Chapter 69

1034 Words
Paxton's POV It is day two. Samika and Devon are still not here. As much as I am having enough time to see everything from up close, it is also making me wonder what they are up to that makes them stay away from the pack for this long. I realized they have John Adams in the dungeons. But no one says a word about it. Everyone here can hear the screams sometimes in the middle of the night when it's quiet. Because he is using all his wolf strength to scream. And yet, no one even flinches or wonders who their Alpha and Beta have in the dungeons. Now that is the level of trust a pack should have for their Alpha and Beta. I also realized that when the time comes for a possible war, then all of these pack members will become warriors to stand beside their Alpha and Beta. That is how much they love them. I sit at the training grounds and watch everyone as usual. Arnold is the beast here and I see a few girls doing all sorts of things to grab his attention. But the most he paid attention to another girl, was to have some tea or to ask if there was any information on Alpha Samika. Few people even say that he was the supposed groom for Samika, if her Madfur parents were still alive. Arnold listens to all of those but never says anything in return. He doesn't accept nor deny those. That makes people wonder even more. The same girl with Auburn hair gives me a cup of tea again and I see she gave me a different tea than everyone else. Because even the cup looks different and it's not the usual thing she hands out every single day. I smile at her, and again, she turns red as she walks away with the huge flask in one hand and the small paper cups in the other hand. Usually we get the normal spiced tea but she handed me milk tea today. I am not a fan but I would take anything here that makes me seem approachable. After everyone is done training, they start leaving one by one. Arnold did not even turn around to look at me before he left the grounds. And meanwhile, I am handed another cup of spiced tea this time and I take it with a smile too. Once everyone left, the girl came and sat by my side finally. I smile at her and she turns red again. I don't even know how this is possible for a person to turn into this shade when they blush. "Why does everyone here worship Alpha Samika?" I finally ask her, because she looks like she is someone who would answer me no matter what questions I ask. It might be pack related or personal related as well. "We were all against her in the beginning though," she says and I know that part where people uproared against a wolfless Alpha ruling over them. "But then, once when the pups went missing out of the blue.. she was the one who saved them all," the girl tells me as she looks at me in the eye, unaware that I am Alpha blooded too. How would she know when I shielded it so damn well? "How did she save?" I ask her, because that is one part that is kept a secret. No one from my spies knows about it either. It's like something happened and the pups were found. But no one knows what exactly happened either. "Few say she sold her soul. Few others say she bargained with a devil. Few more say she used witchcraft with the help of cousin witches. But no one exactly knows what she had to give in order to take information," the girl says and that pretty much sounds like Samika. Selflessness to the extreme. "Who are the cousin witches, though?" I ask the girl and she just smiles for an answer. Now that is a very polite way to say, f**k off because that is pack's business and I am not going to tell you about it! "But Alpha Samika was never the same again. She was just there. As if life was sucked out of her. Until she shifted and left to being the Alpha of Madfurs," she says again. She was never the same. She was as if life was sucked out of her. But when she shifted into a Madfur, she just left to be their Alpha. If she becomes dearest to The Madfurs, then the entire war can turn one sided. Something I should not let it happen. Something I should do about, before it can even be a liability. Just then, another gut wrenching scream comes through the cells. And the girl before me is not even flinching. Did I become softer after spending years on human lands, or is the girl a hidden warrior for not even blinking at that scream? "You shouldn't put your nose where it doesn't belong," she says with a smile and walks away with her empty tea flask this time. The girl seems so sensitive and yet, she asked me to f**k off in hundred different languages. Through her words it is clear that she would kill herself or anyone before her if it comes to saving Alpha Samika. I turn around to look at the cells, where the guards are standing in the sun without breaking a sweat. Even though they know John Adams cannot break the walls and escape, they are still on their guard. I have never seen someone do their duty this well. As I walk past the cell, John Adams screams once again. I am not sure if I should bring him out or not. After all, he escaped from my claws so if he gets out, then there is a higher chance he would spill the beans to any person he comes across. Maybe I should put him down here. This night. Before Samika and Devon come here. She handled the loss of her mother well. She will handle this well too.
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