Chapter Ten

1753 Words

The sun begins peeking through the horizon as its sunlight vies against the cool morning breeze. My sight is affixed outside the window, mesmerizing how the sky changes hue right before my eyes. When a slight twinge creeps in my neck, I slant my view to my left where Chaz is holding the book I was reading earlier. “I never thought that you’re into crime and suspense book. I always thought that you’re a fantasy and action guy.” Chaz, who’s also staring outside the window, turns his face to me then to the book. “Not really. This book is gifted to me by the author about six, seven years ago.” When he sees me goggle at his remark, he immediately clarifies his statement. “Well, at least that’s what the package said.” “So you haven’t met this Vladimir?” “Nope.” He flips the pages of the b

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