Chapter 10

1297 Words
Delilah was studying when Layla walked down the hall , noticing the door was slightly open . ‘How strange .’ Layla thought and pushed the door open , expecting an empty room . Delilah’s head snapped up as Layla walked through the door , her eyes in slits as she glares at Delilah . ‘Why the hell is she in here at this time ?’ Layla thought . She got more mad by the second as Delilah just looked at her with a dull expression . ‘Who does she think she is ?’ Layla thought as she entered the room , looking at Delilah with a death threatening glare . “What are you doing in here ?” Layla sneered at her . “I — ehh .” Delilah stuttered . “You have dishes to do !” Layla yelled . Delilah glanced down to her books , trying not to freak out . She slowly stood up , her head down and her hands were folded in front of her legs . “I’m sorry ma’am .” Delilah muttered . s m a c k Layla slapped Delilah through the face , her head snapped sideways and her eyes were tightly shut . The pain that shot through her head and neck reminded her of her pain last week . She clenched down on her teeth , her head hanging low again . “Go do your chores !” Layla yelled and she grabbed Delilah’s ponytail , tugging her out of the room . “Ow!” Delilah gasped as she hit the wall of the hall . “Go !” Layla kicked Delilah against her shin . Delilah sprinted away , even if she were in pain . She rushed into the kitchen , gasping for air as she crumbled into a ball in the kitchen corner . Her heartbeat was thumping out of her chest . Liz glanced at Delilah , her eyes growing wide in shock , she rushed over to her , bending down next to her . “Oh dear , what happened ?” Liz asked worriedly . Layla only waved it off , shaking her head sideways as she didn’t want to answer that specific question . Liz frowned as she watched Layla walking past the kitchen , glancing inside with a knowing face . ‘Did she do this ?’ Liz thought as she glanced back at a distressed Delilah . “Just sit still dear .” Liz comforted Delilah . “I’ll help with the dishes and you relax .” Liz said It weren’t even five minutes and Delilah was alright again , she was relaxed and took over the dishes that Liz were doing on her behalf . “Don’t make such a big fuss , I just had a fright .” Delilah shrugged . “I will always care , young lady .” Liz rolled her eyes . “I know , but you don’t need to end earth itself for me .” Delilah chuckled as she washes the dishes . “But I will .” Liz smiled . Delilah smiled back , feeling somewhat loved and cared for , as if Liz were her bigger sister or even her mother . “Is the food ready ?” Layla came into the kitchen , sneering down at Delilah , but gave Liz a normal relaxed expression . “In about five minutes , ma’am .” Liz said , bowing her head while Delilah silently stood and washed dishes . ‘What a f*****g b***h .’ Delilah thought as the hair at the back of her neck stood up , shivers running down her spine as she felt Layla glaring at her . Layla smirked as she turned around and walked out to the dining table . “Breakfast is almost ready .” Layla announces to Carter and Deucalion . “Where is Seth ?” Layla asks as her eyes trail over the table . “Still out , mother .” Carter said proudly , as if he were splitting on his youngest brother . “What ?” She gasps . “Is he barbaric ?” She ads . “Relax dear , it is his holiday now !” Deucalion chuckled , which he rarely does . “That’s no excuse , it’s daylight !” Layla frowned . “He probably just crashed at a friend’s house .” Deucalion snaps as he gets annoyed with his wife’s whining . Layla’s tongue clicked as she glanced around the table , moving the salt and pepper closer together before taking her seat , folding her one leg over the other . Carter frowned as he felt jealous of how Deucalion treated Seth a million times better than him , it was infuriating . “Carter , hand me the newspaper .” Deucalion demanded and Carter smiled as he stood up and fetched the newspaper in the living room . “Here you go , father .” Carter smiled at Deucalion and he respectfully handed him the newspaper he had asked for . Deucalion didn’t even say thanks for the newspaper , so Carter sat with a frown on his face , hating the world silently with his frown . “Here you go .” Delilah helped bring the food out of the kitchen and noticed Seth wasn’t here . ‘ I wonder where he is .’ She thought as she placed the food on the table . Liz and Delilah walked back to the kitchen and Delilah finished the dishes . — After Delilah finished the dishes , she cleaned the kitchen and swept the house and when she was done with her chores , it was twelve pm . Seth fell into the house , stumbling into the kitchen . He looked straight at her , leaning forward and he stumbled towards Delilah’s body that were facing the other direction . Delilah gasped as his arms snaked around her waist . “What are you doing ?” She shrieked as she tried to bust out of his grasp . “Hush baby .” He slurred . She tilted her head to the side , upwards as she tried to look up at him , he reeked of alcohol and cigarettes and it made her want to gag . Delilah bent down and as Seth was stumbling forward , he released and stood up straight again . “Wow , that pillar moved .” He chuckled as he glanced at the fridge . “Yes !” He chirped excitingly . He walked to the fridge , opening it and took out the cheese , a tomato , lettuce , pickles , the butter and then grabbed the frozen chicken patties and round hamburger buns . “What are you doing ?” Delilah asks as she felt angered that he was making the dishes dirty . “I am going to make burgers .” He shrugged and she frowned . He struggled to open the cheese and Delilah watched happily with a smile on her face until he grabbed the knife and stabbed the block of cheese several times . She gasped in shock , rushing towards him . “Stop !” She said through gritted teeth as she didn’t want to yell in the house . “No , I’m hungry .” He frowned as he pushed her away , her back hit the wall . Seth glared at Delilah up and down . “I’m sorry .” He muttered .
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