Since when did you started liking Karma? You: Ummmm, I think it's the third or second day of school? I: Oh...E-EH?!?! You: What? I: You can't like someone the fast! You're really something, imouto. How? You: Dunno. He's cool, fun, kind, strong, and perfect! He kind of reminds me of you, onii-chan. *Smile And plus he's the fifth boy outside the family that I've ever talked to as a friend! I: He's a lucky guy~ You: Actually, I wanna ask nii-chan something. I: Sure, what is it? You: Why do nii-chan and Sora-nii always use a towel on the bottom when taking a bath? I:'s a rule? You: Rule? I: Yeah. You: I see, I didn't know that such rule exist.. I: Yeah ( ̄v ̄;) The two of you finished taking a bath. You went down to the kitchen, and made the porridge and foods for your brothers. You brought the porridge, pudding, and water to Karma with a tray. You opened the door to see Karma, Sora, and Izaya getting along. You smiled. You: Sorry to keep you waiting Karma~ Nii-chan could you leave us alone for now? I: Eh?~ You're kicking us out?~ S: That's mean imouto *fake sniff You: E-eh? That's not what I meant! I: Can't believe my imouto is kicking me out *fake sniff You: I told you that, that's not what I meant! Foods are at the table. I&S: Okay~ They left. K: We're finally alone~ You: Yeah. You gave Karma the porridge. K: You made this huh? I'm expecting it to be good like the bento that you brought at school last time~ You: Hope so. K: Feed me~ You: Eh? Why? K: I'm the patient, right? If you feed me, I'll heal faster~ You: Okay then if you'll heal faster. You blew the spoon full of porridge. You: Uh....Say ah? K: Ah~ 'Karma's acting childish is cute~' -You You fed it to him. You: H-how is it? K: As expected of (y/n)~ Your cooking is the best~ You: Thank you~ K: You know, I used to only like my cooking. Now, I like yours too~ You: That's a relief. You blew the spoon and fed it to Karma again. You: Karma, what's your ideal girl? K: You of course~ You: I'm being serious here *pout K: ...My ideal girl huh? You nod. K: Honestly, I don't know~ You: Really? K: I've never actually thought about this before. Last time, I wasn't interested at dating someone. So, you're my first. You: That makes me happy then *smile K: Yeah, me too. You: How about your...kiss? K: My kiss? Well....the truth is that I lost my first kiss a long time ago.. You: Oh. K: Sorry. You: It's fine. 'I think..' -You You: Plus, I lost mine too, a long time ago. K: Is it from your family? You: Excluding my family. K: Heeee...I see..TwT You&K: But I lost my second kiss to you. You&K: Eh? *giggle 'But still though...(y/n) lost her first kiss? Well actually, mine wasn’t really a kiss.' -Karma You: Hey Karma say A~ K: A~ You fed him again. You: By the way, could you tell me why you said that you liked Okuda that time? K: Right. That time I said chose her, because I thought no one will like her. If I said, example Kayano, Nagisa will be jealous~ But if the girl is liked by most of the class, I don't mind saying it. And if I said that I don't like anyone, they'll keep on pestering me to tell them. Karma jokingly said it. You: Why didn't you say that you l-like me then? *blush K: ...Because... Karma covered his mouth with one hand and turns red. K: It's kinda embarrassing...If I......tell them who I actually like... You put the porridge on your desk beside you. You: ! Karma, you're so cute~ You hugged him and his face turned redder. K: I-I'm not cute, you are. You: Nope, you are~ K: It's the opposite~ You: Nooo! K: Yesss~ You: No! K: Yes! You: No! K: No! You: Yes! I mean NO! K: I won~ You: You did not! I hate you -_- K: Someone's not admitting it~ You: Just shut up and eat! When he's done eating, you gave him a medicine and let him sleep. -Time Skip- Karma woke up. You were beside him and checked his temperature. You: You're healed~ You're finally healed... K: Aw~ really? I still want you to take care of me though~ I'm cured now thanks to you, thanks (y/n)~ Karma pets your head. You: Nn *smile K: What time is it? You: It's 12:54 K: Let's go somewhere~ You: Just rest Karma. K: Aw come on! I'm healed already. You: Yeah but what if you got sick again? K: I won't~ You: *Sigh Where do you even wanna go anyways? K: Hmm, dunno~ You: Ehhhh.. K: How about we go to the park? You: Park? Sure. K: But can I take a bath? You: Of course, I'll ask my maid to buy a new buy clothes. K: Eh? You don't need to~ You: I need to. K: I can just wear this again. You: Karma, no. I'll ask my maid to buy it now. K: You just can back down at anything huh? Where's the bathroom that I can use? You: There. You point at your own bathroom. K: ....That is your bathroom right? You: Of course, it's in my room. What about it? K: I can't use it! Your brothers are gonna kill me if they know. You: Eh? Why? K: Don’t you know how protective your brothers are? You: I do, but what's wrong with using my bathroom? K: It's just...agh...fine. I'll take a bath here. You went downstairs while Karma take a bath. You: Uh... Maid1: Little Master! Another maid approaches you. The two maids are the closest with you. Maid2: What can we do for you little master? You: I told you before, call me by my name and not little master. It's weird! ('△ ´; Maid1: We can't do that little master. Maid2: Yes, we have no right. You: I order you to not call me little master then. Maid2: Eh..(Y/n)-sama then? We can't call you anything other than those two. You: Okay then. Oh! And could you buy a 15 years old boy clothes? Maid1: Boys clothes? Of course, but what for? You: For Karma. Maid2: Karma? What's this?~ Maid1: Is he your boyfriend?~ You: Y-yeah (-///-) Maid1&2: Congrats little master!~ Maid1: Ah, we mean (y/n)-sama. You: Thank you. Maid1 went out to buy the clothes. Then, she came back in the next 17 minutes. Maid1: Here you go (y/n)-sama. You: Wah, you're fast! Thanks~ Maid1: You’re welcome~ You went to your room. Karma open the door a little from the bathroom and took the clothes from your hand. Karma thanked you. He used the clothes and went out. K: Well? Let's go~ You and Karma went to a nearby park. You saw 4 kids there. Your eyes widened. 2 boys were bullying 1 girl and the other girl were just watching them with a pleased face. They were probably at the age of 8. Karma looked at you strangely. Your face looks horrified. K: Hey, what's wrong? They were pulling the girl's hair, kicking her, and pour some water while saying mean things. Karma looked at the bullying. You gulped and clenched your teeth and fist. K: Oi, oi, seriously? I guess kids also do this kind of stuff. Karma approached them. You: ... K: Oi-! You: Hey! You approached them. You: Stop that! They looked at you. Boy1: What? Boy2: Wah! She's cute! They stopped. K: .... Girl1: What are you guys doing?! You: Hey, can you stand? Girl2: I...think so.. You grabbed the hand of the victim and helped her stand. Girl2: Thank you...miss. Girl1: Ah! You! You're so cute! How can I be like you? You: Thanks, but what's going on here? Girl1: Nothing, just punishing her a bit~ You: That's not good. You guys can't bully her. Would you like it if someone bully you? No right? Girl1: But no one can bully me. They are my slaves~ But she can't even do what I commended her right. Karma's POV This kid....reminds me of Asano for some reason ╬ (Y/n): Stop it! You shouldn't think like that! They are your friends so you need to treat them well! Can't believe kids actually do these kinds of things. I thought... Then she mumbled something. She's kind..but why did she look so horrified earlier? (Y/n): Would you please stop this? Girl1: Why should we- (Y/n): Please? All: C-cute... Jeez she's so cute. Oh right! I should make her cosplay next time!~ Boy1&2: We'll stop if that's what you want nee-chan!~ (Y/n): N-nee-chan? *Slight blush K: Well? How about you little girl? Are you gonna stop?~ Girl1: ...Maybe. She's too cute. Usually kids can see the true nature of people, I guess (y/n)'s real nature is lovable alright. She carried the girl that got beaten up to a bench. (Y/n): Are you okay? Girl2: I'm fine... (Y/n): Are you sure? You're covered with bruises; do you want to go to a hospital? Girl2: ...*Giggle Nee-chan sure is nice ^^ plus they do this to me all the time. (Y/n): All the time?! Girl2: Yeah... (Y/n): Did you tell your parents? Girl2: No. (Y/n): Why? Girl2: I'm sorry but I can't tell you. (Y/n): ...It's fine if you can't tell me. You took a band aid out of your pocket. K: Do you bring that stuff everywhere? You placed it on the bruises on her face, arms, and legs. (Y/n): Most of the time. Girl2: Thank you nee-chan. (Y/n): Please try to stand up on your own. What if there are no one who can help you? Girl2: I can't. The girl showed (y/n) a sad smile. (Y/n): You can! Have you even tried? Girl2: No, but I know that it's pointless to try. Dealing with kids aren't my thing but... K: Hey kid, you should stop saying that. Girl2: I-I'm sorry... K: You need to try. You'll never know unless you'll try right? Girl2: ...Ok, I'll try... (Y/n): Eh?! How come she won't try when I said it, but she will when you said it? *pout K: Because I'm awesome~ Girl2: Uh....*giggle nee-chan and nii-san are funny. Are you two a couple? (Y/n) blushed. I pat her head. K: Yeah, we are~ (Y/n): They beat me again ;-; Girl2: What do you mean? (Y/n): I-it's nothing! K: *Chuckle She learned what love is this year~ Girl2: Eh?! Really?! She pouts. (Y/n): *Sigh Well Karma, please stay here. I'm going to talk to the other kids. K: Eh~ But I want to be with you~ (Y/n): Just stay. She walked towards the kids and started to chat for a while. Girl2: Nii-san, nii-san, what do you like about nee-chan? K: Eh....well I love everything about her~ Girl2: Like what? K: Well, like the way she acts. She's so cute~ Girl2: How about what you dislike about her? K: Dislike eh~ Well, I guess I hate it when she's hiding something from me. Girl2: I see- Boy1: Hey, (Girl2).... (Y/n) and the others came here. (Girl2) averted her eyes. Girl2: Y-yes? it? Boy1&2: We...... (Y/n): Come on, say it~ Boy1&2: W-we're really sorry! She blushed. Boy1: Come on. Say it to (Girl2) too, (Girl1) Girl1: ...S-sorry, for.....bullying you all the time. I guess I always over did it.... Her eyes widened. Girl2: I...I don't know what to say.... (Y/n): How about an 'I forgive you'? Girl2: ..Nnn. She cried. Girl1:H-hey stop crying. The three of them tried to comfort her. K: Sometimes you act like a child, but act so mature sometimes, (y/n)~ (Y/n): I'm not childish! Then you phone rings. You picked up your phone. (Y/n): Hello? Ah, onii-chan~ Okay, I'll be right there. You ended the call. K: What's wrong? (Y/n): Dinner. K: I see, I'll be going home then. (Y/n): What? No, you need to eat dinner with us! Come on~ Girl2: Eh? Nee-chan and nii-chan are going to go? (Y/n): Yep, bye bye~ “Bye!~ *Wave” -On the way- You: Ne, Karma.. K: What?~ You: We have been dating for a while, but I don't have your contact.. K: ...Pfft! Actually~ Karma took out his phone and texted something. Your phone vibrated and you opened your phone. A notification came from your LINE. I already have your contact~ You: ...How? You stared at Karma. K: Stop staring at me. You: How? K: Yesterday when you we're taking a bath, I took your phone~ You: ....Thief. Karma just laughs while patting your head. Karma had dinner with you and your brothers. He invited you to the class's group. After dinner, he went home and your parents came home late.
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