Chapter 36

575 Words
Samika's POV "How did this happen? Who did this?" I ask Cassie and she momentarily looks at someone behind me. It's Devon. I know. She is probably asking him if it's okay for her to tell me the name. Who could it be? "I did," I hear Devon say and I turn around, to look at him. The tears in my eyes make everything look a little blurry but even though I wipe my tears, fresh ones pool again and again. I am crying and it's uncontrollable at this point. "You did what?" I ask Devon, wiping my tears once again. "It was me. I stabbed her," Devon says and maybe it's because I wiped my tears that I am able to see it right now or what, but I see that he is telling me the truth. He took another step closer to me but I took a step backwards, placing my hand in between us as if that was going to act as a wall. I am confused. How can he do this? How could he have stabbed my mother? He doesn't like my father and I know it but he doesn't have anything to do with my mother. In fact he always told me that he will do everything in his capacity to make her wake up again. I look at him confused, even though my heart is shattering into a million pieces right now. I don't even know how my biological mother looked like or if she was nice or anything else. But my adopted mother, who is lying on the ground as a dead body, was at least not abusive towards me. She gave me a hard time here and there but she wasn't like my dad. She at least didn't hurt me like he did. She trusted me. She liked me too much to deceive me anymore. And now that we are finally starting to fall in place with the mother daughter bond, it's my mate who killed her. Did anyone even think or imagine this plot twist? "You did not," is all I could whisper at this moment but he looks dead serious at me. "Oh," I whisper again and turn around to look at my mother again. She lost her life when she was paralyzed. She couldn't talk. She couldn't walk. She couldn't even move her damn hand. I wonder how she might have felt when she saw her daughter's boyfriend stabbing her. She couldn't even scream I guess. I hate that our last encounter was me kissing her forehead when she was asleep, as I left for The Madfur Pack. I kiss her forehead again but this time, she is asleep forever. She is not going to wake up. She is not going to talk to me again. I sit on the steps to the pack house and watch everyone pay respects to her. They don't know her personally but she is the Alpha's mother so that is more than enough of a reason for everyone to be paying their respects. Devon stands before me again and I look at him in the eye. Arnold is taking quick steps towards me but a slight shake of my head makes him stop in his tracks. "So your father killed my biological father. And you, killed my mother" I whisper, slowly dawning to me that our fates are interconnected and we are only going to destroy each other.
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