Chapter 20

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Devon's POV I watch as Samika waves goodbye to Brent and Olive. I am glad Brent is leaving now. It's not too late actually. If he decides to stay at least one more day here, that's when the problem starts. Brent turns around and I momentarily worry if he is going to say that he wants to stay back. But when I saw him walk towards me and open his arms, I was taken aback. "Please take care of her. I know there's beef between us, but let's not bring her in the middle of that," Brent whispered in my ear, as he hugged me and pulled back smiling as if he didn't tell me anything. "Yeah," I looked back in a low whisper and he finally walked to his car and I watched them both drive off to the human land again. "Now that's one problem we avoided. But we still do have many, so work your ass. NOW!!!!" Wolf screams in my head and I roll my eyes. "It's Damon now, asshole!!" He screams again. Ava and my wolf who apparently named himself as Damon now, have been inseparable. Even Sam and I were never this addicted to each other. I guess that's another thing about meeting each other after a long time. "Hey," I whisper, pulling Sam closer to me. She is still staring at Brent's car which is nothing but a dot far far away from us right now. "It's okay. You can visit them again," I tell her and she looks at me, nodding. "I love you," I whispered and she smiled at that. "You've been telling that to me a lot these days," Samika says, making her shrug but it's also because I want her to know I love her and I trust her. "Because sometimes you seem to forget about that," I say. "I don't. I don't forget about it even for a moment because I know you do love me," Sam says, standing on her tiptoes as she kisses me a little. "Then mind telling me what's bothering you?" I ask her and she instantly pulls away from the hug. I f*****g knew she would do this! But I don't say anything as I just stare at her. She is nervous again. She is afraid again. She is looking around again. The same old pattern and I really wish someone would tell me what's happening to her. Brent advised me to break Samika until she told me but I don't want to. I tried in the beginning but I just couldn't follow through with the plan. Because I believed if she trusted me enough, she would tell me about what's bothering her instead. And here we are. She is still pushing me away. Maybe Brent was indeed right. Maybe I need to break her for her to give the reason away. "I need to go," Sam whispers and she scurries away again. I stand there watching her like a fool. I wish I knew what was happening to her. I wish I knew what I could do for her to be happy again. I slowly walk to Tyler's home because like my wolf said, I have a s**t ton of work to do before my plate gets lighter. At least Brent is off the list. For now. "So what's the news about John?" I ask Tyler and he shrugs. Thankfully Cass took the boys out for a combat lesson so we can talk about anything we want, in peace with no eyes and ears prying. "He tried to run away, again. And we caught him again. This is the third time this has happened in the last week," Tyler says. That could only mean that John apparently has something much more important to do. He needs to be out and he should be doing something. Something that couldn't wait. "When he tries escaping next time, instead of catching him and bringing him back.. let the spies follow him. And let me know every single step he takes. Even if it's as simple as him eating something," I tell Tyler and he nods, saluting me with his two fingers and getting back to cooking again. "And what about Samika? Did she tell you anything about what's bothering her?" Tyler asks and all I do is to shake my head, telling him no. "Trust me, my mother and her half sister are to blame. Samika changed ever since she joined them with the ritual," Tyler says. "Yeah. But can you blame her? She did that to save the pups. Our pack's pups. The entire pack was against her at that moment and she took the hard route even though it was successful, it was still the hardest one" I tell Tyler and he seems to be thinking deeply about something too. "But you need to do something before she loses her mind entirely," Tyler reminds me. We witnessed her screaming in her sleep. She was screaming my name and it's not out of pleasure that's for sure. And when I woke her up from that nightmare, she claimed everything was okay and it's just a dream. But I know she didn't sleep through the night again. She was afraid she'd be haunted by the same dream again. What could possibly scare her that much? That she was screaming at me for help? Or is the one scaring her in her dreams? "Is there an Oracle who can do things like these? Someone who would tell us about Samika's state?" I ask Tyler again, as he sets the table for four. He only has two duties to do in a day. Being the Gamma. Being the house husband. Cassie doesn't know s**t about cooking and she just manages it off. The best she could do is boxed Mac and cheese. And a few recipes. "I don't know anyone who could do it, but I can try. I might know someone from my mother's family. She might have connections but no promises made though," Tyler says and I nod, walking out. Cassie and the boys walk in at the same moment and I give the boys High fives as I walk out through the door. "Alpha Samika! Beta Devon!!" I received a mindlink from the patrol head, and I noticed he mindlinked both Samika and me at the same time. So this must be it. The timing of Brent's departure couldn't be more apt than now. "Alpha Judah is here with his daughter Melissa," he says into the mindlink again. Samika ordered the patrol teams to not give anyone a free pass after everything that happened with Melissa and Paxton last time. Everyone should take permission from Alpha, Beta or Gamma before entering, even if they are allies. Samika is the one to give them orders this time. "Yes. Escort them inside to the pack house. Beta Devon and I will see them there,"
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