Chapter 58

580 Words
Samika's POV "Brent's mother came back home" Sarah says and I look at Devon for a second, to see if he knows something about this. Thankfully he looks just as confused as I am right now. If this turned out to be one more secret he is keeping from me, I swear to the mother of Gods I might skin him alive right here and right now. "Brent's mother is not alive, Sarah. She is dead and Brent himself told us about it," I say in hopes that she would understand but she looks at me dead in the eye. "It is Brent's mother. I know her. I have seen her," she says and I look at Devon again. Brent's mother is actually Devon's aunt. So he would know if Alanna went there. He would know if Alanna is alive. Alpha Jerome wasn't someone who would let go of his sister just because she changed her address or contact number. And as far as the journals went, he loved his sister more than he loved his own son. So he would have tracked her down if he at least had a suspicion about her existence. But none of that happened. "I know what you are. I know what she is. And I know who Brent is," she says and I look at Devon again. His eyes are firm on Sarah as she says and he looks at me momentarily. His eyes silently ask me if I know anything and I shake my head without saying anything else. "Ever wondered why I did not let Nyle and you spend nights in your room even though I knew you liked him?" She asks and I shake my head at her. Those incidents did happen but I always thought she never liked him and that's why she interrupted whenever we were starting to make out. "Ever wondered how I always walked in with perfect timing when Matt came over and spent time in your room?" She asks me again, and once again I shake my head. I remember that too but I have no idea why she did that. "Ever wondered why I loved Devon the moment he introduced himself as your boyfriend even though you were screaming at us that it wasn't the case?" She asks me once again, and this time I am sure this is going somewhere but I just shake my head as a response. "I know you are a werewolf and you will have only one mate. I know it wasn't Nyle or Matt. I know Brent is one too but his wolf gene is not the dominant one. And I know so many things that I never told you. I wanted you to figure it out. But now I guess things are starting to get out of hand," she says and I am beyond shocked at this point. How does she know all this? "I am an Oracle. I was shunned by my pack for falling in love with a human man. I moved places after my husband was killed. And I landed at your place. And once I saw you, I didn't want to leave. Because it was destiny that brought me to you. You needed my help and protection so I was there," she says. And just like that, I have goosebumps all over my skin. What the f**k is happening? And someone please tell me this is a dream. This has to be one!
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