Chapter 9

1139 Words
Delilah stayed inside her room for several days , sneaking to the bathroom in the middle of the night because she was not allowed outside of her little room . Liz was the only one who checked up on her , that she knew of . — “Yes I feel fine .” Delilah shrugged as she cleaned the kitchen . “We should have told miss Layla that you were fine first . " Liz muttered . " You're right . " Delilah sighed as she knew she could have been in a lot of trouble . " I will go tell her you are healthy as a horse and you can come back while you stay in your room ." Liz insists and Delilah rolls her eyes playfully as she turned around and carefully sneaked back into her ' room ' . -- Liz walked towards Layla and Deucalion's room , slightly knocking on the door . " Who is it ? " Layla's loud voice boomed through the wooden door . " Liz , ma'am . " Liz replied . " Come in ! " she smiled joyfully as Liz entered the room . " How can I help you ? " She asks with a smile on her face . " I just came to inform Miss Layla that young Delilah is healthy and can continue her duties . " Liz informed . Layla's face had a disgusted look on her face , she did not like the idea of Delilah even being in her house . " Alright . " she shrugged , knowing she couldn't say anything about the little t**t because of Deucalion . " Anything else ? " Layla asks . " No ma'am . " she bowed , as if Layla were a queen , before walking out of the room , closing the door behind her . Liz walked down the hall and knocked on Delilah's door , " Come on . It's sorted . " Liz announced and Delilah poked her head out of the closet , " Thanks . " -- Today is Seth's graduation and everybody would be out for the afternoon to attend his graduation ceremony and then go out to eat , meaning Delilah had the afternoon to do the things she needed , like study for her last exam before Seth comes home and has the best summer of his dang life before finally leaving for college . Delilah didn't know where he went for college , but her dream was to go to NYU in New York . ' Only two years left before I leave too . Delilah smiled as she finished cleaning the kitchen . Delilah sat in her small , crowded room , on her little bed , studying with her books in front of her . She studied the whole day until she used the bathroom and noticed that it was already night time and yet no one was home . It felt strange as the Keller's never really went out to eat . Delilah walked towards the kitchen , looking for Liz . " Hi . " Delilah smiled as she found Liz in the living room , fluffing the couch pillows . " Do you ever take a break ? " Delilah ads . Liz smiles back as she straightens her back . " No . " she chuckles . "What can I help you with ? " Liz asks Delilah . " Are you making dinner for the Keller's ? " Delilah mutters . "No , Layla called and told me they are going out with friend's for dinner . " Liz said all relaxed and Delilah smiled sweetly as she too felt more relaxed . " Thank god . " Delilah muttered and Liz chuckled . " Need help with something ? " Delilah offered Liz help . " No , you go study . " Liz insists . " You sure ? " Delilah asks , feeling guilty that she had other things to do . " Yes dear . " Liz smiled as she shoed Delilah away . Delilah smiled as she twirled around and went back to her room to study . Delilah laid back on her back , reading through her text book . Her eyes suddenly start to feel heavy and they flutter shut as she fall asleep with the book on top of her chest . -- Delilah sat on the balcony of her sea view apartment , a cup of steamy coffee in her hands as she looked out over the clear blue ocean waters , people swimming in the shores , surfing on the waves . There is a light eco of the sound of crashing waves clinging to the air . It was peaceful . The thick smell of coffee was lingering in the air around her and she rocked herself back or forth in her rocking chair . She was rich , she was beautiful and best of all , happy . -- But the sound of doors slamming shut had woken her of her dream , ruining her mood . She woke up and walked to the bathroom , seeing it is daylight . ' What the hell ? ' she thought . Delilah felt confused , had she slept through the whole night ? She was mad at herself as it were the only night that she could have studied without any interruptions . She furiously walked through the house with a frown on her face , not knowing who slammed the door so loudly . She found Liz in the kitchen . " You were asleep early last night . " Liz commented , raising her brows . " I think I fell asleep studying . " Delilah pouts , still feeling angry with herself . " You did , I removed the book off of your chest and the ones that were on your bed . I was afraid that you were going to tear them or ruin the whole book . " Liz chuckled and Delilah frowned , not thinking that it was funny . " Don't laugh . " Delilah sighed as she face palmed herself . " Why ? You were tired , nothing you can do about that dear . " Liz comforted Delilah , but none of Liz's comforting words were going to make up for the time Delilah missed out on studying . " I'm so behind . " Delilah sighed hopelessly . " Well go and study until seven and then come wash the dishes quickly . " Liz shrugged and Delilah gave her a smile . " Thank you . " Delilah muttered as she felt appreciative towards Liz .
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