Chapter 60

471 Words
John Adams's POV They threw me in this f*****g cell when all I wanted to do was help them. I have trusted the wrong people my entire life. The only person I was ever loyal to, ordered me to find the baby with striking Golden hair and blue eyes. This was two and half decades ago. That's when I found Samika. I knew I was searching for her when I saw her. And being the loyal servant that I am, I kept injecting drugs to her on orders of the same person who asked me to find her. I injected the same drug to me as well. Just so she wouldn't find too much difference growing up. In return, I was offered wealth. Lots of it. I became the richest on human lands in no time. I built a business empire. But all of this was just to keep the girl away from the fate she is seeking. I thought I was doing the best possible thing. I thought I was being loyal. But I was just played. By the entire family. They repeatedly threw me away and made me go mad whenever I got caught by Devon. Oh that boy, I was so hateful towards him in the beginning. But now I am glad Samika found her mate in Devon. Nyle would have sold her if someone offered him a deal. He is that level i***t and there is no denying it. I wanted to come clean to her. I wanted to tell her everything. But she unleashed her Madfur dominance and I had nothing else to do but surrender to her. She is powerful for her own good! I scream and pound on the iron door but there is no help. There is a corner for my bowel movements. And a window that's too high up to reach. But I can tell it's day by the sunlight seeping through. The door is opened twice a day but that too just a little. Enough for them to slide the food inside and lock up again. I need to talk to Samika. I need to tell her so much before it's too late. Because the man I was loyal to, is finally about to unleash his plan. That would crush and hurt Samika in ways she wouldn't see coming. If things went according to plan, she would have been married to Paxton and live a life away from all this. But Devon entered her life as her mate and things took an entirely different turn. I groan as I pound the door again and again until my arms felt sore and my palms felt like they were on fire. And I collapsed right there and let the darkness consume me. But right before I closed my eyes, I saw Samika's face.
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