Chapter 71

1039 Words
Samika's POV Devon and I give cash to our last spy before we hit the road again, to get back to the pack. Devon did not tell me anything about why he wants to get back this soon. Especially now that we know for sure that it is Alanna who triggered Brent's werewolf gene. "I saw the witch again," Devon says once we took the turn that leads to the woods. We are now nowhere near the human lands. "What witch?" I ask him, with my eyes focused on the road. He told me that we would be safer if the steering wheel is in my hands because I have the tendency to push us both into trouble when I am not engaged in anything else. "The one who sent us down the memory lanes of past, present and the possible future. At the restaurant back then," Devon says and I instantly recognise her. "The one who changed her form? She looked different to you than me last time. That's how we knew she was a witch," I say and he nods, agreeing with me. "And she looked like four different people in the two minutes that I spoke to her," he says again. Must be great to constantly change her appearance. I am stuck with one for the rest of my life and I am not even sure if I like it. My blonde hair is now past my shoulders which I am grateful for. The haircut I gave myself as a part of a rash decision still haunts me. Only Devon told me I look good, even though maybe to him I look good even naked. "She said Paxton struck a bargain with her but did not fulfill it," Devon says and I stopped driving the car, to give him all my attention. "A bargain left open ended?" I ask him and he nods, slightly confused that I stopped to listen to him. But the concept sounds way too familiar to me. I still have five months to fulfill the bargain I stuck with the spirit. To kill the one I love the most. I have been pondering about an alternative because there is no way I can or will kill Devon. "So what did she say about it?" I ask Devon and he tilts his head, asking me to move forward because we need to get to the pack first. "She said she wanted a supernatural sacrifice. To close the open end. But she is forbidden from entering the supernatural lands so she asked my help for it," Devon says. A supernatural sacrifice to close the end. Alright. That can be done. There are so many prisoners in the werewolf prison and I can just shove all of them into the fire if I could save Devon from myself. "And what are you gaining from that?" I ask him, just to make sure there wouldn't be any side effects. Because if it backfires, then Devon will be thrown in the same position where I had been standing for the past few months. "She said she would help us with anything that concerns magic. But only once," Devon says and I am tempted to ask her the favor of the spirit bargain but I realized that the bargain is between the spirit and me so she cannot do anything about it. I don't mention it anymore, but the constant buzz is still there. In my ear. Always asking me to kill the one I love the most so I could be free. But I cannot bring myself to love someone else that I could love more than Devon. "I am planning on giving her your father," Devon says and now I am starting to grow furious. "As much as he is an ass, we want him to know who turned him against me, Devon. How did you forget that logic?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Knowing John Adams, he would spill anything we ask once he knows we are sacrificing him to a ritual. And once we get what we wanted, the witch moves on. We can call her for help when we need it the most," Devon says. "How do we even trust her?" I ask him, because that is my main concern. For all we know this could be a big fat trap to lure him in. "Because I have seen it in her eyes. Her eyes changed along with her appearance but the desperation in them did not change a bit," Devon says and I just nod. "But I still refuse to give him away. We can toss a prisoner from the cell in her way," I tell him. Devon doesn't say anything to that. And my wolf in the back of my head is asking me to be set free because it's been a while since she last shifted and ran. Honestly I did not run since I went on human land along with Devon. But Devon seems fine and I know his wolf is fine too. "It takes me some time to settle and get that level of patience to sit in the back of your head," my wolf growls at me and I roll my eyes at that. I stop the car and look at Devon, who is now looking at me in hopes that I changed my decision. But when he realized I did not, he listened to what I said. "We won't give him because he holds a value, even if you believe in it or not. I say we give a prisoner and we are giving her a prisoner. I am not telling this as your mate but as your Alpha," I say, to which he bows and I get down the car. "Get to pack soon and do the needful and I'll meet you there after my run," I say and without letting him say another word, I shift in seconds. I am getting better at this. My white wolf howls and blends one with the forest and the white jasmine bushes around us as we sprint towards the pack. I know what to do with John Adams. Killing is not one of them.
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